Let the Animal Kingdom Guide You ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. There has been a shift going on in the consciousness of what you would refer to as the animal kingdom. The Earth is shifting, which means the plant and mineral kingdoms are shifting as well. And the animal kingdom is shifting along with the human collective. Many of you have an affinity for a pet, or several pets, and many of you feel a resonance with the animal life that you have on planet Earth. You recognize the high frequency that these beings are putting out. You see them as beings of service, because that’s what they are, and you feel attracted to their energy because they not only ground you to planet Earth with the energy they give off, but they also help you to attain and maintain a higher frequency state. If you watch the animals, it is easy for you to see how this is the case. You can observe how relaxed they are, how present they are, and how much they enjoy the simple act of being exactly who they are. They are the best spiritual teachers that you have on the planet. In many ways they are true extensions of Mother Earth’s energy. They are the essence of Earth in physical form, and they are maintaining a high frequency because it comes natural to them to do so. But they also agreed to be that for you. They agreed to always reflect to you that which you needed to see and to hold space for you as you make your transition with them. But they certainly are leading the way. Many of you understand the significance of the dolphins and the whales, and the canines and the felines. Others of you resonate very much with the birds of your world. It doesn’t matter which animals speak to you and call to you with their frequency. All that matters is that you are being given an invitation, an opportunity to match that frequency. Feel for the vibration coming off of the animals that you have access to, and let them guide you not only to a peaceful and more relaxed state of being in your now moment. Let them guide you to the fifth dimension and beyond. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The Relief of Surrender ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. When you encounter a situation in your lives where you don’t know what to do, you don’t know how to proceed, or you don’t have a clue as to how you are going to get out of it, that is the perfect opportunity for you to experience surrender. There is something quite beautiful about the act of surrendering. It is ultimately a willingness to concede to the circumstances as they are. You sometimes put a tremendous amount of pressure on yourselves, and that pressure is designed to get you to find a way out, to come up with a solution to the problem, or to eliminate the situation altogether. This is the way that your minds work. Your minds love a problem because it gives them meaning, purpose. It gives them something to do. But your minds are not privy to all of the information available, and therefore, they are not the most effective tool that you could employ to an impossible-seeming situation in your lives. Surrender, however, is a wonderful tool. It is like saying to the universe that you don’t know how you are going to make something work. You don’t know how it’s all going to work out, but at the same time you are surrendering you are not giving up on your desire for the situation to play out in the way that you would prefer. You are just letting go of taking on all of that responsibility, placing it all on your shoulders, and thinking that you have to come up with the solution. That type of pressure doesn’t bring you results very often. Oftentimes it keeps possibilities from coming to light for you. Pressure keeps you in the dark. Surrender, which is signified by a white flag, lets in more light. It is the way of letting go of struggle, letting go of the need to be the one who finds the solution, and letting in the light that will ultimately illuminate the path for you. You have access to so much more when you are not trying so hard, because in your trying you are narrowing your focus. You are placing your attention only on that which you are able to conceive of, and you are blocking other possibilities from coming to you. So we like surrender because we know how much help you really have, we know how much grace there is all around you, and we know that in surrender you allow the downloads to come to you. You allow for the unseen solution to come to light. And most of all, you release the pressure from yourselves. When you do that, you have a momentary feeling of relief, and that feeling is why you create the problem in the first place. It’s the reason why you have the other end of the spectrum available to you. The pressure gives way to relief, and relief allows solutions to flow. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” How true & how timely! Surrender & FAITH or TRUST are analogous as another way to look at it - for some certain words trigger other emotions & one can miss the point, so don't get stuck on the words - chose what works for you, for your perspective is unique Davo A Message to Lightworkers – April 19, 2017
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, Creators of the New Earth! We are aware that many of you have been feeling the effects not only of powerful astrological shifts as of late, but of energy shifts that feel to be emanating from the Earth Herself. You are not merely “imagining” these changes of renewal and reformation (though imaging is a powerfully active way to co-Create). You are in the midst of a powerful new stream of Divine Light, pouring into the planet and being received and actively engaged with by Earth, in ways you have not previously witnessed. This has ushered in forms of higher Light that Earth Herself has not acted upon for many eons. She is now actively repudiating all forms, structures, and intentions acting against her higher good and soul purpose. It is so that things appear chaotic at times. Yet in many countries, as we have noted before now, the veil over the words, actions, and faces of your politicians and others supposedly