Receiving What You Want ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving you exactly what you are asking us for, but we are delivering it to you in different ways than you would expect. For example, when you ask us a question, you may get the answer in any number of ways and not credit it to us. You may not know that you have received the answer at all in fact. So it is good for you to keep your eyes and ears and feelings open. You ask us for assistance in your lives as well, and we grant you that assistance, but it may not look like it’s coming from us. And it’s definitely not coming when you expect it. Or to put it another way, it does not come when you are waiting for it. It’s when you are relaxed or joyous that you are most open to receive. You also ask for our help with the shift in consciousness, and we are delivering it through the energetic transmissions that are coming through this channel, every time he speaks for us. Therefore, you can feel for the help that you are receiving as you feel into the vibrations that are encoded into these messages, these transmissions. We also want you to know that we help without needing for the question, or the request for assistance from you. We help because it is our nature to, and because we are tied to you energetically. We help because we are you. We are the future of your consciousness, and we reach back in time, and down dimensionally, to help ourselves. And so as you grow and expand, so do we. The other ways in which we are helping you have to do with putting energy into the food and water that you put in your bodies. We are infusing it with the ninth dimensional Arcturian vibration, just as the sun is infusing it with the fourth dimensional solar system vibration, because you need variety. You need it energetically. You need it philosophically, and you need it physically as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Becoming Your Whole Selves ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have awakened within you a sense of who you have been, and we have simultaneously awakened a sense that you have of where you are going. You are going to be where we are, someday, and we know that many of you would like to jump right to the ninth dimension. But we also know that you would be missing out on so much fun if you did. The joy of the journey is not only possible. It is highly likely from this point forward. Now that you are awakened and ascending, you must realize that everything can only get better from where you are. Everything is expanding, raising its vibration, and becoming less polarized. So as you ascend from one dimension to the next, you don’t experience the same degree of polarity. You don’t experience the same intensity that you have there on Earth, in the third and fourth dimensions. We invite you to feel for the unification of our energy. Because we know ourselves as a collective, there is no fragmentation and there is no separation. What you really want to do is to feel that within yourselves now. You don’t need to skip dimensions in order to get to the place of feeling unified. You can defragment yourselves and let go of the idea of separation between you and any other on the planet. And in so doing, you will minimize the polarity that you experience right away. You don’t need to wait for anything to happen. You don’t need to wait for the shift to occur. You can start living as you want to live in the here and now, and you don’t have to earn anything. You just have to choose. Choose to be the whole version of yourself, the version of you that knows you are a collective and that you are one with all beings. And suddenly, the fourth dimension won’t seem like such a backwards place. That is your journey. That is what you all came to do, and there’s no need for you to wait even a moment longer. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” The World Economy The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council DANIEL SCRANTON “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have been waiting for quite some time to see major changes in the arena of your world economy and the economies of the major industrialized countries of the world. The changes in currency value and the economic structure of the major countries in the world have been topics of considerable debate. There is now an understanding that leveling the playing field, so to speak, would be good for everyone. It is time for those who have been disenfranchised, not given the same opportunities as the privileged ones, to get their share. Now the big question is how to do this, and the answer lies within you. You are an individual, and as an individual you have the ability to help create economies that work for everyone. You have the ability to see every person as deserving of having their basic needs met. You have the ability to create that world, and if you are one of the have-nots it’s time for you to feel your worth. It’s time for you to accept your value and receive. Open yourselves up so that you can receive. Feel the abundance vibration flowing through you so that you can be the catalyst for a major change in the way the world operates financially. If enough of you do this, you will create that change. Don’t wait for others to fix the system. Don’t wait for anything to come along before you create the reality that you want to experience. This is not about playing the same old game and being one of the winners. This is about acknowledging that the game has been rigged and creating an entirely new one. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” The Rest of 2018 ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to explore the possibilities that are in front of humanity for the rest of this calendar year, and what we can see for the human collective is that you are continuing to raise your awareness. The information that has been suppressed regarding your true history is coming to the surface. There are more and more people talking about the real history of humanity. More and more bones get dug up all the time, and the people who are speculating that there’s more to the story than originally thought are becoming more and more credible. We want you to recognize your part in this. You are the ones who resonate with an alternative history of Earth and of the evolution of humankind. You are the ones who want the information to come forth, and you are the ones who are pulling it through. You create your reality completely, and that includes the information that you are privy to and that becomes available to the rest of the collective. You are the ones who are steering the collective down the timeline that is leading to more and more of this information becoming mainstream. We are talking about the truth of Atlantis, the truth of Lemuria, the truth of how many years humanity has actually been on the planet, and so much more. When the human collective wants to know something, you find a way to bring it about. You find a way to get it into the right hands, the information, and you are tenacious in your desire to have the truth uncovered. There is so much more to be revealed and so many more whistleblowers to come forward, people who have worked in government agencies and who know about your true history. And you are all going to feel very good about what comes forward in the coming months, the months that you have left there in 2018. So get ready to have more of what you’ve been seeking delivered to you on a silver platter from credible sources. