A Message from Your Guides December 21, 2016 Beloved Ones, It is with great anticipation that we greet you this day. There are gifts being delivered to your world that will significantly change your life for the better. Initially, these changes will be ones that will be of benefit to all in the form of detoxifying your environment, allowing greater ease and flow through many of your systems, and allowing for you all to have equal opportunities regardless of your current circumstances. As the changes continue, you will see a very large influx of new technologies from your galactic brothers and sisters. We understand you have been enculturated to fear or disbelieve in any beings that are not Earth-based. Dearest Ones, if your galactic neighbors and benefactors had any ill intentions, they would have acted on them by now. They are far beyond you in technologies. Many of them are supremely advanced spiritually speaking and they are well versed in universal laws. Therefore they understand that what they do affects all. Their understanding of energy, karma, reciprocity, thought transference, manifestation, and all things of what you would call a metaphysical or spiritual nature are where your civilization would take thousands of years to get to without their assistance. We are not saying that every being that is not of Earth is benevolent. We are saying that those who are guiding you to your greater evolution and potential are protecting you from others that have darker intentions. Know that the light always prevails against darkness. When you are in a space of darkness, all you need is the presence of light to dispel the darkness - wether that be a candle, a flashlight, an open door, or, consider when there is a power outage - knowing the layout of the room you are in and what it contains gives you a great deal of knowledge of how to navigate it in the darkness. This is a good example of how knowledge can overcome fear. When you have enough knowledge to ward off fear, you can move through any situation unencumbered by fear. That is exactly what we wish to do in this transmission - arm you with knowledge that will allow you to move through any unfamiliar territory without fear. First and foremost, know and own that you are loved, guided, protected, and supported in every moment with every breath. We have repeated this over and over and over again through these messages so that you would take that credo into your awareness and knowing. If you operate from this knowing, it is so much easier to dispel fear. As things are, many of you are operating from a place of fear. You will be very grateful to your fellow earth beings who have learned to dispel fear as they are now prepared to lead you out of the darkness. Make no mistake, what you are living through now is darkness. Just as sometimes it only takes opening a door or turning on a light to dispel darkness, these ones who have largely overcome fear will be able to eradicate darkness by knowing how to dispel fear and navigate through darkness into light. How does one overcome fear? By knowing and trusting that you are loved, guided, protected, and supported in every situation. This works very well if you take it into your knowing, awareness,and beliefs. Think of the biblical David. He triumphed over Goliath because he knew he was loved, guided, protected, and supported in every moment with every breath. Every great hero biblical or otherwise believes that they are greater than any perceived evil and therefore have not only the right and privilege, but the destiny to prevail. We bring this message to you at this Winter Solstice for you to know that all we say symbolically is literal and all we say literally is symbolic. So, just as the northern hemisphere of your planet is bathed in darkness on this day, every day from this day forward until the Summer Solstice there will be increasing light. We ask you to understand that with each day that passes, the light of greater understanding, harmony, peace, and abundance is increasing across your world. For those of you who are wondering about those in the southern hemisphere, know there is always balance. The balance of the light and dark and the northern and southern hemispheres will have moved up on the spiral of life. This 'higher,' more evolved, lighter, and less fearful place will be your new normal. That upward spiral will continue until you arrive at a level of peace, joy, and prosperity for all that is your divine birthright. It does not matter if you pick up a drink when you have been sober. It does not matter if you have given your power to someone by blaming them for your circumstances. It does not matter that you might not have given your best effort in a certain endeavor. It does not matter that you might be overweight, depressed, unhealthy, harbor unsavory thoughts, that you have taken advantage of others, that you are skilled in what might be called dark ways, that you feel incapable of loving your brothers and sisters, that you feel superior, that you lie, that you feel unable to measure up to the expectations of those who love you, that you are self-centered and therefore not in service to others, that you would rather beg, borrow, or steal than use the gifts that Creator gave you. Whatever your perceived limitations are are just that - perception. You are as good or as bad as you think you are. You are most likely embellishing your own weaknesses and minimizing your own strengths. We can say this with great authority because we see how you diminish yourself and others. We see how your light increases momentarily and then dims again through your own thoughts or anothers' words. We see how you tell yourself you are not good enough, not enough, not worthy. Beloved Ones, you are the most worthy civilization that has ever peopled your planet. You have forgotten your greatness, your connection to Godsource, your ability to dispel darkness with a powerful thought. Believe this and allow yourself to believe more and more that you were born to live this lifetime at this time in galactic history to tip the scales from darkness to light once and for all eternity. Make it your personal mission to keep your light shining bright through your thoughts, words, choices, and actions. You have legions of assistants in other realms - most have been in service for aeons of your time and beyond. Some have recently departed your plane in fluke accidents, unexpected deaths, or completely inexplicable circumstances in order to honor the agreements they made before they embodied into this most recent lifetime. They are all in service to this great shift you are collectively going through. This has been called the Shift of the Ages with good reason. This is the shift that has been prophesied about for centuries. Dearest Ones, do not be concerned with whatever your media is wanting you to focus on. When you witness, hear, or in any way take their fearful misinformation into your being, you are subjugating your sovereignty. We are asking you to be sovereign by fasting from media. Wether you think of it as fasting, boycotting, or holding the light, it is very necessary for you to detach from your mainstream and to some extent from your social media. So many of you give your power away in these ways and have no idea you are doing that. If you think you are better off staying informed through mainstream media, we can tell you unequivocally that the information that comes through your inner knowing when you allow it, is much more accurate and timely than anything you can receive from a manufactured source. The most important relationship you have is with that which created you. If you have no relationship with that source, you are disconnected. No amount of contact with others will fill that void. That is something you find within because you are God and God is you. This is true regardless of what you perceive God to be. The only truth we can say about your beliefs of what God is is that HE/SHE/IT is greater than you. There is nothing else that exists that is greater than you IF you are connected to Godsource. Godsource is what made David invincible and it is what can make you invincible. Knowledge cannot, money cannot, property cannot, influence over other earthly beings cannot. We are not saying that these things are unworthy in and of themselves. They can be powerful accessories in bringing people closer to the light. Know that Godsource is within you. The ONLY way to access it is to go within. Everything else is distraction. We are loving you powerfully. And so it is. The Collective of Guides. Channeled by Salena Migeot - Feel free to share, forward, or repost this message in its entirety with proper attribution. To be added to the e-mail list to receive these messages in your e-mail inbox, e-mail [email protected] with "Guides" in the subject line.
Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchyfrom Planetary Activation Organization, Sheldon Nidle
Our galactic and earthly brothers and sisters are now completing actions that are to give you a most welcome set of gifts.Let the end of this year, and the start of the new one, be a time for rejoicing and the Beginnings of all that you intend to do with your magnificent passions... Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System 4 Kan, 7 Mol, 13 Caban Dratzo! Those in charge of the RV’s distribution and the prosperity packages are working swiftly to see that they are brought out together. At present the RV is being revealed through the various levels that were set up by these diligent workers of the Light. They know the importance of these many prosperity packages. Once more than 70% of these special monies are delivered, the creation of the NESARA Republic is legally assured. This one factor makes this process essential to what currently is being carried out by our earthly associates. Meanwhile, there is the process for the RV. This is to assure that the extremely large sums of monies are successfully transferred to the underprivileged throughout this globe. These humanitarian projects enable this world to easily supply the freedom, food, sanitation, housing, clothing and electricity needed to bring everyone up to speed. This provides the literacy and Internet education necessary to comprehend what we are doing. As you can see, a great deal of progress is being made. Much more is still required before we reach our prescribed goals. Our associates on this world are doing a marvelous job. However, there are still many of the cabal that have only recently revealed themselves. Most of the lower-level miscreants have been nabbed. This group has helped in the last few weeks to arrest most of the next level of scalawags. This process has helped us, as well, to uncover how these scurrilous rats operated, enabling us to identify this devious operation almost to its highest levels. Our operatives are busy putting together the last pieces of this nefarious puzzle. The purpose of this final series of investigations is to ready our associates to perform the final global takedown of this monstrously intertwined evil. The Anunnaki created an appallingly devious organization of the dark. It permeated every nook and cranny of this globe. Thus, ferreting out these criminals has proven to be quite a study in the thought processes of these devious rats. Our joint intention has been to secure the funds and end massive global corruption. Those goals are now in sight. It pleases us to know that every day brings us closer to disclosure, and to NESARA! Our fleet continues to monitor Gaia’s surface lands. Every corner of this globe is under attack by two major forces. The first is climate change. This process, driven by the rapid globalization of your primitive industrial age, has spewed untold amounts of atmospheric, oceanic and land-based pollutants. This horrific operation has gained massive global traction in the period following the conclusion of the Second World War. Watching from space, we have been able to measure the amounts of pollution that have been added in the last forty years alone. We recognize just how dangerous all of these poisons truly are. The second factor is the process used by Gaia to ready this surface world for its future reunion with the 5D paradise of Inner Earth. This vast operation is taking place at a relatively slower pace than the first factor. The degree of artificial pollution affecting this natural change is astounding! It has caused unusual temperature gradients to form. It has produced a series of clumps of plastic to appear in the oceans and skewed their natural current flow. These alterations have tended to increase the rate by which your points of global habitation are deteriorating. This concerns us, as we wish to free you to solve these problems with joint technology tied into your ever-growing consciousness. The degree of radiation pumped into oceans, when combined with growing sandy dust from North Asia, creates a problem that truly requires a critically-needed and world-wide series of solutions. We have explained our concerns to your leaders and asked that a timetable for global disclosure be moved up. It is essential that a number of difficulties that you seem to be ignoring be soundly addressed and a succession of urgent actions be promptly taken. Many of your politicians hold beliefs that, in the short run, are dangerous to all of you. We have thus taken some small and preliminary actions to give you a little additional time to solve many of these serious questions. It is our perception that changes to your governance can address these grievances globally. It is vital that most of these problems be attacked and not ignored! Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters!The world is in the midst of blessed changes. Those who have overseen these changes realize it is to take longer than initially estimated. Yet, despite this, these alterations are to truly permit everyone to know a form of freedom not experienced since before the fated fall of Atlantis. In this light, the grand prosperity is to allow you to finally fulfill your grandest dreams and clearly see that your long-lost abilities have been restored to you. We Masters have worked closely with Heaven and our earthly associates to ensure that this work is fully protected, and secure from whatever the old order could possibly wish to do. Thus, this whole project took us much longer. Nevertheless, stay positive, dear Ones! Know deep in your Hearts that this new time at long last is near. It is to be a time for celebration, knowing that you are shortly to greet the rest of your heavenly and galactic families! This coming time is to clearly delineate your final path to full consciousness. These moments are, therefore, a period when you can begin to establish a clear picture of how you were able to escape the bondage of the Anunnaki’s minions. We Masters are most encouraged by the progress of this process and how it is quickly approaching its concluding stages. Then the monies are to swiftly arrive, as this is the appropriate time to declare the rise of the NESARA Republic. We and the Agarthans are handling this divine operation. We understand its complexity and simply ask you to maintain your positive visions. As noted before, they have a most wonderful energy that is helping all to succeed. This joint action is only successful because of what you continue to accomplish. Many wonderful events are getting ready to happen. This dark morass is moving toward its end. This entire project has been a wonder to us. Our sacred heavenly Council was first created some 900,000 years ago when the Lemuria colony was on its way to Gaia. The purpose for this colony was to forge a galactic human, heavenly and planetary union. It was to acknowledge the special bond created, and to partner with the marvelous Cetacean Nation. But a number of dark factors caused the special timeline to be rewritten. Our Sister- and Brotherhoods adjusted, as decreed by Heaven. Thus, we advance into the present in full knowledge that the events described by us are taking place. Our galactic and earthly brothers and sisters are now completing actions that are to give you a most welcome set of gifts. Let the end of this year, and the start of the new one, be a time for rejoicing and the Beginnings of all that you intend to do with your magnificent passions. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Today, as always, we reported what is occurring across this worldwide realm. Use this remaining time to finish your many preparations. Heaven is intending to give you the gifts you most desire. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) [MessagesfromMatthew] December 9, 2016 - New Message from Matthew Messages from Matthew- Suzy Ward, With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Always emotions intensify at year’s end as people around the world celebrate with traditional religious services, stirring music, and festivities with family and friends. It is during this season that those whose lives are fulfilling feel more grateful than usual and those whose lives are bleak feel more despairing. This year, with planetary vibrations higher than ever before in your history, feelings of gratitude for blessings and reaching out to those in need are correspondingly heightened. We wish you could see the brilliance of this magnified gratitude, generosity and thankfulness for the sharing—it is a sight to behold. Vibrations also have played a very large role in the recent election in the United States, and let us speak first about the negative reactions to the outcome. We can feel the strong emotions of many people in that country: anger about a political system that doesn’t honor the popular vote, apprehension about what has transpired in the weeks since the election, the fear of some families for their safety and the potential uprooting of their lives, anxiety about what lies ahead for the country. And, because that government’s actions often have global impact, leaders of other nations are wary. We understand those feelings, and many of you have expressed them in emails to my mother. Dear ones, you can have peace of mind if you think about what you know that most people don’t: The election outcome doomed the Illuminati’s plan to put one of their own back in the White House after eight years of having to fight a president who fought back to the extent he could. Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting. Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature. The world where life is like that and the planet is restored to health and pristine beauty—the world you are helping to create in linear time—already vibrantly exists in the continuum. So, while it may seem that the new administration and its direction is set in stone for four years, such is not the case. Several readers have asked if NESARA [National Economic Security and Reformation Act] is the solution to this situation that many around the world regard as a pivotal point in time—it is, and it would be resoundingly welcomed if everyone knew what is to ensue. Back to NESARA. The energy around this US legislation automatically puts it in the realm of possibility, but one unlikely to bear fruit imminently. Not only is the Act not widely known, but some who have heard of it don’t believe it is valid; some who do believe it is, have misconceptions about it; and others, including some members of government, believe the disformation posted on the government’s NESARA website. [For readers who aren’t familiar with NESARA, typing the word in the search blank on www.matthewbooks.comwill access dates of the numerous messages that include this topic.] For 16 years the Act’s implementation has been prevented by one nefarious means or another—most ruthlessly by the “9/11” betrayal of that country by its leaders—because of its provision that returns the nation to its constitutional status as a sovereign republic, nullifies the existing corporation that was promptly and stealthily established by the Illuminati British royals, and tosses out all officeholders. If for that reason only, the new administration would keep the Act under former President Bill Clinton’s gag order that