Morning Messages [email protected] via
Message from the 'Team' ______________________ Star Humans Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here. We respect this time you give to anchor our message. As a multidimensional being, you have strived to accomplish much and touch the lives of many. Your focus and dedication to your journey here on planet earth to awaken and serve is to be acknowledged. There are considerable numbers of others like yourself, humans who recognize and realize their purpose in this evolution of consciousness which is taking place. These groups of beings are quietly and steadily assisting others to awaken to their own highest potential and purpose. There is a swelling, a wave of quickening energy, a calling forth that is taking place in the hearts and minds of other dedicated star humans. Your numbers are far greater than you can imagine. These are beings of light that understand the laws of the universe and apply them to this physical plane. They are wholly dedicated in service to the well-being of humanity. These are challenging times. The polarity and pull of the opposite is also manifested fully in your world events. There are those whose role in this hologame is to control, manipulate, invoke fear and render destruction. There are those in the middle who are being manipulated with fear, prejudice, and hatred. This is a global enactment. It is being observed by the entire galaxy. There has been a heart call from all star humans aware of their connection to the galaxy. You have reached out and requested assistance and support on this stage of physical reality. Your conscious call and request have been heard and much is being offered from the convergence of the highest and most holy vibrations in the universe. The important message to remember is that each single physical human has the opportunity to transform the drama being played out on your earth stage. The key is the willingness to accept that you are a multidimensional star human. It is the willingness and the heartfelt request to awaken from the unconscious slumber and numbness that is locked in place to own your personal power. This is the invitation we offer; with every breath you take realize that you are Light, you are needed and it is time for you to be fully awake. Your every vibration, your every thought is projected into the matrix of the energy field of planet earth. You must continue to ask yourself, does this word, thought, action, feeling add to the dysfunction of the world or does it add to the light of the world? Each star human arrives with the skills and abilities to offer awesome solutions, wondrous gifts to the global unfolding. Remember it is vibration. Be diligent and strong in your resolve to radiate and vibrate the highest and the best that is within you. Watch how your weakness is triggered and activated. Be aware of how easily manipulated you are by your insecurities and fears. Your job is to heal and transform the aspect of fear that you personally carry. Your job is to recognize and honor the highest aspect of your divine self. There is a matrix of consciousness which is either weakened or strengthened by your own personal vibration and energy field. Each star human is responsible to reach out to others in whatever way feels natural, appropriate and correct, offering their Light of awareness and the opportunity and portal for expansion and awakening within the other. This might be done by example alone. This might be done with words written or spoken. This might be done with work on the inner planes. You will know your role. We invite you to remember your superpower of imagination. Begin to create a sacred space or an Alchemist Chambers which will allow you to do masterful energy work in the quantum field. Imagine that you can gather with other star humans and plan awesome ways to solve issues that are causing such distress on your planet. There is no limitation to this work. You, as a multidimensional divine being or star human, are powerful beyond measure. We invite you and others as a group to imagine sending love, light and forgiveness to all those whom you might judge as doing great harm by their actions. Realize that they are used to manipulating energy and power, however they have never felt so much positive love surrounding them. You will be amazed at the results of this exercise. Remember you are an important part of this unfolding. Each star human carries a code that is needed by many to trigger their own realization. This is not work beloved; this is a gift that you offer to the other. Each encounter holds the auspicious moment in which codes and activation take place between both beings. Each encounter is a moment of energy magic. You never know who you will trigger to their own awakening or who might trigger you to another level of your magnificence. When you and others are vibrating at your highest and most inspirited frequency this is when the opening is available to lift any lower energy vibrations within other humans. There is assistance being offered to earth from the star family, the planets, the great central sun, the holiest of holy, the divine mind of the creator. This is an awesome time on your planet and you enrolled to be a part of this opportunity. You came here to do this high conscious work with others to support the evolution of consciousness of humanity. We invite you and other awakened star humans to hold the anchor and focus for these energetic gifts that are being showered upon you as we speak. So we say once again, be in your joy, for it is your vibration of joy which allow the most absorbance of the energetic gifts. Joy, gratitude and appreciation are the doorways, the portals, the paths to your total divine evolution and expansion. Anything else that is unlike joy, gratitude and appreciation must be discarded, for it does not serve the highest and the best in your life and the global hologame. We acknowledge the time for our message; go this day embraced by our gratitude and our love. Say to yourself often “All is well.” Be at peace, Beloved. the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.
