A Message to Lightworkers - October 29, 2021
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time with you today. This week, our writer speaks with Mary Magdalene regarding the changes you are seeing, as the Divine Feminine energies are re-instilled into Lady Gaia and human consciousness . . . COR: Greetings, Lady Master Mary the Magdalene! I am honored to speak with you today. Ascended Master Mary Magdalene: Greetings, dear one! I am honored to speak with all of you. COR: My questions have to do with the Divine Feminine energies coming to Earth now. We are regaining the other half of life. Regaining the other half of our spirit and psyche—those Divine aspects that have been suppressed, ignored, or violated for thousands of years. That should all be wonderfully good news, yet look what is happening! There is a great effort to downgrade our DNA, to enslave us with one last angry act of desperation on the part of the old power structure. I hardly know where to look some days. Yet these energies, and our capacity to open to them, seem to be getting more powerful and more transformative by the day. Ascended Master Mary Magdalene: It is important to recall that all who are aware of the transformation that Earth is currently experiencing will have come in with a particular set of interests, whatever their intentions. And so it cannot be a coincidence that so many have arrived on the planet at this time with a powerful mission to assist in Earth's and humanity's Ascension. Nor can it be a coincidence that so many have chosen now to speak on matters that affect consciousness in general. The great lift in frequency can be felt in the air around one, and in the trees, the plants and soil, the water, the animals. In human hearts and minds. This is not so much a matter of the meaning of words, as you know. It concerns the energies expressed in them. This is why words are sacred. They carry great Creative power. The physicality of sound calls forth certain vibrations, enacting them to call waves or beams of energy into action, for a particular purpose. This then translates to energetic presence, and often, outer form. Most of you have been discovering this for a number of years now. Millions are realizing the power of their own voice, thoughts, and physical presence, to act as a transmitter and communicator of a particular form of experience. Though this would be called fanciful nonsense by some, millions are experiencing the reality of it. So that when you comment on what is coming from the shadows, where fear is engaged as a control measure, you are noticing one part of Earth's vibrational reality, and that is the lower vibrational aspect of human life at the moment. As the media airwaves are full of those low vibrations, it feels that those energies are predominating on the planet. Yet we can tell you: They are not. The Light consciousness has now rooted into Gaia and into human consciousness to where it cannot be uprooted. Currently it is muted in some respects, but even that will not last much longer. COR: Yet what is difficult, is that we have been trained via centuries of trauma-based control to feel that we are in constant danger, even when we are not. For some, this has not been very noticeable until now, in this time when illness and extreme weather and armed conflict happening in so many places, as well as all the economic disruption and hardship those can bring. So that we are more easily falling into sync with the low-grade fear vibration that rings through the air, particularly where there are large populations. That’s where the media proliferates anxiety and density and divisiveness so powerfully, and never more so than now. I am wondering if we are better off ignoring the dense messages, or admitting that these are the shadows of our own experience, coming up for us to finally face, full-on? Mary Magdalene: In a sense, it is best to ignore them. Steeping yourself in dark images and warnings of a dismal future is not why you have come in at this time. And yet, knowing that that density is there does indicate to you that so much has come to the surface asking to be healed, or entirely dissolved, yes! And this can only be a good thing! People are upset when a physical or emotional symptom shows up, yet if it indicates a problem that needs to be healed, that is something that one can be thankful for. You would otherwise far more easily ignore the issue, or not be conscious of it. And so it is, for humanity as well. Much has come forward now to finally be healed not only in the context of a human healing construct, but in the transformative, transfiguring Light that is flowing to everyone now, without exception. One might say, quite happily, that there is no escaping it. That is the era which humanity has now entered. COR: How do we keep from being overwhelmed by either the news or our own innate need to heal the pain and density of hundreds of incarnations? I agree that it is energy healing that we need now, which far outweighs the older forms of what we call therapeutics or spiritual practice. This is the environment of Earth Herself we are healing—and humanity, en masse. Mary Magdalene: Yes. You have come in for nothing less! Just be aware that you are not the ones experiencing all that is occurring now in your inner lives and on the planet. Your higher selves, your star families, your own souls—these are powerfully activated now, and highly involved in all of