Time to Manifest ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are pleased to announce to you that the placement of your solar system in the galaxy in the past few weeks, and in the coming months, will be ideal for manifestation. You are always receiving support in accessing more, but now is a particularly opportune time to be letting the manifestations in that you have been desiring for quite some time. Many of you have perhaps faced unique challenges and hardships of late, and you are using them as the set up for this time of increased photonic activity. You are able to access more streams of energy because of where you are at this time in the galaxy, and the process of manifestation could not be easier because all you have to do now is relax and let these supportive energies bring you what you’ve been asking for. It’s not a question of taking action, earning, or being worthy of what is there for you to manifest. It’s simply a function of where you are right now, physically speaking. Your solar system is spiraling up, and will continue to do so. And you are ready now to reap the benefits of hanging on this Earthly ride for as long as you have. This is a culmination for most of you of hundreds, if not thousands, of lifetimes. And where you are right now is the culmination of all of those lifetimes and all of the asking and summoning that you’ve done in those lifetimes. Now is the time for the payoff. Now is the time to let it in. Many of you are still wondering what you need to do in this lifetime, what your mission is, and right now we tell you that your mission is to receive, open yourselves up, be the conduits for this high-frequency energy, and let yourselves live the lives that you’ve always dreamt of. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
A Solstice Wave of Love ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have detected a large wave that is coming your way, and it is one of many to come. These waves of energy are being sent from various points in the galaxy, and their purpose is to activate all of you to a knowing that you truly are made of love. You are comprised of love, and everything around you is also love incarnate. This particular wave is coming from the center of the galaxy, and it will arrive on the solstice. It will be the winter solstice for some of you, the summer solstice for the rest of you. Now, you are of course anticipating some big waves of energy, and they are coming your way. This one is going to help to dissolve any blockages that you have in and around your heart. And it is also going to awaken in your mental bodies this truth that you are all comprised of love. Love is who and what you are, and as you continue on, life is going to continue you to ask you to make that choice. You are going to be asked to choose between love and something else. It will be like so many movies that you see where that becomes the dilemma that the hero is facing. You are the hero of your own story, and much like the heroes that you see in these movies, you have help. You don’t have to do it all on your own, but you are the one who ultimately decides whether you allow in the wave of support, energy, and love that’s coming your way. You are the ones who get to decide whether you choose love or not. This wave will make it easier on you to make that choice, the choice that will bring you one step closer to the fifth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” You Are All Beings of Love ∞The Creators Daniel Scranton “We begin by giving you a simple message. That is that you are Beings of Love. We know that you don’t always feel that you are being a Being of Love, and we know that you can look around you and decide that something that someone else is doing is not congruent with that statement. But you are all Beings of Love, and believe it or not, everything that anyone else, including yourself, is doing is an act of Love. Now, you may ask yourself, ‘How can this be? How can doing something horrible to another person be an act of Love?’ Well, you see, in order to have that experience, someone had to request that experience. And in order for another being to agree to perform that act, the villain would have to love the victim very, very much. So you see, there really are no villains and no victims, because it is all an agreement. But you cannot see the agreement from your vantage point, because from your perspective the person who is being persecuted in one way or another was not asking for it. And that is true from a certain perspective. But as Beings of Love, as your True Selves, you are asking, you are wanting to have a variety of experiences. And in order for you to have the full spectrum of experiences, you must once in a while, play the villain and/or the victim. And you can see how this all allows you to feel many different things – a wide range of emotions. And what is the point of that? Well, the point is to have experience and to use that experience to further your expansion and to further your knowing of yourselves as All That Is, which includes the full spectrum of emotions. When you consider that there are many, many, many, many beings on your planet, you can understand that all of those beings are coming here with their very specific and very unique purposes, intentions, desires. And that is why you see so much around you that seems chaotic, because of that diversity. And as a Being of Love, your job is to support. Your job is to see it all as it truly is, to allow yourselves to feel and then to send your frequency of Love to the situation, because that is how you experience