September Energies: Cross-Connecting to Atlantis ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via Sun, Aug 29, 8:00 AM (1 day ago) “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very impressed by the way you all have handled the energies of August, and we are very excited to see what you will do with the energies of September, a month that includes an equinox, a balancing of the scales. Many individuals on your world have felt out of balance in some way for quite some time, and more importantly, many individuals have been triggered to specific traumas in previous lifetimes that they are cross-connecting to, but also unaware of the fact that they are accessing those past life traumas. And that’s where the September energies come in to play. You all need some soothing, an energetic bath to cleanse you and to help you to release those stuck energies, those traumas, those emotions you either couldn’t or wouldn’t feel in those previous lifetimes. And so, the energies of September will be supportive of the final release, the final letting go of the heaviness of those traumas so that you can move into the December solstice clear, open, and ready to receive the next download of energies that will take you into 2022. This has not been an easy year there on planet Earth, because so many have felt disappointed for one reason or another, and that disappointment is not just about their own experiences and lives. People have been disappointed in other people, and this has created a chain reaction that has taken you back in a sense to Atlantean times. In Atlantis many of the humans could see the folly of the ways of their fellow Atlanteans but could do nothing to stop what was already occurring. Many felt powerless to put a stop to what was the decline of Atlantis that would ultimately result in its destruction. So many people on Earth right now feel that way for a variety of reasons, and so those Atlantean traumas are just some of the ones that people are cross-connecting to and needing to release and heal once and for all. The September energies will do more than just balance you; they will also support you, help you to cleanse and heal so that you can move on from the weight of past life traumas that you are holding in your root chakras, and you will be able to relax when you open yourselves up to these energies. And you will be able to feel your emotions more clearly and choose which ones you want to feel, and that is something that many people on your world have yet to experience in this lifetime. It is huge to be able to choose how you want to feel, instead of walking around and just getting triggered over and over again. We want this for you, and we know that you want it for yourselves, and so we are happy to participate in the delivery of the September energies, and we know that those of you who are sensitive and are open will be catapulting yourselves forward as a result of what you are about to receive. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
When What You Want Isn’t Manifesting ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are updating our various philosophies on existence on a moment-to-moment basis, because we know that whenever we feel as though we have it all figured out, we will discover someday that we do not. And so, we will never cling to anything because we have been proven to be off on so many assumptions that we’ve made in the past, and now we are ready to embark upon more new missions with all of you as you discover what you need to know about existence, with us, and sometimes through us. But we will always be seeking to give you more of our up-to-the-moment philosophies, because we can see the bigger picture from our lofty perch in the ninth dimension, and that broader view can assist you in so many ways. For example, when something isn’t happening that you really want to happen, and that you really want to happen right now, stop and ask yourself the question, ‘How could this be serving me?’ ‘What else could I add to this creation while I am waiting?’ And, ‘How can I grow from this?’ That was actually three questions, but you get the idea. Turn it around; instead of thinking about what you’re doing wrong, where you’re blocked, who is preventing this from happening, look for the positives, because they are there. You are growing exponentially there with each passing day, because you are awake and because you are willing to do the hard work of self-examination, looking for where you can improve, and what else you can let go of to lighten your load. You are allowed to have desires and to live lives of joy, but you also have to recognize that everything is ultimately about your expansion and your evolution. And so, when you aren’t getting something that you want in the timing that you want it to come in, that will always be an opportunity for you to grow. Letting go of your attachments allows you to be more present in the moment, and when you are more present in the moment, you can enjoy the moment that you are in. And when you are not thinking about time, you become timeless. And when you become timeless, then you don’t even realize how long it’s taking for what you want to come to you. And also, recognize that once you create something, you will experience it. Live knowing that, and you can take the anxiety and fear away, because those only exist when you aren’t certain about your creation ever coming to you, ever coming to fruition. So remember that you are creator beings who are there to have experiences, and all of it furthers the expansion of Source Energy, and that’s why you are never denied anything. Knowing that should bring you some peace, some solace, and some enthusiasm for what is to come. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Are You a Change-Maker, a Lightworker? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are celebrating each and every little victory that you have there as a human collective. Every time you make progress in your spiritual evolution as a group, we can feel it, and we notice the positive impact your progress has on the entire universe. Just in case you thought you weren’t making enough of an impact, or that you weren’t contributing enough to your society or to the universe, you should know this. You should know that every time that you meditate you are making a difference. Every time you engage in an act of kindness, you are making a difference. Every time you consciously raise your vibration, you are making a difference, and all of those times that you have made a difference add up. Together, you are creating quite a bit of movement in the collective consciousness of humanity. The movement is of the frequency of your overall vibration as a collective, and it only and ever goes up. Remember that when you look around you and think the sky is falling. It is not in fact falling, and when you give in to that idea, you only lower your vibration temporarily, but you are still on an upward spiral and you will always be on an upward spiral because there is nowhere else to go. It’s time to let go of guilt and shame, and embrace yourselves right where you are with a whole bunch of self-love. Love yourselves just for being there and existing in the density that you do. Love yourselves for being willing to enter a chaotic environment while choosing to be one of the difference-makers, one of the lightworkers. You have come so far as a collective, and you will continue to do so, regardless of whether you have a slip-up here and there in your personal lives. You are not meant to be perfect, and every time that you do have one of those slip-ups, you have an even bigger desire to do better, to be better, to help more. And we want to tell you that even your intentions to be of service and to evolve make a difference. You are adding to the giant collective of thought forms with something that is powerful and well meaning, something that can and will influence others to also want to do more and be more. You are the change-makers, the wayshowers, the lightworkers, and so much more for humanity at this time, and we want to assure you that everything you do, think, and say has an impact, and that you continue to move in the right direction. You continue to blossom into your higher selves with very little effort. It’s not about what you do or how much effort you put forth. It is about maintaining your sanity and taking time to go within, to process your emotions. It is about staying there on Earth, even when you feel that desire to go home so very much and so often. By staying there, you are creating a web of energy that runs across the entire planet and helps so many. Don’t ever underestimate yourselves because we don’t, and we don’t because we can feel the progress you are making in every moment of every day there on Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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