The Council
by Ron Head What is going on? Why do I feel so down at times? Why are my dreams so violent? These are a few of the questions we are receiving from you these days. There are many others, as well, but they all show your confusion about going through things that you believed you had finished with. Now this is not true for all of you, so please do not feel left out of you are having wonderfully happy times. It is not as if you have been missed and we will get to you later. Each of you are standing at a different spot on your own personal path, but there are many who will feel that we are addressing their current situation with this message. And we feel that if things are rosy for you at this time, you do not need us to explain it to you. Now, as time passes, or more accurately, as more and more of you experience greater evolution in your conscious awakenings, your collective approaches closer and closer to the tipping point in your collective experience of yourselves. When that tipping point is finally reached and the crest is passed, you will, many of you, feel or see or know in some manner, perhaps all of those mentioned, that mankind has evolved into what you are terming ascension. It is possible that you will experience something that you are calling an ‘Event’. There is an equally positive probably that you have brought into potential in the last short while that will be experienced as a much smoother transition. You are in the process of deciding how this will manifest. Whichever the outcome you decide, it requires that a great many of you have quite a bit of final clearing to experience in a very short period. We wish you to know that most of you will not need to relive or relearn these lessons, but you are feeling them as they are released. You are being cleared by the light and unconditional love of the All That Is, whatever name you choose to give that. In other words, dear friends, it is ‘crunch time’. You have asked for, and been granted, a very much more gradual series of changes than was previously planned. It will bring along with it an inclusion of a far wider share of the world’s population. But as you will see with a moment’s consideration, for many it will still involve a massive and perhaps uncomfortable change in their understanding of reality. It is not easy to find out that most or even all of what you believed to betrue really never was true. To balance that, be prepared to show those around you how very much better their lives are becoming. Now we know that you have been reading and hearing these marvelous forecasts for years. We would say two things about that. Firstly, what you call ‘years and years’ is in this universe only a moment, especially when the import of this change is considered. And then we ask you to look around and see that most of what you have been looking forward to can be seen to be in progress and evident now in many ways. Even by your standards, it will very soon be undeniable. So, as you say, hang in there. And the more you feel yourself to be in a hurry, the more we ask you to continue to do your intentions and affirmations, your prayers and meditations, for the outcomes you desire for your world. And as we always tell you, remember that what you are responsible – response able – for is the changes in yourselves and your own lives. Blessings, light, and constant love to each of you. We will speak again soon. The Council
by Marlene Swetlishoff Beloved Ones, The world is moving into the process of renewal and regeneration. This can be readily seen in world events. All the outworn systems that do not serve the highest good of all are being highlighted through events that are taking place. It is difficult for humanity to comprehend that a higher law is in force when all that they see is chaos and a world gone mad. This is the time for which all Lightworkers of the world have been incarnated upon this planet. Your Light is making a difference!Do not become discouraged by what you view through the lens of the media, there is more at work in the higher perspective than is presented to you. Within you there is much recalibration taking place. Like it or not, your physical vehicles are being transformed into higher versions of more rarefied form. Most of you are by now intimately experiencing waves of heat throughout your spines at regular intervals. When this happens, you know that your DNA strands are being activated and opened up. There are many strange symptoms that are being experienced by many of you and this will continue to occur. Some of you are experiencing anxiety without knowing the cause. This is in relation to the fact that you are heading into unknown territory and you do not know what it holds for you. Be at peace and ride these waves as they come, you will emerge victorious! You are not alone in this transformation; the entire world is in the throes of great change. It begins in the minute cells of every living thing upon the planet and it is being felt internally. It is important as we have stressed many times before, to connect to the Earth each day. Stand upon the ground in your bare feet and take a few moments to breathe deep rhythmic breaths and give thanks to the Earth for sustaining and protecting you. This is something that humanity as a whole needs to become more aware of, for it is the Earth your planet that is your home. There is only one Earth and it needs acknowledgement and love from its inhabitants. Each day ask your Divine Essence to shift your consciousness in order that you see your individual circumstances through the higher perspective. A higher connection to the divinity within you can make your way through life more peaceful and harmonious. This also develops the qualities of trust and courage within you. Trust that all that is experienced by you and your loved ones are happening for a higher reason and purpose. If we could share one most important piece of advice at this moment in time, it would be that you begin the daily practice of blessing. Bless every circumstance that you find yourself in and look within for the gift it contains. Bless the loved ones with whom you are experiencing challenges, for they are being the courageous souls who agreed to play this role in order that you learn your soul lessons and grow beyond them. They took this on because of their love for you. Bless every bird, every animal, every tree, every plant, and living thing within your immediate environment. Realize that everything you see is the Source of All That Is in physical manifestation. This is practicing the highest form of love in action and it is what is needed now. Do not allow distractions to take you away from this practice. Realize and become aware of the cycles that are occurring on the planetary and seasonal level and work in unison with them. You are an integral part with all of it and your love helps to maintain and sustain it. In everything that occurs, choose love as your response. Until next week… I AM Hilarion Share video version by using this link: The More and more of you, in your remembrance of dreams or meditations, are seeing what you variously call auditoriums, amphitheaters, or council chambers. Most are seeing these as of immense size and participation. This is, in actuality, a representation you have constructed to allow understanding of an energetic event that you have witnessed. Such things must be ‘seen’ by you in this way in order to understand the events you participate in.