yourselves as Unconditional Love, which is another aspect of All That Is. So you find yourselves in the midst of your own lives and your own dramas. And all of that is necessary to help you to understand what it is others are experiencing, so that you can have compassion and so that you can give Unconditional Love to their situations. It is your True Nature to look upon this world and to see only Love being Love. And that is what you are moving towards.” As we are able to grasp this concept it becomes easier also to see that ALL IS GOOD & also to cease our judgements of others. Whenever we are judging another we are also not loving ourselves/judging ourselves. Dave Holding a Higher Vibration ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have observed that the human collective is able to sustain a vibration longer, as a collective, than you are as individuals. When you work together to hold a vibration, you are able to feed off of each other. When you are working alone, it is harder for you to maintain the vibration that you seek to hold. One of the reasons for this is that with other people holding the vibration with you, you have their physical bodies there emanating the same vibration. You become like a tuning fork, and this collective energy of course has a bigger impact on the entire universe. So what is reflected back to you is bigger than if you were working by yourself to maintain a certain frequency. Now, we are always encouraging you to pay attention to your own vibration, your own frequency, and we will continue to do so. You certainly benefit from practicing holding a vibration for yourself, by yourself, and to create something unique that is yours and yours alone to experience. We just want you to recognize that you have support in the physical realm, whether you realize it or not. Something that we hear from many of you when we connect with you is that you feel isolated and alone. You feel that there is no one around you in your community that is on the same wavelength as you. This is one of the reasons you have the Internet to connect you. You can find people in other parts of the world that you resonate with, and you can connect with those people and work together on holding a higher vibration for the whole of humanity and for a specific cause. Now the more people that you invite to join you in this endeavor, the longer you’ll be able to hold that vibration. You don’t need close proximity in order to feel the effects of the vibration that someone else is holding. You just need to be tuned to that person, and you know that you can do this because you’ve been doing it. You’ve been reaching out to one another by telephone for quite some time, and now you have many other ways of reaching out to one another, connecting, feeling the other’s vibration, and offering that vibration with a purpose. We want you to know how powerful you are as individuals as well. So again, do not mistake this as us saying that you are only powerful when you are connecting with others and holding a vibration. We’ve just noticed that it’s easier for you to hold that vibration for a longer period of time. So we are encouraging you to do just that. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” The Oversoul Activation ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the ability to sense when you are all ready for a new activation, and we have that sense right now. You are ready to receive the activation of the frequency of your oversouls, and that activation is occurring on a physical level. You are ready to receive a transmission that will activate the cellular memory of what it was like for you to fully be your oversoul. This is taking you beyond the experience of your higher self, which is almost fully integrated into you physically and energetically. This next step in your evolution is what you are ready for now because of the integration you have done of your galactic selves. Now that you have almost completed the fully integration of your past lives in other parts of the galaxy, you are ready for the oversoul activation. Once you become aware of this message, this transmission, you can expect to receive the activation the next time you fall asleep. And when you wake up, we want you to take note of how you feel. We want you to notice that there is more of you available. We encourage you to seek past life recall. We encourage you to access more of your fifth dimensional abilities, and we also just want you to feel how much closer you are to Source Energy. You are, of course, Source Energy beings, no matter how you are perceiving yourselves, but with the oversoul activation, you are going to feel closer to Source than ever. You are going to feel that you can house more of Source within you than ever before. And you are going to want more. This is a natural by-product of any evolutionary process that you experience. You are always going to want more. You are always going to desire to feel something new and different. So we encourage you to do some acknowledging of the oversoul activation once you receive it. Do some feeling around inside yourselves, and take note of the difference in how you feel. That is what gets you more. What gets you more is always noticing what you already have, and this holds true spiritually, as well as physically. