A Message to Lightworkers – June 25, 2021
Caroline Oceana Ryan [email protected] This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you again today. Today our writer has a question for us: COR: My friends, so many are reacting—not responding, but reacting to and wrestling with the extremely high energies coming in now. This uptick seems to have come in even more powerfully with the recent Solstice, though many feel the higher Light coming to the Earth was powerful enough already! Humanity is undergoing great changes. For some, that means releasing things that will not flow well with the higher vibration they are experiencing now, and acclimating to. As we accept this Light and integrate it with their full being, it feels increasingly uncomfortable to keep situations in our lives that may have felt OK even a month ago, but which now just feel “not right.” So we might be adopting a new set of ideas about an old issue, or a new interest, or ideas we weren’t expecting. Many are in crisis from these changes, which strike at the very center of our lives. Others have already been in crisis — challenges in health, finances, work or relationships, or due to what they see happening around them in the world. Millions have lost their jobs over the past year, and many have also lost their home as a result. Many have questions now about how to handle the lack of sleep, intense or disturbing dreams, emotional ups and downs, eating more or far less, wanting to release the need for words and dependency on left-brain thought. Would you explain what is happening, and assist us in adjusting to all of this? THE COLLECTIVE: Indeed, much is occurring that would have anyone confused and uncertain! And so our empathy is with all of you, for even those of you who take time each day for quiet moments of meditation or other spiritual practices are finding these shifts difficult to navigate at times. This is made all the more challenging, considering that millions of Light Bearers have felt that by this time, these shifts and changes would have abated a bit if not completely, and that a New Earth form of living would have come forward in ways that felt balanced and “normal.” Now you find that if anything, the challenges are greater than ever before, and no less so, due to what the world has experienced over the past 18 months. Most of you have not known consciously how deep a morass Earth life has dwelled in for millennia, and so the cleansing you see now is a bit of a shock. And so the unusual circumstances you find yourselves in—physically, astrologically, socially, energetically—have to do not with what you have expected or consciously called in, but what you have not fully grasped as necessary, and that is the shift to the New Earth timeline. And so we would say, You are correct if you are feeling that your old life will not suit you any longer, because it has vanished. It has fallen well behind you on the scale of evolvement, and in the sense that you have moved from one timeline to another. This is the unavoidable outcome of the new era you now enter. And the outcome of what you have consciously called in, which is a vibrational shift to a higher dimension. A 3D timeline can only bring you so much evolvement, friends! Nearly all of you have lived many lives on this Earth, circling around from one incarnation to the next, working on the same issues, the same connections with others, over and over again, in search of both growth and resolution. Over those hundreds or even thousands of years, you found that while some progress has been made, the ongoing reincarnating form of life on this planet must end now, and with it, all the density you once required, for purposes of experience and experimentation. Certainly, those who remain constantly in a high vibration have long viewed your struggle, and do not envy such! Those of us who have lived Earth lives know well the extreme intensity of Earth experience on an emotional level, and the pains and weaknesses of the human body within this very low dimension. Your experiences, while priceless in many ways, have been taxing in the extreme, and your souls have borne the brunt of that trauma, fracturing at times as you have struggled with lower vibrational experiences. So that now you have moved onto a new timeline, in which lower density can no longer be sustained (nor are you interested in experiencing such any longer), you feel many things at once. Similar to the deep sea diver having to come up to the surface slowly to avoid getting the bends, your bodies and subconscious minds, as well as your spirits are adjusting at a rate they can stand, without breaking down. As with all great changes, you will experience a feeing of loss some days, as the old passes away. Yes, a feeling of sadness and loss, that the sadness and loss are leaving! For you have associated lower emotional density with Who you are, though we are able to assure you, that is not your true nature. Once free of a human body, while in between incarnations, you tend to revert to your true selves, including your higher aspect, and clear communication with your soul. You are reaching for that again now, in memory of how clear, Light, and beautiful that experience is. And so your individual forms of emotional, mental, and physical density are coming forward in the higher Light you are integrating now, as you accept as your own that library of Inner Knowing developing in your New Human cells. All of it is rising to the surface, asking for either healing and resolution, or for complete transformation into a new form. A form that will reflect and hold this new higher Light in ways that are Joyful and natural to you. Many of you are seeking higher meaning in everyday life now in new ways that can indeed feel surprising—another sign that you are no longer the third dimensional beings you once were. It will be harder to be casual and unthinking about what you buy and when, how you eat, how you greet and speak