When you are ‘there’, in that ‘place’, you ‘see’ a meeting being conducted in which you participate in decisions that affect you. The reason for the quotation marks in the prior sentence is that everything we are describing is an internal experience within your being. That really is unimportant at this point. There will come a time when you experience the truth of that. In the meantime, we will describe such things in the linear fashion which you currently experience. Many report seeing great numbers of beings in these councils. They see some that appear to be in body and many more whom they sense as being spirit or light beings. They see guides, teachers, and angelic beings. Sometimes they witness themselves as listening and other times as speaking. All of this is true. What we wish you to begin to consider and to understand is that these councils are where all decisions that affect you in any way are being made. You are always there. And no decision is ever made without your express consent. Excerpt from book It Rings True by Ron Head Brenda's Blog,
Dear Ones, So much is happening, yet it is as if nothing is happening other than fear, pain and angst. Have you not yet completed your 3D fear project? Are you doing something wrong? Are you fooling yourself and others in believing that you are of 5D? NO! All is as projected. You are building a new life with new tools. But before you begin building/creating your new life, you must declare to yourself that this chaos is not your life – merely a passing phase. You have moved through this fear before. You are doing so now to declare to yourself that you are no longer of 3D. The same is true for the earth and any earth beings who wish to transition beyond 3D. Creating total chaos – in your life, the life of those you love, all earth entities, as well as the earth. This is a time of crumbling structures – including those you created to fully participate on earth in this and any previous lifetime. Until now, that structure remained despite a tenuous hold on your life and earth being – a structure ‘holding on by a thread’ within your being. Just enough to visit and revisit you – not as dramatically as was true when you were of 3D – but as a part of your being you do not necessarily wish to address or remember. So it is now that the additional energies gifted to you and the earth are helping you break that thread, cutting any ties you have to that fear. But doing so is not as easy as you would like. Not because you are not fully capable of breaking that thread – and have been for some time – but because that fear is so deeply embedded in your being. In a sense, removing that fear is a bit like cutting off a part of your physical being – you will live, but not as comfortably as was true before removing that body part. Now many of you are frightened. Does that mean you need that fear to live? No – merely that you do not yet know how to live without that pain, that fearful piece of comfort that has been part of you for years, perhaps eons. That is the chaos many of you are feeling/experiencing now. Removing a part of yourselves that no longer serves any purpose, but is so deeply enmeshed within your being that you are not sure you can exist without it. You are fighting yourself. Are you of the joyful light? Or do you wish to retain this fear? Both options seem fearful now for one is the unknown and the other is a comfort zone you created to be more fully of earth. And so it is you waver back and forth – not because you have to, but because such feels right at this time. Why would any 3D fear feel right? You know this fear. You have created and faced it time and time again. It is almost like an old friend who reminds you of who you were. You do not necessarily wish to return to that former life, but that fear contains many fond memories of your growth, courage, and determination. That fear has shifted from an adversary to a friend. And you are not yet certain you are ready to let go of that friend filled with memories that no one but you understands. Of course, you will let go in short order. But for now, you feel a need to hold onto those memories of how life used to be, how much you achieved. For once you let go of that fear, that angst, your memories will shift dramatically. You will view the moments, the interactions, the fear with a detachment you can only dream of now. As you let go of this fond fear memory, your perspective of that fear and of the battles you won and lost with that fear will fade into nothingness. That is what you and others are in despair about losing now. So it is that your society is enraged, angry, and fearful. For one-by-one, you are all destroying the structures barely visible that subconsciously return you to a fear you have outgrown but continue to remember with fondness. And so it that your fear structures are being destroyed so your new being can move into joy without that final, deeply seated fear piece rattling around waiting for another tug-of-war with you. Allow yourself to know that your life will be different – as will that of any other being who wishes to be of the light now or in the future – once you allow yourself to blow up the final rag-tag remains of your deeply embedded fear. A fear that has served you so well for years or eons. A destruction phase is never pretty or even necessarily clean. So it is that millions of little bombs, if you will, are exploding simultaneously or nearly so. The result is the chaos you are feeling and sensing in yourself and others. Allow it to be. It is short-lived for your fear buddy is hanging on by a very small thread. So be it. Amen. Brenda Hoffman, Life Tapestry Creations Source Kara Schallock
In just a few days on March 19th at 10:30 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time (4:30 UTC), we have an Equinox. This occurs in the middle of a powerful Gateway, which began with the Solar Eclipse/New Moon on March 8 and concludes with the Lunar eclipse/Full Moon next Wednesday, March 23rd. The Equinox is a full embodiment of the Divine Feminine, empowering the Balance of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses (Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine). This Equinox symbolizes all things new in the Northern Hemisphere, while it is a complete Balance for the Southern Hemisphere. During this time, we (and continue to) receive many Light Codes that heighten our consciousness. Because of so much Light entering us, feeding our cells and DNA, much also comes to the surface from the depths of our subconscious in order to love, transform and release…to make room for more and more Light. The Divine Feminine/Source leads the way, empowering all that we set forth on the New Moon/Solar Eclipse. It is a shift from the old patriarchy to the new matriarchy to the complete Balance of both. The old patriarchy is replaced by the Divine Masculine; that energy that supports the Divine Feminine. Did you know that Archangel Amabael (Divine Mother Mary) taught both Yeshua and Mary of Magdala how to embrace their own Divinity and Source-Selves? The Goddess takes Her rightful place again, leading the way. We feel this as our Soul-voice. Our Soul leads our separate ego and helps our separate ego become One with our Soul. Through this, our High Mind is activated, which is a blending of Heart and intellect, for one without the other is incomplete. The High Mind then offers the gift of being able to articulate the feelings of the Heart and Soul. Our Christ Consciousness is expanded and empowered during this time. Christ Consciousness is not based on the man Yeshua, but is actually Source Consciousness. While Christ/Source Consciousness is enhanced within us, we feel it through our Awareness, which helps us make choices that are aligned with Source and Soul, rather than being based on separate ego desires. Thus the Light Codes and Christ Consciousness further support our Ascension; the bringing of “Heaven” to Earth (not Earth to “Heaven”). As we balance and integrate it all, we are both strong and vulnerable; powerful and open. To be vulnerable is to be open-hearted; that is, to be Love, our natural state of being. Vulnerability in the old meant that we were fragile and had to protect ourselves from lower forces. Because we are so much Love now, we may realize that Love is more powerful than fear and there is no need to protect ourselves. Still, many are in different phases of their Ascension, so may be guided to protect themselves. Do remain vulnerable though; that is, open-hearted. There is nothing to fear. Love embraces fear, soothes it and transforms it. That is how powerful Love is; that is how powerful we are. Some time on the day of the Eclipse, open up and receive the Light Codes of the Divine Feminine/Source. Open your chakras by spiraling them open and afterward, spiral them closed. This brings Light into them and into your endocrine system. If you are guided to be with others or be by yourself, it matters not, for we are all connected as One, regardless of where you are. Simply follow your guidance and invite the Goddess into you. When one