this. As you connect with them in moments of quiet, you connect to an entire network of Light work and healing that you once could have only dreamt of encountering on a conscious level. Now it is open to you on increasingly higher and more discernible levels of experience. You will need to be ready to connect with these, yet remember: most of this is just you in higher form. These beautiful resources are an oasis, a healing place of respite and rest from the demands of Earth life, and they are always there for you. You may not always feel an immediate lift in your energies, yet that will be provided as you openly seek and open to receive it. COR: Could you offer us a process by which we can access these, Lady Master? That would be quite helpful. Mary Magdalene: I am honored to assist. Begin by breathing deeply yet comfortably, concentrating only on your breath, as you release all thoughts. If it helps you to concentrate on silence—to reach for the silence behind all sounds, then do that for a moment, as a point of focus that quiets the mind. Or you may wish to have music playing that is high vibrational in frequency, or a recording of Sanskrit chanting, such as “Om.” These will remind you that you are not so much a physical vehicle with brain and emotions, as pure energy that has currently manifested itself into outer form. Image before you a brilliant ray of Light, a great wave of sparkling, aware, sentient energy moving through the Universe. See that Light or energy also flowing through you, and through all of your Earth, lifting all to a beautiful resonance that returns you and your Earth to your highest dreams of what is possible for you—a transfiguration. See it lifting you into new and accelerated forms of healing and renewal—a transformation into higher outer forms, as you resonate with and acclimate to these frequencies. Many use the Rose Ray in this image, as it is felt to be the predominant ray of the Divine Feminine. This Light ray is powerful. It holds an energy of active openness. You have been taught that the Feminine is a weak or passive state. It is not. It is a Creational flow of intent, and it has created worlds, whole races of beings, star constellations, galaxies, universes. Consider that far from being separate from this beautiful energetic flow and this powerful Intelligence that is an expression of higher Love, you are actually One with it. Consider that what you feel is your brokenness, your weakened human state, your pain and losses, are only colors on a canvas that is so masterfully painted that you come to realize, as you see the full masterwork: “Nothing of my Earth lives has been accidental. “All is well, as I live in the Light of this Divine Radiance, and Her Love for me. "I Am One with Her, and all Her Creation.” Offer up all that which you feel is too heavy to carry, to understand, to solve or heal. For you are correct, those who feel that Earth and Her people have traveled too far into this great experiment that you call duality. Strangely, yet perfectly, the rejoining of those two halves of shadow and Light is forming a more perfect Whole than you have yet experienced in any Universe. And so now, as you see the presence of Divine Mother coming to you on this wave—and you will see her in whatever way most resonates for you-- See her coming onto the planet, and into your own energies, with all Her glory and empowering presence and compassion, and ability to renew, to release, to remake that which had forgotten it is part of the Whole, of the All That Is. Yes, part of your own essence was forced to forget about Her, yet instinctively, all of Her Creation knows to remember, and to rejoin with Her now. So call in every fractured part of your existence to assist, and to be a part of the full integration of every fragment of your life energies. You are joining that which resides on Earth in your current body, and that which is still elsewhere in the Universe. And as you see these individual aspects coming forward and integrating with your current Earth self, realize fully: “I AM whole now. I AM Divine Mother’s Creation of beauty, wholeness, brilliance, and creative power. "I AM more than powerful enough to assist the re-Creating of Earth at this time. "My mission is clear. My path is full of Light. My Joy is complete. I Give Thanks.” See Divine Mother reach out as if to touch your heartspace, yet note that she is sending Her powerful essence into your energies. Not to overcome or control your essence, but to remind you of that Universal Sun from which you came, from which your Earth consciousness was birthed. When you are ready, come back fully into the room, thanking Divine Mother and any other beautiful Beings you sense assisting Her in blessing you, in reminding you of your own magnificence. For this we see, always, even though it has long been hidden from you. COR: Thank you, dear Lady Master! I feel that even just reading these words will uplift many. Mary Magdalene: They have the Mother’s essence in them. So drink of that water that is meant for you! As always, all of us here, of the Collective, of the Ashtar Command, of the Company of Heaven, as many call it—we are with you, at every moment. COR: Namaste, Lady Master! Mary Magdalene: Namaste, dear one! My Love and blessings to all. Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this post, at Caroline Oceana Ryan [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Thank you.