with others, how you view the natural world, how you view Time (which, yes, is disappearing), and your nightly etheric travels. All of this takes on higher meaning now, not via left-brain reasoning as you have been taught, but through the high heart. We are aware that sleep presents a particularly vexing issue, as your nightly etheric travels broaden and expand to include more multi-locating, and deeper and more resonant connections to loved ones and colleagues within your Earth mission. So that while you desire complete physical rest, whole parts of your spirit and psyche are ringing with excitement over the changes that Earth life is undergoing now. You desire very much to be “awake” enough to be consciously aware of and to remember these travels and the work you are doing in the night time, and yet, were you to be awake, they could not offer the kind of sleep-travel that you have engaged in for your entire lives. And so for now, much of that is kept “under wraps” except for strange dreams that speak to you in images with symbols that try to convey the depth of your multidimensional experience, without alarming you too badly. These are images that are not too “intergalactic” for those not quite prepared for certain awarenesses, though the vibrational transmission of the message still reaches you. And so—how to integrate all of this and be supportive of this growing-into-fifth-dimensional-life process, and supportive of your own well-being at the same time? We would say, particularly for those who have very full work and/or family schedules, and therefore find that more physical rest and/or meditation is not very likely to occur—engage in healing and nurturing habits whenever you can. Keep sound healing recordings on in the background as you work or do household chores—so long as you are not driving while listening. These can be very calming and supportive. Listen to guided meditations and sound healing or energy clearings as you are falling asleep at night. Turn the sound down to where you can comfortably fall asleep, while the energies of the recording are still reaching you. Inform your Spirit team of Angelic guardians, guides, and higher self that you require their assistance in helping you sleep more fully at night, and in orienting your mental/emotional state to one of deep calm. Tell them that you are open to their suggestions as how best to do that. Take a moment and do this right now! Then be aware as you either hear them inwardly, or receive Light-filled thoughts or ideas from within that bring a sense of relief; a feeling that this is a solution to what you have been asking about. You may also receive ideas from outer sources that alert you to one form of assistance or another. It is important to act on these ideas, and not merely to mentally note them. Do not sweep them aside thinking, “I have no time for that,” for it may not take that much time to integrate 10 minutes of chanting a helpful and empowering mantra each morning, or 20 minutes of meditation or yoga practice, or 30 minutes in Nature most days. Yet these moments can transform your vibration and make the integration of these shifts and changes far more palatable and easygoing. You already find time for that which feels completely necessary each day—a shower or bath, getting dressed, eating meals, brushing teeth—and so, consider these actions that you receive direction on to be just as vital, only more so. If it still feels impossible, take 5 minutes each day to clear your mind of all thoughts, and simply concentrate on your breathing. You may wish to place yourself in the Transmuting Violet Flame of Saint Germain as you do so, as this can be a cleansing and quieting image to work with. Allow it to flow through you, releasing tension, upset, stresses, and worries. In any highly individual journey, there is no one cure-all for all persons, to ease the roughness of the transition. Each of you will find your own way to calm yourself and to more peacefully integrate what you are experiencing now, if you will make that a priority in your day, and not only those outer items which require your attention. This is an outer item (and an inner one) requiring your attention, and it calls to you now, from the depths of your soul! These are not “normal” times, dear ones. You hear much about life “going back to normal,” and yet we assure you, that will not occur, nor have you wanted such. You have desired to leave behind the lies and illusions, the suppression of your Divine Light. And to release the drastic circumstances, but not to avoid drastic change. For you have called that to you, and are here to experience such. So open now, without resistance, to what occurs, and keep a journal of your discoveries—dreams, realizations, changes within and without, reactions to “the world situation,” breakthroughs in remembering how to manifest. And in coming months, look back at times to see how miraculously far you have come. We are with you in this process, dear ones. Daily your loved ones watch over you from the ships, from Inner Earth, and from the higher dimensions, as does Earth Herself. All send you not only the sustenance of their Love, but a new form of patience that you did not know you could carry. And so it is—that by which you have typified your humanity has faded from view, and your sovereignty enters the room, and requires that you step fully into that form, and inhabit your true being. You would not have had it any other way. Namaste, dear ones! We send much Love, and as always assure you once again: You are never alone. . Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.Caroline Oceana Ryan <[email protected]
Linda Robinson [email protected] via aweber.com
MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL ~ JULY 2021 TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON BEING FOCUSED Greetings Beloved Ones, WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being focused. Much higher frequency energy is reaching your planet. This higher frequency energy is composed of brilliant particles of Light. Because the energy is moving much faster in your current times, it carries with it the potential for rapid manifestation. It is awaiting your direction as to what shape it will take. This provides an opportunity for you to shape it into your dreams and desires. These particles of incoming energy can be considered as building blocks ready to be shaped into outcomes. They arrive in an unformed way as they await direction from you. If your thoughts are scattered and unclear, the particles will be confused, and the result will be a scattered outcome. However, focused thoughts can lead to a clearer outcome. Therefore, defining what you want is an important step. The clearer you are about what you want, the sharper your focus will be. Each detail about your goal is a building block in the manifestation process. Your thoughts and feelings direct the energy into the shape it will take. Keeping your focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want is important. The energy will follow where you place your focus. Many times you may consider manifestation to be of a physical nature, such as reaching a goal or completing a project. This is certainly an important part of being focused. Another aspect of focusing the energy is to consider your spiritual path. Think about what you want the next steps on your journey to be. They may range from enhancing your own spiritual qualities to having a closer connection with your guides. Having a clear focus about your spiritual journey and what you want to focus on next can help you as you move forward. First, take a look at where you currently are on your spiritual path. Think about what shape you want your path to take. There are no right or wrong answers. It all depends on what makes your heart sing. This is sometimes an evolving process as you progress. You can remain open to any changes that you feel prompted to consider. As you begin this process, you may wish to think of yourself as a Being of Light and how you can best use the incoming energy. Applying the energy to yourself and the qualities you wish to embody can elevate your own Being and help you be of service for highest good. Beginning with a desire for highest good elevates your frequency. This provides a setting for working with the Higher Beings and allows you to access the higher dimensional energy. Then consider the qualities you would like to embody. These may include aspects such as universal Love, compassion, and kindness. Focus on what each aspect would look like, what your actions would be, and how it would feel. The feeling is especially important because, as you focus on a quality, the particles of energy begin to take on the vibration of that particular quality. They arrange themselves to express that quality. This begins to shift your energy field so that this quality is what you express. It becomes part of who you are. The more you focus on a quality, the stronger it will become within your own Being. This not only assists you in moving forward on your own path, it also sets the stage for you to be of service for highest good. There are many ways to be of service. You may decide that you want to keep your vibration as high and positive as possible so that you can radiate Light wherever you are. This allows you to be of service no matter where you are. Your Light ripples out into the immediate surroundings and continues throughout the ethers. If you decide that you want to work more closely with your guides in carrying out your mission of service, focus on the Higher Being or Beings that you wish to work with and ask them to assist you in your work. Keeping your intention on highest good is an important part of this process as you make your request. It helps to form a connection between the seen and the unseen realms. Continuing to keep your thoughts, intentions, and feelings focused on what you want for your spiritual path allows you to shape the energy for your progress and for highest good. Beloveds, we are happy that you are being focused on your spiritual path and being of service for highest good. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst …and we surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2021 Linda M. Robinson, PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]. Your Intellect is Limited to Earth Experiences
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com A summary of Brenda’s June 18, 2021, “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: I’ve decided to create a podcast of my weekly Brenda’s Blog – available at Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, and Spotify (lifetapestrycreations.wordpress.com) – and discontinue my weekly Blog Talk Radio show for now. It’s an exciting new phase for me. Thank you so much for being part of my Blog Talk Radio channel family for the past eleven years. “You’re on a Personal Time Clock” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for Life Tapestry Creations.com. Dear Ones, Even though your need to be right is a topic we, of the Universes, have touched upon before, the recent energies have encouraged some forerunners to dig deeper into their 3D rightness. All issues – both old and new – are now up for review and discussion. Even so, some of you have continued your 3D beliefs in your new life. There is no wrong or right – only what you need at any moment. Others with differing opinions might be in a different phase or helping you recognize your new you needs. Sometimes, you cannot sense your needs without pushback from someone with an opposite or even similar view. Have you ever felt the need to experience something until you did and then realized that is not who you are or wish to be? So it is now. Many of you are pining for something you think you want because of the actions of those with opposing views. Such dreams are a reaction instead of a new you action. “We all need to