How We See You ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a perspective on humanity that allows us to see you in the most positive light possible. We are able to hold that vision of you because we see who you really are underneath the layers of what you have picked up along your paths. We want you to feel for the positive expectation that we have for you. It goes beyond hope, because it is the knowing that we hold of the truth of who you are. You are beings of pure light and love, and you are doing much better than you often give yourselves for. You chose to incarnate in the hardest dimension, on the most challenging, emotionally charged and diverse planet in the entire universe. You could consider yourselves to be the superheroes of our galaxy, as you have taken on so much that you are in the process of healing and resolving, and you’re doing it the hard way. You’re doing it by feeling all of the emotions and re-experiencing traumas that started their cycle eons ago. And here you are, completing the cycle, for not only humanity, but for all beings. We want to assure you that the shift that you awakened ones are helping to ensure happens is going to be worth all of this, and we also want you to know that once you complete the mission you have there on Earth, you will be able to return to other parts of the galaxy, where you have friends and soul family members. You will be able to experience the homecoming that you desire, and the first homecoming will be when you complete the shift. We are very pleased with what we see in each of you, and we want you to feel for it. Don’t just take our word for it. Feel for the light and love that you are made of, and do your best to hold that perspective when you are looking at the other humans on planet Earth. Spread the vibration around, and hold that space for the rest of humanity. It is the only way to feel truly satisfied throughout the rest of your journey to the fifth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Let In the Relief ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have sensed the feeling of struggle in so many humans, and we want you all to know that the more you have struggled in your lives, the more you have sought to be free of that struggle. You have asked for a feeling of relief so many times in this lifetime, and in all of your previous lifetimes, you have also faced some challenge in your life that brought you to your knees. And therefore, you have been seeking relief for eons and eons of your time. Now, the ways in which you have attempted to get that relief have historically not brought you the results that you want. This is where we come in, because we are here now to offer you that sense of relief as an invitation. We invite you all right now to let go of the struggle. Let go of your angst. Let go of your tension, and feel the floodgates opening. Feel yourselves in this moment to be in a state of receiving. We are not the only ones who can deliver to you exactly what you have been summoning. There are so many beings who want to help, who want to be the answer that you have been seeking. We are just here to facilitate the process and to let you know that we have also observed that this process works. Now, there are reasons why many humans hold on to the struggle, and all of those reasons come from the mind and ego. So we are also inviting you to let go of your clinging to the old ways of doing things, and embrace the ways of your higher self. Embrace this moment as one where you get a taste of what it is like to be fifth dimensional. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” There Is More to Discover ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are pleased to awaken within you a knowing that was always there. We are pleased to be the ones who confirm for you what you already know or what you have already been receiving directly. We are also very happy to be the ones who encourage you and empower you to be who you know you can be. We are not interested in being the ‘right way’ or the ‘only way.’ We are only interested in expressing to you our perspective, and we want you to know that we are never offended when something that we transmit doesn’t resonate with you. You may recognize that a lot of people in the spiritual community that you are a part of can become very dogmatic in their beliefs, and we want you to recognize that this is religious programming that continues to be perpetuated within the psyche of the individual who comes across spiritual material. Those individuals don’t need to be argued with. They need to be loved and accepted, and it is much more beneficial for you to see them as in a transitional period. You see, there is great comfort in feeling that you know everything. There is a wonderful sense of certainty within those dogmatic beliefs, within those absolutes. And rather than tearing down someone else’s comforting belief systems, you can send them love and know that they are getting to the point that is less stable but much more fun and exciting. We are talking about the point where you recognize that there is so much more to know that you don’t already know. There is so much more to discover and to experience. You can recognize within yourselves that having all the answers is overrated. We want you to know that we support you no matter what, and we are excited to watch you discover what you have yet to discover about life in this very beautiful and complex universe. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
You are the Master of Time ∞The Creators
