Arcturian Group Message 4/19/20 [email protected] via Dear Readers, understand that you are presently engaged in one facet of earth's ascension process and that something much bigger than disease is taking place. As you witness chaos keep in mind that these times are bringing change to many universally accepted but false three dimensional concepts. Solutions to world problems of all sorts have up to now always been based in solving the problem on the level of the problem which simply does not work. New, higher, and better ways of addressing all issues will emerge from this. Do not become impatient with the process for present times are just the beginning. You are the ones who must bring about change while being fully supported from the other side. Ascension energy began long ago but has largely gone unnoticed by most. Evolution is the ongoing and unstoppable process of awakening into the reality of Divine Oneness. Many are now beginning to open to a new sense of oneness as all experience current events at the same time. Today's spiritually powerful times are guiding increasingly more individuals to question some generally accepted activities, beliefs, laws, and traditions. This in turn is opening them to examine what they hold as truth in their own consciousness be it be religious doctrine, political opinion, words from broadcast news, family/ racial tradition, or other commonly accepted group consciousness beliefs. Many are experiencing internal struggle as they are forced to cease their normal pursuit for more, bigger, and better in the belief that these things represent success. We are not referring to small businesses who are indeed facing issues of survival during these times but rather are referring to those who have based their lives on the acquisition of increasingly more in the hope that it will bring them happiness. As more individuals begin to examine the commonly accepted concept of more is better, they will open to understanding that the accumulation of material things or success in the outer scene can and will never make someone more acceptable and loveable than he/she already is, leading them to question; "What then really does make one acceptable/loveable?" Nothing outside of self can or will ever bring about fulfillment for it does not exist in the outer scene. Adulation of the rich, beautiful, and famous through emulating their actions, dress, and appearance simply indicates the spiritual un-awareness of those who believe themselves separate from and "less than" those few who have fulfilled the some three dimensional concept of success. This is not to say that the talented and gifted or those who have seriously spent their lives in service to others should not be recognized and appreciated, but rather than with blind adoration based in some concept of success or worthiness, let it be the recognition and acknowledgement of those Divine qualities manifesting in, as, and through the person. Silent, serious, questioning begins to open submerged inner doors long held shut through fear and beliefs based in duality and separation. Increasingly more individuals are beginning to realize how much of what they have accepted as truth was simply handed to and accepted by them from some authority figure. Spiritual evolution is the gradual awakening of personal and collective consciousness into new and higher awareness. The opportunity is here now. Those firmly established in and benefiting from the third dimensional belief system as it has been known feel no need to question themselves or anything in the world, preferring to maintain the status quo in order to continue benefiting from it. They work to keep everything the same and delay the awakening of collective consciousness to the new through various means meant to promote fear. However, they do not understand that the ascension train has left the station. Most humans live three dimensional lives that serve them well for many lifetimes. However, there comes a point of readiness in every individual where they find that their lives so longer resonate in the same way and they begin to seek something different. The seeking always begins with what is already known and familiar on the third dimensional level but over time expands as the person begins to understand that what he is seeking simply does not seem to exist where he is looking. The overuse of drugs, sex, and alcohol as well as suicide abounds hidden but rampant in the world of many who have actually achieved what they set out to achieve according to world standards. Having attained their goals but still feeling unfulfilled, these dear ones often turn to and become dependent upon their chosen "happiness decoy" in an attempt to cover up and quell this unfulfilled longing within, a longing that can never be satisfied through material means no matter how rich, famous, beautiful, or successful the individual. This deep inner longing is every soul's awaiting recognition and acknowledgement as individual Divinity and Oneness with God. All must eventually come to understand and accept that they are individualized Divine Consciousness and that they formed for themselves a physical body to use while on earth while working out the lessons and experiences of life lived in the denser energies. No one is or ever has been just a physical body subject to all the beliefs embodied in duality and separation. You have all lived many lifetimes and are now completing what you put in motion over those lifetimes. It may be the balancing of energies you ignorantly participated in (karma) or it may be to experience something you have not yet experienced but was necessary for your growth and awareness. You who understand and live from the deeper levels of spiritual truth have completed most of your three dimensional experiences. You have worked hard and balanced old energy and allowed cellular memory to