legally prohibits anyone who knows of it to ever speak about it publicly. And, the Illuminati within and beyond Congress will continue doing whatever it takes to keep the lid on NESARA because all of its provisions were designed to end their control of that country and ultimately, the world. Nevertheless, activity in Earth’s energy field of potential pertaining to the election and its aftermath still is tumultuous, so it is possible that the Act could be brought to public awareness and, perhaps by demand of the informed citizenry, the government will be re-formed. If so, that would be the way the country gains leadership that will set course in the light direction. And, since this part of Earth’s energy field still is so unsettled, other scenarios may arise to lead Bernie Sanders to the Oval Office. That is not a prediction—it is in alignment with the energy flow. We can see Earth’s Big Picture because in the continuum it is fait accompli, but we can’t predict what will happen in the short term. It all depends upon vibrations. A sudden surge of energy from the collective thoughts, feelings and actions of all life on Earth can propel a situation from probability to certainty as swiftly as it can reverse it to possibility. So then, let us speak about the flow of energy as it has affected your political scene so far and its pertinence to what is ahead. This has nothing to do with politics per se, it has everything to do with the vibrations around political matters and how those will play out in accordance with universal laws. Despite loyal supporters during the months of campaigning, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton attracted predominantly negative energy attachments, which emit low vibrations. Neither had wholehearted endorsement of their respective parties, but they became the nominees. Mrs. Clinton did so because the DNC gave her the vote count in critical primaries that Mr. Sanders won, and Mr. Trump won the presidential election because the Illuminati’s vote manipulation to favor Mrs. Clinton went awry. Thus, vibrations of the energy around both individuals and the corruption in the electoral process were consistently at low levels, and that level has dropped during the weeks since the election due to widespread protests and distress about the president-elect’s choice of persons for key positions. When Mr. Sanders entered the race, energy gathering around him had high vibrations in consonance with his character and voters’ approval of his reform philosophy. As days passed and support for him increased, the vibratory level kept rising and it still is as he continues promoting the changes he and his supporters feel are best for the country. The bottom line is, vibrations around Mr. Sanders are aligned with the planetary vibrations that are manifesting light-filled conditions in service to the planet and the peoples. In the weeks and months ahead, Earth will be orbiting in successively lighter planes, where her civilization at last can become free of oppression in body, mind and spirit. Now then, some time ago we told you that 2017 ends the decade of delay in society’s conscious and spiritual attainment that Earth’s Golden Age master planners had anticipated would be reached by 2007. Next year begins a grand new chapter in your world’s history as powerful energy waves undergird areas of high vibrations and start manifesting significant changes on your near horizon. But please do not expect the unfolding to be smooth sailing all the way. There will be trial-and-error detours along the lighted pathway, foot-dragging on the part of still slumbering souls, and the Illuminati still have remnants of power. They will mount resistance by causing upheavals wherever they can and using scare tactics—a number of ominous speculations, including an invasion from space, already are circulating. Souls from advanced civilizations living among you and in your skies will continue to prevent anything that could endanger you, and soon the Illuminati will have to accept the truth: Their long dark ages of controlling life on Earth have come to an end. Lightworkers, you are the vanguard of the growing numbers moving toward a world where love prevails overall. In numerous messages we have told you that love and light are one and the same energy, the most powerful force in the cosmos and the key to transforming your world, that love is the composition of the soul and the bond that reunites people and animals who are dear to each other. Maybe we haven’t told you often enough, though, that growing spiritually and consciously includes loving self. You could say that soul evolvement starts with loving self—you have to know how love feels to youbefore you can feel love for others and be open to receiving it. Dear brothers and sisters, self-love is NOT self-centeredness, egotism, vanity, pridefulness or any other third density trait--loving self is honoring your divinity as a part of God. Awakening souls need to understand what love is, and long-time readers may appreciate a reminder of what I told my mother when she asked about love and how it applies to “everyday life.” In simplest terms, love is God's sharing of Himself with all of His creations. Love is the healing force of the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity. In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness, caring, respect. If love can be said to have “ingredients,” then those are some of the ingredients of godly expression in action. Knowing that you and God and every other of God's creations are inseparable is love. Knowing that Earth is a sentient, conscious life herself and respecting all of her life forms is love. Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them, but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious, is love. Listening to one's godself is love. Living the kind of life that engenders loving self is love. Feeling joy yourself when you see it in others is love. Doing something that brings joy to another is love. Forgiveness of self and others is love. Sharing your resources with full heart is love. Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love. Feeling peace of heart and mind is love. The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird is love, and a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love. In any or all of these instances and many others that you may encounter that instinctively you know are love in action, you are manifesting your love for and of God. Mother, I don’t think I’ve told you anything at all surprising. But perhaps it is good to have some references as a guiding light in these times when darkness may seem to be overshadowing the magnificent abundance of love in your world. [That excerpt from “Love in Everyday Life” chapter of Illuminations for a New Era was transmitted soon after Matthew and I started communicating telepathically in January 1994.] As you celebrate this season, please keep in mind the bounty of goodness in the love that you and countless others are radiating. Never underestimate the power of love to change lives and your world—love is the doorway to Earth’s Golden Age in full bloom. We wish joyous holidays and a wondrous new year to you, our beloved family. __________________________ LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward [email protected] LORD METATRON ~ STEPPING UNTO THE MAGIC CARPET ~ DECEMBER SOLSTICE 2016
Ascension Mastery channeled message through Rev.Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. “As the earth is now upon the entryway of the December Solstice, it brings to Light what has been Dark in all things.” ~ Lord Metatron This is Lord Metatron at your service to bring forth understanding of the present energies of yet another season that will be experienced upon the Earth. It does not matter where you are physically located in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Each element around the earth is going to be feeling the effects of this magnificent light storm arriving into Gaia. As the Winter Solstice represents bringing Light into a Dark year, it allows for the transference of energies to be felt far and wide. As the Summer Solstice represents the Light being the focal point for the Darkness that has been experienced through this past season. So as you see it doesn’t relate to where you are living, but how you allow yourself to be blessed by the incoming light frequencies. Each of us is riding the Wave Of Light ~ all of humanity and all of the Divine Beings associated within the Inner Plane. It depends upon how you will experience this Wave Of Light and what it may mean for your planetary existence at this time. The darkness has been felt and is expressed by many souls upon this earth. Each of you with each of us in the Spiritual Hierarchy has a job to do together. We must not allow this darkness to prevail, we must work within the higher realms to understand the process that is occurring within the planet presently. But you will not understand it in the way that you think. It will occur through your Higher Mind ~ the Divinity of your Light to be felt by all that walk this pathway. Aren’t you a Wayshower ~ paving the way for others so that they can see their own light? This Solstice arriving December 21st, at 10;44 GMT, 2;44 AM Pacific, 5:44 AM Eastern is the most magnificent ride of creation that you will have experienced within this year.It has been a challenging time for many. But yet, within those energies there has been success in many areas. It is about your perception of yourself and how you see it within your own eyes that will determine your future. This Solstice is a moment for your REBIRTH; not only within your experience upon this earth as human, but the designated outcome that you will allow yourself to be through this process. The Wave of Light that is coming into the planet is assisting each of you to know yourself deeper and in a much better way than you have ever experienced before. The Rebirth is occurring right now within your own consciousness and your planet. You have a grand opportunity to be more than you ever have been before. This wave of energy that is coming forward is allowing every soul to fully look within themselves and see changes that will result in a new way of living, of breathing, and being part of a movement of energy unto this Earth. Every person will experience it differently so it is up to each of you personally on how you are going to accept the change that is coming. I know many of you already know what it is. It has been brewing inside of you through each acceleration throughout the year. You have felt it within the moon cycles, the changes of the planets and how they are interacting with the present energies. It is time within the year of 2016 to realize the stages of completion you have been preparing for. Do You Understand What I Am Saying?Light infractions will be coming into the earth in a very short time. You may have already experienced them within your consciousness. Many of you are seeing small moments of realization when you have been trying to accept a new way of living and the window has opened for the opportunity to allow it to be revealed. Feel it. Become It. because it is time that you realize all that you have been doing is going to be your reality. Not part of it, but all that you have been working upon this year. The