Arcturian Group Message 12/29/19 [email protected] via Dear Readers, greetings to all at this time of celebration and festivity. You are entering into a new year and not just in the calendar sense. Change is going to manifest in many areas of living that will be resisted by those who fear change and those who financially gain from keeping "business as usual". As increasingly more individuals awaken and spiritual consciousness expands, many commonly accepted social rules, words, actions, religious beliefs, laws etc. are being questioned. Do not despair as you witness the creations of dense energy manifesting. Pockets of long dormant energy formed through ignorance, war, and suffering are surfacing and clearing through the presence of high resonating energy now flowing from Higher dimensions as well as from spiritually evolved states of consciousness. You chose to be here during this powerful time of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual change. The New Year is a time during which many make resolutions for some change in their lives but this year is going to be more expansive than ordinary New Year resolutions. Each day more people are realizing that some perfectly acceptable actions, thoughts, words, concepts and beliefs simply no longer resonate with them in the same way. New Year resolutions are usually intellectually based in three dimensional concepts of how to be a good or healthy human. These things continue to play a part while on earth in human form, but for those living from a deeper level of truth and awareness, change will flow from within rather than from popular concepts. A person may be guided to eat lighter or exercise more, but the choice to do this will flow from intuitive guidance regarding what is appropriate for him/her personally rather than from blindly following some "expert". Familiar lifelong activities, friends, foods, relationships, music and entertainment, hobbies etc. are no longer resonating in the same way they did which can be disconcerting for those unaware of the energetic ascension process taking place. Many seek to reclaim what was, struggling in futile attempts to resurrect some familiar activity or relationship that is finished. Never attempt to hold on to some past state of consciousness that you consider to be happier or better. Rather view its passing as a graduation. Many loved and familiar activities or relationships are in fact not disappearing but are simply in the process of manifesting on a new and higher level. A job lost may well be the necessary precursor to a new and better one unfolding, one that resonates more closely with your energy. Those who persist in trying to recreate some facet of life after it is obviously finished will only experience frustration and suffering because if the energy that formed it in the first place is no longer present, there is nothing from which it can form. As one's personal energy becomes lighter and brighter much that may of served well in a previous state of consciousness is no longer in alignment with the new and higher state of consciousness. When something feels right, works right, and flows right, there is always energetic alignment with the individual's energy field-consciousness. Everyone is evolving whether they know it or not. Spiritual evolution can be delayed but never eliminated because the real SELF is and forever will be the reality just awaiting recognition. It is much easier to begin aligning with the reality once you awaken to it rather than trying to continue recreating the good and bad of the past. The human mind without access to Divine Consciousness (represented in the bible as the branch of the tree that is cut off and withers) is limited to what it already knows or whatever is floating about in the collective. As you allow yourselves to expand and open to new and higher ways of interpreting life in every situation, you are seeding the collective consciousness with truth. Because there is only one consciousness, this then allows the human mind access to it. Seeding the collective is powerful and extremely important Lightwork. You who read, understand, and live the deeper truths are on the cutting edge of the ascension process, paving the way for those following even if it seems to you as if you are doing nothing. Generations that follow will not have it as difficult as you have had it because there will be greater access to and acceptance of the truth that you placed in the collective. Things can only become more harmonious as collective and personal states of consciousness open to higher dimensional energy because consciousness is the substance from which all things are formed. Always remember that consciousness is the substance of form and will express whatever conditioning is present in it. There is no unexpressed consciousness It is time to fully embrace the reality of your true nature dear ones, otherwise truths that are trying to unfold in your awareness simply remain intellectual knowledge. It is often much easier to continue living with what is familiar, to keep thinking of yourself as just a human being subject to all the problems and solutions available in the third dimensional belief system. Intellectual knowledge alone cannot manifest for it does not hold the substance of manifestation--consciousness. Beginning students of truth often become discouraged when the spiritual realities they read about, study, or see others experiencing do not happen for them. They believe they are doing something wrong or are not worthy. They do not yet understand that the intellectual knowledge of some truth is simply a first step toward attaining the consciousness of it where it can then manifest outwardly. Consciousness is the