clear. You are now prepared for the next phase of your evolution but in order to do that you must move beyond the familiar but outgrown metaphysical tools that served in the past to bring you to now. Most of these tools are based in seeking and searching for God but you have found Him/Her. There will be changes to many comfortable aspects of life. Do not expect everything to return to exactly as it was. Long favorite books, films, and activities, medicines, careers, are starting to feel old and no longer interesting because the previous energy alignment has changed. Rather than struggling to keep them the same, step back and allow them to manifest once again in a higher and better form. As cells integrate new and higher frequencies it automatically dissolves the previous denser energy. Some favorite foods and beverages will become difficult for your body to tolerate. Certain "foods" (GMO, fake, pesticide ridden) will no longer be able to align with the cells holding new and higher frequencies causing digestive issues. In spite of what you have been told and so many continue to believe, three dimensional energy is the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder, dear ones. Earth's shift to higher dimensional energy is but the beginning of your journey into an ever expanding conscious awareness of oneness with Source. Free will allows every person to embrace or refuse the choices of these times. Some will choose to continue living as they have in the past, fully embracing illusions of sense based in duality and separation. Others will utilize these times to honestly re-examine personal and global beliefs. Many are choosing it as their exit point. They are tired, their work is complete and they want to go home. which is every individual's free will choice. We would advise that you use these times to your advantage which does not mean sitting and meditating all day, but does mean becoming aware of your reactions and responses to everything that is going on both within and without. It means being willing to sweep out the favorite corners of your belief system without feeling a need to defend, justify, or maintain them. It means having the courage to let some of your most satisfying false beliefs go, the ones that may have earned you acceptance and success. Many know the truth but have not fully accepted it. There comes a point in every person's spiritual journey where they must make a decision-- Is truth simply a nice idea for like minds to ponder in conversation while speculating on its pros and cons or is truth to be accepted, integrated, and lived until it becomes an attained state of consciousness? Truth must become an attained state of consciousness in order to be experienced because consciousness is the substance of form. An intellectual knowledge of truth is but the first step toward attaining the consciousness of it. There is a bible quote; "Know the truth and the truth will make you free." Many organized religions, metaphysical groups, as well as those spiritually inclined have forgotten or simply ignore the "Know the truth" part of this statement, falsely relying only on "the truth will make you free" part. You are Divine Beings, full expressions of God and embodying all the qualities and gifts thereof. Trust that your Higher Self is always guiding as you become ready for your next step toward full consciousness. "I am ready to allow. To release the control I thought I had to maintain. To get out of my own way through letting go of concepts and beliefs that no longer serve my highest good. To accept that my Real Identity as an expression of Source already exists fully present as my safety and security, abundance, completeness and wholeness, creativity, guidance and direction, solutions, health, and everything embodied in Divine Consciousness." "I no longer need to seek for what I already AM but rather allow that which I AM to express ITSelf as me." We are the Arcturian Group 4/19/20
A Message to Lightworkers – April 17, 2020
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today. We are with you in the streams and rays of higher Light reaching your planet now, and in many of the symbols, images, energy transmissions, and comforting music so many of you are coming across in your daily life, and not “by accident.” You are feeling our presence, and the presence of soul family, increasingly as you ask for healing, renewal, direction, and for aid for your individual families, communities, countries, and planet. It is also not by accident that you find yourself in a situation of curfews and restricted outer movement. For though that can be triggering for most of you, to one degree or another, you are increasing now your inner sense of freedom—finding what these are, and what these mean to you. We speak of those areas of your awareness and inner life that remain powerfully in place, unattached to outer events, and unwavering even when feelings of uncertainty are being experienced on a global scale. “There is no part of me that is that brave!” you may be thinking. “Unless it’s pure soul presence. And I only have so much of that while in a human body.” We follow what you mean, yet again must assure you that in your increasing capability to live in Oneness with all of Creation, you are part of and accepting empowerment from forces that, while outside your physical being, are nevertheless connected to you in vital ways. This is why you see so many assuring one another right now, that However isolated you may feel to be right now, know that you are not alone. Know too that in this time when the usual day-to-day tasks and schedules have either shifted noticeably or been put on hold, that you have likewise shifted to a new place of self-determination, increased inner Wisdom, and increased understanding of your own path of growth. You see yourself differently now, because you are different.