Call Has Been Received ~ You asked questions, you wonder why elements have not changed and now within these moments you will see an opportunity to not wonder about it any longer. This is what happens when the Christ Consciousness becomes the defining factor in each soul’s life.This year more than any other year upon the history of the earth will mark an improvement upon the thoughts, actions, and feelings of humanity. The Wave of Light we speak about has been readying itself to arrive within the planet. The Great Central Sun of Helios and Vesta are readying themselves to express these light particles unto Gaia and all her inhabitants. It is a grand opportunity for every soul to receive this light, to make changes in their world, to change their habits, their thoughts, and feelings about the corruption of this planet. BUT ONLY YOU CAN DO IT – TO MAKE IT GROUNDED AND BECOME THE PIONEER OF LIGHT.We know what happens during these accelerations but what do you do with it afterwards? This is an important realization to have within yourself. We have to change it all and we of the Angelic Realm of Light bring forth this grand opportunity for each of you to become the conduit of Love that you desire. There is no question that during this Solstice lives will change, some for the better and others not as well. It all depends upon their thought processes that are occurring right now. I will be extending this light frequency to each of you for several days until the end of the year. A doorway is being opened to allow this Wave of Light to assist all Sentient Beings to become what their Higher Self’s desire them to be. The end of strife will now end; the Will to Save is Here.It is up to each of you and how you will accept the change within you. You are the Christ and you must now show within yourself that it is time to release the bondage of the past and allow the Consciousness that you Love to become YOU. This movement of light will continue into December 31st until the doorway opens into the New Year of 2017. Will you be one that allows your I AM Presence to show you the way into Oneness? This is the time you have been waiting for and I walk with you to help it become a reality within your consciousness first. You must remember you are not here to save the world, you are here to save yourself from continued tyranny of your past timelines. If every soul could achieve this end, the world would change immediately. Allow this Wave of Light to assist you in your journey.Will you step unto the Magic Carpet with me and see what life has to offer to you? Are you willing to let go of all the drama of the past, all of the elements that hold you back? Then come with me, let me show you the way. So, then others will follow and the year of 2017 will be Oneness and a new beginning for Gaia. Take time during this phase of the year to realize the potential you have within yourself to change, what elements do you need to address, what is your subconscious mind telling you in any given moment, let all these old elements change for the better. Please know it will not happen magically unless you are ready to really understand who you are as a Soul and a Physical Being Upon this Earth. It is a great time of testing, but it is a wonderful time of acceleration. Change is possible as long as you are willing to look into the many mirrors that need to be healed, reformed, and allow your transformation to take place. I look forward to our continued journey with each other. I Am Lord Metatron, Always At Your Service Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden DECEMBER 18, 2016
Dear ones, again this year we wish to bring to you the deeper meanings of Christmas, the ones in which you do not simply celebrate people and events of 2000 years ago but personally experience. The story of the birth of Jesus/Jeshua who became the Christ is every man's story. Jesus was already an ascended master when born into one of his many earthly incarnations 2000 years ago. His intent was to bring truth and Light to a world enmeshed in density and illusion. Very few at that time were able to grasp the depth of his teachings. The masses were not yet spiritually evolved enough to fully comprehend the truths he taught and so instead, pinned truth to him personally, making him a "god" . The un-evolved third dimensional mindset of separation interpreted the words "I AM" as referring only to the messenger. Thus began the worship of the man while missing the message. In choosing to ignore I AM as being the truth about every man, the majority simply continued to live in an un-awakened state. This false teaching lingers yet today in many churches who under the guise of spirituality, continue to worship the messenger and miss the message. This is the story of many illumined masters who throughout generations chose to incarnate in order to assist mankind to evolve and were then either rejected or worshiped as gods. Truth always has and always will threaten personal belief systems, resulting in fear and violent actions toward the messenger in an attempt to keep the status quo even if it is painful and life suppressing. The world is witnessing this right now. As higher dimensional energies pour to earth and world consciousness begins to open, illusions created and held in place by beliefs of duality and separation will begin to crumble, leaving those who benefit from them in a fury to hold them in place. Every individual experiences a personal Christmas at some point in their evolutionary journey--if not in this lifetime, then another. Divinity being man's true nature, will at a certain point of spiritual readiness, break through into awareness allowing the Christ to be personally born. The world is a spiritual Universe interpreted and experienced according to each individual's awareness. An individual interpreting through a mind heavily conditioned with beliefs of good/evil and separation, will act and experience the world much differently than the person who has attained a consciousness of Oneness. The familiar Christmas story as you know it is the material sense of a spiritual activity. This does not mean the event did not happen, but means that as with all things, there are deeper layers to be explored. We give you the mystical layer. The manger, seemingly barren and primitive, represents the state of consciousness necessary for a Christ consciousness birth to take place--a consciousness no longer cluttered with three dimensional concepts and beliefs. There was/is no room in the inn. The inn being a location (state of consciousness) thought to be more appropriate according to human standards. The Christ can only be born in a consciousness free of false beliefs that give power to the creations of duality and separation for there, the "inn" is already full. The virgin mother symbolizes of the creative purified state of consciousness capable of bringing forth the Christ consciousness. (Divine feminine) Joseph is the loving but strong overseer part of every self (Divine masculine) who protects the mother and newly born Christ consciousness from outside interference. Together they represent the feminine and masculine energies in perfect unity. The wise men are ascended Beings of Light who recognized and journeyed to honor the Christ consciousness, bringing gifts and giving homage. The wise men and the humble shepherds represent spiritual awareness present within all parts of the world and all levels of society. The Christ consciousness is never limited to a particular race, nationality, or gender. A newly born Christ consciousness is fragile and needs time to strengthen and mature. The "babe" must be held close, protected and safely hidden within until the time comes in which it can manifest fully and be lived. A fully developed Christ consciousness holds no fear because It knows Itself, and thus lives each moment in the unconditional love of One. The Christmas story is your story dear ones, the one you are living now as you journey from a third dimensional consciousness to living moving and having your being in the truth of who and what you are. At some point you will have a personal Christmas. In the three dimensional world, Christmas is based in concepts that vary according to each person, society, tradition, religious belief, and state of consciousness. Everyone is resonating and interpreting the world through their personal level of awareness. Do not be surprised if you find you no longer resonate with holiday activities in the same way. The familiar hype, music, and emotional promotions may now feel jarring, whereas in the past you enjoyed the excitement. This is because your resonance is no longer in alignment. You may believe you have lost the Christmas spirit, but rather it is simply that you have spiritually outgrown many of the more material aspects of the Christmas season. Celebrate the season by choice, not obligation. Joy is your innate right and privilege as spiritual beings. The parties, church services, gift exchanges, music, or time spent with family and friends who still see Christmas in its old forms are all occasions for expressing unconditional love. The greatest gift you can give anyone at this time of celebration is your recognition of their true identity. The gift of Divine recognition is given consciously until it becomes ones' attained state of consciousness and then it flows without conscious awareness because it has fully integrated as the individual--going where he goes, flowing through every word, and affecting anyone receptive to the energy. For many, a great deal of their gift giving still flows from guilt and duty. Retailers thrive on this awareness and promote sales through sentimental advertising in an effort to convince potential buyers that they are not loving if do not buy, buy, buy. If you find yourselves experiencing this sort of pressure, stop and examine your belief system--"What am I believing that is making me feel this way?". The sky will not fall down if you stop giving gifts out of habit for those you no longer have anything in common with or who are no longer in your experience. Let every material gift you exchange this season carry an energy of spiritual awareness--gifts of spirit in material form. Wishing you all a true Christmas. We are the Arcturian Group 12/18/16 Merry Christmas dear readers of the Arcturian Group Messages. Marilyn Raffaele, Message to Lightworkers - December 16, 2016 Caroline Oceana Ryan The latest Message from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective: Greetings, Light Bringers! We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you today. We see many things occurring in your world that indicate not the closing of doors, but the opening of them—doors long shut and hidden from view. You may feel that once again, the Truth of the matter has not had its day, whether it is one catastrophe or historic event or another, or something you yourself are experiencing. Yet we are able to assure you that the Spirit of Truth has arrived upon the planet, and that the current astrological alignments, Galactic presence, and rising consciousness of Gaia and Her people, are all lining up unprecedented change and renewal, worldwide. You hear much talk of timelines, and of change that is instigated by outer action. Yet you do not hear as much talk of that which is entirely under your control—not the control