substance of all form Many today find themselves at a cross road--"Should I actually trust what I have learned, and attempt to live the truth I know or should I keep doing what seems to work and is perfectly acceptable to my friends and family even if sometimes painful?" Living life as an awakened individual does not mean you never utilize available human resources or enjoy ordinary activities, hobbies, and friendships etc. but does mean that a silent secret awareness of oneness with Source is ever present as you do them. Life on earth was never intended to be one of suffering, pain, and struggle. Those things were created as the consciousness of mankind sunk ever more deeply into beliefs of duality and separation. Family discord often comes into play when one member of a family evolves and begins to think and believe differently than the rest. There is a sense of security and belonging that comes from being part of a group belief system such as religious, military, etc. A common myth about family is that all are or must be of the same state of consciousness in order to be a "good" family. Many still believe that blood ties override all else and that if one member believes differently from the rest they are wrong. Others in the family begin to lovingly or not so lovingly consider him/her as the "black sheep"of the family. The myth of a blood tie being the overriding bond between people remains prominent in many cultural and religious groups. Energetic resonance establishes the connection between people. Never forget that you are consciousness utilizing a physical body, not a body with a little box of consciousness hovering close by. Those who resonate at a similar frequency feel familiar to you even if you have just met them. Energetic alignment builds one's true family in which there is connection, peace, and freedom. Human families are formed pre-birth for many reasons. Often there is a need to resolve some old karmic issue between one or more of the members. Sometimes a family is simply a group that over lifetimes has become familiar and comfortable with each other. Some choose to be a family in order to learn from other members who are more evolved. There are family groups that have over many lifetimes worked as a team in law, medicine, education, music etc. and wish to continue working as a group. Frequently a person will choose to incarnate into a family that carries some particular negative energy (abuse, overly strict religious beliefs, alcoholism, criminal behavior) that they themselves still carry and feel spiritually ready to clear in this lifetime. They incarnate into this family dynamic which re-activates the old the energy they hope to clear. A difficult and often long period usually follows, but eventually he/she is able to rise above the issue and once and for all clear the old programming. Many at this point choose to assist others who are struggling with this same issue. Being a good family member never means you must always agree with another member's belief system but rather means remembering that you chose your family for a reason, believing that it would provide what you needed to learn and evolve in some way. Always be true to yourself for that is empowerment. Speak truth to those who have ears to hear, but without judgement keep silent around those who would ridicule and attack. In the early stages of spiritual growth there is always the temptation toward guilt and depression when one finds themselves out of sync with the opinions of those around them. Rather than doubting yourself, remember that everyone is at a different place in their spiritual journey, you included. Never allow someone else's beliefs to cause you fear and doubt simply because they may be an authority figure or "expert". Many believe that they are being tested when things get difficult, but know that at no time is any person pushed beyond their capacity to learn and grow from experiences. Allow the process, trusting that there is a Higher Self lovingly drawing to you what you need in order to grow into your next level of awareness., Trust in the reality of your own Divine SELF to know what you need, where you need to be, when, and how to bring it about. Once the choice has been made to awaken and evolve, you are no longer running the show. Let go of the plotting, planning, scheming you have learned and are accustomed to. Stop struggling to make things turn out the way you think they must be according to the world's standards. Trust that you are Source, God, Divine Consciousness in expression and therefore embody all that IT is. Allow REALITY to live IT's life as you. We are the Arcturian Group 12/29/19 Donations are welcomed
A Message to Lightworkers – December 27, 2019by Caroline Oceana Ryan
Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today. Again today we answer a question from a Light Bringer who asks: “I was wondering how to call in Divine Light to transmute energy or emotions, in a practical way. Do you have some examples of what to say, or what to do in a concrete way, when in the middle of a challenging moment or situation, whether an external or internal one (like deep grief surfacing)?” This is another excellent question that strikes straight at the heart of what is troubling so many now, as they ask how to assist themselves and loved ones in dealing with the tremendous inner change that has flowed into your lives over these past few years. Know that when outer situations feel to be challenging, it is because they are leaning on an old wound. This is why they have occurred—so you may heal them and finally move on from an issue that may have troubled you over any number of Earth lives. It is old emotional residue, energy patterns, Earth