A Message to Lightworkers – May 29, 2020
Caroline Oceana Ryan <[email protected]> This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today, particularly as you have entered a new phase of Earth life, and may have many questions at this time regarding what this foretells. Many of you have noted an increasing number of flying craft in the sky, either viewing them with your own eyes or seeing film of such. You may have for many years noted what are called “cloud ships” in your skies—clouds that are shaped as round or oblong craft, indicating to you that a ship is somewhat camouflaging itself so as to be viewed more closely than most ships will allow. And yet—the increasing Schumann Resonance of your Earth, and your own ever-increasing frequencies have opened the door to your welcoming more ships and their crew, at ever-increasing levels now. So that more and more of them are landing, conversing with Earth folk, and being welcomed by you with equal amounts of amazement and curiosity. In truth, your real curiosity is for knowing who you are as galactic beings interconnected with all other galactic beings, and in a larger sense, all who inhabit your Universe. You are correct if you are thinking that these movements forward will need to happen in steps, and not all at once. For though you travel etherically each night to be on the ships, to assist your soul family in your joint Earth mission and all that entails, your conscious waking self has long been held in a control format that it is only now breaking free of. And what will come of this, on the everyday level? For one, dear ones, it is time that you began to fully love and accept who you are, including those unhealed, unhappy, or unfulfilled aspects of your being still in place. It is time that you began to see that judgment of yourself and others only slows your progress, holding old pain and resentments in place. Time that you realized that allowing yourself and others to be as they are—to start all endeavors and growth processes from a place of Peaceful acceptance, not disapproval—is required now. And it is time that you understood that others are not necessarily trying to “give you a hard time” when they speak or act in ways that are hard for you to accept. They too are trying to find their way, and will not trouble you once you decide that they are not the determining factor in how you feel about anything. That your own inner core is a place of calm and inner quiet, and that you are the one in control of your own reactions and responses to life. This can take a bit of practice, and yes, some inner healing. You may find it helpful to work with an energy healer to assist in releasing old energy blocks and trauma, in addition to your own daily practices and meditations, in which you draw in the wisdom of your soul, your guides and Angels, your own higher self, to assist you in processing what has seemed impossible in the past. This is part of this new phase of Earth life. You have heard of this from various teachers, and that is because Earth’s people are moving beyond the confines of your religions, cultures, and philosophies, into all-encompassing forms of inner Knowing that go beyond language, beyond left-brain notions, beyond the arguments of who is right and who is wrong, what should have happened versus what did happen. You are releasing all that which in the past has kept you separated and opposed to one another in countless circumstances. You are releasing the impetus to argue with one another, realizing great work remains to be done to assist your Earth now, for which all must join together in Peaceful terms, in the interconnecting forms of agreement that is part of your new consciousness. We do not say this to imply that you will be stepping into a paradise “by this time next week” as our writer would say, but that you have opened the door to this new form of living, and are walking through that doorway now. And so when you see the ships (or cloud ships) in the sky, or view film of such, know that you are being given both the nod of “Yes, we see you. We welcome you!” and the reassurance of, “Be of good cheer! You are not alone in that which you travel at present.” And so it is, dear ones! We also say this to you weekly, and mean it with all our hearts, all our power of presence and awareness—welcome us, as so many of us are daily walking among you now, though appearing to be any average Earth human. And yes—we are with you, always. . Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Archangel Zadkiel's June 2020 Message. Linda Robinson
Linda Robinson [email protected] via aweber.com TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON ATTUNING TO THE HIGHEST VIBRATIONS Greetings Beloved Ones, WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss attuning to the highest vibrations. Your planet is continuing to experience many changing energetic patterns. This can be very disruptive to the energy field with the uncertainty that is occurring. It is during times such as these that we encourage you to focus on attuning to the highest vibrations. Not only can this provide comfort to you, it can also assist you in continuing to rise to higher vibrational levels. When you attune to the highest vibrations, you are incorporating this higher energy into your own energetic field. This is how you rise gently and naturally to higher and higher dimensional levels. Keeping your energy field clear aids greatly in this process. It allows you to maintain your current frequency and opens the way for you to assimilate more higher dimensional energy. When you allow lower vibrational energy to remain in your energy field and consciousness, this is an impediment that must be transmuted and cleared to allow the higher incoming energy to be assimilated. You can maintain a clear energy field by focusing on positive things. Some examples are thinking positive thoughts, reading uplifting material, listening to soothing music, and communicating with others who maintain a positive vibration. When you encounter situations of a lower vibration, simply view them as a detached observer. By doing this, you are not allowing them to enter your energy field. You can observe them without becoming entangled energetically in them. Regular maintenance of your energy field can assist in keeping your vibration high. Scanning