A Brief Message to Lightworkers – November 28, 2018
by Caroline Oceana Ryan The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this time to speak with you today. We see that many of you are feeling particularly stressed this time of year, as holiday times can require you to be around family members you don’t always have an easy time with. For some it also means performing extra work to cover holiday spending, or doing extra cooking, cleaning, and other chores for family, friend, and community get-togethers. This can be tiring and frustrating, as your child self wants to regain their wonder over the beauty of the season, and not be so tied up in “getting things done.” We wish for you many beautiful, quiet moments this winter season, in which you take in the beauty of Nature at this time of year, and not only think in terms of scraping the ice off the windshield or having to wear snow boots. We bless you with a sense of stillness that supersedes the rush and pressures of the holiday time. You did not invent these stresses—they were handed onto you by those who did not know that they are not a requirement for an enjoyable holiday season. They were invented so that you would rush headlong into spending money on things that others do not necessarily need or want, so that you would not feel guilty about not getting them a present. Children do not need endless gifts or sweets over the holidays—that sort of excess often leaves them uncomfortable, tired, and confused. It has little to do with the joy reaped from enjoying beautiful music, fulfilling time with family or friends, and simply the realization that somehow, you already have all you need. The more you state this to yourself, the truer it becomes. You can be a beautiful example of the Light Being who does not succumb to holiday pressures, as you also stay strong in the face of news about how those at the southern border of the US are being treated, and how thousands have been devastated by the fires in California. Send Light to all situations that stress or trouble you now. Use the transmuting Violet Flame of St Germain to cleanse and lift any situation to a higher frequency. Keep your holidays well, but keep them as simple and elegantly joyful as you can, without undue rushing about and feeling too pressed for time to enjoy the day or evening. You are creative enough to discover the simpler ways of doing things, to not overdo with food and sweets, to offer simple gifts that encourage someone to follow their dreams to be their best selves. Even just offering someone a list of everything that is wonderful about them—everything that you and others value in them—is a beautiful gift that they will never forget. This sort of transformation is one of the things you came in for, and you are doing a beautiful job. Release the need to “go on automatic” and forget your inner calm, just because of the time of year. Give yourself quiet time each day in which you are speaking to your Spirit team or to Source, and speak of anything that is troubling you, asking for guidance and wisdom. The answers, if not immediate, will come to you in perfect time and way. We surround you with our Love. And as always, we are honored to assist on your path. Namaste! Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
A Message to Lightworkers – November 20, 2018
by Caroline Oceana Ryan The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective . . . Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again. For today’s Message, a Lightworker has asked us to speak on the issue of racial conflict. They write: “As a white person who has endeavored to help address our problems of racial inequity, I’ve found that there is still such huge tension between people of different races, and that well-meaning efforts on any side can be misinterpreted and lead to further hurt or divided feelings. I am wondering about the big picture way to understand and address this racial conflict and mistrust that humans around the world, and certainly in the US, continue to experience.” This is an excellent question, and a multilayered issue, as these are created scenarios that you describe, and not accidental ones, though they appear to have evolved on their own. It is so that for centuries, certain races declared supremacy over certain other races, and that this caused great division, and not only in terms of military defenses. In every day life, very real social and cultural divides found their way into everyday beliefs. It also provided the impetus for certain races to “explain” the superiority they naturally claimed over others—to justify it with stories, false science, and creation myths that explained why they were the master race, and why other races and cultures were destined to serve their master group. The entire idea of enslaving nonwhites, or those of a particular religion, class, or ethnicity, or women or children, served not only the “master race” ideology. It also provided a reason to subjugate those groups judged as inferior, stating they would be mired in helplessness and chaos without patriarchal control over them. Over time, the majority of the world population was taught that they were not fit to run their own lives, let alone whole communities. Photo