This Isn’t About Light Forces vs. Dark Forces ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very well informed about regarding everything and everyone there on Earth. We understand why things happen the way that they do, and we want to be very clear about something. It is always consciousness that is creating, using vibration. That’s the reason why everything that is happening has been happening, and it’s the reason why everything that is not happening has not been happening. Now, you live in a physical realm on a physical planet, and so you look for a physical cause, you look for responsible parties. You look for who did what and why, and it is your right to do so. But change comes through the evolution of consciousness, and you are living in a time when there is a great opportunity to evolve. There is a great opportunity in front of you to work on yourselves, clear past life and current life trauma, and help one another in your times of need. And so, we want you to know that there are always going to be forces of light and forces that are playing the role of the dark. But even those forces are really coming from the light, as we are all Source Energy Beings. We also want you to know that in the universe right now, which we are all a part of, there is far more light present. The light far outweighs the dark, and we also want you to know that this truth that we are giving you right now has not always been the case in this universe. We have all surpassed that tipping point, and we did so several years ago as a universal collective. You, who are receiving this message, are a part of the force that represents the light. You are recognizing yourselves as Source Energy Beings, and you also recognize that you have an enormous amount of help coming from other beings representing the light, including ourselves. Therefore, we recommend that you not put your focus on the dark minority. We recommend that you not give away your power by wondering what they are up to. We recommend that you look for more opportunities to band together and shine that light that comes from within each and every one of you. We also recommend that you acknowledge how powerful you are when you tune in to the light within you, instead of turning over every rock that you can find, looking for the dark and trying to figure out their agenda. Now is a time to open yourselves up to the help that you have coming in as well, because those of us in the higher realms are amplifying the light, and only those who are looking for that light are going to receive it. You are the ones to remind those who are playing the role of the dark forces that they are in fact also Source Energy Beings and that the light within them can never be extinguished. That is a big part of the role of the lightworker at this time. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Help the Arcturians Heal Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been taking care of humanity energetically at this time. We, and many others like us here in the higher realms, know when you need more nurturing, caring, loving attention, and we always provide it. There are a few ways in which you all can help us in this time where humanity needs so much help. First of all, you can help by being kind, loving, and nurturing to yourselves and to each other. Secondly, you can open yourselves up more to the compassion that we offer by feeling for it and holding that intention to receive more of it. Finally, you can be one who grounds this compassionate energy into your physical body and into Mother Earth, making it available to all other humans, because the Earth has her ways of distributing all types of energies. When you recognize that one of the major purposes of this co-creation is to get you to feel for each other, then it becomes easier for you to see that what your fellow humans need right now is some kindness and some compassion. You are the ones to access these high vibrational states of being, and you are the ones to share those high frequency vibrations with your fellow humans because you want to be of service. And not only do you want to be of service, but many of you have come to us and asked us how you can be of service. Most of the time when you ask that question, you are thinking about something that you can do in terms of physical action. But right now, you are being asked to stay inside, to keep your distance from each other, and that means you get to access your superpowers to help humanity. You get to access your love and compassion. You get to access your healing abilities and the ability that you have to feel connected, to access that oneness, that unity consciousness that you always have access to. But at a time like the one you are living in now, you are more likely to access it. We will continue to tell you what we feel humanity needs from all of you who are awake, and we know that as the awakened collective, you will be opening yourselves up to us, even more than you usually do. This is a time of working together, whether you are human, extra-terrestrial, physical, or non-physical. We are all connected, and therefore, when anyone on Earth is suffering, that suffering sends a ripple effect, and we all want to help alleviate that suffering. We all want to help humanity take the giant leap forward in your evolution that this current situation is presenting you with as a possibility. And we will continue to assist you in whatever ways that we can. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” The Changes… Imagine being in a dark room for a very long time then suddenly you walk out into the bright sunlight. You stand there for a moment, blinking while your eyes adjust, then you start seeing what is really around you. When your Earth finishes moving through this challenging time, you will be walking into a different world. Perspective and ideologies will have changed. What was important will seem minuscule in comparison, human connections will be celebrated. Now is the time to expand on this base change, adding whatever else you would like to see for yourself and the world around you. This is your chance to be the change you would like to see in the world! ~ Creator Creator Writings
