TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON BEING GENTLE WITH YOURSELF Greetings Beloved Ones, This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being gentle with yourself. Being gentle with yourself in the new energy is very important. You are continuing to ascend to higher and higher levels. With each rise in level, the energy is more rarified and vibrates at a higher rate. You are like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon each time you experience a new, higher level. You are adjusting to the new energy, and you are experiencing the opportunities and lessons that are congruent with that level. It is an ongoing process that keeps your ascension path new and refreshing. Each level offers you a higher perspective of things on the Earth plane as well as those in the higher dimensions. You may see the reasons why events have occurred at lower energetic levels and the dynamics that were involved. With each rise in level, being gentle with yourself is important. This could be compared with the gentleness that is given to a child when it is learning to walk. The child is encouraged with each step it takes. There is no question of giving up. Now it is time to give yourself encouragement and support in the same way. The third dimension was an energetic vibration of needing validation from others in many situations. The opinions of others often determined whether you would move forward on a particular path or whether you would abandon it to comply with cultural expectations. Now, at a higher level, you are becoming your own source of validation. You are inner-directed rather than outer-directed. You know in your heart whether a course of action is appropriate for you, and you have developed the courage to do what you know is right for you. With all of these changes, being gentle with yourself can enhance your progress and assimilation of the new energy. To begin the process of gentleness, think about how you would encourage a friend if they were in a similar situation. You would provide encouragement and support. You would praise them for each new step they were taking. If they made a misstep, you would tell them it was okay and to try again. You would never be harsh or critical in your interaction. Harshness is a characteristic of the third dimension. Gentleness and understanding are traits of the higher dimensions. In the higher dimensional energy, looking at the overall picture and providing support involve surrounding yourself with Love. As you take each step and succeed, give thanks for what you have learned or accomplished. Acknowledge your abilities and talents, and they will expand. Remember that what you focus on increases and expands. If you find that you have taken an action that is not productive, look at it from a higher perspective and see what you would do differently the next time. Tell yourself that you were doing the best you could at the time with your current understanding. With your new insight, you have the opportunity to make a different decision the next time. You can ask your guides and the Beings of Light to assist you in the process. Remember that this is a free-will planet, and they are not allowed to interfere unless invited. If you ask for their assistance, they are more than happy to help you. Also, at the higher levels, ask for your decisions and actions to be for highest good. This will provide a sense of peace as you navigate the new energy. The more you practice being gentle with yourself, the more natural it will feel, and soon it will become your default mode of the way you treat yourself. You will automatically turn to thoughts of Love and caring for yourself, and this allows you to rise to even higher levels of consciousness. Beloveds, we are happy that you are practicing being gentle with yourself as you rise to higher levels and incorporate the new energy in your Being. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Lady Amethyst …and we surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2017 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected].
Saint Germain & OWS ~ Truths Are Going to Be Revealed, All of Them
St Germain and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Peoria, AZ on January 21, 2018. If you are going to share this channeling, please include the entire message including the OWS question/answer session as their is much wisdom being imparted. SAINT GERMAIN I AM St Germain. I, like all the others that are able to make these communications known through our various sources, enjoy these times that we can be together with you; these times that are changing drastically; and these moments that are coming, moments that are now, and the moments that are yet to come. You have been told for a long time now, many years for many of you, that change is certainly in the wind and that you are a part of this change. And that you, without you there would not be all of this change that is coming and that is here now. We as the Company of Heaven, those of the Ascended Masters, we continue to watch these procedures, watch all that you are doing; are aware of each and every one of you as you go about your daily activities. Certainly not that we would ever snoop or pry into your private affairs but we are aware of your vibration. At times your thoughts, but mostly your vibration, mostly the frequency that you are operating in. And this frequency that you are all operating in now has increased dramatically. It may not always be to your awareness of this as you have your various maladies, sicknesses, colds, flus, all of these things that tend to come over you, but know that all of these are dissipating more and more as you continue to move up higher and higher in frequency on a more regular basis. Because the times of being in the matrix, in this, entrapped in this 3-D illusion, are fleeting fast now behind you. The past will become the past. And the remembrances of the past will lessen more and more as you continue to move along through into this Golden Age. And those memories that you have had from long, long ago will continue to flood back in as many of them are now for many of you. Many of you are having various experiences remembering certain things that may have happened that you have totally forgotten about but now it is coming back to you. Some are having what we call ah-ha moments. Those moments when you realize that you know much more than what you have given yourself credit for up to this point. That you have much more knowledge, much more knowing, much more inner knowing as your consciousness is evolving. And as your consciousness evolves and the frequencies that you operate within continue to rise, your memories continue to return to you. And I speak now of memories not only of lifetimes here on this planet, but lifetimes from many different systems and many other planets. Some of you may even begin to have knowings of those connections you have with your higher aspects, the higher aspects of your selves that are even at this moment watching over you as you are a part of them and they are part of you, and we are all a part of each other. We are all ONE. As developments continue on, those many changes that have been spoken of continue to make themselves known in various revealings of truth. Because the truths are going to be revealed. All of them. There will be nothing left that will be unknown. Because when it all comes down to it, you are the truth and the truth is you. You do not understand this now, you will come to understand that. There are many various announcements that are coming forth: various news, various revealings, various changes that will become apparent to each and every one of you and all of those out there that are still yet unawakened. Because of these many proofs that come forth, many, many more will awaken; will awaken to all of the consciousness that has been held back from them. That time is now my friends. You are in the now. So trust. Continue to trust in yourselves. Continue to trust in your ability to discern all that is coming forth because you all have that ability, you have all trained now to have that understanding. But as you hear various information coming forth you will know within you whether that information resonates with you or not and you will know as it resonates or does not, what is truth and what is not true. I AM St. Germain. I love and admire all of you for all that you are going through and all that you are going to continue to go through. ONE WHO SERVES Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here to greet you, to be a part of you, to be with you, and to continue to experience these times with you. We so enjoy them. We know you enjoy being with us … at least we hope you enjoy being with us because there are going to be times, we have spoken of, where we are going to be sitting across the table from you. We and those of your family, those of your families that you have left long time ago. And the reunion is going to be grand beyond your wildest imaginations certainly as you come face-to-face with your, either your higher self, or those aspects of your higher self, or your twin flame, or various members of your soul family that you have completely forgotten about. But as St. Germain has said here, and many have also said, those memories are going to return to you and you are going to remember being on ships and being on other planets and leaving your homes and things of this nature to come here and to be a part of this expression here; this consciousness expression. And all of this is about to shift and change as you continue to move through this particular part of this next year here, your 2018, and everything begins to come into focus more and more for you as to the truths that are going to be revealed, and are already in the process of being revealed, and much, much more that is coming forth. We have spoken of this many times previously. We are not going to continue to reiterate this over and over although we do tend to do this because it is important for you to continue to have these same things given to you over and over and over. Because the more you hear them, the more you experience these various tools that are being given to you, then it will become more and more understanding and become a part of your consciousness as well as a part of our consciousness. Do you have questions here for One Who Serves? Q & A period Q: [Reading emailed question] This writer says he’s really thankful for the warning you gave him last time about the crypto currency and now he’s concerned about the currency exchange. He says a lot of people are saying that there are going to be food shortages, suggesting that people start reserving food; that people should create multiple trust accounts to protect their assets in the event of tragic accident; and protect themselves from burglars or criminals who may break in their homes. Then lastly he’s questioning if the exchange facilities will be guarded with military personnel to ensure a smooth and safe currency exchange? OWS: My goodness! What are you all hearing in this particular exchange here? [Fear!] Fear. Much, much in the way of [inaudible]. Now this is the old way though. This is the old illusion, the cabal’s illusion that they have created here bringing about all this various amount of fear. And in times that are coming, if you were continuing to stay within the three-dimensional illusion, then all of these things that were just mentioned would be correct. But — and this is a big “but” people — if you are not in the 3-D illusion, if you are no longer in the matrix, if you are in the higher vibrations and higher frequencies and find yourself there more and more permanently, then all of these things that were spoken of are no concern whatsoever. There may be a possibility that there will be a shortage of, not a shortage of food, no, but a time period possibly two weeks or so where things