The Council – What Am I Doing Here?
by Ron What am I doing here? What should I be doing? Would it surprise you to know that these are the most frequently asked questions of us when people consult those whom they hope can help connect them with us? Would it surprise you that these questions are always asked? Now, we have looked at this before, but as usual we have more to say on the subject. That likely does not surprise you either. The first thing we will do today is just answer the questions straight out and unequivocally. You are here, this time, to finally learn what you can be. What you should be doing, if there is such a thing, is going about the business of learning that. Those are fairly broad statements. Well, they need to be when one is answering billions of people, yes? So, we will give you a tiny hint or two. What you can be is a co-creator of all that you see. And what you can do is find out all that you are capable of. You can begin by learning that everything that has been taught to you about what you cannot be and do is a lie, wrapped up in a pack of lies, and tied up prettily with a ribbon of lies. We will give you a few examples. You can’t do that. You can’t ask that. You can’t think that way. You are only one person. You can’t make any difference. You must be in fear because God will get you. Let’s address this whole issue right now. There is not one atom in your physical body, nor one tiniest part of your energy, that exists outside of what you refer to as God, or whatever other name you wish to call your Source. That is quite literally an impossibility. By definition, it is an impossibility. So, to shine a bit of light on those lies above, let’s restate them. God can’t do that. God can’t ask that. God can’t think that way. God can’t make a difference. God must be in fear because, if not, God will get Him. We know these sound silly. That is the point, really. They are silly. But the reason that they sound silly is that you have been taught for thousands of years that you are quite separate from divinity and you must not think otherwise – ever! And when you said something like ‘well, he said that’ or ‘he did that’ and God didn’t strike him dead, you believed it when you were told that God would get him later and punish him forever. The only punishment that lasts forever is the guilt that you put yourselves through. Well, it seems like forever. “So, okay, I need to learn that. If I were to buy into that, I still don’t know what to do.” Do what there is before you to do. Are you saying that you have nothing in your life to do? Of course not. But AH! Are you saying that there is nothing momentous and important, nothing earth-changing, for you to do? There is nothing for you to do that will make any difference? We will let you in on a little secret. If every one of you did what your life has put in front of you each day, to the best of your abilities, your world would change immensely in very short order. What is in front of you, though you do not understand this, is precisely that which is most needed to help you learn what you must learn. It is, indeed, unique to yourself. Is that surprising? Are you not unique? It is not what you need to do to resolve all of the world’s problems. At least it does not seem so. But it is exactly what you need to lead you to the next step in the puzzle of you. At some point, there will be an ‘AHA!’ moment. Perhaps there will be many. And as billions of you have your moments, your world will change. It cannot be otherwise. Why not? Because you, dear hearts, are the creators of that world. Look around you and find something that no one had any part in creating. Don’t point at the forest or the river either! It is there because you, in your technological ‘wisdom’ have continued to allow it to be. One more thing we will point out. You, individually, did not build this world. You individually, are not to blame for what is. But there is no escaping the truth that mankind did and is. And that took tremendous power. It takes tremendous power to build and maintain a world. And you must wake up and understand who you are and what you are about. Because if you do not do that soon, your world will have to give you somewhat of a smackdown. Your planet will be here, whether you are or not. What you are not being shown are the great strides toward that wake up that you are making. Do your part. Live your life to its fullest. And enjoy yourself. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:
Living Your Truth ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have experienced the questioning of your own truth, and you have experienced the accepting of your own truth. You now know the difference between what someone else’s truth feels like and how your truth resonates with you. You have had enough experiences of this in one lifetime to inform you for several more, in fact. There are more ideologies now than ever before on the planet, more perspectives, more points of view, and therefore, more truths. What is important for you to recognize is that you will be continually offered new truths as you move forward with your ascension. You will be asked to decide for yourself what your truth is and how you can live it. It’s not enough just to know your truth and to speak your truth. When you live your truth because it resonates, you are a powerful force. When you allow others to live their truth, even if it differs from your own, then you become more powerful as a collective. You see, all of the different perspectives, all of the different ideologies, are like puzzle pieces, and they fit together when you are in harmony. They present you with a beautiful picture of planet Earth when each piece is allowed to be exactly what it is. And the truths that resonate with you now may not resonate with you in a year or two. Why would that be if they are truths, you might wonder? You will continue to evolve, and so will this reality. It will evolve with you, creating new rules, new laws, and new ways to experience it. So why would you want to cling to something that could only slow you down? We recommend that you accept that a truth resonates with you for the time being because you are playing a particular role, but as you continue on in your journey you are going to want to play different roles, and you are going to resonate with different truths as you continue to evolve and become more of the totality of who you are. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Co-Creating the Unknown ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. There is an advantage to not knowing what you are creating. The advantage lies in the fact that you are actually co-creating with beings who have the ability to see what you cannot. Everything is a co-creation, because you do not exist within a vacuum. Everything that you create affects every other individual in the universe, throughout all time and space. And so when you co-create with higher frequency beings, which you are always doing by the way, you have the advantage of their vision, their ability to create that which you could not possibly imagine. And when you co-create with the greatest and highest good of all beings as a part of your intention, you are supported by more of these high frequency beings of light and love. You can and you do summon higher frequency beings when you have good intentions for all, but you summon more when you have the entire collective in mind for your creation. In other words, if you want to create wealth for yourself, you are still supported in that because your creation of wealth can benefit others in a number of ways. But when you intend to create wealth for all beings on the planet, you not only summon more energy, but you also summon more helpers. Now, when it comes to creating that which is unknown to you, remember that you are always creating an experience so that you can feel something. And as the frequencies are getting higher and higher that you have access to, so will be the creations and the experiences. Therefore, you have yet to discover how good you can feel, just as you have yet to discover how much you can create. But the higher frequency beings that you are summoning for help know. They can see beyond what the human mind can comprehend. They can see the energies that are going to be most helpful in your creative process, and they can see how much your creation will impact the whole of humanity. There is strength in numbers, and you are a powerful collective with even more powerful friends in the higher realms. Remember that the next time you set out to create anything at all. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Judas Iscariot: Wonderful Times
Ann Dahlberg, I am Judas Iscariot and I have a few things to tell you today. First of all you have reached the critical mass and large changes are on the way on your Earth. It will not take long before we can meet on our Earth again. There is a great expectation in the air and I can hear how the birds chirp out their songs at the top of their voices. You have done an extraordinary job within yourself dear light workers. It is thanks to this that a large part of humanity now open up their sleepy eyes and start to view their reality as it really is. They start to understand that they can form their own reality and live better and happier lives. We are many who move among you now. It is a joy to see so many hearts on their way to open up and take in the light in their lives. It is like seeing the world with completely new eyes. It is a world with a golden shine around it. Do you not think nature around you shines a little more intensively and make you happier in your mind? It is then that you understand that your heart is starting to open up. You receive all the energies that are flowing towards you now and the portal of your heart is opening a little more all the time. It is now that it is starting dear children on Earth. It is now that your dreams can be fulfilled. It is now that your lives just become better and better. The hour of freedom has rung and your soul is getting to work with all it has. It transforms the grey every day life to a large festival day for you and those that come with you. These are wonderful times that have started my dear friends on Earth. It is now that you will make your Earth and yourselves healthy and strong again. You will receive all the help you need. Just put the shovel in the ground and everything will run just as you have wished and longed for. Earth’s old structures have started to fall and new ones have been built that will take their place. Everything will go very smoothly dear Earthlings, as the hour has struck. You who are very sensitive can feel that you already are on the new Earth as both of them now exist simultaneously and it is only an hour away before all is changed. Do not take this as a specific hour of the clock, but understand that I measure it with the infinite time that exists in the Universe. You just need to understand that it is near and it is high time to look after your house and take in love into your hearts. It is time to open the heart now dear children on Earth. The light shines strongly now and there is no place to hide any longer. It is best to take the bull by the horn and meet yourself in your whole nakedness. Understand that all you have done or not done is forgiven and that our Mother/Father God stands with open arms to receive you. It is the same for all the near and dear that always have been all around you. Understand that you are loved beyond your understanding and that the light always has been in your heart. You are perfectly created by Mother/Father God and he/she will never abandon you. Our dear God will wait in all eternity for your return and this you have heard in earlier messages. Let the light shine into you heart now dear children and discover the