receives, we all receive. Do the same on the Lunar Eclipse. There are so many changes taking place, as the sands are shifting. Wherever you place your attention is what becomes solid (for now). If you are focused on the negativity of the old, that is what solidifies, so keep your thoughts and feelings as high and as positive as you can. Remember that fear and any lower energies are illusions (illusions are things that shift) and only Love is real. The Awareness you upgrade goes through many lifetimes. This means that there is wholing in all your lifetimes, as well as the integration of your gifts from those lifetimes, even those you are currently unaware that you have. The changes you experience are your Awareness expanding as well as an integration of Light Source Codes within you. By being in Allowance, all this occurs, so let go of any resistance you have to any perceived changes…allow and flow. During this time of the Gateway (March 8 through March 23rd), observe what you feel. If it feels uncomfortable, ask if it is because you’re shifting or if there are some old emotions surfacing. It is natural to feel uncomfortable with changes, as we do with anything new. And then it takes time to integrate the New. The New, by the way, is definitely not for the ones who like things to remain the same, for that just won’t happen in the New. We continue to shift and expand into being more and more, so your comfort is in staying centered in your Heart, while shifting occurs continuously. If your discomfort is because old emotions are surfacing, go deeper and find the belief that is creating the emotion and release that. When you release the old, you make room for the New to enter. If change is scary for you, hold your Inner Child and separate ego in your lap and love and assure them that all is truly wonderful. Your Inner Child will then assure you that you are safe, loved and Divine. With this Gateway, we ascend to yet another new level of New. How this feels is unique for each person, yet generally speaking, one is more aware and senses may be more acute. Intuition is increased and a deeper connection to Soul is phenomenal. There is a merging of Soul and ego, more Heart and mind blending (High Mind) and clear guidance. As this occurs, you are in Divine Service, for Divine Service is not necessarily a career or job, but how you express yourself in every moment no matter where you are or what you do. Service is essence. There may be a form, yet it is not necessary, for simply being authentic is enough to shine your Light. It is a living meditation in that there is no separation between your meditative life and your everyday life. Therefore, this is truly a time to integrate Love into every atom and molecule that you are. From this place of Love, you will be inwardly guided to take action in some area; whether that is a form of service or an act of Love; simply follow what your inner guidance (Soul) is moving you towards. When you are all of who you are, so is Gaia. The period we are in, between Eclipses, is quite powerful as anything we intend creates life. Be sure to intend from your Soul’s Guidance and not from your separate ego’s desires. Oftentimes, a person who intends something is coming from their intellect and from lack; wanting something they perceive they don’t have. There is also an energy of wishing and hoping and these do not manifest anything. To manifest, one must be clear of all lack energy and intend from the Soul, as well as Heart-know that what they intend is already within them. Do you feel the difference? If you are not clear, nothing will manifest except confusion. It is best to simply meditate on Clarity before you use intentions. If you still are in lack consciousness, intentions will bring more lack to you. Energy responds neutrally…it responds to who you truly are within. Wishful thinking and hoping simply bring more wishful thinking and hoping. The Power of this time will help you manifest whatever is within you. If you truly know with all of you that you are abundant and that you are Love, you will manifest more of what you are. Since most of the world is still in the old, it may feel as though you are straddling both worlds. We are more New than old and depending on where you place your focus is what you empower. We are creating and at the same time, releasing. Using the energy of the Equinox, we can further simplify and energize our lives. This can mean letting go of anything that does not inspire or is useful. Of course, this includes people, things and beliefs. Doing things mindfully helps greatly and this can be anything from changing the most mundane chore to something different. For instance, changing the way you brush your teeth or drive to work…as little as these things seem, it shifts the energy. Doing something you normally don’t do also helps. Be sure to laugh, play and appreciate all the Beauty in yourself, others and in the world. Begin something new. The Lunar Eclipse of next week will help us be more introspective, as we go within with more Awareness. We can see how we express ourselves in the world, including with those closest to us. We can see where we limit ourselves and change it, if we choose to. Be gentle with yourself, for that helps you to flow with the energies. Earthing and Sun Gazing help you to ground to Earth and receive Light from our Galactic Sun through our own sun. Doing this brings much symbolic information (Sun Gazing) that helps us evolve. You needn’t know what the information is or what it means, for that empowers the separation between intellect and Heart. If you are meant to know, you will. More and more folks are using Light Language and many more will receive this gift. If you are not one, find someone who has this gift and listen with your entire being; feel it. These folks are sharing the Light Codes through their voice and by listening to them, we receive Light Codes. There are others who bring forth Light Codes through their writing, speaking and art as well. Mostly, it is important to feel everything. Your feelings guide you. Use Discernment when listening to someone else and even with the information you receive. Trust that you are evolving and that all is as it is intended for your highest expression of Love. To enhance all of our wholing and expansion, we will be visited by a green comet (wholing and expansion of the Heart) on March 21. Now, isn’t that just perfect to have this visitation during this Gateway?!? We could also have a meteor shower afterward as well. To me, this is a celebration of us and of Gaia. ~ ~ ~ If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you! Kara Schallock Suzille & The Arcturians
Love is an energy field, a resonance, a frequency, which functions as a carrier wave to deliver all our messages to our self, others and to the planet. Unconditional Love is a silent language. We are all familiar with fear as a carrier wave, as well as anger, for when we come into the energy, frequency and emotion of fear, our hair stands up on the back of our necks, adrenalin rushes through our system, and we become hyper-vigilant to find the source. We feel fear as a shout because it activates our fight/flight response and puts us on alert. On the other hand, unconditional love is a whisper, a soft cool breeze, a feeling of peace, and a sense of wellbeing. Everything in our body alerts us to fear in order to prepare our biological systems for battle, but what prepares us for love? It is understandable why we are afraid of fear, but why are so many of us afraid of love? In fact, why is our reality so filled with fear, whereas love, especially unconditional love, is far too rare? The answer is “survival.” In our long sojourn through our third dimensional realities, we have learned that if we do not attend to fear, our lives can be endangered. But who wants to live a life without love? Unfortunately, for many, love is fleeting at best. That is because it is often human, conditional love. Conditional love is filled with fear, anger, sorrow, and judgment. These “conditions” for love arise from those that feel like they are trapped in the separation and limitation of the third dimension. On the other hand, Unconditional Love resonates to the frequency of the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, Unconditional Love is beyond the third dimensional limitations. Unconditional Love is a gentle wind on a clear day and a warm breeze. Unconditional love is a resonance of multidimensional frequencies that can adhere to any person, place, situation, or thing in any dimension in all the Cosmos. Unconditional Love is the glue that holds all form together. Unconditional Love is the healing force of Multiverse. Most important, Unconditional Love is the silent language that can be shared with our self, others, and our planet to create calm, peace, unity, and knowing. Unconditional Love can heal any communication and solve any problem. When we love ourselves unconditionally we are so filled with joy and peace that we can easily love others unconditionally. Furthermore, we can love our planet