will be a little bit rocky as we have been saying. This is why we have been saying fasten your seatbelts. Get ready for this. This is all about the prepare for change. This is the name of your Sunday group is it not? Prepare for Change. So prepare for change. Prepare for these things. You have been training for these times that are here now both in this lifetime and many lifetimes previously leading up to this. And all of this is in the process of what you are needing to continue to go through here. It is not that you need to plan for burglaries to come into your home and for catastrophes and all of these things. This is the old timeline. This is what would have been if you had remained on the old timeline. But you have all moved into the new timeline, into the new understandings that are here which are moving toward, more and more moving you toward the Golden Age. And as you continue to move into this Golden Age there is no concern whatsoever about any of these things. So do not be concerned about this. Everything will work out exactly as it needs to. As we say many times everything is being orchestrated. When the time comes for you to go and exchange your currencies, if you have currencies, you will be able to go into your facility that is exchanging these and exchange them. It will be that simple. But it will not happen until the time is right. Until everything is in process you might say, everything is in safekeeping, safeguarding. So no concern about this. Okay? Q: Okay. Not my question. OWS: No it’s not your question but it is many others on their minds also because you hear these things from many different sources. And this is where discernment comes in. This is where you have to know that you are moving into these higher vibrations more and more frequently. And as you move into them and stay in those higher vibrations then nothing can harm you. Literally, nothing can harm you. Q: And if you stay in those fear mongering type attitudes you are going to manifest it. It may come true. OWS: That is correct. Very much so. Very astute observation there yes. Q: Years ago Source gave me a prophecy that beings would come to me and would come on a ‘bended knee of distinction’. And it finally happened. I waited a few years, went into deep meditation, raised my frequency level, and they, I guess, lowered theirs slightly so I could actually see them in the physical. And three golden, beautiful, the most beautiful, golden, liquid beings that I’ve ever seen, ever beheld in my entire life, were in front of me. They had only partial facial features; not eyes, not a mouth. And then I looked at them in awe and with great love and they just telepathically hit me in the chest and almost knocked me off the bed. Then I was taken to a place at the zero point with Source and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever felt. Pure innocence beyond a child. I was wondering who those light beings were. Could you help me? I was thinking it could be the Elohim. Would you know? OWS: Yes, we would know here and we will tell you this. We cannot tell you everything here because this is something you must come to more understand for yourself but you , what you experienced here was a recollection you might say. You say you have never seen these beings before but you have. You have experienced them before; not so much in this lifetime, in your understanding now of who you are as Gary here this time, but in other times you have known these beings. They are seventh-dimensional beings at this point and they do not have physical form, as you saw them, but they had a frequency or a vibration about them that was pure love. And at that level that is what it is: pure love. And you felt this and you experienced this because you have a connection with them at this level. You have come down in vibration to be able to be a part of this evolution here and be a part of this experience that is bringing this planet into the Golden Age here. So you have had this before. You are experiencing this now. And as we have said here many, many, times, many of you are going to begin to have more and more of these experiences. You are going to be connecting with your, either your higher self or aspects of your higher self, or beings that you have known before, parts of your family that you have come from. They’re going to make themselves known to you more and more because you are raising your vibrations, your frequencies. And as you raise your frequencies then you can come into the frequencies of the higher beings that are there. They are there, they are all around us here, and if you raise your vibration you can become more and more aware of them. They can see you, you cannot see them though until you raise your vibration. Okay? Q: Yes. Was I actually looking at me? Was I looking at family? Because one giggled, seemed to giggle at me like, “Look at you! Look at the way you look right now.” That’s kind of what I felt. OWS: That is what we are saying here. Part of your family. Yes. [Audio interference of guitar chord.] We are being serenaded. Q: Well that’s nice. I’m a guitarist so that’s perfect. OWS: Very good. Q: Recently I have had a lot of people from my past come into my life. I don’t have anything against them but I honestly don’t even want to associate with them because to me my past is the past and I just want it to go away. Why are they coming all of a sudden? OWS: What we can tell you is not so much why they are coming but what it is for you to do here. What is needed for you. Because as you are moving into the higher vibrations and moving along the newer timeline here, those that are not moving along with you, those who are moving at possibly in a different timeline, will come into your experience and you will find that they are not of like resonance to. And as they are not a like resonance you are not wanting to be around them. This is for all now. Not only this one who has asked this question, but many many more of you will find that you are not wanting to be around low vibration. If you just look at it from a different point of view now, do you like going into rooms or buildings or whatever that have a low vibration? Do you enjoy that? No you most likely do not enjoy that. If you are at all responsive to the vibrations then you know that it is not where you belong. Likewise individuals that may have been part of your family, part of your friendships, all of this, may not you may not want to be around them anymore because you are moving beyond that vibration. You see? At a certain time, at a certain point here when the frequencies rise enough and Gaia has moved fully into the fifth dimension and even higher and no longer holds a place for those in the three dimension. You see where we’re going with this? You, those of you that are moving up in vibration with Gaia will go along with her. Those that cannot will not. Q: So when you say that we are in the right place at the right time the job that I’m currently in is of very low frequency and I struggle every day. So how can that be true? OWS: Because there are other opportunities for one such as you to bring light into a dark place. Q: That I’m supposed to be there because I’m helping many people. People are listening, they’re excited to see what’s going on but it’s just, to me it’s draining to have to be around such low-frequency people. And it’s a large group of people. OWS: As we say you are bringing light to a dark place. You understand this? [I understand.] Very good. It may not be pleasant but it is something that your higher self has created for you to experience at this point. To be in that right place at the right time. Maybe not your right place but his or her right place. Q: One Who Serves, last year I went to the Contact In The Desert conference in Joshua Tree here in California. In a certain area I looked up and saw lots of light movement and I started noticing light coming down and just light all over the place. And there were orbs. Can you identify the various ones that were behind me when I was driving away? Were they part of my soul tribe or soul group or something of that nature? Can you verify who they were? OWS: What we can tell you is, not quite what you are expecting, but, these particular ones that were there were there for the conference. Just as you, those of you in human bodies at this time were there for the conference, they are also there. They are curious. They are wanting to be a part of this. And they also bring a vibration. They are attracted by the vibration that is there and then they bring their own higher vibration as well. That is why when people are there at this type of a conference and experiencing these kinds of energies the energies are increased by those that are there in attendance. And we speak of those that are coming from above you might say, there in attendance. There was many, many, many angels and orbs and beings from all over that attend this particular conference. This conference you are speaking of, Contact In The Desert, is a happening. It is something that is spreading the light greatly when this occurs because of the nature of what is occurring there in this conference. You see? Q: I have a question. This is Athena. OWS: Yes. We know. Q: For years, when I used to study the Bible, it was Matthew the 17th Chapter that stuck in my mind, the first two verses. I’ll give the background here: Jesus on the sixth day called Peter, James, and John to go with him up on the Mountain of Transfiguration, and then the Disciples saw his body change into a glowing body, they called it. They didn’t call it transfiguration. We know it now as that. He changed into the light of the sun and his clothes changed to white. And I do believe that’s what’s going to happen to us and is happening. But he had a conversation with Elijah. My question is can you tell us what that conversation was about because they didn’t give that in the Bible? OWS: What we can tell you is that that particular conversation, although not giving it in words, was meant between the two of them to understand at that point the process that was happening here. And that this particular process that was going on is a precursor you might say of what is going to occur in many in the future. So it was speaking about this particular raiment of white light that came over Yeshua and he was going through his ascension process at that point. He had not fully ascended but he was going through the ascension process just as all of you are now as well. And when this transfiguration happened, at that point when he then became part of, more connected with his higher self more fully at that point. And connected with Elijah and Moses and all of these other ones that were there to assist him in that process knowing what He was going to be going through. So this is also an indication of what is going to happen with all of you as you move through into this Transfiguration process. You may not have the experience quite as he had but you will have an experience similar but you are then going to be taking your physical body fully with you through this. So this is something quite different here. Similar but yet different. Q: Thank you so much. That just makes me so happy. Thank you so much. OWS: Yes. You are very welcome. Q: I am new to the group. And I’m very honored to have the possibility of talking to you. I would like to know if you can confirm for me about my, I would not call it a health problem, but my unbalance. Preferable to call it unbalance. And it is this imbalance I cannot figure out for many years. I have the impression that it is directly linked to my relationship to my mother and to the solar plexus where I fit in. So I can a huge huge pressure that [???] in the rest of my body and causes lots of imbalance. Could you please help me a bit to understand more? OWS: What we are hearing here is you’re speaking about imbalance, is that correct? That there is an imbalance