do this to counter that terrible action.” Even though you might feel as if you want to be part of that counteraction, please pause a moment to ensure such is true. In the current chaos, there are likely many issues that upset you. Not because those issues are your new you piece, but because you want a loving world. What is now being displayed often seems the opposite of that wish. You are a unique being with unique needs. You are no longer a world savior. That phase was completed when you helped shift earth from 3D to 5D and beyond. You are now a personal savior – of yourself. So review your current needs to determine if what you pine for is from your inner-being or merely a continuation of 3D shoulds. For have you not always pined for peace on earth, including all the elements necessary for that to happen? Even though you might wish to help create peace on the earth, such a dream is only effective if you initiate peace within you. You are no longer a caretaker for anyone other than you. For the eons you have been of the earth, the most likely person you ignored, did not trust, or did not even like, was you. Your new you role is much larger than you realize. For if you and millions of others listen to your inner voices, there will be more peace on the earth than you can now imagine. Fear is only possible if you do not trust or like yourself. So job one for new you is to listen to your heart. Not your fear. Not what others want, or you think need, but your heart. Your heart, your inner voice, will not lead you astray. Until you listen to your inner-being, you will continue to live in fear, even rage, about how terrible the earth is for this person, that country, or that group. Your inner voice is your new voice of reason. Your logic and intellect are only as correct as your book learning or personal fear experiences. Logic and intellect are limited to what you and others have experienced while of the earth and how those experiences were shared. Your inner voice is your Universal knowledge plus all related experiences. It is wider, deeper, and not fear-based because those Universal elements are love. Of course, that last statement seems a bit woo-woo. But, know that your inner voice is much wiser and more personalized than has ever been true of your earth logic. The entirety of your earth logic is based on fear. “If I do this, that won’t happen.” Your inner voice is love. “If I do this, I will add to or complete my personal role in assisting the shift from fear to love.” It is time to listen to your inner voice, not because you have to, but because by doing so, you will shift from fear to love. The 3D version is that shifts only happen en masse. And since there has never been a global consensus of earth beings, the hope of a loving and peaceful earth never happens. So this new earth role that you are now ushering in is about changing yourself, and by doing so, you will do more for group consensus than any movement, political party, or discussion ever created in 3D. Three-D was about talk and the hope that others experienced the same sensations as you. And underlying every action was the subtle wondering if others of that group were telling the truth or were as committed as you. Now that millions are beginning to listen to their inner voice, truth or commitment will not be a concern. For when awakened group participants are no longer interested, they will move on. Just as you might flit from interest to interest based on your inner voice of rightness, instead of financial needs or popularity. So it is communities of like-minded people will form until peace on earth is a given. Not because a group has decided that such should be true, but because competition, outer-directed power, and greed will not be interesting to those participating. And those who wish to experience those aforementioned 3D sensations will find others like them. Do you realize how uncomfortable a 3D human would feel in a community without fear or power struggles? You are new beings in a new world learning to follow your inner voice of love instead of your outer-directed 3D voice of fear. So be it. Amen. LifeTapestryCreations.com. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via WordPress.com. Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com. A Message to Lightworkers – June 10, 2021
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you again today. Today we share again from our book Earth Life Challenges: The Collective Speak on Dealing with Trauma and Life Changes. This is from Chapter 21 – “On Calling Upon the Higher Realms for Help,” and it answers a question sent us from a Light Bringer: QUESTION: Daily I am assaulted by the cruelty of humanity. Children caged, pollution, injustice, extrajudicial killings. It does not seem to get better; it seems to get worse. You could say that the news just makes it seem worse, but get real. Mass shootings are a new phenomenon. Bribery [of those in power] is at its highest level ever, and totally blatant. More pollution than ever . . . While the two [political] sides [of Left and Right] argue, our planet is being destroyed by pollution. I don’t think we can wait much longer for help. We need help now. We are enslaved, so long as we can’t even figure out what is true. It’s obvious things are getting much worse, not better, as far as our destroying the ecosystem. If we ask for help, can you please help us wake up? We need to be freed. We are enchained. Help us, please. What can we do to get more help for our Mother Gaia? THE COLLECTIVE: We are utterly aware of Earth’s current status, both as you describe it and as we ourselves view it, as there are considerable differences there. We also fully understand your feeling that you have only so much time to work things out, before irreparable damage is done to Lady Gaia. Regarding our sending help to Earth and Her people, it may be interesting for you to know that we have been assisting you for many thousands of years—as