A Message to Lightworkers - October 22, 2021
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time with you today. Once again our writer speaks with Saint Germain, and he is happy to offer insights into what is occurring now in your Earth lives, as you walk the Ascension path: COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain! SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, dear one, and all. How may we assist? COR: What is important for us to know right now, whether regarding NESARA's enactment or regarding lifting the vibration of our world to a higher level? I have been following a wonderful guided meditation for invoking the power of the Violet Transmuting Flame, which I feel is more important than ever now. As you are the creator and guardian of that Transmuting Fire, what would you like to share with us right now? SAINT GERMAIN: Only that Transmutation is in the very air you breathe now. And that humanity's power to transform your world has never been greater! And that contrary to what you are being told on most fronts, you are all capable of moving into a new and higher understanding of that capability now. While your Sun now assists you in that empowerment more fully than ever. COR: We hear from the Faction Three White Knights about the monoatomic gold dust coming in, and from what I understand, that Light is sentient. It desires to heal us, to inspire us. And it feels to me to be laying a path to higher consciousness. Other than working with it in meditation, I’m not sure how best to connect with that energy. SAINT GERMAIN: For one, thinking of anything with appreciation will assist your energies in opening to that experience, and playing with that particular expression of Light in the higher realms. So most certainly, we would say, be Joyful in your thoughts of this Light coming in now. The gold dust is a form of Light that is helping to transform the particular level of human thought that opens doors not only to new inventions, but to the possibility of forms of living that in the past would have been called too idealistic to experience in Earth life. COR: So that might be things such as people only doing the work that most interests them, or having more than enough money so that they never stress over it again? Or forms of healing that are completely natural and holistic, and offered for free, as well as war being considered null and void, and no longer a part of human experience? SAINT GERMAIN: Those are some forms that you will have heard many say, so as to protect themselves from the disappointment of a dream deferred, “That cannot be. The world does not work that way.” And now of course, in this new era, humanity is reaching for that, and much more. COR: What do you make of these companies offering space travel? SAINT GERMAIN: That is what one might call an “accidental” breakthrough in favor of what the Light Forces have been working toward for a very long time. Accidental on the part of the old political/economic structure, in that they would not want the majority of the populace to think that space travel is normal and easy to do, even with the current outmoded technology. Yet it is an intentional breakthrough on the part of those working on behalf of the Light, and that of course includes all Light Bearers, as you call them. One does not have to design rockets in order to assist in any area of disclosure of higher technologies, and the presence of other races of beings in the Universe. That much all of you know, as you travel the ethers in your sleep state. Increasingly, the truth of those travels—the fact of them—is carried with you more consciously throughout the day. This would be so, even for those who feel there is no “spirit” in human beings, and that there are no other beings exploring the galaxy but those they see around them. COR: So is the Light coming in so great now, that even the darker agendas are being used for humanity’s higher good, somehow? SAINT GERMAIN: That potential was always there, and enacted by many. Yet it is far easier to attain now, yes. COR: How do we take the current agenda for complete control over human health, daily living, and consciousness, and find good in it? SAINT GERMAIN: Your first responsibility is to move into a place of calm and Peaceful nonresistance of what you yourselves have volunteered to witness first-hand. It can never be that you will experience your own or humanity’s higher good from a place of fearful anxiety or hopelessness. Merely witness, and maintain your own high vibration. For you hold the Light for human experience now. As you note the tactics being used, and trace them to the desire on behalf of the old power structure to demote humanity into automatons and fear-based slaves, or to eradicate the race almost completely, you see through their increasingly thin to nonexistent veil. Soon, no one will be able to lie and get away with it—unless perhaps, their intentions are very high, and they wish to spare someone unnecessary pain. COR: Or spoil a surprise party! SAINT GERMAIN: Yes! The potential for Joy must be preserved! COR: What about the news broadcasts that lie almost nonstop? While presenting “experts” whose comments and recommendations we have been carefully trained to bow to, ignoring our own intuitive understanding of what is really happening. SAINT GERMAIN: And in the current atmosphere, what we describe now is ever-increasing: the ability to see through the lies of the news broadcasts, which in the main, are channels for propaganda. You will note alternative news media coming forward now. This is not because “the internet was invented.” That is so, but what was to prevent the internet from becoming yet another function of the old structure of control? Those who came forward to play the darker roles have attempted to make it such. Yet it is the current human insistence on the Truth being told that has ensured many independent channels of more trustworthy information, and more than that, the greater perception humanity is experiencing now. You will see an increase in human desire to hear and respect their own higher wisdom; each person's own sense of what is right for them. Yes, despite so many having fallen for the current lies. Despite so many being led by fear. Despite appearance, that tendency is becoming a thing of the past. COR: Strange that I seem to believe what you say, and to have seen evidence of it, despite the numbers who are lining up to do as they are told, without investigating what it is that is being put into them. And without asking to understand the true motives of those propagating what are being called necessary preventions. SAINT GERMAIN: This is a kind of culling, in the sense that those who are seeking to maintain Peace of heart-mind, while being fully aware of the darker agendas, are powerfully in training for the creation of New Earth forms and communities. COR: What of those who have fallen for the lies spread throughout the mainstream narrative now? SAINT GERMAIN: There are many paths. Respect all. Allow all. COR: It is difficult, when you see loved ones making choices that do not seem wise, whether it is trusting the wrong people, as if the old system will always protect them, when it has never done that, or harming themselves with drug or drink to try to hide from what these higher energies are revealing to us about ourselves. SAINT GERMAIN: Yet soon, there is no hiding, for anyone. Those who choose to know themselves shall be assisted in integrating these finer vibrations. COR: A revelation and a comfort, yet also a bit daunting. SAINT GERMAIN: Move out of ego, and into the high heart! All is well, with life taken in small moments—individual steps forward. Remember that whatever dire consequence some will say awaits humanity, you are empowered to create! To naturally flow into those circumstances that you image, expect, and celebrate most often! COR: That would be a new reality, one that we know we have created, rather than accidentally coming across on the path. SAINT GERMAIN: Now is the time, dear ones! Do not delay! As you put all of your world in the Violet Transmuting Flame, it is not to hide from that which distresses you, but to move all to the higher vibrational level, and the outpicturing that awaits you in the field of potentials. Do you choose this? Leaving open the forms of all outcomes, yet calling forth the beauty of that which is for the higher good of all? That New Earth which, at every moment, we see already in the process of Creation, as Gaia Herself reaches for Her newest and finest incarnation! COR: So we don’t need to image exact outcomes, so much as blaze that Violet Flame in ourselves and the Earth, and come into a place of Peacefulness? SAINT GERMAIN: Of course. The images of what you are creating will come up unbidden, of their own accord. And if you have no images, that is fine also. The realization of your Creating is enough. Allow it to fulfill you. And put yourselves in charge, dear ones—not some hidden, unseen authority structure which is fading so quickly that it is gasping for its last breath. It cannot stand this Light. So place all its various machinations in the Violet Flame also, which is in constant communication with the monoatomic gold you spoke of, and the assistance of the Light Forces. All is well. The center of Creation on your planet is in your own co-Creative heart-mind—not the halls of government or corporation. You are the captains of this particular ship! COR: Thank you, Lord Saint Germain, as always! We take this to heart, and act upon it now. SAINT GERMAIN: Namaste, dear ones! We are privileged to assist. And be of good cheer! We have seen your future timeline, and all shall be most well. Caroline Oceana Ryan [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this post, at https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-october-22-2021. Thank you.Caroline Oceana Ryan [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net UNEXPECTED HORIZONS RISING IN OUR FUTURE