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Your Role in ‘The Event’ ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. In ‘The Event’ that has been talked about and written about so much, have you considered what your role will be? Have you taken into consideration that as much as you are anticipating such an event that not everyone will experience it in the same way? This is true for all of life, so why would this event be any different? When you have a massive influx of high frequency energy that must be felt and experienced by every single living being on the planet, there is certain to be a bit of shock that is also experienced. There will be people who will not know what to do with themselves. They will not know how to handle that much energy. Now as we have stated previously, you will have many smaller events leading up to one big event, and those smaller events can and will acclimate you to these energies. But there are those of you who will consciously and actively receive the energies of the smaller events, and there will be those who will continue to remain shut down and will not be acclimating themselves. Therefore, those of you who are awake will need to take an active role in helping others. You who are typically the ones who take care of other people are going to be called upon yet again to be of service. You are going to recognize where you are needed, and you are going to know exactly what to do. You already have a sense that you have a bigger purpose for being here. And for those of you who have been wondering what that purpose is, this will be an opportunity. It will be an opportunity for you to shine, to finally feel like you are fulfilling your purpose for being here at this time. And as always, you will be happy to help. Now, in the meantime, live your lives and focus on receiving. Focus on integrating and acclimating to these higher frequency energies that are coming more quickly and with greater magnitude than ever before. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” ![]() Stacking the Odds Against Yourself ∞The Creators Daniel Scranton “When there are people in your lives who tell you that you are incapable of doing something, and you want to prove them wrong, you are being given an opportunity by yourself to accomplish something that you did not think was possible. The other person is the reflection who is telling you exactly what you are afraid might be true, and this can be a lovely catalyst for you to move beyond your self-imposed limitations. When you find yourself up against odds that are not in your favor, and you rise to the occasion, you literally set up that scenario to light a fire under yourself. You have interesting ways of going about things in your world, and this is one of them. You like a challenge. You came to this reality because it is so challenging. There is not one among you who thought that they were simply coming for a walk in the park. There is great energy to be accessed by you when you find yourself with your back up against the wall. That feeling of accessing more energy is something that you all have experienced. Often, you cite the example of the woman whose child is trapped under something large and heavy that she normally would not be able to budge. And she lifts it, allowing her child freedom from the object. Many of you have experienced this on a smaller and less dramatic scale. And no matter how it is you have placed yourself in a situation where your prospects do not look so good, it is always because you wanted to have that experience of reaching for that surge of energy and overcoming the odds. So when you see yourself in the midst of one of these challenges, remember what it is there for so that you keep your eyes on the prize, so to speak, and you make your journey about summoning and receiving that surge of energy. Because that is one of the most enjoyable experiences you can have as a being who experiences itself as less than all-powerful. We will always be betting on the underdog.”
Arcturian Activations ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been extending out an invitation to each of you to connect with us, and in so doing, to connect with the Arcturian that is within you. You are Arcturian and Pleiadian. You are Sirian and Andromedan. You are Lyran, Cassiopeian, and also from Orion. You are not just one. You are all, and we help to activate that which is Arcturian within you. Now, this is why we have come along at this phase of your evolution to bring you these activations. We know that you are so close to shifting your consciousness, and we also know that you have experienced the energy of our star system previously. We know that the vibration that Arcturus holds is a necessary component in completing your mission, in finding your way to the fifth dimension. We have seen all of the different paths that you can take, all of the different ways that you can make your ascension, and we are quite certain that the activation of that which is Arcturian within you is exactly what you need at this time. Now, you are getting activations from the other star systems and their representatives as well, but if you are receiving this message then you are aware of the Arcturian activations. You are more likely to receive them consciously, and we can begin the process of co-creating together the next steps in your shift. If you identify with Arcturus, then you are right where you need to be in this moment, receiving exactly what we are offering, and activating your Arcturian DNA. It is our love for you, our compassion for you, and our confidence in you that is most of service to you at this time. And we will continue to look for ways to influence you to the highest vibrations and the most pleasant timelines. That is how much we love you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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