by Lynne Newman You may have read of white abolitionists counseling free Black abolitionists in the 1800s that they were not ready to become editor of an abolitionist newspaper, for example, despite the Black abolitionists’ education and eloquent speaking and writing abilities. That sort of condescension and low expectation of intelligence—of women, nonwhites, children, certain religious groups, etc., was intentionally constructed and continues in certain forms to the present day. For millennia, there has been on your planet a race of beings (actually, several races, in conflict over who shall rule most powerfully) that not only adjusted human DNA to a lower level, so as to deny you much of your natural etheric, mental, and physical capabilities. They also set forward whole religions, national ideologies, philosophies, government, educational, and economic systems and technologies built to ensure that one small group would be served first of all Earth’s bounty, while the rest were made to scramble for whatever may remain. Of those oppressed, certain groups stand out in history—the millions of Africans kidnapped and forced into slavery in Europe and the United States for several centuries, the Chinese sold as slaves in the US and Canada, or who worked for desperately low wages on the Canadian railroads, the Irish enslaved to the plantations in the West Indies, the Mexicans, South and Central Americans, and Native Americans kidnapped and enslaved in the American Southwest. Slavery has likewise existed throughout Asia, including Australia, and in numerous countries in Africa. And those eventually freed by new laws were still, of course, held captive by strongholds of discrimination. This too was highly intentional, and not only for what was reaped from low-cost labor. The “ruling elite” have fed off the despair energy of oppressed peoples, including women and children living under oppressive patriarchal structures, for many centuries. The hierarchical mindset holds that only a few are meant to rule, to make decisions, to determine meanings and beliefs, while the rest are mean to serve and do as they are told. This philosophy has continued into the present. It is corporations, billionaires, and trillionaires who crack the whip now, rather than field overseers. Yet many millions have awakened enough to understand that ancestral lands were stolen out from under them or their forebears, and that they still labor and live in unfair conditions—economically and socially, as well as racially. And so you have this extreme unevenness set as a precedent for recorded Earth history, but we assure you—that history which has gone unrecorded holds a much different reality. In the time of Atlantis, and the time of Lemuria before that, there existed principles and everyday living in which all were considered vital parts of the culture. No one’s vote was discounted out of sheer contempt for their “beginnings” or their color, gender, orientation, place of origin, or beliefs. In those nonhierarchical cultures, people knew their resourcefulness, their natural genius, their place in the Universe. They did not look upon their fellow human as competition or a threat—someone who might steal from them the last scrap of bread they had managed to find. They did not resent one sort of person as being closer to the master race than they were, nor look down upon those seemingly furthest from it. They respected and believed not only in the sacred nature of individuality—the Star origin and soul presence of each person and cultural group—but in each person’s Divinity. That belief has been intentionally excluded from Earth life since the Fall of those great civilizations, with suspicion and separatism sewn in their place. Yet, you need not feel that that is what now typifies race relations, as it is called, on this planet. Photo by Jennifer Scalia What we see increasingly are people opening their hearts to one another, trusting one another as individuals, and being willing to ignore that which in the past would have stopped them from reaching out to someone who looked or thought a bit “different” from them. Not everyone will speak or think as you do, of course. Their cultural and historical background may well be different from yours. Yet do they recognize unconditional Love when they see it? That growing sense of Divinity within them would answer “Yes!” every time. Do people recognize a loyal friend or helpful, kind coworker when they see one? They do, whether they say as much or not. And do people know intuitively when someone respects them, looking them in the eye as they speak to them, counting them fully as one of Creation’s more beautiful expressions? Again—their high heart will respond, whether their personality or ego-mind notices and appreciates that or not. A heart hardened by years of abuse, discrimination, and condescension will not necessarily open immediately to one steeped in Divine Love. And yet, in the moment that Light is given, a crack appears through which that Light can powerfully shine. You have met examples from every social group of those who, despite their group’s painful history, are brilliant examples of empowering Divine Love, shining from every pour. Your job, dear one—anyone’s