love within yourself. Let it grow strong and then take it with you out and share it with others who are on the way to open their hearts. The time is “now” dear children on Earth. There is no other time than “now”. However, it is important that you open your hearts “now” as the new time of love and light has started. We send you our light to your hearts in order to speed up the process so that your portals can open today, the day that is today. I leave you with much light and love in my heart that I send on to you. Judas! Preparing for Further E.T. Contact ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving you a taste of what it will be like for you to have full contact with extra-terrestrials. We have an energy that is foreign to your solar system and to your planet. Our energy is Arcturian. Each star system and each planet, moon, sun, and other celestial body within each star system has a unique vibrational signature. So as you receive our energy transmissions, you ready yourselves for that which is otherworldly, that which is coming from far, far away. Now, the energy that you receive from us, with the unique Arcturian signature that it has, readies for you for further contact with highly evolved beings. We are not intending to come across as boastful, but the Arcturian star system is known for having a high vibration and for having very spiritually attuned inhabitants. So you will know when you are connecting with a highly evolved being because it will feel familiar to connect with that being. That will be due in part to the connections that we have made and are making with you through these transmissions and at other times when you are relaxing or asleep. You will want to interact with these evolved beings because of what they will activate even more within you, and they will be able to help you to navigate through your ascension process. The well-intentioned beings in this galaxy far outnumber those who are seeking to control and manipulate, and that is also true of the beings on planet Earth. So synchronizing, harmonizing with the beings that are going to help you is easier than you might think. Getting over the differences in appearance will be harder. Getting over the differences in customs and practices will be harder, but it will all be worth your while to continue to seek out contact with extra-terrestrials, because in getting to know them better, you get to know aspects of yourself as well. And the whole and complete version of you is the version that will ascend. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” ARCHANGEL MI-KA-EL: I AM PROTECTING YOU AT ALL TIMES…
Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, Council of Love SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 You know that I would not allow anyone or anything to hurt or harm you or your earthly soul family in any way… Greetings my peaceful and brave warriors of light! I am Mi-ka-el, your beloved family, and yes, I am Archangel of love and truth, Archangel of peace and light, in service to the Mother and to all of you. I am your loving brother, but I am also your closest friend, for I am protecting you and I have my eyes on you and my heart is with thee at all times. You know that I would not allow anyone or anything to hurt or harm you or your earthly soul family in any way, and when there are children involved I am particularly eager to personally stand up and guard them with my life. These precious children arriving on Earth in these current times of changes and transformation are extremely powerful and attuned to their higher selves and guardians. They are very evolved beings with only a little baggage to be sorted out and cleared. They are indeed very formidable generators of love and light, placed strategically in certain places, home, schools and institutions that are in dire need of light and upgrading. With that being said, you understand why they are very precious and closely guarded by myself personally and by all of my legions of light. The only thing that you need to do is to love them and to show them the ways of the light, to assist them in navigating these dense energies joyfully and with confidence. They need your loving guidance in sharpening their discernment skills, and in how to follow their heart’s truth without compromising. Being aware of the truth, seeing beyond the surface of the matters, this is indeed what you are seeking constantly, and this is how you assist others including your children and loved ones. Your light will attract many that want to join you in your mission. For when light joins with light it amplifies exponentially and brings even higher levels of illumination and joy and it expands and ripples far out through the universes and multiverses. But there will be others trying to come to you through the back door, through the innocent and unaware ones, and when you are alert, attuned to your senses and become aware of this fact, then it is easy to take a stand and to call on me. I am with thee my bravest brothers and sisters. I come to escort them and have them go on their very closely supervised ways, for as you know, the rules of living and interrelating with others have changed and everybody needs to obey. They are being given one more chance to correct their ways and I am very strict in making sure that the rules are clearly understood and followed through. You are powerful enough to do it on your own, but I am always happy to come and reassure you that you are always safe and protected, but mostly to reinforce your awareness that you are impeccable warriors of truth and love and that I am extremely pleased to work and travel with thee. Stand strong and tall, stand in your power beloveds, and know that you are loved and cherished beyond measure. Farewell. By Permission. © 2017 Council of Love, Inc. This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. ...Only what aligns with your energy is allowed in...