within your system. [Q: Yes.] And something about we could not hear everything that you were saying here. Some interference as well as difficulty in understanding your dialect here coming through. Q: I’m calling from Romania. OWS: Something about your mother, your mother here you spoke of? Q: Yes my biggest fear OWS: You are breaking up. We cannot hear. [Attempts to clear line.] That is somewhat better yes. Q: I’m on the mobile and there are many interruptions I think. Could you please help me to understand. Is my physical and emotional unbalance directly linked to suffering that I have towards my mother? OWS: Ah. Now we understand. The physical and emotional imbalance as related to your feelings about your mother is what you are asking here is that correct? Q: Yes. I’m trying to address that for many years and I have to succeed and I want to succeed and I really much need help to understand this impasse is huge on my being. I think my whole my relationship with the matrix I think is my family. OWS: What we can tell you is that the more that you let go of old relationships, as you are saying, within the matrix here, within that old paradigm which continues to hold you back, and you allow for the process within you to continue to develop, such as attending a group such as this, becoming around like-minded people more and more where you are surrounded more with light and more of like resonance to you, then these various imbalances that you are speaking of will dissipate more and more. In other words find yourself in, where you’re coming from in Romania as you say, find yourself a group or a group of people there that are like-minded to you that can personally assist you in that process that you are moving through. Whether it is counseling or whether it is a group such as this, or even if you continue such with this group and continue to be a part of this and be around these energies. Even if it is once per week as this group meets. Once per week you are in these energies and it reinforces all that goes through in your life throughout the week here. And then you reinforce it and you raise the vibrations. And then you might drop back a little bit — this is for all now to hear this — you may drop back a little bit but then you find yourself there again at the group and with like-minded people and even more importantly back in these higher energies. It is similar to the idea of going to church once a week. It is the same thing. This same idea, the same thing. But in this particular case you are finding yourself around as we say like-minded people, like resonating people, which is more important with the higher energies, and you continue to reinforce to yourself being in these higher frequencies and vibrations more fully. And the more that you do this — this is why those of you that have been involved with this group or other groups for some period of time — are finding yourself into various healing properties here. You are finding yourself healed of various maladies that you have had for long periods of time and because you are around these energies and you are experiencing these higher vibrations within these groups. Okay? Q: Yes. This is beautiful and I thank you very, very much. And I love you very much. OWS: Yes, and so we as well. Q: Yes! Wonderful to see you and be with you. OWS: We love that! We love that you say “see” us! Wonderful! Wonderful. Seeing – yes. That is wonderful. Believe it and you will see it. Q: So this is a great topic and I’d like to tweak it out just a little bit more because, for me in particular, let’s say for instance what I do is I actually actively work with people who have experienced traumas, pains say like more of a high level and suffering if you will in their lives. And for a lot of years for me in my practice because I experience extreme levels of those as well and came through the process and so for a lot of years for me it was about what I need to do I need to get away from those negative energies, the dysfunction, the emotional unwellness, and really just attend to myself and take stellar care of myself and my space like have my space really clear. And that is actually what I would coach other people that I might work with you to do as well. However, one of the things that’s coming up for me as I do this more and more because I’ve been doing it for a while but not in a major way so I’m now getting to the point where I’m going to do it more and more in major ways, and one of the things that comes up for me is how do I really, really powerfully be of service the people in those energies without taking that energy on myself. And we have some strategies here but I would like to get the most powerful strategy you know for me to do that. OWS: What we can tell you about this whenever you are working with an individual or individuals that are at the lower vibration than yourself at the time and you are attempting to raise their vibration, which is what healing is, and whether it is emotional healing or physical healing or mental healing, whatever it might be you are needing to raise the vibrations … Whenever you are experiencing these various times that you are with these people and all of this these lower vibrations that you are experiencing it is very important always — and we know you already know this — but to have the Light with you. Have the Light around you, within you. Ask for protection as you go into this. And then as you are working with them if you are touching them, physically touching them, this may sound strange, but after you are done wash your hands. That is important. Not for the reason that you might think though. Not because you can catch something from them but because of the vibrations. You want to rid yourself of those lower vibrations. You can do the same thing if you want by going immediately out into nature and grounding yourself. This will also be very important here so that you don’t take these vibrations, these lower vibrations and lower frequencies into your body. And this is how you can attempt to hold this off as you continue to work with people. Now we need to make sure though that you and all others understand this: as you are working with people you do not want to become involved in their particular issues. Don’t become emotionally attached to their issues. Move on. Be the observer, the observer-self as a third party, you might say, the third party observer and just observe what is going on. Do what you can to assist them, as they are wanting assistance, and then move on from that and let it go. And wash yourself of it, cleanse yourself of it rather, of those vibrations. Not, again, to hold off catching something from them. That is not at all what we are speaking of. Because as you are in the higher vibrations you cannot catch anything anyway. You understand this? Q: We were talking earlier about water and what type of water is best for our spiritual growth and our bodies. Distilled water, spring water, ionized, alkalized water. Can you talk about distilled water please to purify us. OWS: What we can tell you is that all of these things that you are speaking of is in the lower vibration, in the old programming. You could take any water, this is any kind of water at all from the swamp even, and take it into your body and if you believe it enough, that water will do nothing to harm you. As a matter of fact you can take any water and turn it into pure crystalline … a pure crystalline experience. Similar to that which St. Germain did to the one that he was working with in your Unveiled Mysteries book if you read this or if you want to read this, where he produces this silver liquid out of nowhere. And he produces it and gives it to the Ray Godfrey. And he takes this in and it is like nothing he has ever had before. But it is pure water that St. Germain has added his alchemical process to. You see? So you can do the same thing with anything here whether it is distilled water whether it is purified water whether it is tap water or whatever. Now, as you are doing this though, if you drink your tap water you might say in your cities and things of this nature, if you are not of the belief system that it cannot harm you then it can harm you. You see? It is what you believe that you will see. So take any water you want, any food you want, and change it. Change the molecular structure within it. Change the vibration within it. You do this through consciousness. Consciously create what you want. You see? Q: In the discussion earlier I imparted a story about an injury I had and … [The story relates the discovery of what appears to be an unknown piece of wire found in this person’s body by x-rays taken at several different periods throughout his lifetime.] OWS: Hold please. We know the story here and we heard this earlier. We were eavesdropping yes. And we can tell you that you have experienced an energetic happening, you might say, that created this particular object that is within your body. And it is something that is foreign to your body but yet it is something that was put there for a reason. We cannot give you the reason why it was put there but it was put there by those who are benevolent, you might say, and to assist you in certain things that have happened within your life. And so it is beneficial for you. It is not something for you to be concerned about. It does not hurt you in any way and does not appear like it will be hurting you. And when you move into those crystalline chambers or you are able to totally crystallize your own body through your consciousness, then you this will be gone and will no longer be needed within you. Q: Wow. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. 4647 Q: One Who Serves, I have a question about first quarter of this year within the next month. What’s the probability The Event that we’re looking forward to having as far as the probability with all the announcements of course St Germain just mentioned. Are we to look forward to The Event, or event in this government shutdown and things like that? The RV or NESARA are we to look forward to that probability? OWS: Soon! [Laughter] [I’ve heard that!] No in all serious though now, we cannot of course answer your question directly. We can talk in terms of probability and possibility and as we have said many times before there is always the possibility. And the probability that is based on your current situation right at this moment is saying that yes, there will be major shifts of consciousness that will occur in these next few weeks even here, as you are moving along through this process. As you are saying your first quarter of this year is going to be a very important time period that you are moving through. One that you may look back at years and years later and realize this was a major turning point in your evolution here. We cannot say any more than this at that time. [Hallelujah] [Thank you so very much.] [Many thanks all around.] Yippe! We can see the headline now that James will come up with here: First Quarter Of This Year True Evolution or something of this nature. We will attempt to not let him do that though. That is too much for people to see at this point. Any further questions? One more question and then we release channel. 4920 Q: Yes One Who Serves, the meteor that was spotted and hit the ground in Michigan. You know there was an image that looked more like a laser. Can you tell us what really was going on with this and what significance it might have? OWS: That was no meteor. We can tell you that was no meteor that happened. That was the official understanding that came from your government to cover up what was really occurring there. There was a laser light as you are saying that came from high above and dismantled a particular area there that needed to be eliminated you might say. Not eliminated though in the way you would think. Not explosion or anything of this nature but a vibrational shift that needed to occur there we will say. That is all we are allowed to say though about this now at this point. It was no meteor. Just as the Hawaiian incident and Japan incident was no error on the certain person pushing the button. How could anybody think that that would be the case? But they are continuing to use the old ways that have worked previously where people would hear these things and not question it. That is no longer the case. Everybody is questioning these types of things now. And this was purposeful that it would come out so that the majority of those that are unawakened can begin to awaken more and more now. We need to release channel now. Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one. Channeled by James McConnell It Rings True on Self Love