in “authority” has grown so thin that their true intentions, loyalties, and oaths of allegiance can no longer be hidden from sight. Most human beings are sensing this change, and many millions are fully aware of it, to the point of openly expressing their refusal to be a “minion” or passive recipient of that which is decided for them, against their will and higher good, and against the higher good of the planet. You are, in other words, finding your Voice as a species, and this is no small thing in Earth’s current timeline. This has enabled the plans for full enactment and announcement of NESARA, including full disclosure of the Galactic presence, to move forward at an unprecedented pace. Nor are you feeling now, as much of humanity did during the two world wars of the twentieth century, that you are powerless to affect or redirect the intentions of those who make decrees and what they refer to as “laws,” or who push buttons and give orders for one military action or another. You have seen the intention for war being carried out only so far, then nullified in some way, so that the full course of action cannot take place. This is due to several things, which in many ways outstretch even the commitment of the higher realms and your Galactic family to ensure that nuclear arsenal is never again used against the Earth. It is your own human resolve—small though you may still consider yourselves to be at times—that is stopping these increasingly impotent manufacturers of war in their tracks. We do not say that no damage is being done, for clearly, many are still suffering, and we do not diminutize the importance of their experience or their lifepaths. But we do see the scale tipping powerfully and decisively in favor of Peace, in favor of an end to the madness that Earth has witnessed for millennia. So that even though you appear to still have the same groups and individuals “in charge,” we assure you, they are losing what they call “power,” by the day and hour. You hold that power now, and it is not power as you have been taught since childhood—the whims and preferences of a tiny minority outweighing that of the majority. It is not a matter of two apparent opposing sides beating one another at politics, so that at least half the population can rest assured that “our side won” this war or that election, while the other side, equally distracted by divisions of thought and allegiance, swears to regain the upper hand at the next possible opportunity. The time is past for this, and you are aware of such. And so whatever color or emblem you have been taught to wear, we ask that you take off that hat or armband, and throw it permanently away. Everyone is of their own unique color, and their own unique outlook, and there is nothing but room in the New Earth for an expression of every form of individuality, which the old system only ever condemned as dangerous to the good of the whole. We would say, that IS the good of the whole. Each voice, each soul presence, pouring its higher intentions into the great river that is human progression, and Earth’s Ascension—that can only contribute positively to that forward movement you have dreamt of and planned for so long, in so many Earth lives. We are greatly heartened by the number of you refusing to fall for the separateness and divisiveness of the old ways, and refusing to take the deceptions and false promises as a safe place for your and your community’s needs. For they cannot be. It is you who are creating the new forms of community, of group and individual empowerment, that will lead you all from feelings of having very few choices, to having more choices than you know what to do with. You are the ones to decide not how to disempower Earth, but where to plant trees, how to manufacture vehicles that run on water or sunlight, how best to educate children so that their imaginations flourish and their individuality is celebrated. You are the ones to decide the requirements for a new economy based on equality and abundance for all, and on varying forms of community living. You are the ones to decide to celebrate national cultures, releasing all thought of fear-based border protections. And you are the ones to say, “All false gods and false leaders—we release you! We have no further need of the lessons you have taught us. We have no need to live in the shadows any longer. “We learn more now from anchoring upon the Earth the freedoms of the higher realms. And we accept the responsibilities that come with higher dimensional living. “We are now freeing the planet for a greater expression of Love, for the power of soul presence, over all false forms of “power” as the third dimension viewed it.” And so, if you are ready, say Yes now. Yes to NESARA, Yes to full disclosure, Yes to full responsibility—to grabbing the reins, and co-Creating this New Earth that you have mistakenly waited for. It awaits you, powerful Light Beings. And we see you continuing to stand, and to claim it. Namaste! We are constantly with you. Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Judas Iscariot Sunday, April 16, 2017 Channel: Ann Dahlberg I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Happy Easter – to all of you who celebrate it. It is something special with festivities. This is when one can see the family a bit more, have more free time and maybe take care of oneself. Everybody might not have this opportunity, but many try to gather some family members to eat something good and to talk about this and that. It is a gathering without demands, where the only point is to have a nice time together. What if it could be like this all the time with all gatherings whether it is during a holiday, every day at home or at work. The only thing important would be that we enjoy being together. How would it then look in our world today? The most important thing is that things are good, that it is fun, nice and pleasant. You would all walk around with a smile on your lips and a spark in your eyes. Do you think you would be stressed then? No, I do not think so either. There would be a very fine energy everywhere and everybody would chip in for each other. The