Sunday December 31, 2017
By Trinity Esoterics on Dec 31, 2017 07:47 am Dear Ones, on this last day of what has been a very intense and pivotal year for so many of you, we encourage you to stop and congratulate yourselves on the incredible amount of energy you have shifted and healing you have done. You have accomplished so very much. We also encourage you to make this last day of the year a day of celebratory release. When you have been on a journey of letting go, integration, and healing for so long it can be easy to fall into the habit of looking for more things that are wrong. Trust the work you have done. Allow yourselves to be healed. As you step into the energies of 2018 it is the dawn of a new day. You are moving forward into embracing your sovereignty as creators. Know if there is anything you need to address it will come up for you to deal with. There is no need to keep looking for what needs to be fixed. Instead, it is time to shift that energy into what you wish to create, experience, and support. It is time to let your wholeness, your innate wisdom, and your divinity to lead the way into the highest expressions of self you are now more than ready to embrace and embody, and that is what we join you in celebrating today. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Opening a Giant Energy Portal ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have given yourselves the gift of access during this holiday season. There has been a portal of energy available to the human race for quite some time, and in fact you have accessed it during other periods of human history. At this time, you are accessing this energy portal because of the amplification of your desires to connect with the other beings that exist in your galaxy and in the universe. Your ability to access higher frequency energies coming to you from this gateway has increased because of your readiness for the energies as well. You couple your desire with readiness to receive, and what you get is an opening that gives you streams of energy from Sirius, the Pleiades, Arcturus, Cassiopeia, Lyra, and many other points in this galaxy. The beings that send you the energy know that you have accessed and opened this portal. Beings like us are aware that the gateway is open, and so all of the goodies that we have been saving for you for when you were ready are now streaming down into the Earth’s atmosphere, and this when attraction kicks in. Those of you who are asking for more connection to your galactic brothers and sisters are going to get it. Those of you who want to know more about your galactic origins are going to receive that information. Those of you who have been asking for upgrades from your extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters are more likely to receive them because you have an openness about you. It is one thing to ask, and it is another to be open to receiving, and that is where you are right now. This is a time of giving and receiving, and that awareness is also a part of this, because of course, from a certain perspective, it is you giving you what you want. These other beings are other aspects of you. So you are still the ones creating your reality, but you’re doing so with some flare and with some co-creation, and that is truly the spirit of the season. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Your Dream Life ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the desire to share with you our perspective on the way that you interpret reality. Keep in mind that this is just our perspective, and it is our perspective on how we perceive you interpreting your reality. So is it a Truth then, with a capital “T”? Probably not, but if it resonates, if it makes sense to you, then you might benefit from hearing our perspective on the way you interpret reality. First of all, we see you interpreting reality as solid and fixed. It is what it is, you sometimes say. When you take that approach to reality, you become powerless in the face of it. We also see that you look at the present as though it is the product of the past. You see continuity, and that often gives you comfort. We also see you projecting into the future more of what you see in the present. You make projections based upon the data that you have in front of you, and you extrapolate it out. So if things are going badly, they will get worse. That is the assumption. Here is what we invite you to do instead of maintaining your interpretation of reality. We suggest that you see your waking life as being no different than your dream life. In the realm of your dreams, things can change right in front of you. In the realm of your dreams, there is very little continuity, and it is often impossible for you to predict what is going to happen next, or what you will dream about next, based upon the current experience you are having of your dream. It behooves you to bring that same experience of reality to your waking life. As you begin to tear down the walls of the institution of the reality you have been experiencing, you will find that there is indeed a great deal of power that you can obtain for yourselves. You can start very simply by acknowledging that you can change your interpretation of reality right now. Whatever it is that you are experiencing right now is not something that is unchangeable, and there is not just one interpretation of it. Shift your perspective, and shift your experience of reality, and then see what shifts next. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” More From It Rings True
by Ron Head, Oracles & Healers More From It Rings TrueReturning to the topic of the universal energy itself, we wish to explain, in one place, some concepts that have been mentioned before lately in order to solidify understanding and expand it a bit. The light, energy, healing, unconditional love, etc. which a great many of you invoke daily, is a oneness. It is, in its fullness, the I Am. It is conscious. It is intelligent. And you, in your varying ways of invoking it, are raising the frequency signature of everything around you as you raise your own frequencies. Allow us to repeat that, as you raise your own frequencies. You may, of course, direct the light you invoke to anything or anyone you choose, but your simple invocation alone will change you and everything else as well. You may invoke it, bask in it, and be at peace, and know that you have left nothing undone. It will, however, as is well known, follow your intention. You may send concentrations of it to parts of your own physical beings, to emotions, situations, other places, other people, other things, or even situations. What you cannot do is specify outcomes that are in opposition to the free will of others or that would violate their chosen paths and contracts. It would be far better for your own progress to let the light itself figure out what is needed, and that is the point we intended to make with this entire paragraph. Also, please understand that when you set aside time to do these things, you are not so much bringing your guides, teachers, and whatever term you personally have for the Deity closer, as you are bringing your awareness into alignment to what is already around you and a part of you. Again, let us repeat ourselves. It is a part of you. It is never somewhere else. It never goes away. We never do not hear you. We never do not know how you feel. And you are NOT judged, except, as we have told you before, by yourselves. It Rings True is available HERE. Ron | December 19, 2017 at 9:11 am | URL:
You Galactic Origins ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. In your discovery of your connection to beings from other parts of the galaxy, you often wonder where you are from. You have a lineage, and you all have led lifetimes in other parts of the galaxy, because you are all very, very old souls. And so, the connections that you feel are real, but they are also varied. Chances are, you have felt a connection to more than one star system or more than one species of extra-terrestrials, and this is because of that lineage. It is because you all contain energy and DNA from a variety of places and a variety of beings. You are here on Earth, playing the role that you are playing in an effort to unite all beings in the galaxy and all star systems. If you can do it, if you can set aside your differences on planet Earth and work together regardless of race, religion, or country of origin, then you will demonstrate to the rest of the galaxy that it is possible and it is fruitful to do so. We are all stronger when we are united than when we are separated, and we are all children of the same universe, the same Source. Now, whichever star system you feel closely connected to at this time is likely to be a star system where you originated in the galaxy, where you spent most of your lifetimes, or where you spent your most recent lifetimes, outside of Earth, of course. Bringing together these various aspects of yourself will help you tremendously, but it will do much more than that. Just by working on your own personal integration of energies, you help the entire galaxy, and you are starting with helping yourselves and helping each other. When humanity is able to form a union, that is when you will know you are on the verge of ascension. When you can stop playing politics, and start working together, that is when you will know that you have fulfilled your mission as individuals and as a human race. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Removing Your Restraints ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You are ready to receive the next set of upgrades to your consciousness. You have a limited perception of reality due to restraints that you placed upon your own consciousness as you incarnated into this physical experience. You wanted to have a particular experience of reality, and that necessitated that you have these restraints. We are working with beings throughout the galaxy to remove those restraints. We are particularly interested in what will happen when these restraints are removed. We will be observing you very carefully to see how you utilize the newfound abilities that you will uncover. Some of you are going to have more immediate experiences than others. For others of you it will take time for the abilities to manifest themselves. You all have had different experiences in the past with these abilities that were so natural to you in other lifetimes. Some of you experienced great loss and trauma as a result of the use of one or more of your abilities, and for those of you that have had those experiences, it will take longer. You will have to move through the energy and emotion of those traumatic experiences. For those of you who have had more pleasant experiences, it will be an easier transition. Now, many of you have caught a glimpse of what it will be like to have the restraints removed because you have vibrated yourselves into a frequency range that has allowed you to have a sneak preview. And for those of you who have had those experiences, you would snap right back into your usual vibration, and the restraints would be back on after a brief experience. The process of uncovering these abilities and using them in a way that serves you and the rest of humanity is one that you will need help with. Ask your guides for help. Ask whatever archangels or ascended masters, or other beings you feel comfortable with for help. It is going to be quite a ride. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Predicting Your Future ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton Artwork by Dave Annis, “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You are able to predict the future of your experiences by paying closer attention to the energy that you are giving off in the now moment. You can predict it because you are creating it, and it behooves you to accurately read your own energy. So if that is something that you are interested in, we suggest that you start reading your own energy. Take your energetic temperature several times throughout your day to determine for yourself what it is that you are aligning with. Feel your future now. Now if you are afraid of something that is coming up in your future, then it is important for you to move through that fear in the present. You want to have processed that fear before you arrive at the time and place of the event you are so afraid of. You can take that energetic temperature, and then you can clean house. When you clean house, you get rid of that which no longer serves you and you make room for more of what does serve you. That is how you begin the process of creating your future. You create your future in your present. More importantly though, you are creating the present. The present stretches itself out to become your experience of a future moment. Because you can only live in the present, it is so much more important that you take care of your energetic house in the present than that you attempt to manipulate events and people, and anything else that you can control, to assure you a better future. Start now. Start creating the future that you would like to see in the now moment, and remember that any future experience that has been foretold does not have to come to fruition. When you are a vibrational match to that future moment, you align yourself with that prediction. If you want better predictions for your future, start by taking care of your now and predict your own future by creating it. You do so with the vibration that you are holding in this now moment. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Mira from the Pleiadian High Council: The Greatest Show On Earth Valerie Donner, The Ground Crew Greetings. I am Mira coming to you today with a strong force of love, and commitment from the Earth Council, where I have been serving full-time now for five years. With this commitment I pledge to you and to the earth to see you through this powerful time of Ascension. As you might have noticed there are strange occurrences on your planet. You are probably feeling some of them, for most lightworkers feel these energies. Even the awakening humanity are paying greater attention to these anomalies. They are occurring because you are going through the Ascension process. Please be assured that these unusual activities and events are a normal part of Ascension. It is common to feel awkward as you make your way sometimes feeling clumsy. There is a monumental shift occurring with the earth herself. The magnetic fields of the planet are unstable. Therefore, as you know, the ride can get a little rocky. Due to the influx of light and information your