by Ron Head, Oracles & Healers It Rings True on Self Love We are here today to bring your attention to the topic of self-love. We return to this over and over because it so important. Perhaps today we can give a different perspective of the subject and make it a bit easier for you to understand and move into the energy of it more readily. When you think of the word love, your current understandings are weighted down quite heavily with ideas of romance, sacrifice, impossibly long lasting emotions, and all the other baggage that has sold so many songs, films, books, and television programs for many, many years. The love we speak of is not an emotion. Some languages have no word for the idea of love that your society has promoted for so long. That seems so strange to you. In your past, there were, in other languages, many different words to define many kinds of love. That also seems strange to you. But we speak of the energy that is the very stuff of which everything that is, is composed of. Now we know, that in your current intellectual understandings of the make-up of the universe, that makes no sense at all. You have been taught to think of the cosmos as a giant mechanism that can be explained and measured. It cannot be, but that is not important here. Back to self-love. It sounds to you as if we are speaking of something selfish. We are not speaking of a self-centered spoiling of oneself. In fact, it is quite the opposite. And that is because you will achieve this only by understanding who you are, and that will completely change how you think and how you act. All that is needed for this to happen is for you to accept, finally, that you are a divine creation of the Divine and for you to stop judging yourself, to forgive yourself for all of those thoughts, words and deeds that you are so afraid of. No, they are perhaps not so very wonderful. But please understand that by experiencing them, you have actually learned that. Now let’s take a short moment to examine the judgment itself. If one says, “I am undeserving of my God’s love because I have done this”, then one is saying that a portion of the Divine, the All-That-Is, is undeserving of love. Is that not true? And so you are pronouncing judgment upon something that even the Creator does not judge. Now where is the value in that? In contrast to this, how do you feel you would act if you knew absolutely that you were a perfect creation of God and were loved unconditionally, were forgiven for everything you had ever done, and were trusted to and beyond the limits of your understanding? What that would be is a complete acceptance of the love that is, and always has been, yours. Here is a puzzle for you. There is no easy or quick answer for this. But it is a puzzle worth thinking about for a bit. Why, do you suppose, has this been so difficult for humans to accept? Have they been taught not to do so? And if so, why is that? Are they afraid to do so? And if so, why is that? Is there really a spark of the Divine within you? Do you believe that? Can you own it? What will you do with it? Can you love it? Do you believe it loves you? These are weighty questions, are they not? We ask them because we are very desirous of your knowing yourselves finally as we know you to be. Let us finish with one final thought. It is time. It is time. It is time. Good day. It Rings True is available HERE. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: The Group: A Balancing WaveGreetings from Home. I am the Scientist of the Heart.
I have joined you this day to tell you about some interesting things taking place on your planet over the next several months. There will be opportunities appearing and many will see openings where they once found resistance. There is a shifting taking place and these new alignments are opening as humans evolve. Dear ones, you have had to experience massive changes to arrive here. There was no easy way to do that, but you have made it and are ready to move to the next level. You will find that it is up to you to choose whether or not to step through these new openings. These opportunities are entirely yours and you can move through them with your own energy. Let us share with you more about the energy is changing planet Earth itself. Pushed in the Timeline Some time ago you were pushed into the timeline. Now earth is edging toward the other side of that push. What happened was that two neutron stars collided some time ago, sending a wave of energy that was predicted by Einstein many years before. That wave hit planet Earth in a massive wash, which started to shift your timeline because gravity and time have a relationship. It felt like the rug was being pulled out from under everyone, which created a panic wave. In turn that feeling caused many to overreact and move in ways that they normally would not, which caused somewhat of a separation that is still in progress today. The entire process was like a boat moving through water sending out incredible ripples, which are rippling through your world even today. But we tell you, something exciting has recently happened when an asteroid stretching some three miles across and all of your telescopes were fixed on it as it passed Earth. Such a large mass has not come this close to the Earth in recent times. Due to its proximity to Earth, it brought another small gravitational wave that is counteracting the original massive one that started back in late 2015. Humans and Earth have a much higher sensitivity to gravitational changes than is presently known. The tide will turn again with opportunities for hearts to come together as one. Humans will begin looking toward unity consciousness and see the ways they are alike, instead of the ways they are different. That will start to open many doors and hearts on your planet, but it is still up to you to take hold of this. Re-member, dear ones, when people get set in their ways they tend to hold on tightly by justifying their decisions and actions. We ask all of you to look deep within yourselves. How can you open your hearts and see the many sides of a coin? In the true fifth dimension, how will you use many of your senses that you have not used before? All Eyes in the Universe Are Upon Earth Back in 2012 Earth stepped fully into the fifth dimension, but that did not necessarily mean that you have lost your third dimensional ways. There are many who are still trying to use the third dimensional attributes inside the fifth dimension, which is causing much of the wave of separation to stay much longer than it needed to. It was not simply an asteroid traveling by or just a gravitational wave that hit planet Earth. There were many things taking place simultaneously, all working together within an area to help humanity move to that next level. Now it is well underway, so we ask you to celebrate this and add your energy to the change. Celebrate the opportunity to move back into unity consciousness in a way that you have not been able to do for some time. By adding your energy, it will have the effect of a doorstop holding a door of opportunity open. It is time to awaken and play your part. For the first time in quite some time, you will start to feel the wind at your back. Look for it, use it, and step forward into your truth. When you do so in a way that makes space for others to speak their truth as well, you will start a whole new fifth dimensional ripple of empowerment. Dear ones, all eyes of the universe are upon planet Earth, for something amazing has happened. You have not been the most technologically advanced planet throughout the universe. In truth, many other beings have been far beyond your technical capabilities. However, you are the only planet of free choice, the only on without a predetermined direction or outcome. You literally had to move through these experiences by making choices within yourself, and the fascinating thing is you have moved more than any other game throughout the universe. We tell you, dear ones, no game throughout the universe has ever shifted a collective dimensional reality the same way that humanity has. Being able to move from the third dimension through the fourth f to acquire all these new imprints, while landing firmly in the fifth is amazing and quite unexpected. You are still figuring out how all these different attribute work. Even physics has performed differently in the fifth dimension than in the third or fourth. Although you do not spend much time in the fourth dimension, you have gained many of the imprints that were necessary for you to shift. This collective dimensional shift has never happened anywhere before; all eyes of the universe are upon planet Earth and humanity is evolving right now. Our greatest dream for each and every one of you is to start moving further into light body, recognizing your spirit first and your humanness second. To do that, it will require going deep within your heart and evaluating yourself and everything around you in a slightly different light. You will view it from a different perspective, having an opportunity to see things as they truly are from Home rather than the tainted vision that you have had in the third dimension. Dear ones, even your own physical bodies are changing. You will be gaining new attributes and senses. We have told you all along you actually have closer to eight senses than five. Other than the chakras, you typically have no idea of how you move energy into and within your physical body. You will start to learn how to discern it and use it, for you will learn how to carry more light within you. Even your own vision is changing. Visible light is only a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and you will begin to be able to see in wider ranges. Many humans are also starting to hear inter-dimensionally, and some are quite worried about the sounds you are hearing. You may be starting to feel a magnetism from your other dimensional realities. This is not the collective dimensionality of the third fourth and fifth dimension, but the multidimensionality of humans having eleven different experiences at one time. These dimensions are separated by magnetic walls of energy, and what is happening now is that you are starting to be able to feel through those walls. The magnetism of the heart is moving through the walls at incredible speeds as they start to disintegrate, who brings about many opportunities. Losing Separation Understand dear ones, you are living on the planet of imperfection so you have had to hide your perfection between all eleven dimensions. That separation gave you the opportunity to pretend to be a human, to pretend to be separate from each other. As people feel these walls dissolving and the connection to others gets stronger, it is causing much fear because they feel they are losing their identity and uniqueness. This is causing many to act out rather boisterously as they try to hold onto their truths in the same way they did within the third dimension. Be patient, dear ones. Know that there is no right or wrong, for this evolution will carry forward into light body as many who wish to go. It is not about a judgment; it is not about leaving behind those that