identities, and learned responses that are leaving you now, as well as much shadow picked up in lives in which you clung to any false hope that seemed to promise a way out of trauma and loss. There were also lives in which you made agreements with sources of knowledge and information that would grant you more power, more strength, more of what your will demanded, without knowing what this would cost you over time. Your ego-mind is panicked at the thought of losing that which, comfortable or uncomfortable, has helped define it for thousands of years of Earth time. It panics at the thought of being left behind in this new construct you are taking on now. And having been constructed as a false self, it doubts that any integrity will be left to the old structure that your conscious and subconscious minds built and have clung to for so long, in order to filter life experiences in a way you could live with. Photo by Jennifer ScaliaIt misses entirely that you did not come in to once again live according to the dictates of the left-brain, logical mindset, hampered by its severe limits. You did not come in to once again be swayed by the arguments of a patriarchal religion, or the dependence upon images of the Divine Masculine, while all ideas of a Divine Feminine are ridiculed and discarded. This time you came in for the unity of both Presences, joined perfectly in an interwoven tapestry of both logic and intuitive feeling, both inner design and outer creation. Flow with this new form. Do not deny it. In a difficult situation that calls upon your inner resources, pay close attention to what your inner Wisdom—your intuition—is telling you about the situation. If you cannot remain emotionally calm and centered while dealing with an outer situation , see if you can physically get away from the person or situation that the problem is demonstrating through (though it is rooted elsewhere). Take a moment to clarify or reclaim your own calm stance, energetically. If that is impossible, image the person’s body and energies held inside a bubble of Divine Golden Light—not to capture or encapsulate them to constrict their expression, but so that the first context they are speaking from is one of Divine Light and all its higher intent. From there, image them as very young, for when someone reacts in a dense or difficult way, that is who is speaking. See their frightened two- or three-year-old self, or five-year-old self on the first day of school, and understand that anyone causing another trouble feels fear on some level, whether it is the fear of the ego or the upbraided pride of the false self. This reminds you not only of their great vulnerability, but of the immaturity of their view of the world, and that they are simply still moving forward on their path. They may be desperately wanting to catch up to where you are, and unhappy at realizing there is some work ahead of them yet. For internal struggles, release the logical mind’s constant need to label and judge. If a friend says something that is hard for you, for example, or if a man or woman you are seeing decides to move on and stop seeing you—these are difficult moments, as are the loss of a home or job, or a sudden large expense you were not expecting. You may feel in these moments that life has somewhat shrugged you off, and that you are not so “plugged in” spiritually as you had hoped, or this dreadful thing would not have happened. Yet it did not happen because you are not where you should be vibrationally. It happened precisely because your path is moving ahead now at Lightspeed. Your own soul and higher self are asking that you release not only the false self, but all its old energy patterns, misinformation, and short-sightedness, based on the self-protectiveness of the ego more than that of you as your higher self. Have you been led astray, lied to, disempowered for centuries? Certainly, that is so. Yet you came in to this particular Earth life to release not only the victim status you may momentarily claim as you hear of the false structures built up long ago in Earth life to imprison human beings. You came in primarily to assist in anchoring the vibration of the New Earth, and you are doing so. If something is not working in your life, dear ones—the finances, the health, the relationships, the work, the home or social life—it is not because you are not “doing the right thing.” It is because at its core, you are viewing something that has troubled you, possibly for millennia, and that may only be somewhat related to the actual outer situation itself. So that if money is a difficult issue for you, deep in your heart-mind and subconscious energies there may be a longstanding belief in your unworthiness—a lack of self-esteem, and feelings of not deserving. This is only one example, yet it is a huge one. It is difficult to help build a New Earth while believing yourself undeserving of good and beautiful things, on all levels of life. And yet so many of you do, and we see your higher selves and guides distressed on some levels as a result, as this makes your life so much harder than it need be. And so the approach of dealing with the issue on the level of everyday money matters can of course be helpful. Yet the approach of dealing with the issue on the level of what unspoken, unseen energy blockage is holding it back from you would be far more helpful to you. When facing the unsolved mystery of why some area of life is not working for you, sit quietly with your Spirit team of guides, Angels, and higher self. Using money as an example, ask them for an extra focus of Light to be held on not only the energy of money and the flow of money in your life. Ask them to draw to you now the exact higher Light