most important would be that everybody felt good. The corporations might not earn mega money, but you could still get everything you need to feel well and then some. It is only your perceptions about how everything must work that needs to be transformed a bit. Conceptions that you have dragged with you decade after decade, yes, maybe even century after century. It is no wonder that you are treading water. A certain conversion of thought is needed before you can see the answers to how it really can be that everybody can share in the big cake that Mother Earth so generously has given to you all to share. Everybody should have benefited from her gifts. It was not given to only a few. No, Mother Earth’s gifts are grand and are enough for all if they are shared fairly around Earth. Sometimes it can even be easier to give than to receive, but it should be as natural to receive as to give. It should be as much joy to give as to receive. Do you understand this, dear children on Earth? Now the time for giving and taking is starting. We give with one hand receive with the other. Is that not fair.., we live with, in , even around each other. We are we and we live together in an ever changing dance. The intensity of the dance is now increasing and we swirl around together on the dance floor. We are both sweaty and happy. The joy is tremendous as we do this with much delight. We do it for us, us as a whole unit, a great love for this unit that is us. Do you follow what I mean… you have found what it is that makes you happy, it is the understanding that all that is done needs to be done with joy and love. Love that is you, that is me, that is us. Now is when you have the most important work ahead of you, which is to take with you your love and go out and change life for each and everyone on our Earth. The change might require a change of thought, but this you already have in your heart. This you are now on your way to do, dear children on Earth. You change your thoughts following your higher heart’s language. What you manifest becomes something completely different compared to the old. With this higher energy completely different understandings are created than what you are used to. This is true for whatever lives on and belongs to our Earth. The Earth is large and many resources are needed for everybody to do well. So, you are needed dear people on Earth, each one of you needs to wake up and become a part of this transformation on our Earth today. All helping hands are gratefully being received, everything, small and little is equally valuable. We are all one and we do this together. Everything that is being done is done for our sake, for the sake of people, animals, oceans, lakes and nature, as we are all one with all that exists on this Earth. It is great deed that you are doing, now when you let your heart direct your actions and manifestations on this our Earth, which is the dearest that we have. Our Earth Gaia loves you so much and sends cheers and love. She is deeply grateful for your great courage and all the work that now has started on Earth. She can see fruits of her efforts and beautiful music emanates from her heart of joy and gratefulness. She has now started her transformation and rejoices with you who come along with her and she is grateful more and more wake up and start their journey together with her. The embrace of Gaia is great. She can include all that choose to wake up now. Everybody has the opportunity to come along for the ride. Is a life in permanent joy and love something for you? In this case you have better look for your Earth and your heart. Love to your self is the largest gift there is. Call on us and we will help you find it. Be true to yourself and your intention and all will be well. We love you so much. We wait and long for you. With much love, Judas Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan Source: www.sananda.website The messages posted on www.sananda.website can freely be posted by other Lightworkers with the proper recognition of the channel and the translator as well as the website source. Transparency & The Shift ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. This is a time of increased awareness of yourselves and the others that you share your planet with. This is a time of uncovering, discovering, and being transparent to one another. It is one of the reasons why you have so much sharing of information happening through your technology, including the unwanted and invasive spying techniques that are employed at times by people in positions of power. This is not meant to elicit feelings of victimization. This reality that you are creating for yourselves is meant to get you ready for a full telepathic society. Those of you who are empathic are already reading the emotions of others and feeling them within yourselves. Once you transition to being fully telepathic, there will be no secrets and there will be no hiding. There will be no reason to try to deceive another or hide a thought or a feeling. And so you are readying yourselves for that eventuality. This is a part of the evolution of your consciousness, because in order for you to be willing to share everything about yourselves, you must release your fears, your shame, and your judgment. When you accomplish this undertaking, which is well underway for all of you, you will not feel a need to hide anything from each other, and you will be willing to speak to one another about what you are feeling, what you are thinking, and what you desire. This openness is going to create a deepening of the connection that you all have with one another and a strengthening of the human collective, which will ultimately assist you in your ascension process. Now, in the meantime, what would be most beneficial to all of you would be to start by being honest with yourselves. Start by acknowledging how you feel, acknowledging what you want to do and what you don’t want to do, and even stating out loud to yourself how you feel, what it is that you want, and what it is that you are wanting to release. You all assume that the other people in your lives are much more together