What You Will Create Next ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with your progress, and we are very eager to see what you will do next. You see, this is why we cannot tell you THE future. We don’t know exactly what you will do and when, but we do know the broad strokes of what is going on there on Earth. So we can tell you that you are shifting and that you are making it easier on yourselves and the entire collective by doing the work that you are doing. You do have a lot of leeway in this fourth dimension in terms of what you want to create and experience as you wait for the rest of humanity to catch up and ready themselves for the completion of the shift. We suggest that you be very open to many different possibilities in terms of what you would like to create and what you would like to see your fellow humans create. You must realize by now that you don’t have to do it all yourselves. You can sit back and relax while someone who is very passionate about creating clean energy takes that to the next level. But you can decide for yourself that you would like to live in a world with clean energy that is free and available to all, and you can harmonize with that world while you go off and do what you are passionate about doing. And in the meantime, you can expect to receive some downloads, some new ideas, some inspired thoughts for what it is that you want to experience and to do. We know that if you are receiving this transmission, you want to be of service in some way, and we also know that there are a myriad of ways to be of service that you haven’t thought of yet. So you can receive those inspirations if you are open to the unknown. If you can let go of your fear of the unknown and embrace it, then you can co-create with these higher frequency energies, and you can co-create experiences and opportunities that you could never dream of with your very limited physical mind. So if you have a very rigid plan, a very well-thought-out agenda for yourself and for humanity, we suggest that you set it aside and that you open yourself up to receive that which is brand new to you and to Earth, because you never know what you can receive until you open yourself up to all possibilities coming to you easily and effortlessly. So that is our advice for you in terms of what you will create next. You can, of course, take it or leave it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Daniel Scranton The Impact You’re Having ∞The 9D Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are having a wonderful time connecting with all of you and seeing the impact that we have upon you. We wish that you could all see the impact that you are having on the rest of humanity and all of the other beings throughout the galaxy. You who are awakened have been helping tremendously with your willingness to work on yourselves and to be of service to others, but you cannot see the ripple effect that your work has on the entire collective. And that is why it is so nice that you have us to tell you about how powerful your impact actually is. You are creating such a beautiful space for the rest of humanity to awaken in, and you are offering yourselves up as guides to anyone and everyone who finds themselves in a place where they have some very tough questions. There are enough of you now who are awakened to support the rest of humanity, and your numbers increase every single day. You are establishing such a beautiful grid of energy for the rest of humanity to tap in to, and you are also sharing your little victories with the collective consciousness. Every time you overcome something in your lives, some challenge, all of that information about how you did it is placed into the field of the human collective consciousness, and others can access it. You have no idea how significant it is that you are even there on Earth at this time, holding the vibration that you are holding, making it possible for others who would not otherwise have a chance to awaken. You give them that opportunity with your presence and with the work that you do on yourselves and also with all of the wonderful acts of kindness and service that you bring to the human collective consciousness. We can see your impact, and we know that you can feel us. We know that you feel our sincerity. What we want for all of you is to feel the impact you’re having on the rest of the human collective, and the galactic collective as well. Because when you acknowledge yourselves and the wonderful work you are doing, that helps to keep you going during those tough times when you are enduring ascension symptoms or processing some very heavy emotions. We are very proud of all of you who are awakened there on Earth, and we want you to know that you have our unending appreciation and support. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
A 4th Dimensional Galactic Council ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been pursuing a particular set of circumstances that we believe could benefit humanity and physical beings in the galaxy. We are seeking to unite all of the different physical beings who are in contact with us to create a galactic council, and we know that this is possible. We understand the importance of unification, and we know that when you have a common interest, you are more likely to unite. We are talking about uniting those of you on Earth who have connected with us to those in the Pleiadian star system, the Orion star system, the Lyran system, and so on who are also fourth-dimensional beings, and who have also been able to connect to our energy. This galactic council that we are in the process of creating will bring about more peace and harmony. The members of the council will be able to come to agreements for the different star systems they represent. And of course this will hasten the full contact that many of you are very interested in, with the other benevolent extra-terrestrials in your galaxy. Now for those of you who do not already know this, we are ninth dimensional beings. We are no longer physical. That means that we can be the ones that all council members connect to, but we will not actually sit on the council in physical