and energies that will assist you in healing that which holds off the money from flowing to you positively and fully, whether it is old oaths, agreements, or promises, a mental or emotional blockage, or an energy blockage that stands in your way. “Whatever it is that has caused me to be living this situation of apparent financial lack, I pray [command forth] complete healing of all emotional, subconscious, conscious, and energetic wounds in this area. And I pray a complete dissolving of all energetic blockages in this and all areas of my life. I give thanks.” You do not have to know what the exact blockages are in order to dissolve them. But you must give full permission and command forth the move up in vibration, to assist those waiting to support you in your healing. Unless you have previous agreement for them to work with you whether you request it or not, they cannot move in and assist, until you call upon them and give permission for that intervention. Believe us, all of us wish to assist you in this way! We will continue to include ways to deal positively with difficult moments in these Ascension days you are living in now, in future Messages. We ask only that you learn at its base to take a moment for yourself, as soon as your situation permits, whenever you feel to be on edge, or stretched or stressed in any way. Sit quietly and breathe, and remind yourself that you live in a time in which Divine Love has already reached well into the collective hearts and minds of humanity. And that Mother Earth Herself called you forward to assist in Her transformation. You live on Earth now as a Light Warrior, here not for battle so much as to guard, ground, and establish the depths of Transformation and Transmutation in human energetic experience. Because of that, your own wounds must rise to the surface to be fully healed. Bless them and release them now. Feel them fully in moments when they come forward to express themselves. Ask your Spirit team to go into the depths of what lies very far under that emotion, and all related to it, and to heal all remaining to be healed there. They know well the path you chose before incarnating, and will assist in ways that outstretch what your mind is able to grasp, or even consciously ask for. We will continue with more on another day. For now, know that you are Loved beyond all measure, and treasured for your bravery—your chutzpah in coming forth to this low dimension, one last time. Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. . Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. . A Message to Lightworkers – December 20, 2019
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today. Today our writer has asked us to address the issue many are feeling now (by which we mean most Light Bearers currently on Earth). And that is, “With all this higher Light coming into the planet, there are some saying, ‘Now you will be able to move up to higher dimensional realities, reclaim your 12-strand DNA, and manifest more of what you desire,’ etc. Which is perfectly nice. “But what about the fact that all this Light is drawing up everything we can no longer live with? That can be a very uncomfortable place to be. I have never felt more stretched and challenged!” We would agree that this is a very unusual time, not only for the continuous waves of higher Light now weaving their way into your everyday realities—your world’s goings on, your energy systems, and your mental, emotional, and physical bodies. You spirit is likewise readjusting, because there is so much that human beings take on over centuries of 3D living that clashes with what is natural to them in the higher realms. That clash is never pleasant, when experienced in a physical body. You may be thinking, “I Am growing Lighter, therefore I should be more joyful, not less! What is happening that all this sadness, anger, feelings of grief or loss are coming up? “It’s too much some days. I manage to throw it off and feel better for a bit, and then it all crowds in again, demanding to be heard . . . ” The voices demanding to be heard, though they may not be speaking in words, are the experiences of this and other Earth lives, and lives lived elsewhere. They are explaining to you that your body can no longer support certain ideas, emotions, resonances, frequencies, if it is going to move into a higher vibrational level. It is similar to someone who is renting a house from you, explaining that there are workers everywhere, dust everywhere, floorboards pulled up, the sound of hammers pounding and saws whirring away at all hours. How is this a place to live? they ask. And this is essentially what you are saying, and our compassion for what you journey through now is great, because this cannot be a smooth way to travel through life. This is why a daily time of releasing everything that no longer suits your higher good—now and in future—is imperative now. We would say, simply sit with your higher self, guides, Angels, soul, and any higher guides you wish to call in. Write down or speak aloud that which you can no longer hold within as your reality. It may be an identification with victimhood. It may be the ongoing feeling that you never do enough—that others come first no matter what, and that your job or business, or your role as a parent, is your justification for being alive. It may be the feeling that you are owed a great deal; that you were robbed long ago, yet no one has answered for this. It could be occasional bouts of sadness, grief, rage, feelings of being lost, abandoned, ostracized, that you have yet to anchor in any one event or experience. What is it that you are carrying that you can carry no longer, dear ones? Only you can answer this. If you