Galactic family members, as higher dimensional nonphysical entities, as energy forms and intentions, and other etheric “forms.” Though Earth is a free will planet, you have never been abandoned, nor will you be. Disaster in one form or another has been averted numerous times, and will continue to be, as needed. This includes the slower effects of toxic radiation and other forms of pollution in air, water, soil, crops, and other areas of Earth’s body, as well as our stopping nuclear warheads from deploying, or rerouting those that have been deployed and overseeing their controlled detonation well out into space, where they will harm no one. We understand your concern and unhappiness at all that the Earth and her people have suffered. Yet understand that your free will on this planet has already been usurped, by invaders who came thousands of years ago to occupy and rule your planet in unjust and highly imbalanced terms. We would be only a bit higher in our intentions, if we suddenly “flew down and rescued humanity” as they say. You would then view us as your overlords, looking to us for solutions and even permission to live your lives and run your communities in certain ways. This would not be an improvement—you have seen how some believe themselves to be following a higher path, and then, once they have amassed a following, fall into ego and express a far lower intention than they began with. Your free will is a thing to be fully respected and honored by us, and by all in this Universe. And your innate power—your sovereignty, your growing consciousness, and your ability to save yourselves—is a thing for you all to become fully aware of, to grab by the horns, and to fully enact. We cannot do this for you—that would defeat the entire purpose behind your Ascension! Nor would we attempt to do so. We are watching, at this time, an Awakening on the planet such as only dreamt of by earlier generations of poets, sages, and spiritual seekers. We cannot agree that most in the spiritual community as you term it are followers of dark entities (and false life forms) posing as human beings, nor can we agree that all young people have caught on to what certain political figures are intending. Understand that you live in a world in which human beings have long been subject to so many forms of humiliation, degradation, overt mind control and subtle mental programming, desperation carefully manufactured from consciously created economic and politic situations (including in some cases, political revolutions that only reinstated the elite in a slightly different way), that you have a hard time believing that all these lies, illusions, and hypnosis could ever produce even one independent human thought. And indeed, they are not producing that. The independent thought—the Awakening—we are seeing now has nothing to do with the old way of thinking or feeling about life on Earth. It has everything to do with growing a consciousness sprung from the soul level, from experiencing and aspiring to the reality enjoyed in the higher realms. And from the co-Creative essence of your own spirits, as they reach higher in the empowering energies now coming to Earth. If it were any other era—the era before the one you have just entered, in other words (the Kali Yuga), which was a era of destruction—we might agree with you that consciousness was low all round, even amongst most of the spiritually aware. But as you have now entered the Satya Yuga—a time of Enlightenment, Peace, Prosperity, and Justice—we do not see Earth as headed for disaster in a short amount of time, and that She and you all require rescuing. All of what you name—the cruelty, violence, corruption—is coming into the Light now, and being shown for what it truly is: a violation of human spirit and human sovereignty. Those at the head of these schemes are even now, in some cases, facing courts of Divine Justice on Earth, in space, and on other planets. They are not escaping simply by jumping into underground hideouts or leaping aboard a spacecraft. We are aware of where they are, and when and how they will be brought to face their crimes and answer for them. Some of the shadow realm are coming into the Light now, by their own free will, and that is how it should be. The idea of forcing situations or people has had its day, and will not be permitted to continue. Now, did we decide all of that? No—all of you did. Planet Earth, and the majority of Her people, on a higher level and now on an increasingly Earthly level of consciousness. And that is as it should be. And so, we would say, watch or read very little of news reports and channeled material that do not give you a fuller picture. They are reporting the dense and the painful because a negative slant on your world is how the now defunct old regime kept your consciousness low, and expecting disaster at any moment. Fear was always one of their most useful forms of enslavement. But those days have been ending for a while now, and will continue to fade. There are news reports that have been finding their way to seeking actual truth, in the sense of establishing what Justice is, and what it means to humankind, and how it may be established as the norm, not the exception. Yet we would caution you to not take in too much of it. These are by and large situations over which you have no immediate control. Yet you have powerful influence. Hold a concentration of Love and higher Light for Earth and all Her beings each day, and give thanks for the freedom and sovereignty of both planet and living beings. That is by far a million times more positive, healing, and life-building than watching the news or discussing it with someone, and feeling your energy sink lower as a result. Consider that you are, with your Light Being presence on the Earth right now, a healer of the highest order, and that you must keep your thoughts on a high frequency so as to anchor and activate more fully that which you came here to introduce—the Light that heals, frees, and celebrates humanity at every moment. We celebrate your sensitivity, your insight, and the beauty of your very deep compassion. We would merely say, “Allow yourself any Joy you can possibly find. Go look for it, and celebrate all that you can, giving thanks throughout the day.” That will elevate your planet and humanity in ways that we of the higher realms could once have only dreamt of for your beautiful Earth . . . . Excerpted from Earth Life Challenges, available at https://tinyurl.com/6pnzn836. Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Onenessofall.com [email protected] via em.secureserver.net JUNE 6, 2021 Welcome, dear readers. We observe that as restrictions begin to lessen many expect their lives to pick up exactly where they left off before the period of isolation. Nothing can or will be exactly as it was for the energy of earth has and will continue to change. Allow the process dear ones. It is important to honestly examine your belief system and allow yourselves to recognize everything that you may still hold with regard to how things must be in order to be "right". Be open to change through understanding and accepting that the world has entered a new vibrational pattern which does not allow it to express exactly as it did previously. Listen to and trust your intuition fully, allowing it to guide you to new and previously unknown ways of living in a higher resonating world. It has become a time of fear for those who remain spiritually un-awakened because as their comfortable and familiar belief system begins to crumble they experience it as the loss of their foundation, one built on sand. Divine Consciousness is a permanent state of fulfillment. Divine consciousness never gives fulfillment to an individual, for Divine Consciousness holds nothing about the belief in separation or individuals as being separate from ITself. God is always fulfilling ITSelf as and through individuals. Individual expressions of Divine Consciousness experience fulfillment in accord with how open their consciousness is to receive it. A consciousness that is already filled with false beliefs of two powers, duality, and separation has no room through which Divine fulfillment can express. It is time to ponder and evaluate the ordinary facets of your life. "Why do I struggle to maintain a job, relationship, way of life that feels finished? What beliefs drive me? Am I doing these things to please others? In the light of what I know, are these beliefs true or simply concepts I have accepted and feel comfortable holding on to? " The benefit of the time of confinement is that it provided an opportunity for individuals to ask themselves these questions which in turn has helped many move beyond old beliefs that were holding them in bondage. Throughout all lifetimes the majority has comfortably accepted and lived from what they were led to believe was the "right way" or "truth" about everything most of which was based primarily in duality and separation. The third dimension is the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder dear ones, which is why most people are unable to easily speak with their Guides, teachers, and loved ones on the other side. Three dimensional energy does not align with the more refined Light energies of the higher dimensions. Many continue to believe that the higher dimensions do not exist because they can't see or hear them. Some who do believe in an afterlife continue to view it from narrow and false concepts of a "heaven" or "hell" awaiting everyone which in turn has provided a well used control tool for churches, parents, governments, etc. Never doubt that those living in the higher dimensions are alive and well, learning and evolving, and happy to be back home. Ghosts are individuals who are so completely aligned with three dimensional energy that even after the death of the physical body they remain fully aligned with it. It is their state of consciousness. Higher dimensional beings are always close by ready to assist but free will allows them to remain in their illusions as long as they choose. Those who incessantly mourn someone who has passed on by erecting altars, having seances, and consistently trying to make contact do no favor to themselves or the person they mourn because these actions only serve to keep both tied to what is finished and keeps the one who has passed from moving on. There is, never has been, and never can be death. Could an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God die? As individuals evolve and grow spiritually, it becomes easier and more natural to communicate with Guides or even loved ones if contact is necessary. This is because as a person's energy becomes more refined, they automatically begin to align with the same energies in the higher dimensions. Never forget that you are not a human being with a consciousness but rather you are consciousness presently utilizing a material body as is necessary for living in the denser energy of earth. We observe hesitation on the part of many who are aware of their true nature but are unable to fully trust it because they believe that it never manifests as they expected, is unpredictable, and is thus not practical for every day living. Realize and remember that Consciousness is the substance of form, not an intellectual knowledge of truth. This is why the first stages of the spiritual journey do not seem to bring forth much fruitage. Everyone has experiences that cause them to doubt what they have learned about themselves and God. It is part of the evolutionary process. Have no guilt, sorrow, or feelings of failure about it. Rest assured that Truth is a never changing reality but for humans used to living in third dimensional energy Truth must be held silently and sacredly within and practiced until through Grace it becomes an attained state of consciousness that can express outwardly. Trust that your Higher self is running the show and bringing to you that