The Mass Awakenings Have Begun ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. When you face your idea of mortality, your concept of death, that is precisely when a human being does a tremendous amount of soul searching. Therefore, one of the positive outcomes of the covid-19 outbreak is the massive amount of awakening that is happening on your world right now. The more people consider the possibility of their own passing, the more they start to search for answers and the more likely they are to receive those answers that they’ve been looking for. Now is a time when the mass awakenings that we have been talking about are occurring. More and more people are discovering the truth that they are eternal and infinite beings of unconditional love. Many individuals are considering reincarnation for the first time, feeling as though they have unfinished business there on Earth. So you see, there is an upside to what you’re going through that goes beyond the changing of systems and the fall of empires. There is something much more important going on there at this time than even mass arrests of those who have been working in the dark. The more of you that are awake, the closer you get to your ascension, and of course, part of being awake is also recognizing the Divinity in your fellow humans. Being caring, compassionate, and kind humans ultimately means more than anything that you could believe, however. Therefore, we will continue to encourage you to look for ways that you can be of service, be part of the solution, and lend a helping hand to your fellow travelers there on planet Earth. You know that you can also be the one who inspires someone into their awakening, and that is a gigantic accomplishment. Look for opportunities to help those in need and to inspire all, not with your thoughts, not with your theories, but with your compassion. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
What Awakened Earthlings Are Meant to Do ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via 12:03 PM (37 minutes ago) “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are having many significant conversations with you when you are asleep at night, and you meet up with us in the astral plane. We have never had as much input from you as we are getting at this time. The creative ideas that have spawned as a result of you all facing this global crisis are impressive, to say the least. We are working with Pleiadian, Sirian, and Andromedan groups of beings at this time to come to some sort of agreement about how to help without interfering and about how we can best use the situation on your planet right now to help move you forward. You are receiving lots of suggestions from people who are in positions of authority, and those suggestions are primarily about your physical well-being. But we have the privilege of being able to converse with you when you are not in your bodies, when you are not operating from the level of your ego, and when you are free from the limitations of your physical minds. We are getting the scoop from the more authentic aspects of who you really are, and from those conversations, we have concluded that the way for humanity to truly benefit from the outbreak is to band together and work as a team. You are being urged to stay home and to wash your hands religiously, but there is also an opportunity for you all to see that you are all in this situation together. This is a time when your race, religion, nationality, gender, and sexuality are not nearly as important as the fact that you are human and you are Earthlings. You are being given an opportunity to make life on planet Earth better, and that all begins with you seeing each other as equal. You are, of course, all Source Energy Beings, no matter where you are in terms of your spiritual evolution and how awake you are. When your hearts go out to those who are suffering the most because of the virus, that’s when you know that you are taking exactly what you are supposed to be taking from this crisis, and you are moving the entire human collective consciousness forward. That’s what you are meant to do. That’s what those of you who are awake are more likely to do in this situation, and that’s what’s going to lead to a sense of oneness and unity consciousness there on Earth, the likes of which you have not experienced yet. These are very trying and very exciting times for the human collective. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
A Giant Leap Forward to Completing the Shift ∞9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via 12:01 PM (22 minutes ago) “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are quite certain that you all are doing the best that you can under the circumstances that you are currently living in there on Earth. We also want you to know that when you summon energy, it is always delivered to you. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. It is yours to receive, and we all get very excited here in the higher realms when there is more asking for relief. Now would be an excellent time for all of you to get more interested in connecting with your guides. It is also a wonderful time for you to meditate more, to focus more within yourselves, and to seek to channel more energy in your physical bodies. We want you to know that what you are experiencing right now are extreme growing pains there on Earth, but we also want you to understand that you are all growing. There is an opportunity, of course, for more growth to occur, especially within those of you who are awake. You have the ability to sense energy. You are also more likely to tune in and to know when you are running energy through you, and you have been working with the grid system that covers your entire planet for quite some time. This is not a time to be over-thinking. This is not a time for speculation, for theories. And it is certainly not a time to be arguing