Daniel Scranton “Bring yourselves to the understanding that there is no real tomorrow and there is no real yesterday. They are all just parts of the same now moment. So as you move around from experience to experience, you like to give a framework for what you have and what will occur. You are creating it all, and you are noticing that there is a sense of continuity and cause and effect. That is because you need those concepts in order to play in your realm. But it is not really that way. It is not as if you have a past and a future and certain things have happened and certain things will happen. They all happen in the same moment, and you experience each of these little events. And when you do, you have the idea that there was something that led up to the event you are experiencing, and you have the concept that you will have an experience in what you call the future. And so, that is how you have your experience of reality. And there is nothing wrong with it. We are not saying that you are doing something inappropriate by creating these ideas. You wanted to have these ideas because you wanted to give yourself this particular journey, this particular experience. And you will continue to create the ideas of time and past and present and future, because you will continue to have the necessity for these concepts until you no longer do. And then you will find that you can be anywhere, anywhen, having whatever experience you want to have in whatever order you want to have it. And that will be a nice change of pace for you. There will be no more waiting around for such-and-such to occur so that you can have the experience you want to have. You can go directly to it, if you want. And you will enjoy this freedom that you have sought, that you are moving towards. And you already get to experience it, from time to time, so to speak because you notice that things seem different and that time seems to be speeding up. And you can alter what you know as your past and your future, and that gives you the sense that you are not a-, you are not on a fixed timeline that you must continue on for all eternity . So we suggest that you play with your ideas of time so that you can get ready for the new experience that you are going to someday have of your Universe. In the mean-time, remember that this is all just your creation, and you are the master of time.” Your Powerful Sun ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased with how you are receiving the downloads and upgrades that have been delivered to you and that have come from your sun. We have been noticing a change in humanity’s relationship to your sun, and this relationship is serving you very well. As you know, the sun is very powerful, and you are right to respect the power of the sun. But you do not need to fear it. When you first wake up in the morning, it is a good practice for you to go outside and let the sun hit you. You will feel more grounded. It will help to wake you up, and you are certain to receive the latest downloads and upgrades being offered. You also can expect to receive more energy and vitality when you connect with the sun at least once a day. Now, we are not telling you to look directly at the sun. Those of you who are utilizing the practice of sun gazing feel comfortable doing it, but that does not mean it is for everyone. We are telling you to let the sun hit your sun in moderation and to feel the warm glow that you get from doing so. The sun is one of the major physical beings that you have supporting you, and the entire solar system is connected by it. You know that the other planets in your solar system affect you, and you understand the power of connection to these celestial bodies. It is time to recognize the power of the sun as well and to realize that the sun is a being that you cannot live without. Therefore, show the sun your respect, give thanks for the sun, and start to tune in more to the sun’s energetic offerings. You will be very happy that you did. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Many are Watching You ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have enjoyed watching you grow and expand, and we are of course not the only ones who are watching and enjoying. Now, for some of you, this can feel a bit invasive, but we want to assure you that the function of all of this watching is actually to serve many different purposes. Understand that the big picture here is to unify the galaxy and the universe to become one harmonious being, and in order to do that, we all need to know each other. In order to have compassion, we must understand where each other are coming from. In order to help one another, we must know what the other needs. So as much as everyone enjoys privacy, please recognize that it is ultimately overrated and keeps this illusion of separation in the consciousness of everyone who seeks it out. You have been made aware in recent years of how much spying goes on with the Internet, and with all of the cameras that are now in place in your major cities. You also have satellites, drones, and other ways of observing one another. Now, as you know, not all of the ones watching are benevolent beings, but all of the surveillance is helping humanity come to terms with the fact that you are being observed. And most of the beings who are observing you are doing so for the aforementioned reasons. We want to unify, and we want peace and harmony. We want to help. We also recognize that humanity has a lot to teach all of us because of the harsh conditions you have been living in for so long, and everything happens by agreement. So whether you realize it or not, you have given your consent, and all of the observing is resulting some wonderful strides forward towards that big picture goal of unifying the galaxy and the universe. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Holding a Higher Vibration for the Collective ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have observed the way that you have all been sustaining a higher vibration in spite of the fact that what you see around you seems to indicate that most of humanity is regressing. If you follow the news, it would appear from the major stories that are put out there, that humanity is not doing very well at all. And in response to the current state of being on planet Earth, we see all of you working harder. We see all of you praying more, intending more, and creating more for the human collective. You don’t just look for ways to make your lives better, but instead, you want what is best for everyone. You are using your powers to create a better version of life on planet Earth for all beings. We see that, and we also see that the compassion grows within the hearts of those of you who are awakened, especially in response to those news stories that seem to indicate you are not doing so well as a collective. What you need to understand is that you are going to see the darkness in the world continue because it is necessary to give individuals the opportunity to feel what they need to feel, to process what they need to process, and to release what they need to release. And if you are