your energy field regularly is very useful. If you find anything that is vibrationally less than what you want it to be, you can use the Violet Flame to transmute the lower vibration. Monitoring your thoughts and emotions can help to keep your vibration clear and positive. If you detect a thought or emotion that is less than positive, you can change to a positive one and then transmute the old energy with the Violet Flame. You have been practicing these techniques for some time now. We continue to emphasize them because as you rise to higher levels, situations occur where you need to continue to use them. You are practicing them at a higher vibrational level. The way you progress is by applying spiritual practices at higher and higher levels. Each new rise in vibrational frequency brings the opportunity to apply these principles in a higher, more refined way. Situations may be presented for you to apply these teachings in order to develop an even more refined sense of discernment. As you progress to higher frequencies, many situations may not have a clear-cut delineation of absolute right or wrong. There may be many shades in between. This allows you to increase your ability of spiritual discernment. Asking to see things for highest good can help in this process. This allows the Higher Beings to come and assist you. As you look at each decision and review it, you may wish to tune in to your heart center to see if it resonates with your highest spiritual principles and aspirations. By conducting a regular review, you are more likely to develop an automatic sense of knowing when something does not resonate with you and does not align at a higher frequency. A companion part of this process is to allocate time to focus on your spiritual ideals. They may include things such as Love, compassion, kindness, truth, and highest good. When you are clear about your higher principles, you can recognize more easily when something you encounter is not aligned energetically at a higher vibrational level. Remaining in the present moment allows you to have increased clarity about whether something is a high vibrational fit for you. In this way, keeping your vibration at a high frequency is an ongoing process. Rather than being jerky in a start-and-stop way, it is a smooth ongoing process, and you rise to higher and higher vibrational levels. Then you are able to attune to the highest vibrations. Beloveds, we are happy that you are attuning to the highest vibrations. We applaud your diligent work for highest good. WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, …and WE surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2020 Linda M. Robinson, PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]. Wake up Call, St. Germain, May 26, 2020
Nancy Tate <[email protected]> There is going to be an upcoming time when all of you will find that you have a purpose in life that has not as yet found it's way into your beingness. When it does make itself known then you will see why there has been the supposed delay and why it is now in purpose for what it is telling you is the time and opportunity for you to step forth in your personage and see the change in the life that you are about to make. It will be a change that will be of the only way that makes sense to you, and that will be the answer to why you have led your life in the way that you have been doing for the past several months, or years. It will now make it's way forth in your life and give you the opportunity to clear not only the past happenings that kept you docile, but will bring to you the understanding of what it is that is taking place in this new moment of power that you have walked into as soon as you create it. It is a time for you to see what you will be doing for the world of yours and all others who will be involved. It will expand throughout the world in one way or another, in one moment of more. I leave you now with the knowing that you will go forth into this precedented event and take forth the destiny that you have precedented for your world and beyond. I am St Germain, and I see that there are more than this one who are going to see how this will come forth in your life. It will be the joy of being the one and all who will be in the newness of your life and the expression of the Peace, Joy and Love that has been awaiting your next steps in the process of creating the world that is coming for all of life. Go now in that expression and I will see that you are the example for all who are destined for this creation for all of life in Love. Thank you dear St. Germain! I Love you so much, and I do share this with all who are destined for their next step in life in Love, Love to All, Nancy Tate Arcturian Group Message 5/3/20
Onenessofall.com [email protected] via em.secureserver.net Dear readers, welcome to our message during these times of chaos and confusion. These messages are meant to inform, comfort, and assist those who resonate with them into more deeply understanding what life on earth is really about. To hold the light, help others awaken, and to bear witness to a new and higher reality is why you are on earth at this time. It is what you came to do and you are doing it dear ones, you are doing it. You may think you are doing nothing but do not judge by appearances based in concepts of the third dimensional belief system because a large part of your mission has been to clear remaining dense cellular memory and any present false beliefs both of which only serve to perpetuate experiences of duality and separation. Many commonly accepted beliefs are starting to feel unimportant and even silly for an increasing number of people because individually and collectively mankind is shifting into a state of consciousness no longer is in alignment with them. Ascension is simply the process of evolving into a higher state of consciousness through the experiences of every lifetime. The Higher Self of every individual determines when they are ready for their next level of awareness. This is why proselytizing is a useless and ego based activity. Individuals cannot be forced into someone else's consciousness of truth. You cannot make something out of nothing and thus everything seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled whether seemingly good or bad is a Divine reality being interpreted