These Minor Events Add Up ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the ability to sense when you all are taking a gigantic leap forward, and we are having that feeling right now. And you can give the credit to what’s happening in your skies, but you deserve all of it because you have made yourselves available to the energies that you have been receiving. What we see in most of you who are awakened is a desire to take the rest of humanity to a higher level. We see your willingness to pull humanity up and carry the weight on your shoulders. We see many of you processing emotions for the other members of your collective, and most importantly, we see you wanting to be of service. When you hold that desire to be of service, there is so much more energy available to you because you have so many co-creators in the non-physical who want to work with willing partners. We are so pleased to see how these partnerships are formed, and we are proud to say that we are partnering with a large number of you who are reaching out to us. The momentum that is nudging you forward now is going to take you to the next minor event, but all of these minor events add up. And you are accessing more of the love that you truly are just by being willing to be the leaders in this movement, a movement that involves the evolution of the human collective consciousness. Your service will, of course, be rewarded, but we know that you don’t do it for the rewards. You do it because of the compassion and the love that you have within you, and you allow that love and compassion to take priority over your thinking minds. It’s time for more of you to acknowledge yourselves for the wonderful work that you are doing. It’s time for you to receive the thanks from those like us in the higher realms who are so happy to be partnered with such beautiful, awakened beings. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Update on the Eclipse Energies ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been excited for quite some time to see how all of you would receive the energies of this most recent lunar eclipse, and we are pleased to announce that the human collective has in fact grounded a tremendous amount of high frequency energy in these past twenty-four hours. We are particularly thrilled to see how you all prepared yourselves for this minor event. We know that many of you are excited about the major event and the shift, but we also want you to see how important it is to manage the energies of the smaller events, so that you can take the amount of shifting that is available to you. This is not an easy task, what you have in front of you. It is a monumental leap forward, and you are doing wonderfully well with assisting yourselves and each other. We love to see you all sharing these experiences and sharing your experiences of these events with each other. We can see how the wonderful energies are being utilized for the betterment of all humankind. We see you all holding space for the human collective, wanting what is best for everyone, and seeking out that peaceful, harmonious existence there on planet Earth. It is essentially love that we are talking about when we say that you are receiving these energies and those energies that hold a high frequency. Love is what created this universe. Love is what holds it all together, and as you experience, love for yourselves, and for the planet, you bring about these changes at the very core of your consciousness. There is more light and love coming all the time, so continue to expect to receive waves and waves of these high-frequency energies. Continue to ground yourselves and connect with each other. This is the best part of your journey. This is the part where you get to reap the benefits of everything that is happening. And make no mistake; it’s all happening for you and because of you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Merging with Your 5th Dimensional Selves ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the ability to sense when there is something to be gained by humanity, and whenever we sense that there is an opportunity for you all to further your consciousness evolution, we look for the ways in which we can be of service. Right now, we sense that a window is opening for all of you, and that window will grant you access to more of your fifth dimensional selves, more of your higher selves. This access point is coming as a result of the Earth’s movement. The Earth continues to spiral up, and your consciousness is doing the same. The openness that you have all shown to receiving higher frequency energies is also a factor here. You are making it easier here for those like us to help you. You are bringing yourselves closer to our frequency range every single day, and those of you who are doing the work on yourselves, you are the ones who are leading this spiritual evolution for all of humanity. What you can expect as you receive more of your fifth dimensional selves is an increase in paranormal activity in your lives. You can expect a thinning of the veil between the fourth and fifth dimensions, and you can also expect to have some days where you feel very tired and very thirsty. Make sure you take care of yourselves physically to help yourselves with the higher frequency energies. Your higher self is also evolving and expanding. It’s getting harder to ignore this aspect of who you are, and your higher selves are shining their light so brightly that much of what has been keeping you in the third and fourth dimensions is simply melting away. So you are merging more with the energies of your higher selves, merging your egos with who you really are, and things are getting more interesting as a result. And we will continue to look for these opportunities to help. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Remembering Your E.T. Heritage ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been observing the way that the energies have been affecting you, and we must say that we are very impressed by how well you are receiving the higher frequencies that are coming your way. You are receiving from all parts of this galaxy and beyond, because you have many helpers, friends, and well-wishers out there in the stars. And when you receive their help, you become more of who you are. You are not just human, but you are also not just Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Cassiopeian, Lyran, or Andromedan. You are all of the bits and pieces from all of the various star systems, and you are bringing all of those energies together within you, because you need strength and stability. And the best way for you to get that strength and stability is for you to become more of who you are. You are travelers. Some of you refer to yourselves as wanderers and starseeds. You’ve been around, and you’ve had some wonderful experiences in other parts of the galaxy. You’ve been in higher dimensions in past incarnations in other parts of the galaxy, and so these aspects of you are quite valuable to what you are becoming now on planet Earth. It’s like you are flipping on the switches of your higher self, activating it, and downloading those wonderful aspects of who you are and who you have been. When you receive, you have more to give, and you remember more of who you are. Therefore, receiving is a big part of what you have in store for you as you move forward here on your journey to the fifth dimension. You are remembering who you are by accessing who you have been. You are getting activations from all parts of the galaxy and beyond because as we said, you need that strength and that stability to handle what else is coming your way. And most importantly, you need to be grounded there on planet Earht. You need to accept that you chose this mission for yourselves and that by bringing in more from out there, you change the landscape of planet Earth. You change it for the better, of course. You are making so much progress in such a short amount of time, and we could not be happier with what we are sensing in the human collective consciousness now. We are seeing you take ownership of the fact that you are the extra-terrestrials that you’ve been seeking contact with. And yet, you are also doing a wonderful job of grounding yourselves there on planet Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Give & Expect to Receive ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have discovered that the best way for us to give you what you need is to offer it to you freely and without any need of anything from you. One of the reasons why we take this approach is because there isn’t anything that we need. However, we still receive from the universe as a result of the energy that we have put out. This practice of giving without the need for compensation is one that you really want to start practicing. Because as you give freely, you put yourselves in a position to also receive without needing to compensate anyone. Your world has been using the direct exchange system because of a lack of trust. If you don’t trust that everything will come back to you that you put out, then you feel the need to receive something right away. You feel the need for a guarantee, a contract, something enforceable by law. And the less you trust in the universe to bring you an equivalent to what you put out, the less you receive. Therefore, don’t wait for someone to offer you a job, and don’t wait until you have your business all set up with the perfect business plan in place. Don’t wait for anything or anyone to start giving. And when you give, remember also to receive. Remember the importance of feeling that trust and that worthiness to receive from the universe. There is so much that you have summoned in this lifetime and in all lifetimes put together. There is so much that the universe wants to deliver to you, and you open that gateway when you initiate the process by putting more of yourself out there. Once the gates are open, then what you have coming to you can easily flow. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Getting Excited ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been excited for all of you for quite some time, and we have noticed that you all have been getting excited. You’ve been getting excited because you feel yourselves getting closer to some very big changes in your world. We want to remind all of you that in spite of the shifts that occur in your solar system with the other planets, and the moon, none of that is as powerful as you all are as individuals and as a collective. Don’t look for confirmation for your excitement with a full moon, a super moon, a blood moon, or an eclipse. Don’t look for where Venus is relative to any other planet to affirm what you know at the very core of your being-ness. You are the ones making the changes, and you can always find yourself jumping to another timeline, a better timeline. You can always find yourself creating a new reality and then living that reality. You don’t have to wait for someone else’s prediction, and you don’t have to wait for the planets to align for you to align your own energy with that which you want to experience in this world, and for the entire solar system, and galaxy. You are a part of something very big, but you are also at the center of it. Because there are so many different energies from all across the galaxy, and even the universe, there on planet Earth, you are at the heart of this shift in consciousness. And the excitement that you feel is warranted, but you also get to create the journey that you want to be on. You don’t have to wait for something big to happen outside of you to create something big inside of you and for you and the rest of humanity. Practice exercising the power that you feel within you. Practice using that power because you are on the verge of releasing so many limitations, and now is the time to hone your skills as conscious creators. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Surveying the 9th Dimensionals ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been conducting a survey amongst the various councils and collectives that we have here in the ninth dimension, and the results indicate that you are all doing a very good job at receiving what we have been offering to you. For many years, the majority of humans, even the awakened ones, had a type of shielding around you. The shielding prevented you from receiving all that you were being offered from the higher realms. There has been, however, a collective giving up on the part of the awakened ones, and this has resulted in a lowering of those defenses. Many of you have had to give up the struggle at some point in your lives. You have been faced with adversities, like ascension symptoms. You have been faced with tragedies, like the loss of a loved one, and you have sought to make connections with individuals, and have felt abandoned by them. You have felt the trauma of being human at this time so often in this lifetime that the vast majority of you have given up at some point. And in that surrender, you have received all that we up here have been offering. And now you’re beginning to unpack all of it, bits and pieces at a time. Now, you don’t have to go through a traumatic experience in order to give up the struggle. You don’t have to be crippled by anxiety, fear and physical exhaustion to be in a state of surrender. You can let in more by consciously deciding that you want to let in more of what we are offering. You can also decide, once and for all, that you are not the ones who have to do everything. You are not the ones who have to make everything happen. You can rely on those of us who are non-physical, and quite frankly, have nothing better to do. We are here to assist you. We are here to serve you. We are here to provide you with whatever you need and most of what you want. We are loving you unconditionally, whether you receive what we offer or not, and that is the greatest gift that we give you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Daily Message ~ Friday July 13, 2018
By Trinity Esoterics on Jul 13, 2018 10:38 am Self love is not about making yourself better than anyone else, or caring for yourself more than anyone else. It is about finally including yourself in the love you so easily give others. It is an act of inclusion, of fairness, of balance. So we urge you to start to use your awareness to change your negative self talk, to replace your inner naysayer with an inner encourager, to bless yourself with your own nurturing and love. Can you be kind and gentle with yourself today? Can you commit to doing so every day, so it becomes a new habit? For as you shift yourself into your own inclusion, you accept your place as part of the whole and this facilitates a cascade of healing that addresses low self esteem, as well as separation, worthiness, and abandonment issues. Your inner child is yearning for your love and attention, Dear Ones. What are you waiting for? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Creating for the Entire Galaxy ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a sense of what you have been summoning energetically, and we also have a sense of what timeline you are going to jump to next. We want to say that this is an important time in your evolution, but every time from this point forward will fall into that category. So instead, we are going to predict that you are going to make the jump to the timeline that you want to be on as a collective. This particular timeline contains the energies that you’ve been summoning, and so much more. In other words, once you receive some of that which you have asked for from the universe, more will be given. More will be given because you will demonstrate your ability to handle the energy that you’ve summoned and to create a better reality for all. Those of you who are truly awake know that you cannot just create for yourselves. You recognize the significance of being a part of a collective, and you empathize with those who are suffering. You feel their pain, and you want to help. Now, in the creation of a world where everyone has enough, where there is peace and harmony on planet Earth, you are also creating that throughout the galaxy. So by wanting what you want, summoning the energy for it, and then receiving it, you are doing so much more than satisfying your ego. You are helping to create peace and harmony throughout the galaxy. You are helping to end all suffering and to usher in a golden age, an age where co-creating between extra-terrestrials and humans will be the norm, rather than the anomaly that you sometimes hear about. You are truly the visionaries of this galaxy, and in the removing of your limitations, and the accessing of your power, you are making it all happen. You are, of course, and always will be love incarnate, and as you continue to remind yourselves of that truth, you step into even more power, because you align yourselves with Source Energy. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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