are unsure of what it is—what traumas or other jarring experiences have created this great shadow or weight you feel inside--call out to your higher self, and require that they pull the energy of that identification and all involved in it completely out of your life energies. It may feel as if you are giving up a large part of who you are, yet we assure you, that dense emotion, false belief system, or false and weighty sense of responsibility is not who you are. It was something you took on long ago to survive—a reaction to what you could not bear otherwise. It is now crying out to be released, as it cannot bear to exist in the midst of your own increasing vibration. None of this is you, per se—the anger, the feelings of loss or dislocation, the feelings of never being or doing or having enough. Your True Self is a miraculous Being who lives entirely in the present, and is never without what they require for their life path. Never without a warm smile for those they greet, and never without a reason for Thankfulness. You are that bright and beautiful one who very nearly doesn’t need resilience to handle stresses and shocks, because they no longer live in reaction to what occurs to or around them. They allow all of Life to flow by and through them, noting different vibrational sounds, shapes, and colors, yet never needing to judge a thing as good or bad. Are there things that are still in shadow on planet Earth? Yes, of course—and your compassion and sharpening awareness will note that fully now. The paradox is that your own exponential growth now requires you to detach even from the sadness of seeing another’s pain, as you finally, fully release your own. There is nowhere to hide, dear ones. You will have days yet where you wonder, When will the onslaught end? And that is understandable. You who have volunteered to come forth at this time have taken a sudden sharp turn—a crash course you might say, in releasing the density of 3D living, so that you may Ascend. And so that you may reincarnate again on Earth or elsewhere, without the depth of old shadows trailing behind you, and old density weighing you down. Much of what the human heart determines as necessary—becoming closed and careful, judging others, choosing belief systems over intuitive Knowing—is simply an exercise in self-protection. Imagine the power of the one who does not require self-protection to make their way through their day! Imagine the strength of the one who takes each moment not as a personal boost or affront, but simply as Life in its endless stream, flowing through and all around them and billions of others. This need not be your toughest Earth life, in the sense that you need not be “stuck” in the patterns of this or any life’s energies, unless you choose to be. We realize that words alone do not heal; ideas alone do not suffice to make your burdens lighter. And so we work with you all energetically, to assist you in finally releasing the False Self, which you created in this and so many other lives so that you might survive your surroundings and the prevailing power structure of those times. Yet we assure you, that survival mechanism is no longer necessary, and has well outlived its usefulness. You have come forward at this time to release all self-protection, as you realize that what these others have done to you, or to the smallest, most innocent child, has nothing to do with anyone, except the aggressors themselves. You are seeing now that they have laid a trap for themselves, into which they will fall in time, unless they awaken and realize the False Self they created, and the machinations involved in keeping that self active and creating what their ego-mind requires. Rather than blame or pity them, tell them, “Thank you for pointing out to me what is probably a millennia-old wound, because now I can let it come up, feel it, and release it for all time.” Then let them go. You have nothing more to say to them. Perhaps some of them are your friends in higher dimensions, doing you an odd sort of favor, as you may have done for them in other lives—helping you to heal that which you have carried for far too long. Our writer will at times remember the words of the character of Baby Suggs to Sethe, the lead character in Toni Morrison’s immortal work, Beloved: “Lay em down, Sethe. Sword and shield. Down. Down. Both of em down. Down by the riverside. Sword and shield. Don’t study war no more. Lay all that mess down. Sword and shield.” Yes—the aggression of the sword, the self-protection of the shield. The time for both is ended. You know that, dear ones! With your very presence, you announce it to the world, or you would not be here now. We send our Love, friends, with support for all you journey through now! And we are with you, always. . Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. A Message to Lightworkers – December 13, 2019