are too slow or not good enough to go into the next level. All will have the opportunity, although there will be some that stay behind and simply choose not to move. Do not judge them and know that they are part of you as well, by helping to provide the ladder that is needed for you to open into that next dimensional reality. Dear ones, you have made it into the fifth dimension. Now we ask you to start fully letting go of the third dimensional pieces that sometimes hold all humans back. Creating an Empowered Society Belief systems will begin to fade in favor of individual beliefs. Instead of judgment in seeing things as right or wrong, up or down, good or bad, and love or fear, start using discernment. Simply take what is for you at this moment without judging that something else as being bad. Look for the good in everything. Reflect the light in each other because that is how you empower yourselves, dear ones. As you empower the people around you, suddenly you are in an empowered society. It is as if you are working back in the days of Mu when you all had these open hearts and connections to each other. There are so many of you right now on the planet who are carrying this tremendous opportunity for empathy. The empaths are here in great numbers. Many of you have been in hiding and understandably so, because it is very difficult to be of such a high vibration on such a low vibrational planet. That it is truly that high vibration that pulls everything up into it and you have made more of a difference than you will know until you return Home. We are so incredibly proud of you. Look forward to what is coming, dear ones, for there is no sadness in what is happening. We will say it again, just wait until you see what is coming. You have earned your way into a higher vibration by taking steps that have never been taken before anywhere. There are more games like yours happening throughout the universe, than you have numbers to count in your systems. When you consider that, perhaps you can understand why you are so incredibly honored. You are stepping forward. Yes, it is difficult and painful at times. Sometimes it means you must live on a harsh planet in order to awaken everyone to move toward it, although you will never all believe the same things. There are a million ways Home, dear ones, so do not think that only one belief or a single belief system will get you there. Only those who are looking toward a unity consciousness will be able to make the biggest difference in what you are experiencing. We ask you to love each other unconditionally. Know that no matter which side you think you are on, in truth you are all in this together. Step forward into the new light and take your place in the Family of E on planet Earth, because this is now about empowerment. Find the ways to empower those around you in any way possible. Dare to step up, to step out of hiding, because now is also a time for your voice to be heard. It is not about who can shout the loudest, but those who stay the most in harmony with those around you. You have traveled a long way, dear ones, and some of you have spirits that are somewhat tired. You have worked so hard and invested so much in this grand experiment of the planet of free choice. Know that you are no longer the only planet of free choice, for there are others that have started to replicate the miracles that are taking place here right now. You have already won the game and that is beautiful. Enjoy this journey whenever you can, find the light within and reflect it back out. Pull that light through to help you understand and trust that you are truly spirit first. You have earned your place to be here and we are incredibly proud of you dear ones. Take this beautiful wave of magnetic energy and let it stir your heart to the highest of highs. Know that above all, you are loved. It is with the greatest of honor that I greet you in this way and ask you simply to treat each other with the greatest of respect. Nurture one another every chance you get and play this game well together. I am the Scientist of the Heart. Shifting from the old to the New - 15-Jan-2018
Kara, soulsticerising,com We have shifted from 3D to higher dimensions. This can create some stress, as it is so new and unfamiliar that we don't know how to be. It takes Faith and staying in the Moment, so your next steps may be revealed through your feeling into each Moment. You can't do this intellectually, for that is the way we used to do things. You must rely on your feelings as to what to do next. Remind yourself that fear is an illusion so be courageous. (Courage comes from the root word coeur, which is French for Heart, so being courageous means being Heart-centered.) Withdraw your energy from the disasters of the old world and focus on your own Divinity. Know that as big as your fear seems, the bigger is your leap into the New, so move through the illusion of fear so it may transform. To Let go of any boxes, such as a belief in timelines. Timelines are illusions. Anything that has a label (hmmm; every noun?) limits and like being in a box, you get stuck. Remind yourself that in the New, you are free. In the New, you will have memories; only your memories have no charge; if you are clear. If there is a charge when you revisit something, it indicates that you are still holding onto that event emotionally. Continue to visit it till you notice you no longer have energy around that event or person. As long as you are attached to the memory, you are not free. If your energy is still connected to an old event or person, it can manifest anxiety, shame, physical misalignment and emotional pain. When you clear the event or person, you free yourself of these old energies. There has been another descension and integration of both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. This is essential, as one without the other in incomplete. The Divine Feminine creates; the Divine Masculine manifests, serving the Divine Feminine. There are a few things to facilitate this; one is go to your Sacred Space (your Heart) and call forth both. Create a Sacred Marriage. Another is to visualize a Vesica Piscis and place one foot in one section and then the other foot in the other section and then bring both feet to the center.The Vesica Piscis is a symbol made from two circles that intersect, creating a space between the two. You can do both, as I often do. Both of these exercises call forth Source (your Divinity) and helps you truly realize that you are never separate from Source. The Kingdom is not outside of you; it is indwelling; it creates Heaven on Earth through you...Ascension. In doing these exercises, you enter anthropos; being fully realized. You find your True Self and become who you are meant to be. Open your eyes to being Divine; be Love expressed; so that you may fulfill your destiny. Most live in slumber; awaken all of you! We have Compassion for those who have chosen to stay in the old, yet we cannot rescue them. We no longer are part of the Truth. We can compassionately (without attaching to results) love others and those parts of us that have not yet awakened. This is not sending Love, but rather being Love. By being fully awakened, we experience Bliss, no matter what is going on in our lives. We have let go of the drama and attachments of 3D dualistic life. The Light downloads we are receiving move us through all dimensions. So much is deactivated and activated. For instance, our DNA is upgraded, as are our cells and chakras, while at the same time, much of our programming is transformed to Love. Our physical body experiences this; at least it is the physical body we are most attuned to. Some manifestations we might experience, based on where each one is in their Ascension, are tingling, aching, temperature changes (sometimes hot; sometimes cold), ear issues (these can be more acute hearing, ear popping or buzzing or a constant sound), fuzzy eyes, a need to stretch, body vibrations, feeling unbalanced (either listing to the left or right or beginning to fall over), feeling confused or unclear, and many others. Of course, there may be a continuation or a return of some physical adjustments like wanting to be alone, a change in diet (not eating much or eating a lot, as well as shifting away from sugar, flour and other things). Awareness continues to expand and there is a tendency to follow your Intuition and not ignore any of it. These are just some of what you might experience and yet, there are probably more ways you are manifesting the shift from the old matrix to being New. You need not wonder why people stare at you or smile; simply accept; they are seeing or feeling your Light without knowing why they are staring or smiling. Know too that everything fluctuates. You may feel very grounded and centered one day and not the next day. Last night, I nearly fell over and felt very strange afterward. However it is occurring for you; just let it be. The old matrix no longer belongs in your life; it holds you in low energies. As you travel amongst the higher dimensions, there is more Freedom and more choices and you integrate more of your multidimensionality. Do you understand that? Multidimensionality is the Freedom to gather the higher energies, integrating them within you. Each dimension has its own consciousness and as you flow with this, your consciousness rises as you integrate the higher energies, so your life shifts higher and is more encompassing. This may sound esoteric, so don't try to understand it with your intellect; feel it in your Heart. Move beyond timelines, for they are limiting, for as I have shared, there are no timelines, for you cannot be placed in a box of limitations. As the old matrix completely dissolves, old karma and old rules do as well. Your programs (beliefs and patterns) also dissolve. While some of you experience this, there are others who are still very attached to the old is comfortable and what you have known for many lifetimes, only is it not where you belong. In time, you will tire of your comfort zone and want something brand new. This is your Opportunity. The New is not predictable nor can it be controlled. It requires being in the Moment in complete Trust that you create whatever you hold within...your thoughts, feelings and consciousness (the degree in which you absolutely know that you are Divine). Simplifying your life and not being a victim of any perceived time constraints frees you more from the matrix. If you think you can't change anything in your life, it isn't true. The matrix controls you and all in your life. At any time you can create something new and different. Nothing new is created in your intellect. You must be in the Moment and follow your guidance/Intuition. Are you willing to do this? In the New, there is no struggle. If you struggle, you are in resistance to what wants to shift. Instead, be gentle and loving with yourself. Drop your self-judgment and simply observe your thoughts, for you are not your thoughts. This aligns you with the Flow and in the Flow there is a gentle and loving path forward. The Flow is Source. It doesn't pull or push; it allows. When in the Flow, you see that all is easy and you are taken care of, for you are Love. There is no fixing, controlling or figuring out. There is only being and expanding. There is no looking for or seeking a solution, for it is already within you. Trust this. Ground this new time. How? By having your complete focus be on who you are: Divine/Source/Soul. Let go of comparing your life to another or to your past. In the New, there is no separation and therefore, no comparisons, which separate. Rejoice in your life and in the lives of all others. If you find yourself slipping back into duality, simply notice it without judgment and then adjust where you want your attention to be; for where you put your focus is what is manifest. ~ ~ ~ If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!
Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be connecting with you today. We wish to take a moment to offer our deepest congratulations on how remarkably you have moved forward through the energies of 2017 onto the new platform on which you stand today. It has been no small feat, and not only do we wish for you to acknowledge all you have done, we also wish for you to trust in all you have achieved. In order to fully understand the energies of 2018, it is helpful to look back on 2017 and understand how important it was on many levels. It was an intense year, filled with tremendous releasing, healing, personal discovery (often coming through the clarity of what is energetically expired and no longer wanted in your life), and completion. While you were continuing your roles of pioneers on the planet, many of you felt like you were wading through quick sand in all your efforts. Along with massive downloads of transformational energies coming from the universe and being bombarded by the throes of unsupported 3D energy and the discomfort that created in the collective, it has been a challenging time, to be sure. But here you are, on the dawn of a new day, ready to look forward and create like never before. How we love your resiliency, your commitment, your courage! What many of you do not realize is the profound shift of phase that occurred during 2017. As the pioneers of the great shift of consciousness, many of you are having what is like two distinct lifetimes in one. The first phase, which was from your birth until around the time of total eclipse in August 2017, was for most of you, a very intense phase, filled with many things on your soul agenda, as well as service contracts. You knew the ascension could very well happen this time around so you were deeply committed to your mission, as many of you have had other life experiences where the ascension was attempted and was not successful. As high vibrational souls, the density of earth was very difficult to be in, yet here you were, with your caring and loving hearts, committed to change and transformation. You also packed a lot into this incarnation, many of you experiencing abuse and injustice, judgment, control, abandonment, neglect, and not being seen or honoured in your truth. This suffering created a great compassion and empathy within yourselves, as well as kept your energetic sensitivities high, which would serve you well in your future roles. You have been busy releasing old soul contracts, doing soul retrievals, balancing personal karma, healing, forgiving, and moving tremendous amounts of energy, all the while holding a higher vibrational stamp that meant you were in service through your energetics the whole time. You had very long to-do lists for this phase of your lifetime that you took very seriously. This is why so many of you have been so diligent, so serious, always wanting to make sure you are doing enough, that you aren’t missing anything, always looking for guidance on what you should be doing next. As this first phase of your incarnation was coming to a close in 2017, many of you were experiencing the life reviews you would normally experience after you had transitioned from the body and returned Home. Because the shift is now energetically secured, you are transitioning from the first lifetime, but instead of going Home, you are choosing to stay in the body in order to continue to anchor and support the ascension process while on the planet, in a sense wanting to experience the fruits of your labour first hand. It has been the life review that you have been doing this year that has made it particularly intense, revisiting many old unhealed issues from your past in your desire to heal and release them once and for all. This explains why many old memories have come up for you along with themes that you thought you had already addressed. Everything gets reviewed before a soul moves on to its next great adventure. You tend to move backwards through this process, from your now moment back through time to your birth, so many of you were revisiting old early childhood conditioning and wounds that were waiting to be healed. You may have also found yourself going into pastlife expressions to heal continuing themes. A great many of you have found connecting to your wounded inner child and becoming your own loving parent, guide, and best friend particularly healing. If you have not quite completed this process, please take the time to explore this opportunity for healing. It is through embracing and honouring your inner child you will find the seriousness lifting and start infusing greater fun and presence in your lives. Releasing the old conditioning that has been present through this and past lifetimes also has been incredibly pertinent because it is the letting go of the martyred service contracts that will give you the opportunity to create joyful service as you move forward in new and empowered ways. So, the old phase has been completed and many of you have been trying to get your bearings. As you continue to move forward, it will start to feel very much like your life pre-2018 is much like a past life. Through your clarity, you get to choose what you wish to carry forward with you and what you wish to leave behind. For many of you there has been an in between phase of knowing one stage has completed and trying to feel into how to move forward in new and empowered ways. You are shifting from the doing phase to the being phase, from initiate to actuate. You are, in many cases, letting go of old forms of service and don’t know what the new ones are yet. You are acutely aware of what is expired but do not quite know what is replacing the old. It is a huge shift to let go of the need to do in order to be worthy, into the idea that simply being is indeed service and more than enough. That is the gift of 2018 and your emerging sovereignty! “What should I do?” is being powerfully replaced with, “What will bring me joy? What do I wish to create?” and “How do I wish to express myself?” There will be less pressure to get everything right as you settle into honouring the power of experience. You understand that even if you try something and don’t like it, it adds to your expansion and gives you more clarity on what is the energetic match to you. You can always count on your ever expanding wisdom to lead the way. You also understand that your expansion also adds to the expansion of the universe. You are finally becoming comfortable with being the expert on you, and giving yourself permission to shine brightly in your truth, understanding that is your greatest contribution and that your uniqueness adds immeasurably to the whole. You also understand that you are the only expert on you, and that following your heart is the way to your highest expression. This is profound self acceptance which is essential for moving forward and embracing your sovereignty. You will shift from powerlessly hoping things will be better to choosing what you wish to create as a fully capable director of your own life expression. Stepping into your sovereignty is finally accepting your rightful place as an integral and honoured part of the whole. You will accept your innate worthiness as a beloved part of Source energy and as a part of that whole fully embrace your capabilities and access to all that is. It is embracing your wholeness that has always been there all along. You have no interest in being rescued, or feeling like you need to rescue others, because you see and honour the divine capability in yourself and others. This is not to say that you will not continue to lovingly and compassionately help others. Through your surrender you will move willingly with the flow of highest service. You will simply always choose to help in ways that empower everyone. You will also completely accept and honour others when they do not wish to change, as well, understanding their soul knows exactly what it is doing. The shift from fixing to allowing and stepping forward in loving assistance when asked, is a huge one, and supports the empowerment of all. You will be spending more time in the present as you step into the fresh energies of 2018 because you will understand that the past is wrapped up and the future is awaiting your creation. Due to your clarity and the higher vibrational energies, you will find your relationship with time changing tremendously, and will also be experiencing much more instant manifestation. You will also be getting more comfortable with the idea that manifesting is an ongoing process that has its own unfoldment that you can tweak and adjust as you go. Because you are moving from one phase to another, you will find 2018 holds much more movement than previous years. You have untethered yourself from the past, and those old contracts which will allow the shifting of service, moving into different locations, and also new relationships in the form of higher vibrational friendships and higher dimensional relationships. A great many human beings enter periods of solitude before they move into a higher vibrational love relationship. They will instinctively give themselves a time out, if you will, to release traditional 3D relationships and the templates of conditional love. This phase has been deep preparation for a completely different type of love experience, and many will be ready to move into higher vibrational relationships in the coming years. You are ready for great depth and a deeper knowing of oneself. You are yearning for the experiences of unconditional love and acceptance, both to give and receive, as another facet of your emerging sovereignty. As you embrace your authentic power and truth, you will come more and more to both trust yourself, and the unending supports of the universe available to you as a part of the divine whole. You will start to see that through the operating system of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, you can experience yourself as a beloved part of Source energy. The deepening of your faith and trust will allow you to move confidently into creating in the energies beyond what you see, into greater experiences, matches and opportunities than you ever could have imagined in your wildest dreams. You fully embrace being part of a team, you as part of the ground crew, and your divine helpers who are overjoyed to help you in your creations. Your unshakeable faith and trust in the universe, and in yourself, will help you anchor