getting triggered by what you are seeing, then you know there is more work for you to do as well. But as you keep your hearts open and your hopes high, you are the ones who are holding space for this human collective. And you are the ones who are capable of receiving the downloads and upgrades that are coming. You will help the unawakened get to where they need to go. You will help to ready them for the shift in consciousness. You are already doing so. This we can see, and this we can verify for you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Timelines for Open Contact with E.T.s ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you . We are in the process of reviewing the timelines that have recently made themselves available to you. Or to put it another way, you have made yourselves available to these timelines, and they are filled with more extra-terrestrial contact and extra-terrestrial contact that will be open to all sooner than any other timeline that we have seen for you. This is a very good sign for humanity. You see, the type of extra-terrestrial contact that you want will only happen when you are ready for it. So any indication that it is coming sooner – and this is one of those indicators – is a very good sign, indeed. You have progressed so wonderfully, and we are eager to see the ways in which you take the next steps forward. We cannot tell you what your future is because you keep changing. And as you change, so does your future. We can tell you that your future has been bright for quite some time, and that the potential for an even brighter future coming, even sooner than expected, has just occurred. We are very happy for humanity, and we will continue to watch over you and send you all of the help that we can. But you need to celebrate all of these little victories that come your way. You need to celebrate them because they are significant and because you have earned them. We also just enjoy watching you acknowledge yourselves for how far you’ve come. You will continue to have your challenges, of course. And the e.t.s are not coming to rescue you from yourselves. If that were the case, they would have come a long time ago. You are absolutely surprising us and the other high frequency beings who are keeping tabs on all of you. And that includes the physical extra-terrestrial beings who will make that full, open contact with humanity. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Helping You Through Your Cycles ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are collecting as much data as we can on the cycles that you all go through in your lives so that we can better understand how to assist you no matter where you are. We have noticed that you participate in various phases of your cycles in different ways, and we are certain that there is a rhythm to your cycles that is necessary. Just as you have cycles that you go through when you are asleep, you have cycles that you experience that last for weeks, months, and sometimes years of your lives. The best way that we have to approach your cycles is to look at the ways in which you are affected emotionally. So for example, when you are going through a phase of creativity that involves quite a bit of action, we notice that you feel free and excited, and usually quite joyous. We can use that information to help support you, but more importantly you can use that information to support each other. For example, when one of you is in a processing phase, and you are dealing with some of the heavier emotions like sadness, fear, and anger, the people in your lives who want to support you need to know about those emotions. They need to be let in so that they can help you. Therefore, no matter what is going on in your life, it is always of benefit to you to be aware of how you feel and to let others know how they can support you. You are not meant to do all of this by yourselves. You are not meant to just endure the hard phases of your cycles, and you are meant to work together and support each other through the more fun and interesting phases. You can share with each other the experiences you are having best by describing what you are feeling to the other people in your life. Let them support you. If you let others in, you are certain to let our help in as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Light & Ascension ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have listened to the summoning that you have been doing, and we have noticed that you are making requests for a lighter experience there on planet Earth. You want less density and more light, and the transmissions that we are sending contain more light in them. We are enlightening you, but there is more. You have access to more light, and your bodies are capable of holding more light in them. You see, this is how you get to the version of Earth that you want. It is not through changing who is in the positions of power. It is not through politics. It is not through changing the systems that you have. It is not through having access to all of the technology that has been beyond your reach. The way that you bring about a lighter version of life on planet Earth is by grounding more of that light in yourselves. Again, we are giving you a message here that is meant to empower you, and we are also giving you more of that light, and we are not the only ones. There is more light coming from every corner of the galaxy and every dimension in the universe. What Earth needs more than anything is more light receptors. You will all benefit from opening yourselves up to receive the light that is available to you, and you will all benefit from lightening up. You know that the spiritual path is often seen as solemn and serious, but light comes from within you as well when you make that choice to have fun, to make that choice to experience joy and laughter. You can dance and play and sing your way to the fifth dimension. It doesn’t have to be all meditation and yoga, but those things certainly do have their place in allowing in more of that light and bringing yourselves to the version of Earth that you want to experience. So make sure that you are balancing your more serious spiritual practices with some lighthearted fun and frivolity. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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