unconditionally. Remembering that love is a verb, ask your self, “What can I DO with unconditional love?” “Simple!” You share it. You share your Unconditional Love by attaching it to your every thought and emotion. “You share your Unconditional Love by attaching it to our every “problem” and concern. Then, you can just relax in the glow of Unconditional Love and observe how unconditional loveheals you, repairs you, and expands your ability to BE and CREATE all that you love UNCONDITIONALLY. The Rose is a symbol for love. The transition of our love from conditional to unconditional is much like the opening of a Rose. For many eons we have placed our love on the outside of the Rose. The Core of the Rose was a mystery to us. Therefore, it became sacred. From the outside of the Rose, we prayed to the Sacred Center. Some of us even thought that this Sacred Center was deep inside the earth or far above us in the sky. We had not yet remembered that the Center was not above or below. The Center was within. The Center of the Rose, the Center of our SELF, was distant and apart from us, as the world was cruel and distrustful. Therefore, we had to be sure that we protected ourselves from outside forces that we believed were “separate.” After all, if we were separate from our SELF, then everything else must also be separate. But then… We were lonely. We were isolated. We felt unloved and unloving. Fortunately, this loneliness and need for love drove us to go “inside” to see what lay within the “Center of the Rose.” And so we began the long journey to the center of the Rose - the center of our SELF. At first, this journey was frightening because we were accustomed to thinking of ourselves as being outside of the Rose, outside of our SELF. The trek inside seemed long and lonely. If we were separate on the outside of the Rose, wouldn’t we be more separate on the inside the Rose? But, gradually, we discovered that we were not alone inside the Rose. We came to realize that an entire world existed there, in fact, many worlds. It was our own special reality. But was it really just ours? Eventually, we became aware that, from the Center of the Rose, the center of our SELF, we could contact the essence of every other Rose that ever was, or ever would be. We found that, in the Center of the Rose, there was no time. In the center of the Rose, there was no space. We were not alone! We were not separate! We knew that we were also on the outside of the Rose, but we kept our SELF on the inside, where life was safe and love was unconditional. And then it began to happen. There was a great change on the outside of the Rose. It occurred slowly at first, and then the change became faster and faster. The petals that had been so soft, yet firm, were beginning to change. They were not as solid anymore, nor were they as separate. The outside petals of the Rose were moving away from the Core and pulling the other petals with them. Now, we could not hide as easily within the Core of the Rose. The outside petals were becoming very unsteady. They were threatening to all fall from the Rose and land far, far away from the Core, away from the Rose, and away from the Core of Ourselves. We could not stop the petals from falling. And, if we became attached to them, we, too, would fall away from our Core. Now everyone had to journey to the Center of the Rose because the changes outside were happening faster and faster. But we were safe deep within ourselves. We were no longer alone. We were with everyone else who had found their way to the Center of their Core, the Core of their Rose. But were we protected from the outside? Could we really hide from what was happening outside of us? All the petals were falling away now, and we were no longer protected from the “outside” because there was no ”outside.” As each petal fell from our Rose, our Essence, our SELF, we began preparing ourselves for the “new world” that awaited us. In this NEW world There were NO petals, There was NO outside, There was NO separation. And then, all the petals were gone. We were no longer IN the Center. We WERE the Center. There was no longer a place to hide, nor was there a reason because there was NO separation. There was no OUTSIDE or ABOVE or BELOW or WITHIN because there was NO measure of distance or space. There was no fearful future or sorrowful past because there was NO time. There was NO core because there was NO exterior. There was only NOW. There was only HERE. As we looked around us, we could see that there were still Roses that appeared to be independent from us. However, when we placed our attention upon them, they lovingly and willingly opened their Core to us, as we did to them. There were no secrets, There was no fear, There was only Unity and Unconditional Love. We were HOME within The core of our true, Inter-dimensional SELF! Suzanne Lie Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - March 11, 2016
The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective: Greetings, Light warriors! We are glad to have this chance to speak with you again today. You are, all of you, with varying degrees of awareness, swimming in what our writer has called a “powerful tidal wave” of eclipse energies. Some of you feel knocked down by the high, DNA-shifting nature of these frequencies, as if you were being lifted up out of the old physical, mental, and emotional structure—being released from it in some ways, and torn away from it in other ways. We would say that all who are Ascending now are experiencing this upward shift of what one might call electromagnetic frequencies, amongst other vibrations, and that these affect the human body on a cellular level, from the very base of your physical molecular makeup to the soul presence within each of you. This is an arduous journey, most assuredly. You are experiencing several things at once: the release of old forms of eating, sleeping, physical actions or inaction, as well as a great shift in your emotional frequency and equilibrium. There is a release of old forms of toxicity, both inner and outer—old messages, experiences, memories, and reactions to physical Earth life, which are rising to greet you now as if you had ignored them for centuries, with a force that makes them a palpable presence in the room. There is likewise a release of old expectations regarding what Ascension means, including doubts that you are Ascending, and what the New Earth will bring. There is a reordering of your expectations of yourself—you may be experiencing a realization of the need for increased self-love and encouragement, for the release of the need to be approved of by others, or the need to argue any point with them. There is a reordering of what you thought you wanted in life—in your home, your work, your connections with loved ones—as new visions and new understandings come forward. There is also a realization regarding historic moments such as the world government's (for there is one) full disclosure about the Galactic presence, and the full enactment of NESARA law—that these are simply outer indications of an inner frequency. That increasingly higher frequency is the rising Lightworker awareness—you are already building the New Earth with your very presence, your healing vibration, your rising consciousness, and your belief in justice, freedom, and abundance for all. There is a growing lack of expectation that you need to be rescued, in other words—a growing realization of your co-Creative power in this Universe, and a growing acceptance of the tools and practices needed to enact that power, and fully claim it. Yes, there are those who hold out promises of a financial “rescue”—"Invest in this foreign currency or that, for there will soon be a currency revaluation that will make you wealthy!" they say. Or they describe a single, one-day Event that changes everything upon the Earth in an hour or two, rather than an ongoing unfolding of the New Earth and NESARA law, such as is already occurring on your planet. There are those who encourage Lightworkers to forget their own power, their own innate abilities to reach up and claim the insight and wisdom and abundance-molding ability of their own Divine aspect, and to invest in someone else’s “insider knowledge” that this financial scheme or that event will take care of you—no need to learn how to become captain of your own ship. It’s all underway—just buy into it. And indeed, there is a captain of a great ship, and his name is Ashtar, serving under the admiral Lord Sananda Kumara. And in this sector of the Universe, one might say that a very great broom is sweeping clean the Earth and the areas around Her—sweeping out and exposing the criminals and liars who have for so long pretended to represent “God” (whom they describe as white and male), a deity who not surprisingly looked and sounded just like these presumed rulers, and who was entirely on their side in all matters of religion, state, and war. We assure you, there is no rescue plan. There is only adherence to higher law—Universal Law—whether that is the laws of quantum physics, which Earth’s people have only just