the energies of acceptance and allowing, which always leads to peace and unconditional love. You will be able to be and navigate through surrender and flow, continuing to expand and grow and self express in beautiful ways. It is embracing your wholeness that has always been there all along. Rather than looking for things to fix, you are secure in the fact that if something needs to be addressed it will be brought into your awareness, you will tend to whatever is required, and then you will get back into flowing and creating. Further, you will be able to embrace your ability to create much more fully because you know your previous experiences have given you the wisdom, compassion, and mindfulness that will ensure you use your power appropriately. Power – what it is, what it isn’t, and how it should be used, will continue to be a global theme through 2018. There is much churning up of power issues, and the examination of this pivotal theme will start to bring forth much clarity. Those in their emerging sovereignty will anchor the energies and be beautiful teachers by example of what empowerment looks like and how it can serve the whole. Those who have not yet discovered their innate power will finally be ready to leave powerlessness behind and start to explore the many facets of empowerment. There is great potential for healing power issues collectively, which is essential for creating peace on your planet. What glorious times you are in, Dear Ones! You will see much movement, both within yourselves and in others. Due to the wonderful paths you have paved, the next wave of awakening will have your examples to learn by and to follow, and because of this they will move forward much faster than was ever possible before. These are the souls that will willingly and excitedly step forward to fill the old service positions you may have vacated, in their next highest expression of self. This is a time for you to continue to expand in your divine truth but to also enjoy the results of the work you have done, forever loving, contributing, expanding, and evolving, in new and much more joyous ways, as a pivotal part of the greatest time of humanity. We continue to be amazed by all you have done, and cannot wait to see what you will create in this new, unprecedented stage you are entering. And with that we will bid you adieu. It has been our great pleasure. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young on facebook on twitter and now on instagram! Listen to our channels on youtube! Your donations help to support our service. With love and gratitude … Trinity Esoterics.
A Message to Lightworkers – January 8, 2017
by Caroline Oceana Ryan Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones, and welcome to this astounding and co-Creative year of 2018! Our writer has a question to ask, which is utterly relevant to all Lightworkers’ situation at present . . . COR: My friends, over the past year I have received numerous emails from people who are at their wit’s end. They are feeling so ill and exhausted from a disorder or illness that is often not properly diagnosed, that they say they are are ready to just let go of their physical body. Or they are so tied up in financial debt and lack, so unable to manifest what they need to live their lives on a basic level, that they are feeling increasingly desperate, and feel to be sinking lower by the day. Or their self-esteem and feelings of self-worth, and disconnection from their life purpose, is such that they feel have no voice, no vision, no reason to be here. I feel strongly that all of this is related somehow, even though these seem to be separate maladies. The worst part is when they say they keep trying to hear their Spirit team, but can’t, and muscle testing doesn’t seem to be working for them either. Please give us your viewpoint on what is happening! The Collective: What is fascinating to us, and quite positive and exciting, is that all that you describe here, dear one, are exactly the experiences lived by a race of people passing from one era of evolvement and consciousness into another. We are aware that you have often heard people refer to “Ascension symptoms,” and we would say, that one could call these that, if needed. But what we see goes well beyond symptoms in the sense of “something’s wrong, and I need to fix it,” and even beyond the need to blame everything on the Ascension process. None, and we mean None of the situations you describe have very much to do with what they are apparently about. You read many years ago a declaration written by a wonderful Light Warrior known to you as Louise Hay, who stated, “The problem is never the problem,” and we could not agree more. We will give you an example: When you see two children out at play, and one is clearly bullying the other, you can if you wish step in and stop the bullying. Yet in your heart, you will know that there is a much greater issue at hand than the outer manifestation of any one moment of bullying. You know inwardly that that child has internalized destructive behavior from someone in their home, or from images in the media, or a friend. Or that they have carried past life tendencies into this life, and that these are part of the lessons they came to face in this current life. Or several of these. And so you have the satisfaction of knowing that you rescued one child from one unhappy situation, but you do not kid yourself that your role as a peacemaker, as one who instills higher self-esteem, compassion, and empathy in young people is completed and done. There is far more to your role than you expressed in that one moment, just as there is far more to both children’s life paths. In the same way, the issues you name are not “one-offs”—they are not simply about money or health or love or life purpose, however large these issues may be. These are all outer indications of a greater energy pattern that is being revised from the inside out—sometimes, on behalf of thousands or even millions of Earth beings, and not only for that one person. The person involved will experience the bumpy ride of that transformation as it evolves, until they turn to fully look at the deeper issue and accept the transfiguration of it. This is why, when one illness is cured, or one set of debts paid off, another debt or illness will in time come to take its place—because the deeper issue still has not been addressed. Let us look at these issues—money and health and self-worth are some of the very great “triggers” that alert people to the fact that their entire being, from etheric essence to heart-mind to cellular structure, is undergoing an astounding, miraculous remaking. Yet if one is suddenly out of money with no new income in sight, or experiences a prolonged, severe money shortage, as if Lack itself had pulled a chair up to the table and made itself permanently at home, that person will not feel to be a walking miracle. They will only feel to be in a terrible situation that they cannot shake their way out of, no matter how hard they try, using manifestation techniques, meditation, visualization, or just plain hard work, to revise their situation. All of that inner and outer work is fine, but they are not the journey itself. The actual journey has to do with uncovering the essence of the challenge that the money shortage represents. You will not be surprised when we speak of the vital importance of a flow of thoughts, objects, feelings, and energies in life—of releasing the need to hold on, to cling to any one outer condition. Of the vital need to forgive yourself for the times you took up the aggressor or victim role in life. Of the vital need to release those who were brave enough (on a higher level) to be willing to play a terrible, dense, unpopular role in your life. You will not be surprised (because you know it already) when we speak of the need to just Allow some days—to sit with the problem and send it Love and thanks, even before you extract positive meaning and growth from it. At that moment, you realize what you have called a problem is not a problem. It is simply an outer condition, an expression of something that feels to you to be an energy imbalance and a blockage between what you prefer to have and what you have now. And that like all outer conditions, it is constantly revising itself. So that the moment you stop calling it Bad, or out of alignment with what you want, you free yourself from feeling defeated by it. The moment you bless and thank it and stop blaming it or yourself, you free that condition to leave you, because it has nothing more to show you. Though experiencing wealth, health, love, and outer accomplishment are all fine and good, for the most part, you did not come here for these. You did not come to admire the outer conditions of your life as constantly smooth and satisfactory. You came to dive head first into outer conditions that would require you to forgive and love them no matter how difficult and taxing they seemed to your logical mind. No matter how annoying and unthinkable they are to your ego-based need to survive, to your need to distinguish yourself as “separate but safe.” And to your need to “accomplish something” in outer terms. And so, we are willing to bet as they say, that those who are unhappy with their finances have not lately put a hand over their bank statement or their wallet, and proclaimed, “I Love you and thank you for all you do for me! I AM blessed beyond my most beautiful visions. Multiply and be fruitful, my friend!” We are willing to bet that those who are unhappy with their bodies have not lately blessed and thanked their body for all it does for them, spending entire days concentrating on what IS going well with their health, instead of investing constant energy and focus on what is not going well (thereby extending the condition). We are feeling that these ideas, practiced daily and often throughout the day, are mainly untried by them. Likewise, saying to the body part or illness or system that seems to be failing, “What have you come to tell me, friend? I AM listening. What message do you bring?” Consistently asking such, until the heart-mind hears and reveals the answer. No, the answer will not always be immediate. That takes a bit of practice, and a quiet mind that is actively expecting and receptive to higher wisdom. We guarantee you, each and every one of you has a beautiful Spirit team, full of Love and empathy for all you travel through in this life, who