YOUR INTENTIONS MATTER! October 15, 2021 Aluna Joy Yaxk'in with the Star Elders Ⓒ 1995-2021 There was a really surprising reboot on the Plumed Serpent Ley Line at the end of September. I am told that this kind of reboot only comes once in a very long time during the process of a shift of an age. It came in a very unexpected way as most things do these days. It became very quiet, vacant, and it felt like a ghost town here. Then a few days later, so much LOVE poured in that it was like living in paradise for another few days. This and so many other cage rattling, heart testing, rollercoaster cosmic events have caused a huge turning point this fall. We find ourselves in a deep transformation, a "no going back" type of step in preparing for the arrival of the new Earth. New horizons are rising in our future, and your intentions matter to what this new earth will bring us. Everything in life is going to manifest at lightning speed with little to no time to prepare. At the same time, things from the past, that no longer serve, will dissolve away faster than is comfortable. Time will feel like it is dragging, yet it will also feel mind boggling fast. In fact, our natural internal clock, in which we measure time by the experiences that we have, will be all over the map. We will be called to live in the pure presence of our higher self more than ever before. Living from ego driven foundations will become more painful and restricting. The new extreme frequency that is now flowing through Earth's ley lines, will be especially powerful at those places where ley lines converge and anchor new global intent and purpose. It is flowing through all the ley line estuaries and arteries right to where you live. The magnitude of this ley line shift was so unexpected that it didn't even register at first. It reminds me that we can be a somewhat blind to new things that come in unexpected ways, as these last 18 months have surely proven to us. The Star Elders have been encouraging me for years to keep my eyes open and to expect to see and feel the unexpected. But this time makes us long to prepare for something that we can't prepare for. At this point in this transformation, this new energy has no orientation point that originates from a prior life experience. It no longer comes from our ancestral memory. It comes from a total new and unknown place that is our collective future. This is leaving us feeling confused, unmoored and vulnerable, and it can make us wonder why we are here at all. We feel this way because we still have one foot in the past and one foot in the future. We are literally tipping the balance toward moving into a new future world. At the same time, we are being required to let go of the old world. It is very wise choice to not to put our energy or attention toward anything that is crumbling, as we don't want to go down with the ship. We have to ask ourselves what we are holding on to and why. Question everything, even yourself, and foster the ability to see from many other perspectives to broaden your ability to see the larger plan. Ask yourself we holding on to something that is obsolete because it feels safe, or are we stepping into new energies for a new reality that could be a little scary? This current, unique life experience commands deep patience along with the ability to leap at a moment's notice. This time around humanity must awaken in waves to maintain a healthy balance and to maintain a physical body. If everyone awakens at the same time, like in past shifts of an age, the energy will be too drastic to be physically survivable. This is the first time that we have decided to maintain our bodies through a shift of an age. In all other ages past, we dropped the physical body to make the transition swifter and much less complicated. In the past it was a much more unified process. This current unique shift has caused many unexpected problems because we decided to ascend with our body intact, and this has slowed the process down which does not match our old, subconscious memory of the closure of past ages. This has created massive, consciousness divisions that have manifested as blistering levels of contempt for those who do not see reality as we do. Many people feel driven to preach their position and perspectives with furver and a fiery authority, as they can see others are not waking up the way they expect them to or the way they have. But this is simply humanity reacting out of an old, past life memory of how we ascended in the past. There is no amount of truth worth knowing if we loose compassion for humanity. We need to remember it is not going to be the same this time around, and it is not gonna go down as we expect. There has been no way to anchor or understand what is happening. The great void or unknown that we have stepped into has also caused some of humanity to grip onto what is still left of the old, known world, and this has caused polarization, anger and fear and over reaction. We have all had the rug pulled out from under us, and our survival auto pilot has engaged to protect us, as it is supposed to do. But this auto pilot has engaged in the foundational frequencies of a new world that does not support it. We already see that it is failing all around us. All we have left to stand on is