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Co-Creating with You ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have encountered many of you while you are asleep. Your bodies are asleep, but your consciousness never rests. You leave your bodies at night, and you go on many different adventures, including the ones that involve us. We gather information from those of you who come visit us, and we use that information to assist us in formulating our next transmission. We need to know what you need to know, but more importantly we need to know how you feel as you move through the challenges of being physical and in the fourth dimension on planet Earth at this time. We are aware of the challenges, but we cannot feel what you feel. So many of you are telling us, and then we transmit energy through this channel, and others, to do what we can to help. You are receiving the energetic transmissions just as much as you are receiving the words that are channeled. We are going to continue to co-create with those of you who recognize us and recognize yourselves in us, and we are going to invite you to listen with your energetic bodies. We want you to receive the fullness of the transmission. We understand that it is faster for some of you to read what we are transmitting, and you will still receive some of the energetic transmission when you do. But when you listen to our transmissions, you get the fullness of the energetic transmission, the fullness of what we are offering. We are working with you on many different levels of your being-ness, and your mind is perhaps the most shallow level. So while we enjoy having your attention, what we really want to do is help you vibrate in the frequency that will create the reality that you want to experience. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” What You Can Receive ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are listening to your requests, and your prayers, and we want to assure all of you that we do everything that is in our power to help you. One thing we cannot do is purge your old beliefs from you, and we wish we could. We see many of you operating under assumptions such as: the idea that you are destined to live a certain way. We also see you clinging to the ideas that you are meant to fulfill a contract, and then there are the times when we see you limiting yourselves by believing that something is blocking you, something that you can’t quite put your finger on. We invite you to recognize how powerful you are. Even if you have attempted previously to create something and manifest it in your reality, we urge you to not give up. But instead, let yourselves receive more. Recognize that the creation part is done, and now you are in the fun part of manifestation. You get to receive it. So, how do you go about receiving what you have already created? Well, for one thing, you have to set aside these beliefs. You need to deprogram yourselves. Let go of any thought that is limiting in nature. Don’t allow what has been in your life to dictate what you allow into your life now. The two are not related. What you have been able to do previous to this moment has nothing to do with this moment, because now you are working with higher frequency energies. And now you are stepping into more of a role of the creator beings that you were born to be. So our recommendation is to let go of those old beliefs, ideas, and expectations, and let in all of your beautiful creations. We can help with the delivery, but you still have to answer the door. You still have to step up to the same vibration that you were in when you created these beautiful experiences and aspects of life that you want to have. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” The Power of Caring ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the ability to sense when you are doubting yourselves, and we notice that many of you doubt in your ability to contribute to this ascension process. We notice that you doubt in your ability to be of service to the rest of the collective, or even to one individual who needs help. But you underestimate the power of caring. Now, you don’t need to know what you are going to do and what you are going to say when others are in need of your assistance. You don’t need to know in advance of that moment. You can trust that your desire to be of service, your compassion, and the fact that you care are enough to bring you into alignment in those moments. And when you are in that state of alignment, what you need to know, and what you need to do, and what you need to say simply come to you, just as the words are coming to our channel right now. He doesn’t need to know what we are going to transmit before he channels us, and you don’t need to know what you will do in order to be of service. You don’t need to have a long list of qualifications or degrees in order to come to the aid of someone who is struggling mightily with these high frequency energies that you are receiving. As you can probably imagine, the energies are just going to increase in their frequency. And so, the rest of humanity is going to need help keeping up. Those of you who have been awake and aware have been doing the work on yourselves. You’ve been clearing out what you need to clear out and allowing in what you want to allow in, and you should not underestimate the value of just dealing with your own stuff. It gives you experience and it gives you the roadmap that you can share with others. The other humans on the planet are benefitting from your presence, and they will benefit even more when the time comes for you to offer a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on. Your compassion is your superpower, and the love that you are is your gift to humanity. Everything else that you do to be of service is a bonus. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” You Unlimited Power ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the desire to see what you all are going to do when you recognize how powerful you are. We are excited to witness how you take yourselves beyond where you have ever been before, and we are absolutely thrilled to see that more and more of you are stepping into that power with grace and with joy in your hearts. The use of your power is something that does not need to take away anyone else’s freedom, or their access to their own power. When you fully recognize this truth, you will see that the game that you’ve all been playing on planet Earth has been one based on many false ideas and beliefs. They are only false in the sense that they do no reflect the truest of truths, but they are true in the sense that you can activate them, and humanity certainly has. You certainly have been playing with that idea that in order for one person to have power, others must be disempowered, have less freedom, or have no freedom. But when you all recognize that the power you seek lies within you, and that everyone can be empowered by Source, by the truth of who they are, that is when you will begin to live life in the way that you have always wanted to live it. You will access your unlimited potential, all of your abilities, and you will do so without fear. You will do so with the knowing that you would never abuse your power, and you will also recognize that you cannot abuse your power when everyone else is accessing theirs. So again, we are eager to see what that version of Earth looks like, and how humanity takes all of your genius and all of your compassion and couples those with the unlimited power that you are stepping into more and more every day. It’s going to be quite a show. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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