begun to become acquainted with again, or the Law of Love, and all that falls under it. And as we have said previously, that Law of Love includes the realization, acceptance, and observance of the sacredness of all paths, of all beings. For in a free will Universe, all are free to make their own decisions, both individually and as a people. And you have been denied your right of free will under the duress of mass psychological attacks such as September 11, 2001. Therefore yes, there has been some intervention on the part of the Ashtar Command (adhering to Universal law), and we are privileged to be a part of such. But understand that when we speak of a New Earth, we do not mean “an Earth somewhat like the one you now live in, but a bit more abundant, and a bit more just, with perhaps in some places, fewer atrocities and human rights abuses.” We do not speak of a half measure that includes partial disclosure of Earth’s real history, or partial disclosure of Her place in this Universe, the Galactic presence, and all the wars, interplanetary invasions and discord, and energetic disturbances and disruptions that have led you to your present situation. There are no half measures where the New Earth is concerned, and there are no half measures for Lightworkers to grasp and fall back on, just in case. In the paradigm-crushing brilliance of the Light that is the solar and lunar eclipse energies you are experiencing this month and next, there are no halfway points. There is only full, complete, powerful-beyond-measure upheaval and dissolution of the old, so that the new may be built in its place. Certainly, if you wish to live in a rat- and termite-infested building created from rotted wood, which has been partially shored up, you may do so—but any builder worth their salt will warn you that partial fixes only work for a very short while, and then in time, you find yourself again in a rotting tenement. This is not the vision of the New Earth that you have come here to create and fulfill. This is not even an acceptable vision of renewal for the old Earth. It is a vehicle for the continuation of the old, corrupt order that has overseen the destruction of numerous Earth communities and whole cultures, and billions of people over the last few centuries, and that will gladly usher in the same, were you to be foolish enough to fall for their deceptions once again. Do not fall under any other dark spells, dear ones, just as you are awakening from the darkest ones Earth has ever seen. Take this astounding Light—to which your inner eyes are daily growing more and more adjusted—and use it to realize every place in your life where you have trusted false prophets. Sit down and speak with your support team and tell them, “I require your wisdom! Who do I trust? Who do I vote for? Who do I support? What channels are best for me to listen to, and whom do I avoid as disinformation sources? If I do not hear you inwardly now, then send me the energy of your wisdom and insight! "Let me absorb these as my own truth, so that they become my own thoughts, bringing a feeling of rightness into my heart area, that tells me that this is the Truth. This is what I must know!” As with any area of life, keep asking, until the answers come. Then follow them. For the hour tolls, and the Truth unfolds. Know your power to create whatever abundance, freedom, and inner and outer strength you could possibly imagine, and then some. No one hands you that—you create it yourself, working with energy and your fellow Lightworkers, to establish the structure of the New Earth. And upon that rock, you shall establish your new Earth Life, and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it. Namaste, friends! We are here. Call upon us, for you are never alone. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. Anna Merkaba ~ The Nibiru – Planet X – The Winged Disc – Urgent Update
Greetings everyone, this message to you is not going to be a channeling, but rather an explanation of various transmissions that I have been receiving for quite some time now, and the answer to many of your questions to me in the last few weeks in regard to Planet X. There is a lot of hype going on right now about the supposed arrival of Nibiru, Planet X, The Winged Disc, The Death Star, whatever you wish to call it, in just a few weeks. First of all, from what I have been told a while ago and what has been confirmed recently, Nibiru’s full affect on human consciousness is not going to be fully felt until mid-2017. And although many are reporting seeing it in the sky and have videos and pictures to prove this, it should be really visible in the sky sometime starting from mid to end of 2017. What I am being explained is that this celestial object known as Nibiru here on earth, is linked to human collective consciousness, which feeds the “matrix” that we are all part of. As such, it behaves according to the thought processes, and vibrations generated by all of us who are on earth. Based on all the transmissions that I have been receiving over the last few years, Nibiru’s arrival can tremendously boost the human awakening processes and help us make that shift from “EGO” based thinking to “ONENESS” based thinking, bringing with it change in one form or another. Just like our very own cells which are constantly responding to a command from us via our thinking patterns and acting according to our thoughts, this celestial object is receiving a command from the consciousness to which it is connected – The Human Consciousness. This command is the collective energy of human beings on earth. Whatever emotions, thoughts and desires that we generate in relation to this particular celestial object or anything else in our lives, that is the type of outcome that we will be attracting towards earth. It is akin to a projector And just like the moon or the suns flares affect us, so too does this celestial body; we are affecting it and it is affecting us by magnifying our thoughts and feelings. Hence many are feeling various discomforts such as panic attacks, digestive issues, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, artery issues, veins, heart related issues, blood pressure fluctuations, severe mood swings, etc., all of our already pre-existing issues are being pushed to the forefront for us to deal with both on the emotional and physical fronts. We are once again asked to cleanse and purify so that we can send out the purest of vibrations which will then be magnified and reflected back to us, in order to continue assisting us in this ascension process, helping us to get back to our very core, find balance within and finally BE that which we truly are. It is the same as with anything, like attracts like. Here the concept is the same. If we fall prey to the fear based agendas of those who are constantly talking about cataclysms, and tsunamis, and whatever else horrific outcome that these prophets are predicting, then that is exactly what we will be attracting into our collective existence on this planet. If on the other hand, we fully understand our own power, and the power of our thought and how our own thoughts influence not only our very own selves, but many others around us, we can then influence Nibiru into conducting cooperative energies further supporting the Ascension and the transition of human collective consciousness into the Higher Octaves of BEing. It is up to us to make the changes necessary to assist our very own selves and our beloved GAIA in extracting the most positive vibrations from Nibiru instead of giving into all the fear based programming that various people are trying to convey with chaotic videos and horrific prophecies of what might happen. Fear of the unknown is what is causing these misconceptions to occur. Misreading the ancient scripts and prophesy of eons past, we are missing the vital point of everything that our celestial counterparts have laid out before us, and that is to go deep within, listening to our very own higher selves and intuition, reaching to the very core of our beings and finally realizing that we are at the driving seat of all that occurs in our lives, that earth and her inhabitants are traveling back to their original frequencies and vibrations, lifting the veil of forgetfulness and being jolted awake. The Goddess Vortex Disc – Helps to balance out the Solar Plexus, alleviates EMF radiation, balances and purifies the aura, and so much more! Learn more about this amazing disc at What Nibiru can assist us in doing, is to generate massive energies which can suddenly awaken a massive number of people. Just as what happened in 2012 but on a much greater scale. Because so many have awakened back then, we have managed to shift human consciousness and tip the scales, the only thing that remains is to keep this energy steady and continue to open up more and more to our own powers, realizing and utilizing all that we have at our disposal to truly bring positive, everlasting, changes onto this planet. We are all being supported by so many beings from all over the universe, and not just this universe! That, is how