to trust God within. We will see many wanting to stoke the fires of division and feed the anger and ramp up the mockery toward those who don't see things as they do. This is an issue that will continue to build throughout the rest of this year. This will continue until these different perspectives remember the larger plan and see, even with their good intentions, that we are simply acting from a past life program that no longer works in this situation. It is time to acknowledge that truth is not coming from old world platforms anymore, and we need to let them go. The way through this phase is by stepping into our unique frequencies, to follow our heart and not our exhausted ego minds. This is the divine purpose of humanity now, and it is a doorway through this ascension process. Now it is time to purposely starve the energies of the old, dualistic world by removing your attention from them. You no longer need them. The fight or flight response, and everything connected to division and separation, will not be needed in the very near future. There will be no need for defense against anything because everything will be known as from the ONE Source GOD, of which you are a divine part. The only truths, programs, systems and realities that will remain will be things based in a new, natural law of creation that comes from the Source foundation of this new world experience. Remember you are stepping into being a living master. It is important to take care of this arriving new energy and learn to use and direct it in ways that will benefit all life, not just our personal agendas. Remember, your actions, motivations, beliefs, and what you hold in your subconscious and consciousness will tell the universe what you want to create. Your intentions matter. What you prepare for is what you will manifest. Be very clear about your intentions and especially your motivations to why you act the way you do. Global awakening does not have to mean a total collapse of the old one. So it is beneficial to quit feeding that old program. We must break away from repeating old programs of building up and tearing down of civilizations for us to evolve. This was the way it was done in the past, but there are other options available now. We have an opportunity to step away from that old program and create from a new experience. We all have our many ways to support ourselves and our planet with evolved and centered heart energy. So I encourage you go out and have your actions match your awakened intent. Do uplifting things. Be kind. Be compassionate. Be inclusive. Do less judging, teaching, pushing, and be more loving, and run your life with a foundation of compassion. Everyone's path is opening on their own divine timing. Love everyone, and honor all the unique ways they choose to walk their path. When we come out the other side of this global transformation, what will matter is how we reacted to the navigation of this transformation and how we carried ourselves though this time. Remember, what perspective we feed with our energy is the one that will birth into our new world. So feed the new energy with what you want to see manifest. Could our new reality be us living in paradise? Yes it could. Fill your heart and mind with love, appreciation and gratitude. Appreciation and gratitude are some of the most powerful tools to open doorways to new experiences and dimensions. Keep your consciousness focused on the end goal, and not on the fractured divisions and destruction of the old world. Build an unshakable TRUST in the wisdom of this divine process. Know that your presence and process is going just as planned ... how could it be otherwise? Your spirit and Earth are filled with timeless wisdom, alchemy and are grounded by new laws of nature. Let go of things that are dissolving under you feet. Empower the things that are beginning just now to manifest. It takes a full 20 year cycle, a Katun cycle, to anchor the new sacred calendar that began in 2012. We are in the most intense time in this Katun, the center two years, and you are still standing! So you can celebrate that you have survived this incredible challenge of a life time, while inhabiting a clunky, human space suit that was uploaded with out-dated programs, all during during a crucial shift of an age. This is why your human spacesuit is getting such a cage rattling work out. You have had to reprogram a body while still living in it. That is a HUGE feat. Remember to expect that the new energies will be unexpected until we land fully on the other side of this transforming time. So, if you think you know what this is about right now, consider you might be mistaken. Know that if you can fully prepare for it, it is probably an alluring detour from an old program that feels safe and familiar. You have so much surprising wisdom of the ages at your disposal now if you can let go enough to reach it. And you will. We are happy to receive any heart donations to support our work in these times. https://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html |
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