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today. And so you have seen in these few last weeks a more powerful influx of higher Light than your planet has known for many thousands of years. After spending millennia in a dimmed Light that often equaled a kind of shadow existence, you are now being ushered into a new and higher platform, in which your own frequencies are rising by the minute. Can this be a bit intimidating to the human mind, particularly the ego-mind and subconscious? Well, yes, as we explained on the Abundance Group Call a few nights ago. It is exceedingly strange, and not always welcome, as far as the ego and the subconscious are concerned. One serves you by maintaining a sense of steady, even keel and status quo as the norm. The other serves you by holding quietly those unhealed and unrecognized aspects of your psyche that would be jarring to face constantly—yet they will increasingly now need your attention, as they cry out to be healed. Photo by Kimberly TrefzLet us suppose that you have felt thrown off course over the past few weeks, perhaps even most of the past year. You have felt life making demands upon you that you were not always prepared to meet or to remedy. Or you experienced inner changes and challenges that put your life in the Light of realizing, “I have created this. This was my choice, to experience all of this—even the awful parts.” We would say, that you did not choose the pain so much as the Wisdom to be gleaned by it, hence the feeling of unfairness at times, that your journey has exacted such a high toll in exchange for Earth life knowledge, as well as self-knowledge and self-understanding. And the opportunity to establish high levels of Light into those areas of human struggle. It is understandable that you would feel that life has at times been too harsh, too strange, too foreign to your sensibilities and understanding of how life ought to be, to feel it was anywhere livable. You have, most of you, had moments where you thought, “I chose a strange and unpleasant place! Why would I do this to myself?” Or stronger words to that effect. And there is good reason for that. We have mentioned many times that the third dimension is not your natural home—it is almost no one’s natural home, so small is the percentage of beings who prefer that low a vibration. Yet you could not be dissuaded from journeying here one last time, to assist yourself in healing that which you have suffered on this and other planets given to low vibrational living. You came in part to heal that which you had already suffered, and in part to assist in anchoring into the Earth a form of Light not seen on Lady Gaia for millennia—not permitted, and at times, not even possible. Yet you have now permitted it! You have regained your mastery to a high enough level where you are remaking an entire world—and who would have thought, as you came in as a tiny child, that you would one day claim that kind of powerful ability, as if you were born to it? And yet—you were. And so we would only say, in this season where the Lights on trees and homes give up a glow reminiscent of higher beings and the higher realms . . . Where music seeks to both enlighten and prompt Joy . . . Where children are convinced of the true magic of the Universe . . . That somewhere in the midst of feeling uncomfortable with the 12-12-12 portal activations and outpouring of Light from the Great Central Sun, which has integrated your Earth self with a far larger than usual dose of your soul presence—somewhere in there, allow yourself a moment of knowing that you have never come this far before, under these conditions. And that all your journey before now has not been in vain, despite your worst conclusions some days. That it has instead been a steady forward movement that has assisted billions of people, animals, trees and plants—an entire planet, and by extension, a galaxy, and a Universe. We are hard pressed to think of a bigger job! Except that you will remind us that it is just as big (and vital) a job to raise a child lovingly, to care for animals lovingly, to support friends or family members on their path in ways that empower and encourage, and you would be right. Yet know that in the crystalline perfection of each of those thoughts, feelings, and actions, you produce but a microcosm of the beauty you are creating on a Universal scale. For this, and for all you offer to so many, we thank you, with hearts full of Love and Appreciation for all you are. Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. . Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Adamu Speaks -The Event Greetings to you, my friends. I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation. Today I wish to address with you the somewhat burning topic of, The Event. This is how it is already known in your collective consciousness and therefore I will continue to speak about it as such. So, what is The Event? When will it happen? What will happen? What will happen afterwards? And how should you prepare for The Event? These are the questions I wish to address in today's conversation. Now, there is so much to be said about it and there is already so much misunderstanding, so much disinformation and so much... so much! That I'm going to try and speak succinctly and clearly without triggering your fears because, truly, there is not much to fear. What is The Event? In a nutshell, The Event is the moment when your collective consensus reality, the timeline that nearly 8 billion of you, that all of you are currently creating together, splits. You can imagine a great rope of many strands, 8 billion strands, in fact! This great rope becomes unbraided and a number of smaller ropes get made with those strands. That would be a fair understanding. The moment of the unbraiding is The Event. It's that which happens that allows you then to proceed on a smaller rope. So, when will The Event happen? I've mentioned previously that it is desirable that the "when" is delayed. That it take as long as possible for the "when" to happen. And I wish to address that. Those of you who are of the lowest frequency of consciousness, those who are profoundly victim-conscious, those of you who are of other-responsible consciousness... and please, if you don't understand what I'm talking about here, we have spoken about this. Zingdad and I have produced two videos on the frequencies of consciousness and spoken about what other-responsibility is, versus self-responsibility, versus unity-consciousness. This has been addressed. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please pause here, please go and have a look at those videos, at those publications. Those of you who are of the lowest frequency, and typically low frequency beings would not be watching this video. You wouldn't be interested in it and it would make no sense to you. You wouldn't be resonant with it. The deeply other-responsible are clinging to an idea that their life is wrong, the world is wrong, everything is wrong and someone else must come and fix it. Those of you would be looking at The Event as being the moment when everything gets fixed. Unfortunately, for the deeply other-responsible, the deeply victim-conscious, exactly the opposite is going to be their experience. It's going to be a moment when they really get what they are creating. When they are no longer in a rope with self-responsible beings who are making sure that the world keeps functioning. They are then only in a world with other victim-conscious, with other, other-responsible beings and nobody is making sure that the world keeps working. Nobody is continuing to keep the wheels of the world turning. Things fall apart. In a disastrous way. For those who are simply sharing an other-responsible world with other, other-responsibles. Now, it is nobody's desire; those who inhabit the higher frequencies, the unity-conscious, for example, don't wish to punish the victim-conscious. There is an awareness that you are of victim-consciousness because of circumstances and because you've been unable to see that you really need to transform your consciousness. So, there isn't a desire to hurt, or to punish the other-responsible. And what we also notice is that there is a migration of consciousness. People are waking up. The Light certainly is rising on planet Earth, particularly now that the structures of control, those that we have called the Illuminati, those that are operating from behind the scenes; particularly as their grip on the world, as their ability to pull the strings of power begins to fade and wane; particularly as they begin to be in conflict with each other, as their power structures begin to collapse, consciousness is rising at an accelerated rate. So, the victim-conscious are slowly becoming creator-conscious, are slowly becoming unity-conscious. This is happening. Other-responsibles are becoming self-responsible, are becoming unity-conscious. So, the longer we delay The Event, the more souls will move from an experience of The Event which will be shocking and painful, to one which will be acceptable, to one which will be truly joyful. And so it really is desirable to delay The Event. So, the "when" is not cast in stone. But the longer it takes, the better. If you are of a mind that you say, "Well, too bad for them, if they're creating something horrible, they must get what is horrible. I want my good outcome. I want my happy outcome and I want it right now!" Well, the bad news is, if that is your attitude, you're actually creating from a place of duality. You're creating victimisation. Your consciousness is probably lower than you think it is. And you probably need to be working on yourself, on your connection to the Divine and on your relationship to the other. But, more about that in a moment. The subject of what will happen is also not cast in stone. It's also not concretised. What will happen is still to be created. And, who creates it? You do! The higher your frequency of consciousness, the more powerfully you create. So, the deeply-victim conscious are creating less powerfully than the self-responsible and that's a good thing! And the self-responsible are creating less powerfully than the unity-conscious. That is as it should be. Because the unity-conscious amongst you are those who truly create from a place of deep compassion and deep loving care for everybody. Amongst the unity-conscious you will not find the, "I'm OK, Jack, tough for you!" kind of an attitude that you certainly will amongst the more victim-conscious. So, what will happen is not cast in stone. But there's a range of possibility. The most deeply victim-conscious will need an experience that will allow them to let everybody else go from their consensus. Now, this is what I am saying: The Event is a moment when the consensus breaks down; when you are willing to let everybody else go. So, you need an experience where things that currently function in the world: media, the Internet, electronic communications, for a moment breaks down, for a moment is paused, so that you don't know what is going on beyond your own eyesight, beyond your own earshot, you don't know what is going on. Then you let the rest of the world go and you focus on your own experience. Well, The Event is very much about that. Letting the world go and focusing on your own experience, Creating what you're creating and getting what you're creating. If you are creating with great anger, with a lot of hatred, with a lot of fear, with a lot of rage, if these are the sponsors of your creation... then, you might find yourself having the kind of cataclysmic, apocalyptic experience of The Event that some fear it will be. If that is what you are creating, then that is what you might very well get. That is one way of letting the rest of the world go. Great disastrous experiences: World War III and comets crashing to the Earth and disease and mayhem. That's one way of letting the world go. And, then what happens afterwards? Well, the consequences of that world that's broken, where you try and pick up the pieces... that's one possibility. That's the low frequency possibility. The high frequency possibility is very different. Those of you who are of unity-consciousness, those of you who can find the light of the Divine within