consciousness is rising. Transparency is becoming the norm. As there is increasing exposure of the secrets and the darkness, the foundation from the third dimension is crumbling before you. This can also create the feeling of instability and impermanence, which is the situation in which you now find your selves. It is interesting to us that some of your historical figures, icons, monuments, and statues are being removed. The spaces that they occupied will be replaced with something significant for the new energies. If only those who are assisting in this removal would realize that these also are mirrors for their own the replacement. These icons, figures, people in long-term political stature, etc. will also fall way as the third dimension implodes upon itself. We are calling this process “The greatest show on earth.” It is somewhat akin to a circus, in case you hadn’t noticed. There are billions of Galactic’s surrounding your planet providing assistance, protection, technology, and who are ready for divine intervention if necessary. Please remember that we will not allow nuclear weaponry on your planet. Dispense with the fear of war because there are no more energies for war. There are only energies by the cabal to make more money by creating weapons. This is the truth. What happens on the earth affects all of life, your solar system and the seven solar systems of which you are part. It is a precious planet where darkness and evil are being removed. You get to watch this happen. Observe it like you are in an audience and watch it fall. Take back your power, claim your planet back, release whatever is holding you back, and clear the way for a new Golden age. We look forward to the time that we can be together where we can share our technology with you and celebrate the completion of the darkness on planet Earth. There is a big excavation process happening right now and thanks to you for playing an important part in this extremely important project. We send profound love, support and healing, to all of you. I am Mira. Loving All Parts of Yourself ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You often favor the parts of yourselves that show to the rest of the world how special you are. You like the parts of yourself that will get you love from other people. The parts of yourself that feel ashamed of, because others have taught you that they are shameful, are the parts of yourself that need the most love. If you hide them away from others long enough, you can deny their existence to yourself, but with the lack of love that you show these parts of yourself, coupled with the lack of love from the rest of the world, these parts of you wither away. You become less of your whole self because of a judgment. If you can find it in your heart to look at the parts of yourself that society deems unlovable, you can put the pieces back together that have been missing. You can bring these parts of yourself that you do not like into the light and shine the love that you have within you on them. In so doing, you can start a movement within yourself, because nothing is ever hidden away completely from the rest of the collective. As you decide that you can love all parts of yourself, that information will be shared with the rest of the collective because you are all connected. And whether anyone knows it originated within you or not, the permission will be granted to others to love all parts of themselves, even actions that society would deem as unforgivable. All parts of you are parts of Source, and Source is Love. You can find the love within yourself and start this movement because when you live in a society of people who love themselves completely, you live in a society that is inching its way ever closer to representing Heaven on Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Let Go of Your Plans ∞The Creators
“Formulating a plan for your life is something that all of you feel the need to do from time to time to give you a sense of stability and because you believe that planning for your future will ensure that you will have the experiences that you want to have. We suggest letting go of the majority of your plans and your planning behaviors. And instead, open yourselves up to a wider array of experiences that are possible for you that could come at a time that you have not planned for, that could come in a way that were not part of your plans. You have the ability to bring to you much more than your minds have the ability to imagine. So letting go of the need to know when, where and how and which and who will enable you to have a wider variety of experiences and will make you more of a match to the experiences that you have decided that you want. It is your ability to feel for the experience that you want to have that is far more significant and far more effective than any of the abilities that you have to plan for events. We are telling you this because we see that so many of you are living just a small fraction of the lives that are available to you. And it is because when you make plans for something to occur, usually you do so from a place of not feeling complete certainty that what you are planning for will occur naturally. So we want you to realize that the energy that you are creating from is what you will receive. So as you create a plan, you create it from a certain type of energy, perhaps fear, perhaps anxiety, and perhaps excitement, or joy. Only you know for sure, because you are the one who is feeling what you are feeling. We invite you to stay in the joy and the excitement and the anticipation and the eagerness for whatever it is that you want to experience and to let go of the structure that you will then tend to set in place for that event to occur. Give yourselves the opportunity to experience some spontaneity. The unexpected is often the most enjoyable experience that you can have. We support you in your desires. We support you energetically. We know how much life there is for you when you let go of your need to know when something will occur, and that is another reason why we suggest that you let go of your plans, because your plans often keep you in the linear time mentality and keep you from having the fullest experience of your now that is available to you.” The Creators Personally, I have attempted to "control" my situation/circumstances for about 30years- I would sit at the computer with budgets & schedules for about 1hr a day, religiously! That's an immense amount of time & effort- I worked so very hard trying desperately to change my situation out of fear essentially. It rarely worked! I never gave up because I did not know anything different & hated my continual suffering- it is what the world teaches too...."must work harder!!!!" It was basically misery, not fun & not productive. In recent years as I have unlearned this habit & come over to the "now", I've been learning to , as I coined the phrase "GLOW WITH THE FLOW & FLOW WITH THE GLOW" and to "BE AWARE OF THE LOVE THAT IS THERE" , I have been experiencing vast changes. My life has become more of a series of serendipitous blessings & following synchronistic threads to a life that is far more FULL & worthwhile.... Give it a try! There is really nothing to lose but fear & your heart cannot steer you wrong. Davo, |
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