with one another about whose perspective is right. When you use any belief that you have as a means of separating you from those who believe in something different, you are not taking the amount of growth that is available to you. The best way to grow is as a collective, as a unified whole. It is better for you to look for ways that you can connect to your fellow humans than it is for you to get into a debate about how the virus got started and what it means. In fact, we invite you to recognize that no matter how strongly held your beliefs are, they may not be right. Let go of any attachment that you have to be right, and let go of those thoughts that tell you that you need to tell others how it is. And instead, reach within yourselves for that heartspace, that unconditional love, that healing energy, and that compassion that is available to you, even more so now that it is so needed. We, and others like us in the higher realms, are doing our part to help humanity, as we always do, but we need assistance from those like you on the planet. And in order for you to be of greatest assistance, you need to have your hearts open, and that means you need to get out of your heads, to stop looking for the latest theories that are being put out there. And instead, just ask yourself, ‘How can I help those who are sick, those who are afraid, and those who are suffering loss at this time?’ Ask yourselves those questions, and you will take the exponential growth that is available to you. Consciousness is expanding and evolving, and that is inevitable. Whether you go along with that expansion and evolution is up to you. Know that humanity is making a quantum leap forward at this time and that you want to go along for the ride. You do that best when you are at peace, when you are in acceptance, and when you are letting go of your attachment to being right. Instead, follow your hearts. We guarantee you that they are the path to the greatest ease and joy that you can experience as you move through this global crisis and take another giant leap forward to the completion of the shift in consciousness. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” The Equinox Portals Are Opening Wide ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are observing the effects of the energies of the equinox on humanity at this time, and we must say that you have settled down quite a bit since the equinox was exact several hours ago. You have been awakening within yourselves the stability and security that you need at this time to feel safe in your bodies and to remember that everything is going to be okay. You are also pulling energies in through the portals that are always opened a bit wider for the equinox, and the healing energy that comes through those portals is astounding to witness. We feel that now would be an excellent time to receive healing, no matter what it is that you have in terms of an ailment. Your collective has been doing so much summoning of that which is healing. The answering of that collective summoning has been tremendous, if we do say so ourselves, and the widening of the equinox portals has allowed in so much healing energy that it does not matter what you are afflicted with. You can receive more of what you’ve been asking for. You can heal any physical ailment, and now is the perfect time for you to be doing so, to be allowing in the energies that will put your body into alignment, that will align your consciousness with health and well-being. Humanity has done a wonderful job of asking at this time for those who have been affected by the coronavirus. You are all banding together as one human race to bring in these energies, and now as is always the case, we are calling upon you as the awakened collective, to ground these healing energies in while the equinox portals are open so very wide. In this universe, and in this galaxy, we really do know how to work as a team. We are here to support you, and so are so many other collectives that we are in constant communication with, in regards to humanity. Feel for these energies coming in. Let them run through you, and know that you can do so much good without leaving your home. You do good because you are good and because you work on behalf of the greatest and highest good of all. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Why Things Happen ∞The Creators
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via “When you discover the reason why something has occurred, it can be a bit of a relief for you. It can take some of the pressure off, and it can allow you some new perspective that will enable you to change the way you see the event. That is why many of you want information. You want to know what THAT was about. You want to understand why things happen, especially when they are happening in your life. Well the simple answer to that question would always be, ‘Because you created it, because you thought it was the best experience that you could have given yourself at that moment.’ And yet that answer can be somewhat unsatisfying, troubling for some of you, and even cause you to feel confused and angry. Because why would you create a situation for yourself that was anything less than ideal? Why would you put yourself through something? Well, what you are always striving for on the level of the soul, the higher self, Source, is to have the experience of yourself as that which is Love, that which is knowing, that which is powerful, because that is what you are. So when things happen on the physical plane that defy all of those truths about who you are, it doesn’t seem to make any sense. But it actually is perfect just the way that you have experienced it, because you are giving yourselves opportunities to know yourselves as that unconditionally loving being who is all-knowing and all-powerful in the face of evidence to the contrary. When you are able to hold that perspective even though everything around you seems to be indicating that you are less than that which you really are, then you will have understood and benefitted from the