than you are, and sometimes you base this on how much money they have, where they live, what type of job they have, their mate, and so on. None of that is going to compensate for what a person fears, what a person is ashamed of, and the judgments that a person holds. Recognize that every one of you is in the same boat. You are all releasing. You are all letting go. You are all making room for higher frequency energies. Being open and honest with yourselves and others is paving the way for a brighter future for the entire collective. Be brave and be honest, and you will find that it is quite easy to clear away and to release that which no longer serves you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Success & Failure ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. There is a great deal of satisfaction that comes with accomplishing a goal. There is a great deal of pride that you can feel from a job well done, a task accomplished. You have a history on planet Earth of recognizing accomplishments, landmarks, and milestones. It is a proud tradition to honor those who have demonstrated a certain amount of success in their field. Now, we appreciate you in your failure. We appreciate you in your lack of success and achievement. Why do we do this? Why would we find there to be a reason to celebrate someone’s failure? We see every experience that you have as an opportunity for growth. We see the hardships and the challenges that you face as giving you more to work with than the successes and the accomplishments. We also feel that you are achieving more in your failures than you are in your successes. It is easy to pay someone a compliment when they’ve just achieved something. It is easy to love yourself and appreciate yourself based upon successful endeavors, but what is far more rewarding is to pick yourself up after having fallen, after having failed, and to embrace yourself as you are and see yourself as lovable. It is far more beneficial for you to have compassion and unconditional love for yourself than it is for you to achieve that goal so that you can feel conditional love and support for yourself. We also like it when you succeed, but we especially like it when that success has come from a willingness to take all of your lumps from the times where you did not succeed. We love to see the triumph of your spirit. We love to witness you bringing yourselves from the depths and taking yourselves beyond where you ever believed you could go. There is no real failure. There is only delay, and sometimes delay helps you to appreciate the arrival of something that you’ve been waiting for. It always does. The only question is whether you appreciate the experience of putting off the inevitable success, the inevitable triumph, and the inevitable accomplishment. No greater accomplishment will ever be achieved than showing yourself unconditional love. That is why that illusion of failure is so important to your process of evolution. That is why we love sending you unconditional love, regardless of what you have done or not done in your lives. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” John Smallman
Humanity has chosen to awaken, it’s as simple as that! However, although in truth the awakening has already occurred, it does take time to come to fruition for you because the illusion is largely about time and its passing, and until your awakening happens you are time-bound within your collective dream, the illusion. It is unreal but, because you intended it to seem very real, it does seem utterly real to you. That, of course, is very confusing for you, and because the vast majority of the human population believes that the illusion is absolutely real that is how it appears to you. What is presently occurring is the unraveling of the collective belief in the illusion, and because of that you see apparent chaos, confusion, and conflict in many places across the world as the beliefs that hold it in place are released. Remember, beliefs are restrictive and limiting opinions that, as humans, you hold and trust, but which are largely invalid. Humans like beliefs because they seem to offer safety and security, allowing them to align themselves with others who hold the same or similar beliefs, thus helping them to feel accepted, and yet humans are skeptical and very quick to judge and disparage the beliefs others hold that are different from their own. This intensely bigoted “I’m right and you are wrong” syndrome, constantly leads to disagreement and conflict. And, of course, it is driven by fear and the desperate need to be accepted, and that is why these beliefs have been held onto so strongly while rarely being questioned – for fear that if questioned, scrutinized, they might be proved wrong. Over the last few decades numerous entrenched and collective beliefs have been discarded as humanity, moving steadily towards its moment of awakening, has come to realize their invalidity. And many commonly accepted negative judgments of other people’s life styles have also been discarded. Many are finally attempting to honor the golden rule “do not do unto others what you would not want them to do to you.” Even though conflicts and judgments of a very unloving nature are still endemic in many areas, humanity is moving towards acceptance and compassion for each and everyone, and away from judgment. To awaken means to discard all attitudes and behaviors that are not in complete alignment with Love – judgment, blame, condemnation, disapproval, self-righteousness – and that is what is occurring as more and more people make the choice to toss away those severely limiting and self damaging opinions and affectations. As general acceptance of one another grows the need for the defenses provided by arrogant and unshakable beliefs and positionalities decreases, and the awareness grows that all are human, seeking only Love, in spite of all the apparent differences between them – nationality, ethnicity, color, sex, political or religious persuasion, interests, and professional qualifications. You are all the beloved children of God who have momentarily forgotten that divine Truth