yourselves and then also begin to see the light of the Divine in other human beings. Those of you might also be willing to start to see the light of the Divine in animals, in plants, in the planet. Those of you will be ready, perhaps, for a very joyful experience. Where perhaps the lightships that are currently holding quarantine around your planet can begin to appear in your consciousness, they can re-resonate to your frequency, or you can re-resonate to theirs. And you can see this grid of lightships around the planet. And this grid can, by virtue of its re-resonating to your frequency, will cause your electronic communications and your electrical items to cease functioning, temporarily, for a short while, so that you can really let go of the rest of the world and those ships can begin to drop to the Earth, like stars falling to the ground, they can drop and beings can emerge from those ships: some of them looking quite like you (we Pleadians look somewhat like humans) or they can look very different from you. There are members of other civilisations who are a part of the Galactic Federation who look very different from you. But, because you are of unity-consciousness, you can look with your heart and see the light of the Divine in that which steps forth from the ship. And you can engage, we can connect with you telepathically, you can engage personally and be reassured that all is well, that all is proceeding as it should. And a new world opens to you where your planetary civilisation is now a part of a greater galactic civilisation. That would certainly be quite a joyful future. There are other possibilities between these two extremes, which you might be creating for yourself. So, what will happen, and what will happen afterwards, is not cast in stone. It is created by you, in concert with what is called the Planetary Council. The Planetary Council is a group of very high frequency beings, those who you might call Arc Angels, are at the core of your Planetary Council and other high frequency beings are there to assist the planet, to guide the planet to make sure that, even if you create from a place of very low frequency, that you are protected. There is a veto right that the Planetary Council has. But you, you are the creators. You will decide what will happen. What The Event will be for you, and what will happen afterwards will flow forth from that. And that brings me to the final point: what should we be doing to prepare? Really, the most important thing that you can do to prepare is to raise your frequency. To become conscious of where you are clinging onto victim-consciousness, to become conscious of where you are creating other-responsibly. To look into your own psyche, to look into your journey, to look into your past-lives, to look into the places in your childhood, where hurts happened, where you came to beliefs that you're clinging onto that don't serve you. To look at your hurts and to heal those hurts. That's perhaps the most important thing you can do. Heal yourself. Heal your relationship with the Divine within yourself. Heal the relationship between the Divine being that you truly are and this ego-shell, this personality that you're pretending to be, that you're inhabiting for the duration of this lifetime. Heal these. Come to wholeness. Move your frequency of consciousness upwards that you might create more powerfully. That you might create more of what you really want and less of what you don't want. And then, in due course too, we will be speaking again of light circles. And since we can now speak candidly and truthfully about light circles, we can now make it clear that light circles really are the seeds that you can plant for the timelines that you wish to really be on. For The Event that you wish to experience and the future timelines that you wish to experience. But there now is no longer such pressing urgency to do so. We now have time because The Event is now delayed and the circumstances that previously caused us to have some urgency around getting those timeline seeds planted when Zingdad visited the USA, those events are now behind us, we can take the time. So, my takeaway message really is: please don't be of fear. There is no need to panic. Heal yourself, work on yourself. Raised your consciousness. Live the life you wish to live. There is time. The Event has been delayed. Work towards creating The Event that you wish to create for yourself. Work towards being the being that you wish to be. And that, really, is what I wish to say today. There will, of course, be more, and I really strongly invite you, please don't view this video in isolation (or read the transcript, or whatever it is that you're doing!) Please go and have a look at the rest of the material that I have shared with Zingdad. Please go and have a look at the materials that Zingdad has released with his other friends, his other partners, with his own spirit guide and his Divine self. The Ascension Papers is a marvellous book which you can really use to understand yourself and your circumstances. All of this is available and gifted to you to assist you on your journey. And please do look to healing your own soul. That is the time that is available now for these things. With that, I wish to say goodbye. I wish to express to you great love, great appreciation, great respect for where you are in your journey. Those of you who are starseeds, who are lightbringers, which is most of our audience. You are doing magnificent work. Continue to work upon yourself. I love you with the heart of Oneness. I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleaidian civilisation. Until next time, I greet you. |
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