creation. You see, when you are in a situation you can get so embroiled in the vibration of it that you are momentarily blinded to those facts about your nature, and when you are not in the middle of the predicament and you are having your level-headed point of view, you can easily see why you would have created something for yourself that was unpleasant, painful, even life-threatening. And that is what you need to hold in your consciousness at those times when everything around you seems to be falling apart around you, because everything that was being held up by you prior to the breakdown was just an illusion anyway. It was not there to reflect to you what a good little creator you are. It was there simply as a prop to the much bigger story of that full knowing of self as Source. So this is why it is so necessary, so important for you to let go of any and all attachments, because those attachments keep you from knowing the truth of who you are. Because they are just the symbols, but they are not the real thing, because the real thing is a state of being. And that is what you are always reaching for — you are always reaching for a state of being. And no circumstance, no amount of the walls crumbling down all around have the power to keep you from that state of being. It is time to let go of the illusion, of the pretend life that many of you have been so enthralled by and simply hold that knowing of your Divinity at your center, at your core, and to emanate that so that everyone and everything around you can see it and feel it and be served by it. Then it will be quite easy to understand how and why something has occurred in your life, because it will always be the result of that frequency and you will always know that you were the one behind it.”
Healing Energy Coming from the Higher Realms ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via "Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are excited to announce that humanity is receiving more energy, more healing love and light, more galactic codes and information at this time than you ever have before in human history. The summoning that you all have been doing for love and support has magnified because of the spread of the coronavirus and because of the spread of the fear. Now is the time to really accept your role as a lightworker and be the conduit for that energy that is coming in from all across the galaxy to help humanity through this crisis. You are there to be the light. That’s what you signed up for, and that’s what is needed at this time, more than anything else. You need that more than you need information, and you certainly need it more than you need to have the perspective, the right beliefs about what is going on, what the governments are doing, and so on. This is a wonderful time to shut off your devices, to look away from the media, the social media, and other places where the conversation is almost non-stop about what’s happening and who’s doing what about it. You all understand that you are there to be healers, channels, guides, teachers, and leaders in the movement to expand the consciousness of humankind. Many individuals have been wondering what their role could possibly be in this ascension journey that we are all on together. And so, we invite you to be a part of the solution by opening yourselves up physically and energetically to receive the love and light that is coming in from the higher realms. Ground that energy in your physical bodies and ground it into Mother Earth. Feel the support. Feel the love. Know that you are never alone, and you are not handling this crisis alone. You have helpers, and right now, humanity needs all of you to help the helpers to spread the high frequency vibrations around. This is precisely why you are on Earth at this time. People are going to be experiencing other crises throughout the rest of the journey to the fifth dimension, and you will be the ones who will be continually called upon to step up and shine your light. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Helping the Unawakened Through the Coronavirus ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with the movement forward that you have been making as the awakened beings that you are. Now is a time on your world where you are going to see and feel the vast difference that exists between those who are awake and those who are not. We know that you awakened ones are doing everything that you can to help your fellow humans to feel safe, just as you have been doing everything that you can to help them awaken. Now is not the time to abandon those who are living in fear. Now is the time for all of you to deal with your fear of being sucked down energetically and vibrationally by those who are panicking. Now is the time to reassure others that everything is going to be okay. Now is the time to hold space for your fellow humans who are having such a hard time soothing and comforting themselves. And again, as we have previously stated, now is the time to be focusing on sending as much love, light, and healing to the rest of the collective as you can muster. You are all connected, and you are more closely connected to the rest of humanity than you would sometimes like to admit. You love feeling your connection to us and Pleiadians and so on, but then you downplay your connection to your fellow humans. Now is the time to feel for that connection because they need you so much. They need the stability of a person who knows how to hold their vibration in a high frequency. They need you to keep your cool, to maintain your knowing that you are all Source Energy Beings and to wear that knowing on your sleeves so they can feel it coming off of you. You don’t need to fight with them, or argue with them, when they defend their fearful and panicked state of being. You need to rise above the urge to argue and to maintain that high vibration for the sake of your fellow humans. They need you now more than ever. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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