as you dream the dream of separation and unreality. Note that word “momentarily,” because in Reality there is only the eternal now, and any apparent move away from that moment can only be extremely brief, so short in fact that it is immeasurable. To awaken is your inevitable and unavoidable destiny, and for that you should give thanks, daily. Reality, your Home, is joy-filled, the illusion is fear-filled. Almost every activity in which you engage as humans, whether mental or physical, is to deal with or escape from fear – fear of being unworthy, incompetent, unloved, abandoned, not good enough, attacked, destroyed, judged, blamed, punished, etc., etc. – and of course this fear is, like the illusion that you have built in which to have these very unsettling experiences, itself unreal! To awaken is your only real desire, because deep within yourselves you knowthat what you are experiencing is unreal, a dream, or more often a nightmare. And you want only to be once more permanently in the Presence of God, your infinitely loving Father and the Source of All that exists. Without God there would be nothing, no consciousness, which is the field of Love in which everything has its eternal existence. And there is absolutely no possibility of a state “without God.” God is . . . there is nothing outside God, God is the One Mind in which everything happens. It is the field of unlimited infinite creative potential of which you are all essential parts or aspects, and which, without even one of you, It would be incomplete, another impossibility, although “impossibilities” are also impossible! There is only God, and within God you have your eternal and endlessly joyful existence, so REJOICE! You are to awaken from the momentary aberration that you built, the illusion, and your joy will once more be complete as all memories of unreality fade away through the tiny spot, stain, or blemish that has hidden Reality from you ever so briefly, and which has never existed. The experiential field in which humanity finds itself is the illusion that you built in which to undergo a sense of abandonment and aloneness in the insane momentary belief that you had no need of God Who had created you and Who had given you everything that He had and is. In that brief moment you forgotthat there was only God and that you were an inseparable part of Him, and in that instant, by your intent, the illusion arrived and you installed yourself within it, apparently completely separated from your divine Source. And instantlyFEAR arose – it seemed enormous and threatening because you had shrunk yourself into a tiny and insignificant human body that was as nothing to the seemingly vast universe in which you found yourself. But you are not insignificant! You are an inseparable and infinitely powerful aspect or part of God, the Source, and it is the illusion that is insignificant. In fact it is so small and insignificant that there will be not a trace of it when you awaken, as you most surely will. You were created for eternal joy, and in your experiencing of eternal joy God is fulfilled. And, of course, God is always utterly fulfilled. Therefore you arealways in eternal joy, and when you awaken you will know this once more, as all doubt, fear, pain, and suffering dissolve never to be remembered. So rejoice in the certainty of the Truth that you are eternally and inseparably One with God. With so very much love, Saul. Your Ability to Create Your Reality ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. When you have doubts about your ability to create the experiences that you want to have, you are not taking into consideration the totality of who you are. You are looking at the situation from the narrow perception of the mind and the ego. The mind and the ego tell you that you are only capable of doing so much. You especially base your ability to create your reality upon the past, and that is one of the ways in which you limit yourselves. There is an expectation that you then create around what you can create and what you can experience. The ability is there. It is within each and every one of you. There is no question that you can create whatever experience you want to have. However, you look at the facts a bit too much, and you don’t give yourselves enough time to let your creations come to you. And so the doubt builds and the doubt prevents you from experiencing that which you’ve already created, that which was already on the way to you. This is why we recommend that you create for the fun of it, and that you create with a sense of joy and eagerness, rather than a sense of desperation and neediness. When you approach your creative process from a place of wonder and awe at all that is available to you, you put yourselves on a path, and that path leads to everything that you want to experience in your lives. There is no one right way to live, and there is no one right way to create your reality. You do have several opportunities to acknowledge yourselves and your abilities, but you sometimes dismiss that which you’ve created, and you don’t give yourselves the credit that you deserve. If someone gives you something, you don’t necessarily see it as your creation. But it most certainly is. So facing your doubts and you fears about your ability to create your reality will ultimately result in your full acceptance of the conscious creator being that you are. That result will come from your willingness to explore why you doubt yourselves, why you doubt your abilities. And as you deconstruct those thoughts and those beliefs, you will ultimately get to the core of who you are. You will uncover the truth that you are Source Energy Beings creating everything that you experience. When you raise you vibration, you put yourself in harmony with the higher self that you already are. And from that place, you can create anything that you want, you can decide what you want to experience, and you can watch as the doubts melt away. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” It's time w start thinking "BIG ME" instead of limited "little me"... Davo Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give.