important what is happening on this planet at this moment in time is. We are being supported from behind the veil, and now from within the veil of forgetfulness, as each day NEW KIDS are arriving. I spoke about this over a year ago, new kids are going to be arriving daily to continue shifting the collective consciousness and continue to balance out the scales so that we can continue to sail smoothly through whatever turbulence might come our way. But you don’t need to wait for any messiahs to come and save us, as the real messiahs are YOU. You are the ones who can save yourselves and assist all those around you to do the same. It is YOU who is choosing each moment of everyday to either walk in your power or give it away to someone else. It is YOU who can make your life a beautiful paradise or a hellish experience. Each moment you have a choice and that choice begins with your thoughts. Whatever you think, whatever you focus your attention on, that is what you will attract into your life. So please, focus on the positive outcome for all involved. Remember how your thoughts influence everything around you. Think of how water is effected by your thoughts, and how your heart vibrations affect all around you, and remember that even electrons change their vibration when they are observed. I’ve shared information about all of this before, but if you wish to learn more please visit my blog at Once again, remember how powerful all of you are, and what gifts you bring into this world. Choose wisely whom you wish to give your energy to. Listen to your intuition on any subject matter that you come across, put everything through your heart, even this here message. Think how it makes you feel? Are you resonating with this at all? And go from there. I urge you to always remain true to yourself. Listen to yourself first and foremost. Connect with your Higher Self. Walk into your own power. You are all amazing beings who are equipped to do whatever is necessary in order to persevere whilst ENJOYING each step of the way. BEing in JOY is HIGHLY important, and I feel we neglect this aspect of BEing a lot. So be sure to allow yourself to be in joy and harmony with yourself. I can go on and on, the bottom line is this: YOU ARE THE CO-CREATOR OF THIS REALITY AND THE AUTHOR OF A MASTERPIECE CALLED YOU! As always I invite you to visit my blog for updates on the Ascension Process and for valuable articles and tips on how to stay balanced, in joy and harmony with yourself and all around you. And if you need my personal assistance, I would be more than happy to assist you with a Distant Healing Session which you can learn more about on my blog . As always I send you the love of universal proportions, thank you for listening and thank you for BEing. Suzille and the Arcturians -- Two Great Upcoming Events 3-7-16 Source We are on the cusp of great change. Exactly when, where, what, how, and to whom these changes occur will be determined in the fifth dimensional worlds that are beyond “time.” We are on the cusp of great change. Exactly when, where, what, how, and to whom these changes occur will be determined in the fifth dimensional worlds that are beyond “time.” Therefore, “when,” which is a third dimensional term, will be “within the NOW” in which these changes are experienced. This may seem confusing to your third dimensional thinking. However, if you are to consciously experience these changes, your consciousness—and thus your perceptions—will need to be calibrated to that frequency range and energy pattern of those changes. Please remember that change does NOT occur - unless YOU experience it. And, whether or not you experience these changes will largely depend on whether or not your consciousness is calibrated to the frequency of reality in which that change is occurring within the NOW. We realize that you may be confused by the 5D mode of conversation. Our speaking within the NOW of “no-time” no longer confuses Suzille. However, the side effect of her adaptation to that frequency of the NOW is that her third dimensional, time-bound experiences are very difficult to keep track of. We know that many of you are having this experience. As you adapt to “NO Time,” which means, “NOW,” you begin to live more and more within your multidimensional mind. Meanwhile, your physical brain, consciousness, thoughts, and emotions are trying to cope with the third dimensional stimuli and fourth dimensional stimuli. This third/fourth dimensional stimuli, as well as the construct of your physical life, are fading from your “choice of perception.” There is such a diversity of stimuli in your third/fourth dimensional reality that you can become lost in the myriad illusions that arise at that frequency of reality. You see, the third dimensional construct of reality is based on the polarity and separation that you experience in your physical world. Even your dreams can be frightening or limiting. However, time runs much faster in the fourth dimension. Therefore, many of you learn to meditate, lucid dream, draw, sing, dance, and/or be an athlete. It is through these creative endeavors that you activate your innate connection to wonderful creative ability of your fourth dimensional consciousness, and thus fourth dimensional thinking. Fourth dimensional consciousness/thinking is constructed of a more fluid reality in which your thought and emotions can change the structure of your reality. You may also be moving through the fourth dimension to remember how to be active your higher states of consciousness. OR, if you are in the process of “entering into” an earth vessel—or—releasing your earth vessel, the fourth dimensional frequency of reality is very different form your third dimensional experience of what you had formerly thought of as the “person,” or “body” that died. Of course, while in your astral body you are very aware that you cannot die. Death is a third-dimensional concept. While in your fourth-dimensional Astral Body or your fifth-dimensional Light Body you have the perspective of looking at your third dimensional reality from the perspective of a higher dimensional version of your self. We do not mean that the 3D issues diminish. What we are saying is that the worries and fears of your third dimensional reality will diminish in importance. As you continue to hear, see, feel and sense that “something is VERY different,” your third dimensional perceptions seem “less important.” Now, this is very confusing to you because you know you HAVE to take care of your 3D life. You have to pay your bills, go the work, take care of your family, etc., etc. Yes, within this NOW you still have to maintain a strong connection to your third dimensional reality because YOU are changing it. But how can you change something that you don’t really understand? That is a very important point because you are being called upon to expand your awareness of what is truly happening on physical Earth, so that YOU can participate in this change. THE WHERE Therefore, we will move on to the “where” aspect of this change. That is an easy answer. The “where” is inside of YOU—deep within your Core! Since you are among our volunteers who took an earth vessel to more intimately assist Gaia, you are fully merging into your/Gaia’s planetary SELF. Therefore, your “where” is every where on planet Earth. This brings us to the “What is going to occur?” We, your Galactic and Celestial Family, happily answer, “What ever you create!” If you are to ascend with Gaia, you will need to remember that YOU are the creator of your reality. If you observe reality only from the third dimension, you will likely judge your self—a LOT! However, if you have learned to Unconditionally Love yourself, you will NOT judge your self. Instead, you will listen to the many voices inside your head, your heart, and your body. We suggest that you tune into the roar of the myriad Higher Beings surrounding your world. Then, intimately and daily connect with your own Higher Self who resonates to the “you” who has found the courage to listen to your reality. Remember, if you allow all of your senses, perceptions, thoughts and emotions to send you an understandable message, you will need to Unite all this information into the ONE voice of your own Higher Dimensional SELF. There are many, many of our brave volunteers to Earth that are in the process of communing with their Higher Self. The challenge is that many do not realize that it is their own Higher Self with whom they are communing. You have all been indoctrinated by the Lost Ones that, “You are just one, insignificant human.” We ask you to slightly change that message to, “I AM ONE very significant, multidimensional being.” To best fulfill that mission, we suggest that you transmute “back” into your “Flowing Body.”Your Flowing Body is a return back into your fifth dimensional vessel of light. THE WHAT To assist you with that “return,” we will NOW send you our latest transmission. We have spoken with you “inside your consciousness.” We NOW wish to assist you to interpret our message in a manner in which you can share with others in a way