of your subconscious or your DNA, Earth's history, the history of your Earth family or soul family, or any governing body, of this Earth or beyond it. Look for a moment at what is under your control—what responds to the influence of your presence, your expectations and beliefs about what is possible and now unfolding, and what you have the power to cocreate. What you are creating now is nothing less than the renewal of your entire world. And so there is much talk of this scheme or that, such as we discussed in a recent channeling, and much weighing in on whether one channel is correct and another misled, or vice versa. And we wish to assure you, though it may be ironic that we ourselves are saying such, that you do not need channelings—even these we create—to tell you what direction the Earth is moving in. We serve merely as encouragers, as reminders of that immense power and co-Creative ability you were born with. You are at every moment creating that which you have been waiting for. And the speed of that manifestation much depends upon your willingness to realize this, and to concentrate your thought and joyful feelings on the Truth and reality of your vision as already existing, and now coming forward. You have long been trained into extreme passivity, one that teaches you to wait till your preferred television news program or an internet source confirms something before you will believe it is true or not. We do not, as we have said previously, offer these messages as a way to become your authority, expert, or Wise Elder. You are that—all of you—for your own selves, and more powerful in that respect than we can describe. We do not desire to “do your thinking for you,” nor to step in and explain things through language, that left-brain mode of communication, that your own heart-mind’s intuitive knowing can explain on its own far more powerfully and completely. And yet—there is the desire to know, to understand, to feel connected to others by being in a community that shares information, and we understand such. And so we ask, in this energy-filled message, that you spend this next month or so not only taking in information in the left-brain sense of weeding out one idea or another, but also visualizing and celebrating the planet you would most love to live on. To visualize an Earth free of pollution and excavation of any kind, a place free of wars and hunger and violence of any kind. A place of free and open speech, of joyful creative expression, of physical wellness and ongoing youth and optimism. A place of abundance that outreaches all things “financial” and encompasses the pure richness of Life. A place of Peace that fills the entire being with the joy of being alive, and realization of the Life force that runs through all things. A place that fosters the realization that you are Love itself, and that all Life, fully interconnected, constantly communicates its messages through every being imaginable, to celebrate the union and unity of those life forms. You carry this vision within you, or you would not be upon the Earth at this very crucial moment. And so—where is your vision, dear ones? Say it aloud! Sing it or play it on an instrument! Dance, draw or paint it! Proclaim it as real Now, whether it is world peace, the enactment of NESARA law, abundance for all beings, full disclosure of the Galactic presence, or all of that. You know your vision. You know it, because you have voiced so often to friends or family, “When will it be here, this beautiful vision I have held for so long? Will I live to see it?” You know it well. And you know deep down, that you are waiting for nothing. That your every action and inner resolve leads to you to demonstrate that you are not “hoping” that you are on the right timeline, or that the current one would speed up to bring you what you dream of. You know that you are fully capable of forming the kind of belief—the particular pray of command, not passive request—that tunes and turns whatever timeline you are on until it moves fully into that horizon that you and so many others have been quietly building and investing energy in for so long. And so we would say, at this beautiful time of renewal in the solstice, release the need for "authorities" who tell you what is what, and what will happen when. Seek out your information if you find joy in that. But spend at least as much focus on holding and fully experiencing the vision of that world which you have dreamt of for so long. And then celebrate, in this beautiful season of the turning of planets and stars and momentous shifts, seen and unseen. Celebrate, because you have brought yourselves to this empowering place of creating a new world—you, and no one else. Any who are helping you in the higher planes could never do so without your express consent and request that they help you, and your increasing lifts in consciousness that you bring you ever closer to their levels of consciousness. We send you Light for this beautiful season, not only for the healing and renewal of all you have experienced, but for the celebration of the new and not-before-seen expression of the Light you are becoming. The Light and inner vision you are now using to cocreate your New Earth. Welcome, solstice, and welcome, New Year! Join us as we celebrate all you are creating. As ever, you are the only ones you are waiting for. Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. ______________________________________________________ Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchyfrom Planetary Activation Organization, Sheldon Nidle
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System 10 Caban, 0 Mol, 13 Caban Dratzo! Events are moving forward. The top of the RV payout is now in place. This means that the deliveries of the prosperity funds are very close to actually occurring. We expect this process ultimately to lead to the formal announcement of NESARA and the new American Republic. This series of operations is to follow in a set sequence, and a number of joint legal decisions are to ensure that it is quickly and efficiently carried out. Thus, we anticipate that numerous actions are to follow one another so this new reality can be properly manifested. These sequences are to be followed swiftly with full disclosure of our benevolent existence! At that time, as noted previously, we are to broadcast a brief outline of possible actions that are to lead to a potential time for mass landings. Each of these events is linked to the other. A long series of meetings involving the different factions has contributed to a very complex timetable. This process has brought together various teams, assisting us in moving forward! Hence, we ask for patience as these joint timetables are taking place. The whole process of altering this planetary society has been much more complicated than first imagined. This realm was initially conceived of by the Anunnaki as a land that possessed a primary belief that those in power were invincible. Thus, the present group of minions saw themselves as Beings capable of overcoming anything that might reduce or end their power. A most arrogant set of beliefs was deeply etched into everyone’s psyche. One of the many reasons for our difficulty in aiding our partners in the Light was these insane core conceptions. This belief is now receding as, day by day, Heaven aims a burst of positive and consciousness-raising energies at humanity. We have watched as our earthly partners succeeded in altering this negative belief and initiated a series of major arrests among this global group of minions. The aim of this operation is to ensure that prosperity leads directly into a GESARA for this long-suffering world. Step by step, this is indeed becoming the case! These events are part of a larger project, which is to form the foundation of the realm where we intend to land when the divine time is right. This is a continuation of a position that we, with the Ascended Masters, wish to complete in the very near future. Gaia’s peoples are in the midst of an ever-growing series of population cycles. Our responsibility is to make sure that the most critical aspects of this globe achieve the funds required to set up a number of key objectives. These include fresh water, electrification and a modern sewage system. It is horrifying to us that most of this planet lacks the means to connect to the Internet and to live at night in an electrified environment. These primitive conditions need to be transformed quickly. There are enough energy and funds in this world to swiftly change this. These problems, along with a growing need for literacy, are to be addressed by our earthly associates. Heaven first created this entire project long ago when they solemnly addressed the Ascended Masters. They decreed that the new reality that was to free surface humanity was to be noted for its never-ending prosperity, accompanied by the return of your long-awaited freedom. Humanity was to regain the individual sovereignty lost by the illegal proclamations of the Anunnaki, thereby divinely righting this grievous wrong. It was to be the prime mission of the Ascended Masters to oversee and aid humanity as provided for by several rules designated to this task by Heaven. These rules were followed, as well as the edict to provide the necessary monies to set up such an immense prosperity. In addition, a special team was to be established to legally overthrow the Anunnaki’s minions when required. Now that this task is complete, you are ready to feast on the fruits of this mighty effort. These projects were further supported by our arrival as commanded by Heaven. The next steps are to enable the completion of the events that constitute this special operation and prepare us for first contact. Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! This next period in your spiritual development precludes a return by the dark to any semblance of power. The blessed Administrations of Heaven preordained their defeat. This is a divine process you can truly celebrate. Be truly aware of what is happening and apply your exceptional visionary skills to this vital topic. Heaven has orchestrated a process that is quite divine. Look upon this current reality as a clever way to check who is on board for the extraordinary changes that are to follow. Thirteen millennia ago, the dark took charge of this reality and created a world that was horrific for all of its surface humanity. It is vital that all who are opposed to these changes show their true colors and be added to the already-long list of those who are to be divinely isolated from you. Therefore, this blessed scenario is in readiness to reveal who supports, or does not support, the new Republic! (NESARA/GESARA) We ask simply that you bear with this and prepare yourselves for a coming grand announcement. Heaven does not wish anyone to continue to suffer. Once this process has finished, we fully intend to introduce the true American governance and end the dark farce that commenced nearly 150 years ago. When the original Constitution was first proclaimed, it lacked the Bill of Rights. Once added, this system of governance was legally proclaimed. The same is true now. Only the blessed documents of NESARA are to become legal. Have patience and know in your heart what is to happen shortly. Come together and be aware of what is occurring and use your energies to enable us to triumph! Those who now so arrogantly parade around are to be isolated by our sacred associates! This operation has already begun! Be patient and allow it to manifest and transform this reality. Remember, dear Ones, this reality is resolutely breaking away from the darkness and bringing in the Light. This operation requires a series of “false flags” to secure the proposition that all aspects of the old oligarchy are successfully captured and firmly isolated from you. This process needed a means to permit those secured under their proverbial rocks to come out and clearly reveal themselves to our associates. This operation is taking a little longer than at first proposed. Be patient, blessed Ones! This entire process is soon to be altered by a series of key announcements. Then the new governance can reveal itself and this reality can truly be transformed for the better. This divine operation is bringing out all who were buried so deeply that selected sweeps by our associates were unable to find them. The time that we divinely intend to manifest is quite near. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Today, we carried on with our weekly report. We have reviewed what is developing across this beautiful blue-green orb and see how the forces of the Light are bringing together their great victory. Much is unfolding that is about to transform this world for the better. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) Natalie Glasson, Sacred School of Omna In a period of ascension shifts, transformation, and new beginnings, when your soul is drawing closer into your being, your mental and emotional bodies are healing, and new perspectives connected to your inner truth are awakening, there is one area of your being we cannot overlook. Your physical body, auric field, and chakras are currently experiencing tremendous change because aspects of your ego are falling away to be replaced with enlightened aspects of your soul. Old limiting, destructive and negative perspectives are rising to the surface of your being to be recognised, healed and erased in order to make space for the new loving, life enhancing and enlightening perspectives of your soul. There is one aspect of your being which is affected deeply by the transitions taking place within your being and yet this aspect may go unrecognised, transforming without you realising. I, Mother Mary, am speaking of your inner child. Who is your inner child? Your inner child is an aspect of your soul; you might liken it to an energetic body similar to your emotional or mental bodies within your auric field. Your inner child is the original consciousness that you choose to hold when you anchored into your physical body as it was forming in your mother’s womb and when you were born. As a spiritual being wishing to incarnate upon the Earth, you chose your parents, your birthplace, your birth time, your name, how you would appear and even what sort of personality you would have. You knew that these choices would support you in the life lessons you wished to experience as a child and an adult as well as the learning or growth you wished to partake in, in order to become a greater expression of the Creator. At your birth, you held within you all the understanding about your physical reality you required as well as a strong connection with and remembrance of the inner planes. The knowingness that you held at your birth could not be expressed by you, and even as a child, it may have been difficult to express with words, not due to your inability to communicate, simply because it is a part of you and therefore is synthesised with every aspect of your being. It is important to remember you chose the surroundings you experienced as a child, even if you perceive them as negative, you chose them for a reason that would propel you forward as an adult. From your birth, your inner child develops in harmony with you as a physical child. Your inner child continues to hold the consciousness of knowingness you were born with which acts as a form of navigation through your early years. As a child, you are connected with your soul. However, your chakras are still forming and developing, so it is in later years that fuller aspects of your soul embody physically. Your inner child is an aspect of your soul which is present to serve you through your early years. From your birth, to around seven years old you absorb information from your surroundings and the people in your life, learning as much as you can. Your inner child supports the programming of your subconscious mind which later allows your conscious mind to develop. Once you become older, your inner child will remain as a child within you, often at the age of around seven years old so that it can continue to share the inner knowingness about yourself and reality it has carried since being in the womb. Your knowingness consciousness from your birth is very important as it acts as a grounding of your soul’s intentions for your life. Trauma and Your Inner Child If any form of trauma occurred during your childhood, it has the ability to stunt the growth of your inner child as well as create confusion for your inner child as your inner knowingness, and outer experiences are not harmonised. If the trauma is great and influences the inner child deeply during childhood, then it is likely that the inner child will remain the age it was when the trauma occurred. The pain or suffering experienced will be held onto by the inner child and begins to obscure the pure knowingness held at birth. While the physical, emotional and mental body of the child continues to grow and develop the inner child is unable to develop into a fulfilled child who has reached the peak of its growth and can emanate the pure knowingness aspects of its soul. The purpose of your inner child is to reach maturity as an inner child, to exist as a fulfilled, loved and empowered child within you. Further aspects of the soul can then complete embodiment and incarnation with the physical form. If the inner child’s growth is stunted at two years old then higher and greater aspects of the soul cannot download until the inner child is healed and completes its growth. The adult would be influenced by the inner child at two years old, the pain it endured and its outlook upon the Earth. It is important to understand that if your inner child was stunted by trauma, healing, and growth of your inner child can take place at an accelerated rate within your adult body, thus the purpose of your inner child can be completed with your support. It is often that the inner child does complete its growth, however, has adopted blemishes which obscure its pure knowingness and aspect of the soul. You will be able to recognise the negative or destructive blemishes your inner child has embodied because of pain, suffering or disempowerment as they will appear as continuous patterns in your life. Examples of these are: inner child never feeling secure so as an adult may not be able to find a secure home, the inner child may have felt unloved so adult self may experience relationship problems, the inner child may have experienced a lack of money, so adult self is unable to manifest success. In truth, your most playful and creative nature and your patterns share a lot about your soul and the loving qualities of the Creator it wishes to embody. If the inner child feels unloved and this manifests as relationship problems as an adult, then it may be the soul’s wish to enhance its relationship with itself and the Creator and will achieve this through relationships with others. Your Soul and Your Inner Child The current ascension shift is supporting your soul in synthesising with your entire being, especially your mental body. To take full advantage of this and to allow your soul to be more fully embodied there is a need to bring any healing or growth that is necessary to your inner child. If your inner child has grown into a fulfilled child and all blemishes or confusion have been erased, then your inner child will emanate your soul’s pure knowingness for this lifetime which will synthesise with the new aspects of your soul downloading now creating harmony and a more complete presence of your soul. Instigating Healing and Growth for Your Inner Child The negative, limiting and destructive patterns which you recognise now in your reality which may manifest through your thoughts, feelings, physical experiences, actions, and reactions are born from your inner child. Notice these patterns, what messages do they bring forth to you? Often it is easiest to discover the negative message and then convert it into a positive message using your conscious mind. You will then be able to realise the growth that is required by your inner child and the energy you need to anchor from your soul and guides to support the healing. An example: everything seems to be going wrong in your day. Therefore you say to yourself, ‘Nothing works out for me.’ This is a blemish or confusion the inner child has adopted which is obscuring its inner knowingness. This statement may be converted to, ‘The Creator provides for me all I need, and I willingly accept.’ You can affirm your statement asking your guides and soul to deliver healing and appropriate energy into your being, while also imagining the feeling of the statement. Then imagine yourself as a child experiencing the statement fully and observe energetically the growth your inner child creates. Working with your inner child in this way will allow you to experience a great sense of fulfilment, contentment, and happiness which will make it easier for your soul to synthesis with you. You may also begin to be given beautiful realisations about your life and soul because the knowingness that your inner child carried into this world to support you in navigating with ease will awaken within your being for you to receive. It is valuable with the energies presently anchoring into the Earth to take time to honour the healing and growth of your inner child as well as the knowingness and wisdom it has to share with you. Love from my inner child to yours, Mother Mary LATEST MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL
through RONNA HERMANN MESSAGES FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * LM-12-2016 TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA THE FIERY FORCES OF CREATION ARE SWEEPING THE EARTH Beloved masters, remember this term: MEMBRANES OF LIGHT, for it is important that this concept is clearly defined within your mind. There were membranes of Light placed across your memory when you began your journey into the illusionary realities of the Third/Fourth Dimensions. There were membranes of Light placed at the entryway to your Sacred Mind and to your Sacred Heart. There was / is a membrane of Light surrounding your Third Eye / your inner sight. When your Higher Self determines it is time for your Third Eye to open, it will be as if you received a surge of sacred energy upon your brow. These specialized frequencies open the Seed Crystals of Light within the Pineal Gland, which initiates the ability for extrasensory perception/clairvoyance. Most of you have heard of the Ring-Pass-Not, a thin Membrane of Light Radiation, which encircled the planet. It was a restrictive quarantine of sorts, which was gradually dissolved from the Earth’s atmosphere, thereby allowing the cosmic information flood gates to be flung open so that the next level of Cosmic Wisdomcould pour forth to a select group of World Servers / Cosmic Messengers.For many lifetimes, every one of these brave Souls has been in an intense preparatory stage in the higher realms. This intense training period was necessary in order to bring forth the advanced teachings in an accurate, orderly and timely method. It is Cosmic Law that you must integrate and experience each level of new truth in order to move to the next, more advanced level. It is a unique and specialized path of initiation. The Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light do not openly teach in public. They work entirely through their disciples and initiates, mostly by conveying the inspired thought forms of higher wisdom teachings. Initiates work on the mental levels, also mostly behind the scenes. However, a select group is actively teaching out in the world, for inspiring others to become World Servers is their most important task. There is a Light epidemic whereby every person on Earth is being bombarded by the refined frequencies of God Light; however, each person can only absorb and integrate the frequencies of Light that their physical vessels can accommodate. You must be able to metabolize the higher frequency God Light in order to benefit from it and make use of it. Those of you who have steadfastly followed the Path that was designed for you are quickly coming to a state of completion for the particular stage of en-Lighten-mentyou have been in for the past ten years. When you attain true Self-mastery, your thoughts and words will become harmless, for criticism and negativity cannot dwell in the Light of love and truth. Service is an intrinsic impulse of the Soul-Self, just as desire is the major impulse of the ego. Your transition from the impulses or nudgings of the emotional, ego-desire body to the inspirational thoughts of the Soul and the Higher Self has mostly been accomplished. Your focus has moved toward group consciousness, and how to serve humanity. You are also well on your way in the transition from I / me / myselfish interests to higher frequency — a we / our state of unity consciousness.The intuitive thoughts you receive, and the guidance from your guides, angelic helpers, and Higher Self, become stronger as you integrate more pure God Light. Your personal reality expands from a small-world focus of a me / my state of consciousness to an expanded consciousness which includes the world, the solar system and beyond. No longer do you respond to painful events in life as fated or punishment, for you realize they are challenges and opportunities for growth. You are swiftly moving out of the energy vortex, or collective consciousness band of thought forms created by humanity, which is a vortex of violent activity. Ascension is a process whereby you consciously move forward into higher and higher levels of the energy/vibrational fields of your OverSoul/Higher Selves — forever moving forward into more rarified fields of Divine Energy of the higher dimensions. Your Soul is aware of the imbalances you brought forth from the past and also those you have created in this lifetime. It will do everything possible to bring these imbalances to your attention so you can rectify the imperfections and develop harmonious attunement with the next level of your Higher Self. This is the Soul’s main purpose for being. Your Soul and Higher Selves will also make every effort to raise your vibrational frequencies and to harmonize the fluctuating energies of the emotional and mental bodies. As you progress on the Path and begin to tap into the higher vibrational patterns of Light, you will experience the effects of the intensity of the frequencies of Cosmic Sacred Fire. You will be affected by the fiery forces of Creation in three ways: Fire by Friction: Fire of Body ** Solar Fire: Fire of Soul **Electromagnetic Fire: Fire of Spirit. Eventually, you will learn to recognize the source of the frequency patterns of the various Beings of Light that you are to work with. You will also be able to differentiate between the subtle forces and the Rays. You must strive to become a Divine observer and a master of detachment. You know who you are; we do not have to tell you. We ask you to steadfastly maintain your Center of Power within your Sacred Heart as you are drawn into the higher levels of World Service. As you move deeper and deeper into the realm of the Ascended Masters, your chosen path of service should become easier–almost effortless. Your major challenges and tests are behind you as you draw greater amounts of God Light to you. The warring factions within will slowly release their hold on you as they submit to the transformative vibrations of Love. My brave warriors of peace, as your Light shines brighter out into the world, you must be vigilant so that you will do nothing which will make you a focal point for negative vibrational forces. You are learning to be a director of the Higher Forces. As you refine your skills of Self-mastery, you will learn to identify the quality and force of all energy around you. In every era and major cycle, Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Truth are made available to those with open minds and loving hearts. It is time for an understanding of where humankind stands on the ladder of evolution. Each person must gain the knowledge of and have a desire to fulfill his / her personal destiny. For all of you who are firmly on the spiraling Path of Ascension, your major goal at this time is to return the vibrational patterns, which make up your personal world in the Third-/Fourth-Dimensional reality, to the originally designed spectrum of Light and shadow. By doing so, your pendulum of consciousness will not swing so radically from positive to negative, and your mental and emotional natures will once more become stabilized and centered. This is an important step in learning to live centered within your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind. A disciple on the Path of en-Lighten-ment must strive for heart-centered detachment and wise discernment. In the unawakened person, more choices are made unconsciously than through intelligent awareness. It is as if they are in a semi-conscious state of awareness. The initial phase of becoming a Self-aware person is to realize that he/she is not consciously awake. This begins the process of striving to awaken to the nudgings of the Soul-self, for this is an intrinsic part of becoming spiritually aware and a master of Self. When you succumb to irritation and respond in loud, angry words or thoughts, you are using astral energy that is contaminating to the auric field. Continued use will build a negative thought form that must eventually be resolved and dissolved via the Law of the Circle. Envision your negative thought forms adding another stone or brick to your emotional prison. Remember: you are composed of units of energy, which create your Energetic Signature, and ultimately your Soul Song. Your goal is to learn to control your thoughts and to focus your power. Your thoughts will increase in strength according to the intensity and repetition of your Seed Thoughts. Dear hearts learn to focus on the highest and best attributes of people and conditions within your inner circle of Light–this is one of the most important aspects of creating your personal Fifth-Dimensional environment. The language of the unconscious and subconscious minds is primarily imagery. The refinement of the subconscious and conscious minds and attunement to the Superconscious mind are greatly speeded up by the deliberate practice and perfecting of the imagery and visualization skills. The Soul needs a vehicle of expression on the physical plane in order to bring forth the power and magnificence of Creation. You must endeavor to rise above and to shelter yourself from the emotional chaos of the mass consciousness existence; however, you must also function efficiently among the masses, and spread your Light as you go about daily life. You cannot live in a detached world and forsake the material world in order to attain en-Lighten-ment. Becoming an unrealistic, vague mystic serves no one. The introspective, inward-focused meditative practices of the Eastern philosophies are being joined with the creative, outward-focused practices of the Western world. In a Third- and lower Fourth-Dimensional environment, your mental body is prone to projecting into the future, which creates fear and uncertainty. The emotional body is always replaying the events of the past, some fond memories, but mostly reliving experiences of failure or pain. The present moment is hardly registered at all unless there is some positive or negative drama involved. You should strive for a strong, highly-developed connection between the mental and emotional bodies, and also between the Soul and Higher Self in order to develop refined spiritual values. As you tap into the higher frequencies of Divine Wisdom, brilliant ideas pour forth from the higher planes of intuition. You may experience exhilaration one moment and depression the next as you gradually achieve a blissful state of awareness, only to lose it again. However, the times of depression will grow less intense and also less frequent. Be assured that your ego desire body will rebel and resist the efforts of the Soul and the Higher Self, and will try to keep you in your habitual practices/habits of serving only the little selfand its selfish desires. However, as you progress, you will tap into the realm of the Sacred Mind and you will learn spiritual discernment. You must constantly monitor and critique your words, deeds and motives as you train yourself, and gain discipline over the little self. Remember: ALL knowledge is a form of Light. As you strive to understand your role and purpose for this lifetime, you will learn to turn inward in order to understand who you really are, why you act and react the way you do, and how to tap into your greatest talents and potential abilities. This should be your major goal at this time. Reflection, contemplationand active meditationwill unlock the mystery of your true Self, and what your major goals are for this lifetime. You are an energy center, a receptacle, a physical body, which contains a measure of pure Creator Essence. You are responsible for integrating and using the Light Energy you need to empower yourself, and you must then send forth the balance out into the world for the benefit of all. Submission to your Divine Mission and to Cosmic Law means adherence to all Universal Laws as they are revealed to you. Walking the path of ascension requires a constant effort to make the highest choices for the greatest good, with an intense desire to serve. You must take responsibility for all actions and the energy you qualify, whether positive or negative, for it will return to you via the Law of the Circle. Your present earthly goal is to become a World Server, and the quickest way to attain this level of Self-mastery is to stimulate the flame of God Power within. Self-mastery is attained in small increments, not giant leaps. Dear hearts, no matter the level of Spiritual/Self-awareness you have attained, we encourage you to make the Path to higher awareness a priority in your life. The world and the reality you have lived and experienced in the past are swiftly changing. You have a golden opportunity to join the ranks of those who are creating a bright new world for themselves and their loved ones. You also have the right to remain in the negative environment of the lower world of reality that is swiftly being cleansed, cleared and modified, thus creating the chaos and monumental changes the masses and the Earth are now experiencing. Which will you choose? Whatever your choice, we will guide and protect you to the limits of Cosmic Law, and we will always love you beyond measure. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : [email protected] Soul Ascension: Emotional and Mental Maturity