form. We leave that up to those like you who are interested in making more connections to your extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters throughout the galaxy. So those of you who are feeling very connected to us can expect to have some interactions with some fourth dimensional e.t.s who will be reaching out in one way or another. And the council will be created on the astral plane first, and then you will gather on the physical plane to discuss what it is that you all feel that you need to help the beings in your respective star systems to awaken and to be ready to shift to the fifth dimension. Now, this is a large undertaking, and we cannot give you a timeframe for when this fourth dimensional council will begin to convene in the physical, but we can tell you that all of the beings that we have reached out to thus far about this project have been beyond excited to take part in it, and we know that those of you who are receiving this transmission are very excited as well. This will be the first step towards bringing Earth into the galactic community. This will be the first step in unifying the galaxy, and this will be an answer to the request that we have heard over and over again from so many of you for more e.t. contact. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The Latest Downloads & Codes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are extremely happy with the way that you have been handling the recent energetic downloads that you have been receiving. We can see how well you have assimilated the energy and information from those downloads, and we are of course eager to see what it is that you will do with the energy and the information to make your lives better and make this a better experience of the shift for all of humanity. You have been given codes that, when you access them, you will begin to know yourselves more as fifth-dimensional beings. These codes that have been downloaded into your energy fields are like little reminders of what it was like for you the last time you were fifth dimensional. For most of you, we are talking about millions of Earth years ago. And so, you do need a reminder sprinkled in to give you a taste of the vibration of what it is like to be your higher self completely and fully and at all times. There are, of course, certain side effects to receiving downloads like this one. You may be experiencing more tiredness, more thirst, more hunger. You may be experiencing more homesickness for other star systems as well, because when you are reminded of your fifth dimensional selves, you are also reminded of how much more fun you had in the other star systems. Remember, there have been wars, and planets have been taken over in other parts of the galaxy where you have incarnated previously. The fifth dimension you are co-creating right now with the universe and Source is going to be one of peace and harmony. So you are taking all that you have gained from being first, second, third, and fourth dimensional beings and combining it with the best of the fifth dimension. And that is what you are co-creating right now. That is one of the reasons why you are not all fifth dimensional beings yet. You still have some creating to do. You still have some remembering to do, and you still have some evolving to do as you help the rest of humanity. You are helping the rest of humanity get ready for so much more than they have allowed themselves to experience thus far in this or any other lifetime on planet Earth. So it is a huge undertaking. But again, as we see how well you handle these latest downloads, we know that you are inviting more to come, and we are very pleased to be a part of that process with you. We have so much love, respect, and admiration for all of you who are going through this right now. Be kind and gentle with yourselves. Remember that your presence there is enough. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Awareness & Sensitivity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to appreciate the level of awareness that we have sensed within those of you who are awake. Your awareness is due in large part to your sensitivity, rather than to your quest for knowledge. When you are sensitive, you pick up on things. You can sniff out the truth because you can feel how a person is vibrating, and this sensitivity will increase now because of the faster moving energies and because all of you have been asking for even more awareness than you already have. When you look at the world as it is right now, it would be easy for you to go down a pessimistic path if you were to just look at the facts, and the words and the actions of a minority of individuals. But if instead you were to use that sensitivity to feel into the truth that humanity is making progress, then you would be far more optimistic. We can sense that more and more of you are tuning out from the news and even social media and tuning in more to yourselves and to Mother Nature and Mother Earth. We can tell that our messages hit home for so many of you. They give you confirmation that you are on the right path and that it is important for you to look within and to connect more with all that is available to you. There will also be more information coming out, and different people will take different sides based upon what their beliefs already are. You’re not going to see a lot of people changing their minds out there because the first step to changing one’s mind is changing one’s vibration. And if a person is not sensitive enough to even know what they are vibrating, they will continue to be in that in that mental realm of facts and figures. You are the ones that we are counting on to be different, to take a different approach to life and to your worldview. We also know that you will because that is what you signed up for. You signed up to be the wayshowers, the lightbearers, and the lightbringers. You came here to Earth at this time to be leading edge and to seek truth with a capital T. The one truth that you can always cling to is that you are Source Energy Beings having an experience. Everything else is just your creation, and you created it all for the fun of it. Remember that the next time someone around you gets very serious and tries to drag you into a serious conversation about something that you know is just an illusion. Remember to use your sensitivity to determine whether you really need to be in a conversation with that person in the first place. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Daniel Scranton Work with Us Directly ∞The 9D Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been establishing many significant connections with those of you who are ready for our energy to be delivered to you directly, and we are very pleased with the results of those connections we have forged. We have the permission from the higher selves of many of you who receive these transmissions to work on you individually. Now, we are always taking the temperature of the human collective and delivering to the entirety of your race that which need and that which you are ready for, but we also work with individuals, and we work on some of you individually. Again, we only do this with permission and when there is a readiness within you. If you are wondering whether you are ready or not, then the answer is probably no. If you know you are one of the ones that we are referring to here, then know that we are going to step it up a bit in the coming months. Now, for those of you who would like individual attention from beings like us, here is what we recommend. Think about what it is that you want to do for the collective of humanity. Think of what you would do if you had our direct assistance, and then get into the vibration of what it is you would do, and you will begin the process of co-creating with us. You don’t have to beg and plead, and you don’t have to negotiate with your higher selves. All you have to do is want to help humanity as much as we do, and then find the vibration of that help that you want to administer. We can work with you while you are sleeping, and that is the most opportune time for us to connect with you. And that way, when you wake up, you can feel inspired to do something that you’ve never done before. And you will know that you have received our help in readying you for that work that you want to do for the purpose of helping humanity evolve and ascend. We are very excited to forge more connections and alliances with those of you who are eager to receive whatever help you need from us. So just know that it is possible, you are worthy of receiving our help, and we are eager to add to the numbers of our ground crew there on planet Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Daniel Scranton
More E.T. Energy on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to communicate with you in this way. It brings us a tremendous amount of joy to see you and feel you receiving these transmissions. We are also very pleased to announce that more people have been tuning in to the energy of us, Arcturus, and other Arcturian guides, councils, collectives, and federations. There has been more interest on Earth in connecting to the other parts of the galaxy. You all recognize how much there is to be gained from connecting with beings like us, and more of your human brothers and sisters are also finding their way to the messengers from the other parts of the galaxy. Now the reason why this is particularly interesting is because you are coming upon a time where Earth is also receiving more energy from the stars, the other star systems. And so, you are picking up on energies that are literally right there beneath your feet. So even if a person is not receiving a message in this way, through a channeled transmission, that person can still get activated, just by connecting to Mother Earth. So for those of you who have never felt quite at home on Earth, and have been reaching up and out to the stars for a place that would feel more like home to you, recognize that your current home is Earth, and Earth is holding more of the energy of the other star systems because of the grand plan of unifying the galaxy through Earth. You all are playing your parts, and you are playing your parts very well, and there will be more. There will be more parts to play. There will be more energy coming. There will be more activations, and there will be more humans picking up on the energies to such an extent that they take an interest in what is happening up and out there. You are so very close to having full contact. You are much closer than you think, and there are so many beings who are waiting for humanity to reach that tipping point to where you can handle full physical extra-terrestrial contact that is open and available to all. And in the meantime, those of you who are awake can continue planting the seeds, but also reaping the benefits of all of the energies that have been planted there on planet Earth already by us, and by a whole host of other very well-meaning extra-terrestrial beings. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
You Deserve to Be Happy ∞The Creators
Daniel Scranton You Deserve to Be Happy ∞The Creators“One day you will discover the true meaning of the word happiness. You will know what it is like to exist in that state no matter what is going on around you. Your happiness will no longer be conditional. What is that like? Why don’t you give yourselves a sneak preview of what it would be like to be happy, no matter what? You understand that these states of being are all around you, existing as vibrational frequencies. And that in order to access it, you must simply make an intention to go to that place, to that frequency, and to let yourselves be guided to it. It is not something you can achieve with your minds and your thought processes. It is something you must allow yourselves to drift into. So, you all know what it is like to be happy, yes? To be in a state of joy, to be all blissed out. Your body remembers what it is like as well. So you do not need a map to get there. You just need to stop thinking about whatever it is you’re thinking about and take a few moments to elevate yourselves to that frequency and float around in there for a while. Be happy because it is what you desire, and you are deserving of it.”