job—is not necessarily to tackle head on those issues that are deeply sewn with centuries of pain and trauma. Your job is to smile at others, to allow yourself to Love and accept every single person you meet, whether they appear to be open to such or not. It is fine to withdraw your energies or attention from someone who is not good for you; who is so inwardly closed or abusive as to be too difficult to speak with. Yet do not express or sink into judgment. You cannot know what they have been through. Be your own brilliant self, allowing higher energies to flow from the heart-mind as you speak to all with equal amounts of acceptance, celebrating the fact of their existence on the Earth at this time. No one needs you to cure or even speak of the centuries-old entrainment humanity has undergone. Human beings need you (and everyone) to realize your Divinity. Realize it full enough that the separation, the unsureness and edginess so many feel in relation to those who are meant to be the Other, just dissolves, because it cannot remain in the face of such beautiful and empowering Light. We would release the need to feel troubled by the issues, and simply declare Unity — that all are One. Celebrate it, and be a living embodiment of it. We would dance with anyone open-hearted enough to do so, in other words. And be respectful and interested in another’s customs, history, language, or beliefs, yet not to feel shut out by them, or worry that they feel shut out from yours. For all are One, and are reclaiming this now, in the most beautiful of ways. By asking this question about interconnection among groups, you are proclaiming that it is time—for both the 99.99% and the .01%—to move well beyond that which has enslaved the human spirit and psyche for so long. By declaring Divine Love the only true Law of the land, you break the spell so many have labored under for thousands of years. And you decree your own freedom, your own uniqueness, your own brilliant part of Unity consciousness. You declare, in other words, the New Earth, the New Human, the New Life being birthed for all. And that is enough. Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. A Message to Lightworkers – November 9, 2018by Caroline Oceana Ryan
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Recently our writer received an email from a Lightworker asking us to answer this series of questions: I’ve had a feeling for quite some time that though my Inner Being is aware of what’s going on, and is constantly with me, a call for help made in desperation or deep grief does not get answered. I’ve pondered this for months, and wonder if the Universe/God/Inner Being is even capable of recognizing negativity, as higher beings are so completely positive. There’s so much dependence by people who feel to be victims, especially in religious circles, on being saved by prayerful appeals. Since negativity doesn’t exist in reality, Do prayers for help made in desperation get noticed at all? Or do they not get noticed, because humans are Divine beings with creative power, and we’re totally responsible for how we feel? Then where does Compassion come in? Is the Universe compassionate, or not? I’ve not felt desperate for some time, but I remember that when I did feel that way, some small feeling inside tried to tell me all was OK, and tried to push me in a positive direction of thought, even as a child. This is a question that strikes directly at the heart of humankind’s connection to the Divine—the Divine within you, and that which you feel is present yet somewhat beyond you. That is understandable, as you have lived one lifetime after another within the highly restrictive frequencies of the third dimension. You have heard of the “veil” that was placed over the heart and inner senses, which so many refer to as a hallmark of third dimensional life. And you have no doubt also heard that that veil—that energetic point of separation—is lifting now. So that as you Ascend into increasingly fifth dimensional frequencies and begin to experience that as your new form of reality, you no longer feel so cut off from the empowering frequencies—the reality—of the higher realms. This dear one is correct, in saying that human beings are co-Creative—powerfully endowed with the ability to direct outer events as well as inner experiences. This is so, despite what you have been told for eons by your religions, your government and educational structures, your medical and scientific communities, and so on. Most assuredly, when you call out for help, all of us hear it on one level or another. It is not so that we hear, but do not register any feelings of compassion, and therefore choose not to answer. What is unique in this or any free will Universe, is that those of us not currently in an Earth life are very much a part of your ongoing day-to-day realities, yet we do not step in immediately to right that which you yourselves have determined to live with for some part of your journey. Nor do we revise Universal Law — we do not revise someone else’s co-Creation, except in those times when we are brought in as active co-Creators. We neither interfere with your current vibration or with the blueprint for this life that you created before incarnating. These