that they can understand. We come to you within this NOW to share that we, your Galactic Family, surrounds your planet. Hence, we are able to give you all the protection and illumination that you are able to accept. Gaia is a free will planet, which both strengthens and weakens her. Since Gaia chose to explore being a reality in which Her inhabitants could be the directors of their own version of reality, She was able to accept residents from myriad different worlds and dimensions onto Her planet. However, the origins of these inhabitants were forgotten, as they adapted to a third/fourth dimensional reality. We come to you again to remind you that IT IS THE NOW for you ALL to release your old “adaptations” into your current third/fourth dimensional resonance and return to your true Multidimensional SELF. THE HOW All of your inter-dimensional abilities, and more, are becoming increasingly common. Best of all, more, and more, people are beginning to follow their inner urges and document that which they are experiencing. Best of all, you are sharing these experiences with others. Fully remembering your initial arrival on planet Earth will greatly assist you to release your third-dimensional adaptations. Please remember that you bi-located from the fifth dimension, and beyond, from your true, fifth dimensional self. “Bi-located” means that your fifth-dimensional expression of you who chose to merge a component of his/her energy field with the “you” who is wearing a third dimensional earth vessel - still resonates to the fifth dimension. When your 3D self is consciously aware that you are infinitely connected with an expression of YOU who resonates to the fifth dimension, your third dimensional self will be able to merge with this fifth dimensional energy field. When your third dimensional expression merges with your fifth dimensional expression, your collective SELF will perceive you as ONE with ALL the higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Since YOU consciously resonate with both Gaia’s third/fourth dimensional SELF, as well as your fifth dimensional SELF, you become an open portal through which the fifth dimensional energy fields of your fifth dimensional SELF can flow into and merge with your physical earth vessel. Your physical earth vessel shares Gaia’s third/fourth dimensional elements of earth, air, fire, water, and either. Your fifth dimension expression of SELF sends fifth dimensional energy fields down through your portal to intermingle with your third dimensional earth vessel. This fifth dimensional energy field merges with every molecule of the inter-dimensional portal that your fifth and third dimensional selves have opened to commune with each other. Because Gaia is a “free-will” planet it is the decision of your 3D earth vessel self as to whether or not you receive this energy field. The difficulty is that if your 3D expression cannot perceive this portal connection, you will not recognize the “feel” of the fifth dimensional that your “higher self” is sending to you via the portal of your join connection. Please remember that this energy is meant to go through your 3D earth vessel and into the planetary body of Gaia. Your fifth dimensional SELF will continue to send you as much fifth dimensional light as you are able to ground into the body of Gaia. It is vital that you remember that you MUST let this energy travel “Not From You-but THROUGH you.” The synaptic junctions of your third dimensional earth vessel cannot tolerate continual interaction with the fifth dimensional energy fields. If you do not send this energy into the core of Gaia, you can greatly harm your fragile 3D earth vessel. However, as this energy travels through you, you are able to share it with others via the task that humans have called Channeling. When you “channel” it is vital to ALWAYS remember: “The energy travels THROUGH me not FROM me. If you try to use this frequency of energy before you have fully grounded it in the planet, the ungrounded higher frequency can damage the delicate neural/electrical systems of the clay earth vessel that that expression of your Multidimensional SELF is wearing. Furthermore, if your ego becomes engaged or you seek to use this energy for selfish reasons, your fifth dimensional expression will stop using “the Portal” until your grounded version regains their “service to others” consciousness. Even when the grounded one maintains a service to others state of consciousness, the clay vessel that that YOU is wearing can become harmed by light that is too out of sync with the tunnel/portal through which it travels. From the perspective of your earth vessel self, you will become extremely tired and perhaps even ill. Also, there can be some neurological damage if you do not take “rests” and remain connected with your higher dimensional YOU. This higher dimensional you is much like the “puppet master,” whereas your 3D self is much like the puppet. However, this “puppet” is actually a very evolved human who has followed the necessary light choices that allows you to consciously connect with your own fifth dimensional (and beyond) expression of Multidimensional SELF. Remember, your fifth dimensional self maintains the multidimensional opening of your shared inner portal. Simultaneously, your third dimensional self maintains the third/fourth dimensional opening of your shared inner portal. These two expressions of YOU resonate to the frequency of consciousness of the part of the portal that you maintain. However, what has been occurring more and more is that the third dimensional expression of you is allowing more and more of this higher frequency of light to enter into your earth vessel. As long as your physical expression realizes that you MUST maintain a higher state of consciousness on a regular basis or the higher light can actually harm your earth vessel. We remind you to not be alarmed, when the higher light “opens” higher dimensional messages that have been dormant in your physical brain. Your third dimensional self is beginning to consciously perceive these messages because your earth bound consciousness has expanded enough to activate your higher brainwaves. It is these higher frequency brainwaves that allow you to receive higher and higher dimensional messages without damaging your physical brain. It is at this point that your fifth dimensional self can pull through messages from higher and higher dimensions of realty. Simultaneously, your third dimensional YOU can ground these messages deeper and deeper into the planetary body of Gaia. You are also able to consciously perceive and share these messages with others. When the third dimensional YOU at the 3D opening of your portal can consciously receive, document and share the messages that your 5D sends from the higher dimensions, our inter-dimensional portal expands more deeply into the core of Gaia, as well as into higher and higher dimensional realities. Eventually this YOU will be able to totally release all attachment to the third dimensional “holographic timeline” of planet Earth and merge the consciousness of your personal earth vessel self with the consciousness of the fifth dimensional SELF. Furthermore, once you have merged your personal consciousness with your planetary consciousness, you be fully aware of the portal within the core of the Earth. It is then that your bi-located SELF, can be in constant communication with your earth vessel self. When you entered your earth vessel, you entered time, as well as all the myriad possible, probable, alternate, and simultaneous incarnations of Earth. In this manner, you have access to the YOU in what you likely now consider your “past self.” To your third dimensional self, these lives are within the “time” of the past. However, to your fifth dimensional self, these lives are ALL resonating to the NOW of the ONE. Hence, your constant connection to your Higher Self will greatly assist you to expand your perceptions of reality far beyond one individual being living in only one timeline. We ask you now to go deep inside your long forgotten memory waves to remember entering the earth vessel that you are currently wearing. When you remember entering “this life,” you can remember the YOU that is often known as your “Higher Self.” THE WHO Hopefully the WHO is YOU! All of your inter-dimensional abilities, and more, are becoming increasingly common. Best of all, more, and more, people are beginning to follow their inner urges and document that which they are experiencing. Best of all, you are sharing these experiences with others. Beings who have ascended beyond the third dimension often briefly return to the physical world to show others that a transition into Lightbody is possible. Perhaps YOU will be one of those being. Perhaps, you already are! 6 hours ago by the Beings from Venus Channelled through Natalie Glasson 4th March 2016 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa We, Beings from Venus, extend our love and united consciousness with the Creator with those willing to accept our energies. We are present not because we are more