Some of this will entail physical or emotional healing, or both. For in a time of reduced outer activity, there is often room for that which has been swept to one side to come forward, asking to finally be heard. And so we ask you not to panic if aspects of health, relationships, finances, work life, and other areas of life seem to be suddenly in question or to be suffering in some way. Much is coming forward now so that your focus will be turned toward those matters, as you call in higher forms of Love, acceptance, understanding, and healing to assist you in raising the vibration of that experience. Understand that everything relates to vibration, which directly relates to the patterns of the mind, and the energy patterns that run through and around your body and your emotional life, including those emotions you rarely access, as they are deep inside your subconscious. Merely because something is hidden from view does not mean it does not hold powerful influence over your conscious thoughts, emotions, and quality of life! These buried patterns can likewise affect your inner spiritual path powerfully, and must therefore be addressed in serious terms. For any area of question, pain, confusion, or uncertainty now, we would encourage you to grow quiet and require that your Spirit team of spirit guides, Angelic guardians, and higher self show you the best way forward. Require their guidance on who to speak to about this situation (if anyone), and what inner and outer helps to use. This can include meditations, visualizations, and energy healing, to resolve not only an outer situation that troubles you, but the energetic basis of it. You have seen for yourselves that many outer situations are outwardly curable, yet if the underlying energy pattern is not healed or dissolved, the situation will recur. They seek the underlying energetic causes of what is happening—while others concentrate mainly on the situation itself, as if that itself were the main issue. We assure you, it is not. You are yourselves coming to listen to your own intuition increasingly now, and coming to understand that very little in life is so pat and easily categorized as you have been trained to believe. Many “grey areas” of subtle energy shifts and leanings exist within your own psyche and spirit, let alone in the world around you, and the sooner you grasp this, the better. Now would be the crucial time to begin to realize the depth of the mental programming, entrainment, and unseen technologies that have governed human life, including those beliefs that one considers to be one’s own, for thousands of years. There is no easy way to release the old, except to bow to the need to realize the turn of seasons in your Universe and on your planet. Release that which no longer vibrates with your current life as True for you, which may also be so for the lives of billions of others. Life and Peaceful understanding flow much more easily when you let go of the need for explanations, the status quo, and authoritative commentary to lead you to places of calm and reassurance. Will you be using the old forms of authority to lead you, from here on? How would that be possible, when you yourselves have decided the time is here for individual and group expression of uniqueness, sovereignty, and self-empowerment? Allow that nothing is the same from here on—and that you and this new era of the Sat Yuga are the ones who have called that into being. Not a slightly revised form of the old Earth, but an entirely new construct, sprung from new ground, and fresh rain, air, and Sunlight. You are not the person you were, even one month ago. And so, how could you repeat what you have always known? Release it, and be willing to see yourself with fresh eyes. For you are a fresh and new Being, increasingly Light-based, living on Light as your main sustenance and re-forming element, and none could stop you now if they tried. Namaste, friends! We are with you, always. . Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. A Message to Lightworkers – April 10, 2020
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today. So many find themselves this week still in the thick of a global situation that feels at this point to be continuing, without much respite from the effects of so many taking ill, and so many others living in restricted and sometimes badly deprived circumstances. It is easy in these times to do one of several things: to despair as you sink into the appearances of the numbers who have fallen ill or transitioned, and the thought of those suffering in their isolation—or, to try to blank out those images with distraction, denial, and a inner world of obsessive private thought. That is understandable. You were all already dealing with various challenges, whether of health or home, or work or finances, or several of those, and now must face greater threat to the tenuous business of being at Peace within a human body. And we would say, rather than sinking energetically into what others around the world are experiencing now, take opportunity—out of necessity—to live all the more in the present moment. Require their assistance in not only remaining calm, but centered on accepting that your world is in the midst of a very great shift. And that what feels to be a sort of earthquake or tsunami can instead be the opening of a great door, a great portal you have long sought after. We do not say this to take lightly what so many experience now, in the uncertainty of your current time. It offers a strong mix—the vulnerability of the human