How to Access High-Vibrational Information ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been noticing the ways that you all have of downloading information, and we also notice how you sometimes run that information against what you already know to be true. You filter new information through old beliefs, and that keeps you from expanding to include new information. So, the way for you to correct this is to let information that you download go further than your physical mind. You want to run that information through your hearts. You want to see how it feels. You want to feel whether it resonates or not, and when you do this, you are opening your hearts, which is even better than opening your minds. Your minds will always follow the vibration that you are offering. In other words, your minds have the ability to attract higher vibrational thoughts and information, and they have the ability to attract lower vibrational thoughts and information. So you have control over what your mind receives, and you have control over what you perceive, because you have control over what you vibrate. In order to take control of what you are vibrating, you need to get out of your minds. This is why meditation is so important. This is why people talk about being grounded in your physical bodies and being heart-centered, because if you’re not, you won’t be in control of what you vibrate. As you know, there are lots of different ways others have of lowering your vibration, and there are others who benefit from keeping you dumbed down and easy to control. So therefore, you need to make the effort to be in a higher vibration. You need to pay attention. You need to pay attention to what you are vibrating, and you need to know how to go within to find the higher vibration that is available to you always. There is no reason for any of you to let yourselves be led by those lower vibrational thoughts, and there is no reason for any of you to remain trapped in the frequency of old belief systems. You have enough knowledge and you have enough tools to move beyond where you have been, where humanity has been, and where all your past life selves have been. You just need to implement the simple steps that we have laid out for you here for taking control of your vibration. And another thing…notice that where you go affects your vibration. Who you are with affects your vibration. What you’re listening to and watching, what you’re eating, all affect your vibration. So if you want to live a better life and have better thoughts come to you. If you want to be a positive force for change in this world and in this galaxy, then pay attention to your vibration, and do everything in your power to raise it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Equinox Energies (2019) ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with the progress that you have made since the solstice in December, and we are eager to see what you are going to do with the equinox energies that are already upon you and that will continue to intensify as you move closer and closer to that date. We are very excited, because we can see the potential for so much more than what we have already witnessed. And as we have said, we are impressed with what we have already witnessed. The movement forward that is available to you with these equinox energies is towards a time when you are going to feel much more whole and complete as individuals. This offers you an opportunity for more balance of the energies within you. Now, you might not even realize it, but you are constantly seeking a balance of your internal energies. And we are not just talking about your moods and emotions here. We are talking about the different aspects of yourself that you have been in previous lifetimes. You seek to harmonize all of those various energies. You seek to release all judgment and trauma and come together as a cohesive whole, and then you can be the microcosm, the example for the entire galaxy. We are eager to see what happens with all of the physical beings in the fourth dimension, in our galaxy, when more and more of you are able to hold that state of balance within yourselves. So how do you do this, you might wonder. Well, you start by noticing when there is an imbalance. You start by noticing when you are fixating on something or someone. You notice when you are not giving yourself enough time to rest and relax. You notice when you do not follow your intuitive guidance, and of course, you notice when you are out of balance emotionally. And you seek to find that calm state within you, and in that calm state, of course, you are capable of so much more. You are capable of so much more connection with the other beings that you want to have contact with when you are not in judgment or denial of any of these aspects of yourself. You need to let all of them be, and coexist, if you want to access any one of them in particular. For example, if you don’t acknowledge the part of yourself that is reptilian, then you cannot connect with the Nordic Pleiadians that you want to connect with. It’s the same when it comes to your emotions. If you don’t acknowledge and feel your anger, you don’t have as much access to your joy and your love, your excitement for life. Therefore, you need to embrace it all, all that is within you. And let that be your mantra for this equinox season. Let your mantra be, ‘I embrace it all.’ There is so much more peace, so much more harmony, and so much more potential when you do so. But again, you first have to acknowledge when you’re not doing that in order to let it go and let in the energies that are coming to you by virtue of the fact that you exist. And you all exist to be those microcosms of the galaxy and to bring it all together in this lifetime. This is what we are all waiting for here in the higher realms, and this is also what we are very excited about. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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