by the Celestial White Beings Channelled through Natalie Glasson 2nd December 2016 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa We are the Celestial White Beings, labelled so due to the pure celestial white light we emanate from the core of our being and source. We have been overseeing and supporting the ascension of the Earth and humanity since its creation. We add our energy to every transition taking place upon the Earth and within each soul. It is our purpose to create and reactivate the vibration and perspective of bliss within each soul. When the vibration of bliss manifests, with no outer reason, from the depths of your being it symbolises your remembrance of your connectivity and constant union with the Creator. Bliss is a state beyond love, it is the energy created and experienced when you recognise yourself as an embodiment of the Creator’s pure love. It is our purpose to support your realignment with the Creator through awakening your remembrance of the Creator. Call Upon Healing During this time of ascension currently dawning upon the Earth there is a need to ask for a download of healing light into your entire being and reality as often as you can. A powerful transition is taking place which requires great volumes of supportive healing energies. Your soul is merging, synthesising and being embodied more fully at a physical level. Your soul requires additional healing energy to support its synthesis with your physical being and personality. Your body, personality and auric body requires assistance to ensure that all aspects of your soul are embodied successful with ease and perfection. Sometimes when a higher aspect of yourself is merging more fully into the physical reality some aspects of your being can reject the energy because they are not fully aligned with the new energies anchoring. This is when trauma within the mind, body or emotions can take place. With additional healing energy all aspects of your being will be prepared and aligned with the new vibrations of yourself and truth wishing to be embodied. We, the Celestial White Beings wish to offer to you our healing energies to support the current transition taking place within your being. ‘Celestial White Beings, I call upon your pure and powerful healing energies, light and consciousness to download into all aspects of my being. May your healing energy support my entire being in aligning with the new aspect of my soul dawning within my being. Please dissolve all forms of rejection or anything that may be hindering the synthesis of my soul with my entire being now. Thank you.’ The Purpose of Soul Embodiment Now The ascension process you are experiencing now has a purpose of developing your spiritual maturity within your mental and emotional body. Your soul is merging specifically with these two aspects of yourself and existence upon the Earth to encourage you to think and feel from your divinity. If your thought process is born from the truth of your soul and your feelings are born from the compassion of your soul then it will be easier for you to act, react, experience and create from a space of love, from the truth of the Creator. Your soul is supporting you in accessing and unifying yourself with a higher, pure and true consciousness. With the support of your soul these transitions may appear subtle and yet you will notice a deep-seated peace, love and joy emerging and radiating from every aspect of your being. This will be due to your emotional and mental bodies aligning with, healing, embodying and expressing the love of your soul. New wisdom may anchor into your conscious awareness from your soul, however this is not the original purpose of this ascension transition. The purpose is to gain understanding, love, compassion and freedom within your emotional and mental bodies, therefore feelings and thoughts. Why Emotional and Mental Maturity is Necessary Many people upon the Earth are now accessing greater volumes of light, wisdom, consciousness and enlightenment. They are achieving their spiritual initiations at great speed due to their devotion and dedication to experiencing unification with the Creator. The constant quickening of the Earth’s vibration is also enhancing the speed at which many people access different levels of light dimensions, ascension and enlightenment. Even with light pulsating throughout their being some people have yet to master the lessons that the mental body and emotional body bring forth. Every transition and ascension level accessed, first synthesises with the soul and spiritual body, then the same energies or understanding must merge with the mental body, emotional body and physical body in order for completion of a transition to fully take place and be grounded eternally into your physical reality and consciousness. There is a need to download and create the same spiritual maturity which is being obtained and remembered in the spiritual body within the emotional and mental bodies as well, otherwise there is a lack of completion of each level of ascension. You may recognise a lack of spiritual maturity, awareness and understanding within the emotional and mental bodies of those around you. You may recognise that some people speak spiritual truths and wisdom and yet act negativity to other with blame, judgment or fear. Others may embody powerful and beautiful vibrations of love in meditation and yet constantly allow their emotions to be triggered by the outside world. They experience feelings of insecurity, anger, heart break, sadness and upset which causes them to swing between love and emotional trauma. You may recognise that some people radiate such generosity and act as a pure example of kindness to others and yet they harass themselves inwardly with destructive thoughts and emotions,, believing they are unworthy of receiving the same for themselves. It is natural when embarking upon your ascension pathway to swing from limiting thinking and feeling to expansive thinking and feeling. Often it is more challenging to recognise areas of lack of spiritual maturity within your own emotions and thoughts. A lack of spiritual maturity within your emotions and thoughts means that they are not yet fully aligned with the truth and love of your soul. A lack of spiritual maturity within your emotions and thoughts can symbolise that there are destructive or limiting pattern within these two bodies which have not yet been addressed, healed and released. When we, the Celestial White Beings, speak of a lack of spiritual maturity in your emotional and mental bodies, this is not a judgment, we simple wish to share that healing emotional wounds and releasing negative mental habits is a part of your ascension process. While you still hold onto emotional wounds and negative thoughts you will not be able to fully experience unification with the Creator, your ascension will in many ways be stunted. Emotional and mental clarity allows you to surrender more fully allowing your entire being to absorb and embody all high vibrations of light you access. We realise that you may feel that there are numerous wounds and negative habits within your emotional body as well as negative thoughts within your mental body. You may feel that to bring healing to all is an impossible task. This can be especially challenging when you realise that it is most common that you are unconscious of most of the blocks and limitations you have created within your emotional and mental body. The current ascension shift taking place of the transition and synthesis of higher aspects of your soul merging with your entire being, especially your personality holds the answer and can support you immensely in this quest of spiritual maturity. Your personality is composed by your thoughts, beliefs, habits, perspectives, subconscious, viewpoints, feelings, emotions, wounds, conscious mind and soul. Your emotional and mental bodies play a key part. When you allow the higher aspect and higher consciousness of your soul to merge with your personality, your soul’s healing energy, wisdom, truth and divine knowledge will influence these two bodies creating balance, understanding, divine inspiration and a new perspective. This means that your soul is ready to support the spiritual development of your mind and emotions so you can leave behind illusions, fears and limitations to embrace and experience truth, love, bliss and empowerment. Synthesising Your Soul with Your Emotional and Mental Bodies ‘My beloved soul, I now invite you to merge your energy, light and consciousness with my entire being, especially my personality, emotional and mental bodies. Please heal all emotional and mental wounds, blocks, limitations, habits, fears, negative patterns and perspectives which I am holding onto. Please enthuse my mind and emotions with your love, wisdom, clarity and intuition so that my mental and emotional bodies can achieve spiritual maturity, being aligned with the ascension of my spiritual body and soul. Help me to recognise habits and perspectives within my mind and emotions which require to be healed and released so I may experience unification with the Creator manifesting as a pure bliss within my entire being. Celestial White Beings please assist and oversee this process. Thank you’ How to Achieve Spiritual Maturity You can achieve emotional and mental maturity by observing the thoughts and feelings you create and experience each day. Recognise that your thoughts and feelings are not random and in most cases, do not activate because of outside influences or experiences. Often they are repetitive. When you observe your feelings and thoughts daily you recognise patterns, cycles and habits. These can reoccur so much that they become boring, tiresome and monotonous to observe. This is when the love and compassion of your heart and soul is essential because of the higher consciousness that love and compassion manifest within your being. You will then be able to access the insights and guidance necessary to create the necessary healing. When you recognise an aspect of your mind or emotions you wish to heal:
When you take time in your reality to focus on your emotions and thoughts realising they are an essential part of your ascension process then you will allow yourself to attune with the higher, enlightened and sacred consciousness of your soul. You will access a new perspective of yourself, others, reality and the world which may be beyond your imagination at this moment. A perspective which supports and assists you in being your true embodiment of love. With eternal love and bliss, Celestial White Beings |
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