Arcturian Transmissions of Love & Light ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been able to detect a slight increase in the number of individuals on planet Earth who have allowed themselves to feel our energy. We know that some individuals are labeling it as something other than a transmission of energy from the Arcturian Star System, but that doesn’t matter to us. We are not concerned with receiving credit. What we are interested in is the fact that more people are opening up to receiving help. Now you often ask for help from the higher realms, but your ability to receive it depends on a variety of factors. If you are open with your emotions, if you are open in your communication, if you are open to receiving from other humans who are offering to help, then you are more likely to be open to receiving our energy transmissions. You see it’s not enough just to ask and believe that we are answering the call. You also need to feel worthy of receiving help. When someone offers you help in the physical realm, do you sometimes deny that help because you don’t want to owe that person a favor in return? Do you sometimes feel that someone else deserves the help more than you do? Or do you not want to see someone else putting themselves out on your behalf? You all need to accept that you are worthy of receiving everything that you’ve been asking for, including the help from those of us in the higher realms. And as we have said, we notice that more people are receiving it and integrating it. Those of you who are awakened and are receiving this message can start to do so more consciously. If you let down your guard, then you can let in more of the higher frequency energies. Letting down your guard doesn’t mean that you are then letting in all that is being broadcast in your particular region, because you are holding a higher frequency. We can see it. We can measure it. And so we know that you can let your guards down because of that higher frequency you are holding. Only that which is a match to the frequency you are holding will be allowed into your experience. Anything else will not be able to reach you, so let go and surrender to the transmission of love and light that we are offering you right now. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” An Intersection of Energy & Information ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have brought yourselves to a beautiful intersection of energy and information. This is the point in your journey where you begin to piece things together and make sense of your place in the cosmos. Downloads are coming that will unlock mysteries from within your own being-ness. As you recognize the truth of what you are receiving, you will no longer question why you are here and what you are supposed to do. That is the information portion of the intersection. The energies are for support. They are to help keep you grounded and to keep you from feeling overwhelmed. They are also meant to help you maintain your sense of self. You have a sense of self that is based primarily on facts and experiences, tendencies, habits, and personality traits. Now you are beginning to understand that none of those things could possibly ever define who you are as an individuated consciousness of Source. When you receive information about who you have been throughout your many, many lifetimes all across this galaxy, you are going to know the truth about your existence. You exist to take on various perspectives, to compile data through experiences, and then to create a better universe. Once you see all of the angles, you come to the same conclusion no matter what the experience. Everything is an opportunity to know yourselves more completely as unconditional love. Unconditional love exists within you, all around you, and at every single one of these potentially mind-blowing intersections of energy and information. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” What You Want to Create ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. It is the perfect time for all of you to consider what experiences you want to have. It is a time where the energies have never been more supportive of moving you to the reality you want to experience. The reason why you need to keep checking in with yourselves, as far as what it is that you want to create, is because you are changing with the energies. Your desires are shifting, and the thought forms that you have access to are also of a higher frequency. So now what you want for yourself, you also want for all others. You can see yourself as a part of a bigger picture, a collective, a human race. And your willingness to listen to those desires that you have within you, and feel for how they resonate with your ascension, is crucial in lining you up with the experiences that you want to have. You are meant to let this universe inspire you to want to create. You are not just here to evolve, transcend the physical, and escape to another dimension. You are also here as the pioneers, creating something brand new, something never before experienced. And in order to do that, you must acknowledge your desires, and you must be willing to receive that which you are creating. It is important for you to feel that you deserve that which you are creating so that you can experience it. It is through experience that you grow, and it is through experience that you become more specified in what you are creating next. You are absolutely worthy of everything that you want to create for yourselves and for the rest of humanity, and this journey that you are on is supposed to be one of joy and exploration. There is plenty of energy to go around for all to live in abundance and for all to experience everything that this universe has to offer and more. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Opening Yourselves to Receiving ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are happy to assist you and guide you in whatever way that we can, and we are happy to tell you that you are doing a wonderful job of receiving the energy that comes through in these transmissions. You have opened yourselves up to receiving more, and this is a very important part of your evolutionary process. You have been convinced over the years by parents, teachers, governments, and other authority figures that it is important for you to achieve and accomplish as much as you can through your actions. It is the masculine energy taken to an extreme. To think that everything that can and will be achieved will be done so through your actions is to limit yourselves tremendously. You want to use all of your powers, not just the tangible ones, not just the identifiable gifts that you have. Your ability to receive is very closely tied to your ability to hold a vibration. Holding a vibration and staying in a place of expectation are the tools that are necessary to receive so much more than what you can do with your physical bodies, but you are not taught that in schools. You are essentially taught to be workers and possibly thinkers. What your government fears more than anything else is lazy citizens who aren’t willing to do the hard work that is necessary to keep the country, or the city, or the state, running. Now there will always be a place for action on your world. When you take action with the power of vibration behind it, and with an ability to receive the results of those actions, you are far more powerful than if you just put your nose to the grindstone as often as is physically possible. So we offer you energy transmissions that you can receive so that your actions will be more fruitful, more enjoyable, and more in alignment with what you actually want to do. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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