by individual and/or the collective mind according to the state of consciousness. Look deeply into every appearance, both the good and the bad, for good appearances are just as illusory as the bad ones. By not judging according to three dimensional standards but rather seeking to understand the underlying reality of all appearances, you are living truth and opening yourself for more to unfold. Example; When in the presence of a sick person, know that in reality they are Divine Consciousness and because Divine Consciousness knows nothing of disease, you then realize that you are witnessing a manifestation of the belief in disease (separation). You are Divine Consciousness utilizing the material body you formed for yourself in order to function in the denser energies of the third dimension. You have reached a point of spiritual readiness in which you must begin to identify with your real SELF rather than with the limited person you believed yourself to be. If you were not ready you would not even understand these messages. The physical body is like a car that you use while on earth. You utilize it as needed while keeping it clean and well maintained as best you can. Occasionally the car may crash or get damaged for some reason but you never have been or ever will become the car. Once you can accept that you are Consciousness and not simply a material body subject to every belief floating about in the collective, you can begin to use your mind as it was intended, as an avenue of awareness rather than the "boss". The mind draws and then feeds information through one's state of consciousness and as you begin to accept yourself as Divine Consciousness, allowing IT to express, everything in the outer begins to change. Imagine Divine Consciousness as an omnipresent Light so brilliant it is unable to be directly looked at with the human eye. Over time and through ignorance this Light was covered over with hundreds of varied and colorful veils eventually blocking it from being seen or even known about. Some of these veils are bright, colorful, and welcome while others are dark and dense but all are accepted as reality because they are familiar and known. Some of the veils become tattered over time and simply drop away if allowed to. Others develop small holes allowing tiny bits of Light to shine through. Most remain firmly in place until the individual carrying the Light begins to feel that there must be more to life than what he has known and begins to search for whatever that might be. At first he seeks outside of himself because it is what he knows and this usually becomes the focus of several lifetimes. After much stepping and falling, hundreds of attempts to find what he does not yet know he is looking for, and many paths followed, he simply gives up. It is at this point the veils of begin to separate and reveal themselves and a deeper spiritual journey begins. You are here now. You have been removing veils for a very long time through many many lifetimes. The intense high frequency energies of today are serving to speed up the process depending upon each one's readiness and how thick and dense their veils. As some intense long standing veils surface, their energy is frequently re-experienced physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. If or when this happens, do not resist but rather allow these energies/experiences to flow through and out without claiming them back in as your very own personal "problem". Individuals are often tempted to hold on to or reclaim some comfortable old veil in the belief that it is who they are and that they will lose their identity without it. The only self that can ever be lost is the personalized false sense of self because your real SELF is infinite. As each veil of false belief lifts from individual consciousness more of the already present Light Consciousness is able to shine without the need for prayers, candles, crystals, chants, ceremonies, or anything else meant to attract some separate God. All that is or ever has been required is an intention for more Light and the ability and willingness to get out of the way. Divine Consciousness needs no help from concepts of spirituality in order to express ITSELF. ALLOW Release the belief that spirituality must be or look a certain way in order to be authentic. Clear your mind of images of saints with folded hands and ascended masters bestowing light and blessings on adoring crowds. These as well as most metaphysical "tools" are valid in earlier and less awakened states of consciousness but relying on anything in the outer after once realizing that everything already exists fully present within will simply hold the person in an outgrown state and perpetuate the experiences of separation. Continuing with groups--family, friends, those with like minded causes, or even military after they have begun to feel old and finished does continue to bring the some sense of the oneness that groups provide but only until a person realizes that they have never been or ever could be separate from the love and sense of oneness they sought from the group. The present form of many groups, clubs, and gatherings will dissolve in the new energy but will reappear once again in higher form. Know that the one Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent Divine Consciousness is and always has been manifesting ITself as infinite form and variety. Know that every rock, every bird, every blade of grass, and every tree is just as much an expression of IT as are human beings. Every different form holds a unique pattern of wholeness and completeness representing the Divine plan for that particular expression/form of ITself. Different, but not less than... EVERYTHING is Divine Consciousness and to judge certain life forms as being better or of more value than another is three dimensional ego unawareness. Be aware that with every breath you breathe in the omnipresent Light of Divine Consciousness. Rest in the realty of your own soul's perfection. Trust that all is as it needs to be at this time while releasing once and for all the belief that you need to do, do, do, in order to be. You will never be more spiritual than you already are. It is time to accept and allow... We are the Arcturian Group 5/3/20 Donations are welcomed |
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