which you need. Once a person consciously or unconsciously decides to spiritually evolve, their journey begins with no going back. From then on experiences of both bad and good are based in learning, clearing, and moving more deeply into spiritual awareness. Try not to judge your life by outer appearances for experiences can get quite difficult on all levels as old stored energy from hundreds of past lives begins to surface in order to clear. Look for the lesson underlying all experiences for there always is one. It is important to set aside a particular time to state the intention to clear all oaths, promises, vows, or commitments made in this life and all past lives for they can bind you to their particular energy. Even lifetimes lived as a warrior can bind a person to the energy of oaths and promises made to always serve a leader, country, or cause to the death. Likewise, old vows of poverty can keep a person continuously struggling with abundance. Most vows, oaths, and promises of the past were appropriate at the time but as a person evolves they act as anchors and block the new. Over the course of living many lifetimes everyone has surrendered personal power to others be it some religion, person in power, husband, wife, child, or cause. Mankind has reached a place of spiritual readiness to reclaim the innate power they willingly and ignorantly, or forcibly surrendered to some person, place, cause, etc. The integration and balancing of the masculine and feminine energy fully present but often unrecognized in every person is a necessary component of reclaiming one's power as a Divine being. Those who ignore or resist opening themselves to the qualities of either gender will be presented with opportunities that force them to go deeper with regard to this. Everyone came to believe through experience and teachings in this or previous lifetimes that they were powerless. For many, powerlessness remains intact as their state of consciousness and continuing to manifest outwardly in every facet of their lives. The process of evolving beyond a consciousness of powerlessness often includes situations that seem to be problems but which in reality are experiences created by the Higher Self necessary for attaining personal empowerment. When a person reaches a place of "NO MORE!" the upper realms rejoice for it means the person has begun to break their bondage to some person, place, or thing outside of themselves freeing them from energies that they may have been carrying through many many lifetimes. Appearances are never what they seem to be according to three dimensional thinking. Three dimensional minds regardless of how educated or bright can only access what is already known in three dimensional collective consciousness simply because that is what they are in alignment with. Fresh new ideas can only flow from the Source of creativity--Divine Consciousness. Great artists do not seek new ideas from what already exists in the three dimensional collective but look within where creativity exists. Often without conscious awareness of what they were doing, the great artists and creators of every age pondered and silently listened, opening a path through which new ideas for music, art, dance, medicine, learning etc. could flow. Once a new idea is brought forth from the Source of creativity within, it then becomes a part of the collective and available to others. This is why it often happens that two people will invent the same thing at the same time and is also why every truth you know and integrate serves to lift and add Light to collective consciousness. You are living in powerful times and all is proceeding according to plan. Rejoice. We are the Arcturian Group A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner June 2, 2021 Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am also placed in the Earth Council for the exact purpose of this Ascension process occurring now with your planet. As most of you know, we assist other planets with their Ascension process. We have a precious and vested interest in the earth. We are here to assist humanity, all of life on the earth, as well as the earth herself. We are dear friends with the earth. We know love and respect her immensely. We celebrate her ascension for she deserves this graduation from the enormous and atrocious forces of darkness. Some of you may be feeling lighter frequencies due to the dark ones’ isolation and removal from your beloved planet. You might be feeling as if you can breathe again. Right now, you are at a critical juncture in this grand shift. There has been a deep drilling down and taking out of the forces of darkness. Even though they know they are done with the earth, they are fighting tooth and nail to the very end. We want to assure you that this is nearly over and that Source has the upper hand. Please focus your attention as much as possible on the light and the beauty of this unfolding. The plan is a brilliant one and the resources are many. Hold the light and keep your hearts open to each other. We understand that many of you are challenged and struggling. It takes courage and strength to participate in the end of so many years of darkness. You are right there at the threshold of light. You can feel it and see it. The light is real. You are nearly Home. In fact, we already have many celebrations and reunions planned for you. Of course, these will all be the unmasked version where we can see your fully beautiful faces, read the light in your eyes, and feel the love in your hearts. You will indeed see the same with us. Promises and prophecies have been made throughout the ages. It is now time for them to come to fruition. Beloved ones, you shall inherit the earth. We always want to thank you for your good work, prayers, love, and devotion to your ascension. Each one of you make the world of difference to us and to the planet. In deep love and devotion, I am in Mira. |
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