Dear One, In your heart, you are free. This energy of freedom can be expressed in your daily life as well as kept as a sacred trust within you. This energy is God working through you and encouraging you to let your light shine. When you are feeling free to be yourself, that is the time your light shines the brightest. That is when you are most relaxed and happy, which is the way your Spirit intended you to live. When you let your light shine in the world, darkness is illuminated. The parts of society that offer the greatest challenge are the ones needing the most light. Allowing God's love to pour through you as Divine Light is one of the best ways to create the changes you want in your world. This energy of love-filled light can bring wholeness and healing to any situation. When you come to this place of light within you, it reminds you of the joyous state of a happy child. You are being encouraged to express this joyous energy in your family and worldly life. It is the spontaneous freedom to speak the truth from your heart with kindness and compassion. It is the enthusiasm to do what you most want to do, knowing that you are divinely inspired in every moment. These are the gifts you are being asked to give to the world. Experience the freedom of Divine Light at work within you. Feel free to ask for so much love to come through you that you can let it overflow to others. Ask for abundant joy within you so that you can share it with others. Ask to speak your highest truth with the compassion of the Angels. Ask to know in your heart that which is right for you to do and say in every moment. Ask to be a vehicle for Divine Light moving into the world. When you allow yourself to receive the gifts that come from your prayers, it gives you perfect freedom of expression while knowing the Divine resources within you at all times. You are a gift to the world when you express all of the beauty inside you. Share your most sacred self when you feel the guidance to do so. Allow God's light to shine through you and remember: Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel March 20, 2016 TheGabrielMessages.com The Council – What A Confusing Placeby Ron Head
The Council – What A Confusing Place We would like you to go a short mental journey with us if you will. On this journey, you are a divine being of light that has never been on this planet before. You are cruising around this galaxy and spot a planet that is marvelously filled with billions of beautiful life forms, great oceans, towering mountains, beautiful flowers, birds, and butterflies. The ocean reefs are like kaleidoscopes of colorful fish. It just looks amazing. You ask the lightbeings around you if any of them have ever spent time on this planet. Several say that they have, but they warn you that, even though it is quite beautiful, it can be a difficult experience. You decide to do it anyway, and arrangements are made. Now you don’t want the full-on baby thing, so you just manifest a body and begin exploring. It is marvelous in the oceans, in the forests, and on the mountains. But the strangest thing happens when you start to mingle with the two-legged ones that you have taken the form of. As you are walking through a place that you understand to be a market, you notice the most wonderful smells. You locate their source and you see others buying small portions of things and eating them. You manifest some of their pieces of exchange and acquire some of the treats. As you are walking and eating, you notice another looking at you in disapproval. When you ask why, he tells you that you should not eat that. What? You are completely confused. You are told that it is against something called a book. Later you discover that there are so many shoulds and shouldn’ts all over this planet that it is almost impossible to keep track of them. And further, they change from place to place. It is even the fact that things that are punishable in some places are thought to be desirable in others. What a crazy place you have chosen to explore. To make things worse, you find that those who believe one way are quite capable of being completely intolerant of those who believe another. You wonder how this could have come to be. What possible purpose could it serve except to keep the peoples separated. And then you begin to understand. Differences that seem as if they would be a good thing to celebrate in other people and places are being used in this place to turn people against each other. Is it of benefit to those people at all? You don’t see how it could be. Is it of benefit to anyone? It seems that it has been used to incite some to fight against others. Who might that benefit? It seems as if, over a very long time, the beings who live here have been taught to believe that the things that they knew to be true, were untrue, and the things that they knew to be false, were true. And the oddest thing is that almost no one realizes that they themselves are divine creations, just as you are. They say such things from time to time, but they act as if they really can’t understand that it is so. How differently they would act if they knew. How much better would their lives be? But you also find that there is a growing tendency to begin seeing things as they truly are. It is easy to love the beauty of this place. It is very hard to understand why those who live here treat it the way that they do. Of all the places you have seen in your travels, this is one of the most beautiful. And yet you can easily see that it won’t remain that way very much longer unless some drastic changes are made. It almost seems as if someone made a decision to destroy as much as possible. Perhaps coming here to experience this was educational, but you decide to cut your stay short. Next time you will make it your business to learn a little more before you decide to take on another body somewhere. Now let’s see, dematerializing… There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://ronahead.com/ |
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