are your creations, and we have established respect for and agreement with you, that you would find your own way back to the Peace and empowerment of the higher realms. This means that we agreed that you would not be “lifted” out of situations that you yourselves intentionally created to learn from. This includes this Universe’s experiment in duality. It includes those times when you find yourself without friend or family support, or low on money, or homeless, ill, or injured (or all of these). Most will believe that these experiences have arrived on their own—not from any deep-seated belief, carryover from other lives, etheric influences, or other creative forces. And yet, your consciousness has arrived at the point now where you see that, in this Universe, there are no accidents. You are increasingly understanding that all is vibration, and that all that is called matter—outer circumstance—and even your reaction to it, is created by you and others who are connected to your vibration. Are you constantly in control and in charge of all elements affecting your life at any one time? No, of course not. You live in a sea of intelligent, unformed energy that awaits conscious command before forming into an outer reality. You also live in a sea of intentions, commands, and requirements—some of these your own, some of these belonging to others. You pull your head above that sea of intentions when you deliberately choose to lift your experience to a higher level, and declare, despite your current reactions and feelings about your situation, that you are now creating a much higher form of reality. Raising your vibration is invaluable for this, yet we would say, even if you cannot nudge yourself into feeling better about something, whether through meditation, affirmations, creative expression, journaling, visualizing your higher good, or any other co-Creative means, you must still make friends with this desperate situation you find yourself in. That is your moment of triumph over it. You must release your expectation and belief that this situation is a point of struggle in your life, and actually thank your circumstances for bringing you to the cusp of new growth, new learning, new expansion into the All-That-Is. Photo by Lynne Newman In other words, you are asking, “Why have I created this? What am I meant to learn from it? What do I need to know to change this, and become more powerful in the process?” This is the question, rather than simply crying out for help, then stating, “I’m alone and miserable, and no matter how much I beg the higher-ups to shift this for me, no one hears me or intervenes.” That is the compassion that the Universe offers—that if you will release your need to rail against what you are going through, and ask what it is you need to know, you then open the door that has presented itself to you—and beyond that door lies the new and far more empowered self you might never have known otherwise. When you release the emotional “struggle against”—when you give thanks for what you are experiencing at present, you find yourself dropping the feeling of victimhood. You are grabbing the reins of transforming a situation, rather than feeling outdone by it. Your dislike and refusal to see the gift inherent in any life experience is what holds you in a place of suffering—not the situation itself. We realize that this is, as people say, “counter-intuitive”—poorly worded, as what people are really wanting to say, is that this idea is “illogical to the preferences of the left brain.” The left-brain dominance that has seized and controlled Earth life for so long will demand that you despise all circumstances that seem to work against you, because they seem to challenge your well-being, perhaps even your survival. Part of your vital and irreplaceable Ascension journey is to stop viewing life as being naturally in opposition to what you prefer—the Abundance, Joy, Peace, Love, and fulfillment that you dream of experiencing. When you identify as a victim, calling out to the higher realms for rescue, you forget Who you naturally are—a co-Creative force in this Universe. You hold all of us in the higher realms (though we also walk among you) as separate from you—“higher” than you—in ability and strength, when in fact, many of you occupy roles in the higher realms that many of us do not yet fulfill! Remembering Who you are is one of the great challenges you took on in reincarnating once again onto a planet whose atmosphere has long been dogged by disrespect for all life and the Earth Herself, based on teachings of disempowerment and “smallness” that have captured and imprisoned humankind for far too long. And so—did you deliberately set challenges for yourself in this life, so as to demonstrate to the billions suffering now, that they need not live as victims, but can, by sheer inner decision and intention, rise above the ill effects of their situation, even while they are still in it? We would say, though that is a difficult role, yes—most of you have chosen such. You are, in that way, beacons of Light on the Ascension path. We laud your bravery in this, as we have the paths of all Ascended Masters that have ever walked this Earth, both before and after their Ascension. And