are Constantly sending you messages of encouragement, wisdom, and understanding that would not naturally occur to you. We say constantly to Lightworkers, “If you do not hear your team inwardly, tell them to send you Outer signs, symbols, signals, and messages. “Outer indications of what path to take for greater Healing or increased Abundance or your life purpose—and the patience, self-Love, and thankfulness it takes to Accept those things.” You will not find the solutions you seek while in the same state of mind that created the challenge to begin with, as one of your great scientists noted some time ago. You must, within yourself, move to a level of acceptance, of no longer struggling against, of releasing resentment toward money or lack of life direction or your current job or relationship or physical state. Acceptance and Love, with thanks for all it has brought you. These challenges are not blocks along the road, dear ones. They ARE the road itself. “But what if I want a peaceful life, free of these pains and distractions and feelings of loss?” you ask. We would say, you can have it, the moment you actively choose such. Are you willing to release the drama, the pain, the complaints, the expectation of trouble? Because the third dimensional human is quite complacent and happy to stay in a rut on that front—another reason why these problems are squawking at you so loudly now, now that your vibration is moving so powerfully out of the third dimension. The interesting, and quite challenging part of being willing to release your problems and no longer call them problems, is that the bully only loses interest when the one they are trying to upset doesn’t mind, and even enjoys their presence. Where is the fun in that? “Why should I stick around and be a thorn in this person’s life, when all they do is Love and accept me? That is too high a vibration for me to stand—I’m getting out of here!” Do your “problems” or challenges love your resistance? Do they love your disdain and hatred of them? Most assuredly—that is the gift. They came to reveal that vibration, that resistance to What Is, so that you would become aware of it. And they shall remain with you, for as long as you refuse to bless and Love them, and release them on their way. For as long you, a powerful co-Creator, name them “problems.” And so you will today inwardly ask your health or body part, your debt or your current income, your feelings about your spouse or lover, or other challenge: “What have you come to tell me, dear one? I AM listening. I AM willing to learn. What I AM no longer doing, is feeling at a loss, as if I have been earmarked for trouble and suffering. “I release the need to complain and resist my life circumstances. I loosen my grip. I release anger and resistance. I let go. I release, and flow down the stream of Life. “I Love and accept this new higher vibration, and celebrate the Sat Yuga as a time of my highest visions coming to Life. “And I remember now, Why I AM here, and What I have come here for, in the most joyful and fulfilling sense. “I AM here to become my higher self, and I welcome him/her into my consciousness fully now. I give thanks!” As do all of us, dear ones. You cannot know how much you are Loved, and as we have said many times, very nearly envied (and greatly admired) for the bravery it took for you to incarnate in these powerfully transformative, often rocky and tenuous-looking times. Namaste, powerful co-Creators in this Universe of Nebadon! We love and are with you, always. You are never alone. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Mike Quinsey: Clean Sheet
Another year has passed quicker than ever, full of events that have given you a tremendous lift for what is coming. As the years have flown by since the present Age commenced in 2012 so things are starting to take shape that will signal the reality of the New Age. So to say, the dust has settled and now you should be able to see the beginning of changes that are going to carry you forward. As you must already be aware, much is being held back until the right time to be released, and that really means the safe time. After all of the planning and preparations that have been made they will not be spoilt by rushing them into being. Indeed, there are a number of issues involved and as long as everything is done at the appropriate time, you will enjoy a period of great upliftment. The last thing that is needed is the interference from those who would rather maintain the old energies. Their efforts to do so no longer carry any real power and they are destined to failure. They are the architects of their own demise and will be left to experience the result of their chosen activities. Dear Ones never lose sight of the fact that you are well past the marker of 2012 and ever since that time, many Lightworkers have been able to progress and prepare for the times to come. Much has already been prepared so that when circumstances permit, you will be able to enjoy the prospect of many advancements that can commence in comparative safety. Then you shall see what you have been waiting for and Humanity will be overjoyed at the results. By focussing on the future you will be helping to speed up it’s manifestation, because you do have a hand in determining how things work out. Naturally there are always greater powers that control events and protect Humanity so that their decisions are honoured. After all, it is you who have helped pave the way forward and passed the marker that allowed Humanity to continue progressing in the higher vibrations. The surprise for you was having left the old vibrations behind, you also gained a new start with as you would say “a clean sheet” with none of the old energies remaining. The most exciting prospect is the eventual appearance of a number of Extraterrestrials who are strongly associated with the Human Race. They have followed your progress for thousands of years and helped you along, without infringing your freewill. You may be new souls in terms of time as you know it, but in reality you are very old souls that have been around for eons of time. As Human Beings you are adding to your existing experience, so that eventually you can become mentors to others who can benefit from it. It is normal for those who have become well advanced to help others who follow on, and can benefit from their experience. Can you see how eventually groups grow bigger and bigger, as more evolved souls join them. In reality you are helped to evolve at every step you take that carries you onwards and upwards. Bear in mind that at a certain point in your evolution, you will all become Beings of Light, and dispense with whatever physical form you had previously. However, where needs arise you can “think” yourself into whatever form of body you need. Even now you are beginning to develop the power of creation, and it means that as the vibrations continue to lift up, Humanity will have a greater say in how it evolves. It is why we have already given you a cautionary note to be positive about what you wish for, as you can never be sure how it will turn out in the future. Obviously when you evolve to the point where your thoughts are centred upon the needs of others, you will have realised that many evolved souls can also foresee your needs, and if necessary meet them providing they are essential for your continued evolution. It has been a very long time since you reached this point in your evolution. Take it with both hands and more than ever before, focus on what you want out of life as you now have every chance of being successful. Bear in mind that much of what we talk about is your potential as your time line is opening up before you, and exactly what path it takes is down to your collective focus. Some may wonder how the dark Ones are kept at bay, and we have to say whilst they are still a threat but their power is being curtailed. They will continue to be denied the resources they have previously plundered from others, and funding their operations will be found to be their Achilles heel. There is no way that they will be able to indefinitely fund their activities, as many of those channels are being closed. Humanity is being given a massive opportunity to pave the way to Ascension, so that all souls that are ready to ascend can claim success. Naturally we talk of events that are to come, and in some cases quite a few years away. In some instances the timing is out of your hands as the bigger picture entails much organisation that reaches out to your friends in Space, who are pleased to help you succeed. Many of you have already gone through Ascension in former lives, but have come back to offer your experience where needed. Be assured that your Galactic friends are only too pleased to help you on your path to becoming Galactic Beings. It is time for Humanity to come of age, and so much help is waiting to step out of the shadows. Your success in overcoming the lower vibrations was as you might say “touch and go” and those of you who are already of the Light played a considerable part in helping lift up the vibrations. Having reached this stage, there is absolutely no reason why you should not go from strength to strength, and no way that you should have to experience the lower vibrations again. The immediate plan covers reduction in hostilities between nations, and many of your Indigo children are now young adults fully equipped to handle the problems being experienced on Earth. They are old souls with so much experience, and will see solutions to problems that presently seem unsurmountable. Your future will be safe in their hands, and they will come to the fore at the right time. With each New Year much is promised, and slowly but surely people will step forward when they see they have the answers to age old problems that are holding up progress. You will not have long to wait to identify the “new ones” who came to Earth in great numbers specifically to help Humanity. With help from such evolved Beings coming to Earth in greater numbers, the future looks very bright. So take note of their opinions, because the young ones are old souls who have come specifically to help Humanity through the challenges that are yet to come. You cannot fail unless many of you go “Off the Rails” and with so much help that is not a prospect that will even be considered. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. |
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