evolved nor even because our love is so pure. Our presence with you and supporting the Earth is due to our conscious awareness of the Creator’s love. We wish to remind the Earth and humanity of their conscious awareness of the Creator’s love thus magnifying and amplifying the presence of love within all, even beyond the Earth. . When an aspect of the Creator such as humanity, awakens and remembers a new quality of the Creator from within their beings, putting this energy into action, an awakening of the same energy occurs within all aspects of the Creator, across the entire Universe of the Creator. This is because all aspects of the Creator are connected. This signifies that the shifts and remembrance occurring within your being now is allowing the energies you are awakening from within your being to be activated within others on the Earth and the inner planes. If aspects of the Creator have already activated or remembered these qualities, then they will be amplified for further expression, experience and contemplation within their beings. Do not belittle or judge the shifts of awakening made within your being as you are a part of an evolving light and consciousness. The challenges within your reality, however, large or minor they seem to you are encouraging you to play your role in the greater picture of the evolution of the Creator. When you allow yourself to more fully remember your natural love consciousness conveying it daily with greater expression, then your remembrance of the Creator will be activated through loving experiences rather than challenging situations. . The energy we are delivering to the Earth and humanity is akin to a large energy body of love consciousness. Within this energy are activations and remembrance of thinking, feeling and knowing from a space of love; the natural love which exists within all and is the love of the Creator. Thinking, feeling and knowing from a space of love can only be born from within you. However, we, the Beings of Venus, are bringing forth a consciousness of love in order to inspire the same to activate from within your being. Not only is our energy encouraging you to embody love it is also encouraging you to recognise others as love with new clarity and truth. You may notice that especially towards the end of 2016 that your ability to recognise the presence of love within all of your relationships will enhance and develop. This will also signify that you will be able to recognise the lack of love within the numerous forms of relationships you create and have created. Your idea and understanding of divine love relationships will advance cultivating new ideas of how you interact with the Creator through those around you. Thus, you will discover you will be able to create divine relationships with all beings upon the Earth, when guided, resulting in a greater experience and acknowledgement of the unity of all, with each other and the Creator. . Divine relationships can be described in so many ways and forms. The consciousness we, the Beings from Venus, are reawakening and amplifying from within your being describes all relationships as divine. A divine relationship is not seeking love in yourself and another, it is knowing and believing that love is present within you and another whether they are a stranger or a loved one. To explain further a divine relationship is the Creator love consciousness expression and exchange that occurs between you on an inner plane and Earthly plane. The more you become aware of the Creatorconsciousness love within yourself and others the easier you will find it to identify this Creator love in any relationship creating an expression of truth and Creator unity. . When you meet a person, whether it is a loved one, stranger, someone you dislike or are indifferent to, an energy exchange occurs as if on the inner planes. Your soul and the other person’s soul know exactly why you have met, the purpose of the relationship whether it is intimate, business or friendship. Your souls also begin an exchange of light, consciousness, understanding and even healing. This exchange does not have to be evident on the earthly planes however it influences the physical body energetically. Each person’s purpose upon the Earth is to recognise their complete Creator self within them. The energy exchange which occurs when two souls are present together, whether engaging or not, supports the continued development of remembrance of the Creator within. Even seemingly negative or hurtful experiences between people at an earthly level can trigger an exchange of light, consciousness and remembrance at an energetic level between the souls. Every exchange supports the souls in remembering the Creator more completely within their physical beings thus becoming a consciousness of Creator love. . The Creator love consciousness, we, the Beings of Venus, are sharing with you now is to support a dawning of awareness where the soul exchange which occurs energetically and often without the people involved being aware will occur within the physical body and mind with conscious awareness. Imagine a reality where every person could experience the exchange of soul energy, understanding the energies and qualities awakening while also realising how to play a role in supporting the other person’s ascension in that moment (which could be a minute) thus allowing their own ascension to be accelerated. This would develop a new consciousness within humanity which would be defined as a love consciousness because of the openness, trust and truth which would be experienced constantly by all. It would be labelled a love consciousness because many would experience the Creator moving through and being expressed from within their beings, with a sense of being divinely guided. Every relationship whether momentary, short or long term, intimate or friendship would be honoured as a divine relationship which serves not only those involved in the exchange but every person on the Earth and the inner planes as all are connected as one. . To embody and recognise love within you signifies that numerous shifts will occur in all aspects of your being especially within your mind and emotions. Thus, the way humanity acts, reacts, thinks, feels and experiences is changing due to the energy we, the Beings from Venus, are anchoring throughout 2016 and the energy you are willing to receive. Through the simple daily focus of receiving the love we, Beings of Venus, share with you and the love your soul fuels with you will allow the evolution of yourself as a human being to take place. It is time for humanity to accept an evolved and more advanced state of mind, emotions, connection with the Creator and existence upon the Earth. This could be likened to a download or remembrance of enlightenment. It can only take place through acceptance of love. The Creator’s love recognised and embodied within your being is the catalyst to the divine and progressive evolution of humanity. . Not only are we inviting you to realise that your relationship with yourself is changing into a more loving and healing experience, your relationship with those around you is also varying dramatically. Both shifts allow you to connect with the Creator more fully, viewing beyond illusion with a greater understanding of the truth of the Creator. You may find yourself becoming more sensitive to your own needs and more acutely aware of the influence of other people’s energy upon your being. You may discover that some relationships of any form may feel as if they need to be discarded as the soul exchange of energy and consciousness has been completed. While other people enter into your life to encourage you to become conscious of the constant soul exchange which is taking place at any given time, enhancing your acceptance of your Creator love consciousness. . To develop your Creator love consciousness: . • Be conscious of the love within your being, . • Be conscious and aware that love exists within every person that you meet, no matter how they appear to you, . • Be conscious that when speaking to or sitting with anyone, stranger or familiar, your souls are exchanging valuable energy and enlightenment, . • Be conscious and aware that every relationship is divine, sacred and serves your spiritual evolution, . • Be conscious of receiving love from Venus and your soul, . • Be conscious that the energy the Beings of Venus are delivering now is to awaken love within you and create a new perspective of love which will allow you to perceive your relationships in a completely diverse way. , • Be conscious and contemplate how your soul views all relationships, meetings or connections between yourself and other humans, thus developing your intuition and sensitivity to the Creator. , We, the Beings of Venus, are present to create beautiful shifts of love, sensitivity and awareness within your being allowing you and all of humanity to embody your inner energies and consciousness of enlightenment. , In constant support and loving service, Beings of Venus Natalie Gasson |
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