so, in those moments of desperation, we powerfully encourage you to step up and demand to know why it is you wrote this situation into your life—why you consciously or unconsciously created it, and in what ways are you meant to become more (not less) powerful from it. You are correct, dear one, that your soul and higher self, Angels, and spirit guides were speaking to your inner ear, to assure you that you are never alone, never without choices. We offer the same now, and would say, take time every day, whether or not you are in a time of uncomfortable expansion and challenge, to speak with any of us, including Mother/Father God and your Spirit team, and to require that they offer you the wisdom you most need now. Require that your thought and feeling receive the infused higher Wisdom and encouragement you seek, and the solutions you desire, along with the realizations, new skills, and beliefs that bring you the learning and growth you came here for. Most assuredly, we see both Light and shadow, pain and Joy, and are not insensitive to any of your emotions, experiences, or realizations. We simply do not allow any one belief (other than that of the power of Love itself) to overcome our senses, as Earth beings experience often. Most assuredly, We See You. And we are here to offer not rescue, but encouragement and the steps not only out of what you suffer in, but the steps forward to grasp that higher learning. This is your path — to transform not only your life, but that of an entire planet. For this you came — to Earth, the great place of challenge and hard-won enlightenment! It will not always be so, that pain is a part of your path. Release it now—you have no need of it. And we are with you, always. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
NOVEMBER 4, 2018
Marilyn Raffaele, Onenessofall.com Dear readers, once again we offer love through these messages of hope and information. You are the way showers and as such, some of you are experiencing criticism from those around you who want you to be more three dimensionally involved and who interpret your "silence" as doing nothing. Because you are aware of the bigger picture, you are bringing in and holding Light for the collective. It may seem as if you are doing nothing, but in reality you are doing everything. You are the mechanics helping to keep the engine of ascension running, creating a new world consciousness. Never believe that resting in silent awareness of Oneness and truth, is doing nothing. Be patient dear ones, for there is much more to come. Try not to get emotionally involved in troubling situations, but rather learn to step back as observers, silently and secretly knowing that a spiritual reality always underlies the outer scene. Staying centered and aligned with truth rather than with appearances opens you to receive information from within about what is going on. Take this understanding with you into the voting booth as it will enable you to intuitively bypass the rhetoric and political bluff towards the candidate most closely aligned with unselfish motives. Spiritual gifts are to be lived and utilized in every moment of ordinary daily living, not to be filed away and called upon only for special occasions. Be prepared to hear about the exposure of pockets of dense, dark energy. Practices, beliefs, and actions long hidden from the majority are beginning to surface. The Light created by every enlightened consciousness as well as that flowing through now open spiritual gateways is dissolving heretofore closed doors allowing access to hidden places that have served the energetically dark. Many will be shocked by some exposures, especially those who remain asleep in third dimensional living. They will deny or say that the world has reached a new low, but nothing being exposed is or will be new, rather these things are only now being brought to light and this will continue for some time yet. Current events are forcing many who have been living comfortably in duality and separation to begin examining their personal belief system which is an important step toward awakening. Moving to a new level of awareness always begins with introspection, a pondering of the aspects of one's life that have begun to feel complete--physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Ascension is not a one time event as many believe, but is infinite. As you attain and live from each new level of spiritual understanding, more unfolds that moves you beyond your present level and in into the next. Evolution is the infinite process of remembering one's self to be SELF and all that this means. This is what mankind has been doing in each of their hundreds of lifetimes. Evolution is slower and more of a process in three dimensional energy because the density of the physical body only allows it to integrate the higher Light frequencies gradually. Each individual's readiness is determined by their Higher Self. Know that conditions of good human-hood are no more real than bad human-hood. Most religious teachings give you techniques for attaining "good human-hood" and everyone rejoices when a "bad" appearance changes into a "good" appearance. As creators, never forget that if you believe in and seek human good, you are automatically