Arcturian Group Message 7/3/22 [email protected] via JULY 3, 2022 Dear students of truth, welcome to our message. Never doubt that both personally and globally a Divine Plan is unfolding. It was never meant that earth remain forever a planet of three dimensional energy governed by illusory beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers. Eons ago souls in still in spirit form chose to experience what it would be like to feel separate from God. However, over time they began to forget that their experiences weren't real. Some became lost/trapped in illusions of separation that they themselves had chosen and separation became their state of consciousness allowing manifestations of density to began. Some remembered who they were and wisely chose to no longer play the game, but many did not. This is the story of the fallen angels. Earth is now ready to evolve beyond the ancient energies of separation that have ruled for so long because separation never has been a reality. People were not meant to live in fear, vulnerable to all the mind formed creations of material sense and separation. You are Divine beings always have been and always will be but the belief of separation has become so deeply ingrained in earth's collective consciousness that evolving beyond it must be a process. Everyone must clear old but still active energy accumulated over having lived hundreds of lifetimes before they can fully align with the higher frequencies. As increasingly more spiritual Light energy pours to earth as part of the ascension process, ancient dense energies that have long lain dormant in earth herself are surfacing. The same thing is occurring with individuals. Old energies that have been stored and carried in cellular memory from lifetime to lifetime are also surfacing in order to be acknowledged and cleared. Large clearings, those in which certain beliefs were active in more than one lifetime usually take place in increments that often begin with some physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual experience that causes them to believe they have somehow failed. Clearing experiences can range from the devastating collapse of one's whole belief system to the simple realization of some belief that needs deeper examination. Most people are unaware of energy needing to be cleared because it was accumulated and stored in other lifetimes which is why clearing experiences often seem to "come out of the blue". A great many clearings take place in the dream state. People, places, and situations remembered or people known in this lifetime playing different roles. Clearings usually take place in increments when more than one past life was involved in the same way--an ancient religious group or cult, religious orders, or a school of thought that demanded vows and oaths. Look on your clearing experiences as graduations rather than something to dread in the knowledge that the dissolving of old energy will leave you on a higher energetic level than when you were carrying it in your energy field. Some believing that they can go backward in their evolutionary process, live each day continually alert to every "bad" thought that may come floating through their mind in fear of spiritually failing or regressing. It is impossible to revert to an previous state of consciousness once you have evolved beyond it. Yes, old and familiar thoughts will continue to come and go for awhile, but human thinking and consciousness are not the same thing. Many have tried to go back to and easier earlier time, but the spiritual evolutionary process does not allow a person to go back asleep once they have awakened to some aspect of truth. Spiritual realization can be very inconvenient when a person has gotten used to a familiar comfortable lifestyle. A truth realized can be ignored and often is, but the nagging influence of the realization always remains, popping up when least desired to spoil the fun. Every person at some point will awaken to their true Self-hood, it cannot be avoided because it is the reality. In spite of appearances to the contrary every individual sick or well, good or bad, rich or poor, smart or stupid, is a manifestation of God/Divine Consciousness simply because nothing else exists. Either there is an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness called "God", or there isn't and free will allows every person to accept or deny this but the choice they make can never change or effect the Reality. Never believe that an infinite God can be understood with the finite human mind for it cannot be done. Many have tried and many falsely believe that they have done it, but the human mind limited by three dimensional concepts and beliefs that can never comprehend the vast realities of Divine Consciousness. However, God can and does reveal ITself to those prepared and receptive which is why meditation plays an important part in the spiritual journey. The real purpose of true meditation is spiritual alignment with Source and not for attracting something desired, having experiences, seeing colors and visions, hearing voices, or just to relax. Have no desires when you meditate other than to align with and rest in oneness with the Divinity of your own being. This contact may or may not manifest then or later as more Light, more awareness, healing, or answers needed. You may experience something during meditation and you may not but this does not invalidate the meditation. As with all things, your intention is important and with meditation should simply be alignment with Source within. The Higher Self is that facet of you that has never left conscious ONEness with Source and is continually guiding your spiritual journey because it is you. Your Higher Self draws to you the experiences you are spiritually prepared for and that are necessary for attaining a higher state of consciousness. You will never get experiences beyond your ability to learn and grow from although it may not seem that way when you are feeling overwhelmed in the midst of some intense difficulty. We wish to speak once again about love and remind you that love is all that exists because it is the energetic connection flowing in, through, around, and between the infinite expressions of ONE Divine Consciousness. Love affects, is a part of, and influences everything. Love is the omnipresent harmony of ONE, but on earth is interpreted through windows of duality, separation, and two powers forming love's many many ego based false creations. "Love" is often used to physically, emotionally, mentally control, or abuse another and is frequently an excuse to fulfill ego desire through activities involving guilt, force, dishonesty, or false victim-hood, as well as hundreds of other self-serving actions. More often love is seen only as being an emotion rather than a state of consciousness. Concepts of love as just being sex, romance, and attraction constitute a large part of the three dimensional illusion. The reality of Love is oneness, the connection eternally flowing between all expressions of the One manifesting ITself as the many. In the world you can observe higher forms of love as service that is not governed by ego based "do gooding" for adulation and praise, in the non-judgemental acceptance of the choices of others, and in those always ready to assist another who may need, not simply want, help. (Important to make this distinction) The inability of the three dimensional consciousness to comprehend Love as Oneness has resulted in the distortions of love presently alive and well on earth and continually promoted through film, television, books, etc. The intensity of Light energy now pouring to earth is awakening many to a deeper sense of dissatisfaction with regard to many commonly accepted concepts about love. The result is going to be seen in changes to beliefs regarding relationships of all kinds. Previously accepted and limiting concepts of about love in general are beginning to change as a higher sense of love and its expression begins to permeate the collective. The majority as of yet does not know that the reality of love is oneness and those only able to accept love and relationships in narrow and often religiously based ways will fight change while continuing to judge, and condemn those able to understand love in its broader sense that is more in line with the truth of ONEness. Rest in oneness and simply BE -- an observer who knows that in spite of appearances, God is the only power and reality. When you live, move, and have your being in this realization, the Light of your consciousness touches every other consciousness able to receive and align with it. Because there is only ONE, you are doing what you came to do simply by being your highest Light. Never doubt this. We are the Arcturian Group 7/3/22 Donations are welcomed |
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