in alignment with human bad for they are simply two ends of the same three dimensional duality stick. You as spiritually aware individuals, are ready to cease seeking for good appearances while trying to eliminate the bad ones. Your work now is to realize that the Divine Consciousness you are, is already whole and complete. When you attain that state of consciousness, it will automatically manifest outwardly as what appears as human "good" in accord with your individual needs or preferences. Because there is only ONE, consciousness is always seeking to align with Itself. Each person's consciousness acts like a magnet drawing to them whatever energies are in alignment and then automatically expressing them. THERE IS NO UNEXPRESSED CONSCIOUSNESS. This is why it is so important to ask yourselves; "What am I holding as truth in my consciousness? Because wholeness and completeness are qualities of Divine Consciousness, they are the reality, held infinitely in place by Divine law. At this point your primary goal must become the realization that every quality of God is already fully present within you even if it doesn't seem that way, rather than dillydallying around in third dimensional concepts and beliefs which can only serve to keep you experiencing them. Truth is infinite and real but for the most part mankind's awareness of it has been blocked because third dimensional energy is unable to align with anything higher. The higher frequencies of Light now flowing to the collective are enabling many to align with and receive information from previously unavailable sources in the higher dimensions. Because of this, many of you are starting to have or are having more psychic experiences. Lives lived completely in third dimensional energy are like going to a movie where the curtain remains closed. You hear and see bits and pieces, but are unable to actually understand what is really happening and so make up what you think is happening. Every person there will have a different story based on their life experiences and states of consciousness. This is what every life lived fully in dimensional energy has been lifetime after lifetime. The curtain is opening, the wizard is being exposed as nothingness, and mankind is beginning to see. Some will try and are now attempting to re-close the curtain, because having it remain shut is comfortable and familiar. Others are desperately holding the curtain shut because they do not want you to see the real story. Know that you have the power to choose how you want to view the movie. As good as things may have seemed in the past, everything still resonating with old energy is quickly becoming obsolete in order to make room for new universal awareness. Always remember that nothing real can ever be lost, but rather simply returns again and again in higher and better forms. Do not grieve the past dear ones, everything real is forever held in place by Divine Law. Relationships may change, but the love the creates them is forever. Rest when you feel the need, eat lighter and more nutritious foods or don't eat at all if you are guided to. You are experiencing tremendous change on many levels at this time that often leave you feeling tired, sick, and depressed. Try not to immediately run toward three dimensional solutions for your discomfort because drugs alter your energy field. Use natural remedies if you feel the need for relief from "ascension symptoms". It is better to just ride them out in trust, resting often and listening to your intuition. Some of you continue to struggle in an effort to keep certain parts of your life working the same way they have in the past. In order for anything to "work" (relationships, friends, foods, entertainments etc.) there must be energetic alignment. Your inner work has shifted your frequencies to new levels leaving you out of alignment with many things that up to now have been a big part of your life. This does not mean that any of these things were wrong, it simply means that you have graduated and are no longer in energetic alignment with them. Because your energy has become more refined, certain foods that you enjoyed in the past have become energetically denser than your personal energy. This is often the point at which some become vegetarian. If you enjoy and want to continue eating meat, choose that which holds clean, healthy, happy energy and not energies of fear and suffering. We have spoken of all these things before, but it is important to reiterate because many, even those seemingly very awake, continue to resist truth if or when it interferes with their life style, choosing to look first to commonly accepted third dimensional information for answers, rather than going within and allowing their intuition to guide them to what may actually turn out to be a seemingly three dimensional solution. You are ready, more than ready to be the truth you know. If you choose not to, you align yourselves with much that is rapidly dissolving. Gaia, who is a living soul and not a ball of dirt, is ascending and you can go with her if you choose. Like it or not, ascension is happening. Cease from the struggle and rest in what is. We are the Arcturian Group 11/4/18 |
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