condition, rooted as it still is in many of the forms, thoughts, and systems of the third dimension—with the power of your soul and true self. You are being given a great chance to step into those phases of understanding, Wisdom, and neutrality that would have eluded you in times past, yet which in these times of higher Light and on your current timeline, are now presented to you. This is in fact a portal to one of the great secrets and the great mysteries of spiritual discovery in human life. This is what the poet Oriah Mountain Dreamer speaks of in the poem “The Invitation,” when she comments: It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon … I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. For what the human race is now experiencing, this is powerful wisdom! “Powerful medicine,” our writer would say, of the energetic kind. Can you sit with the pain, the uncertainty, the losses and lack of answers, and not move to hide, or fade, or fix it now? Can you sit with the pain that is Not Knowing, and realize, deep down, that you possess a connection to the All Knowing, and that All Is Well, whether or not your conscious mind gives its permission to label it as such? In later lines, the poet comments: I want to know if you can see Beauty even when it’s not pretty every day And if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure yours and mine and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes.” Here is true spiritual inquiry, true vision quest at the most inconvenient, least looked for, least desired moment. This kind of journey does not mean you have “gone wrong” somewhere. Most assuredly, you have “failed,” as a race of beings, to be fulfilled or encapsulated or contained by the systems you have lived under for many thousands of years. Have failed to be good at slavery, at unthinking obedience to those forms that have never flowed easily with your own spirit. Have failed to be heard some days by one another, and yet, have also failed to entirely shut out the voice of your own higher selves and the higher presence of another. By the end of the poem, the poet demands a release of all masks, all cultural or social façades, enclosures, and self-protections: It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back. It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. This is a powerful invocation to remember who you are, dear ones, outside of all circumstance, outside of all space-time. It is an invitation to call forward the kind of bravery that is not bravery so much as a letting go, once you stand in that energetic space. Letting go of needing anyone or anything beyond the breath you carry within you, and the higher Light you came forward with upon the moment of your birth. So that by the end of the poem, Mountain Dreamer insists: I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments. One could call this void, this great portal you travel through now, an empty moment. You are unsure of what lies ahead, though your inner vision tells you there must be Unity, and there must be Peace, higher awareness, Abundance, and higher guidance for all, somehow being birthed within it. With that comes the Knowing that you create these by not by “needing” them, but by releasing them. By calling to your own higher life, an Ascended form of living, as so many of you once called to an animal in the wild whom you knew and walked amongst, who trusted your wisdom and your connection with them. They walk by your side now, ready for the next journey, and we assure you, you are already on the path. Namaste, friends! We are with you, always. . Quotes from “The Invitation” by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, . Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. A Message form Jesus
through John Smallman Stop trying to shut yourselves out from Reality. With the COVID-19 pandemic very much on people’s minds I would like to offer some loving guidance to assist you in coming to accept what is occurring so that you do not become unduly fearful or anxious. As you know, the collective awakening of humanity is divinely assured, and your task is to continue to BE Love in every moment, because this greatly assists this magnificent divine event in its unfoldment precisely as divinely planned. You are Love, so all you have to do is to be yourselves. That means to let go of or release the personas or masks – your professional personal face that you present in the work-place, or the regular adult face that you present in other interactive situations, and also the 5-8 year old emotionally reactive child within that explodes occasionally without warning – that you normally present as yourselves when meeting with or in any way interacting with others. In other words, Be the You that you know yourselves to be – loving, caring individuals who truly delight in knowing that you are alive, and who also delight to see others alive and well. It takes no effort, just total self-acceptance without judgment of any kind, just as Mother/Father/God totally accepts you. When you do this you will truly meet and interact with real people, other beloved children of God, because others will respond to you in like manner revealing their true selves, instead of in the more regular and ‘cautious’ fashion that you all mostly experience from others in your normal daily lives. To be alive is to be in joy; but very many of you choose to focus on what you dislike or even abhor in your lives, and this leads immediately to dissatisfaction, often intense dissatisfaction, so that the true and ever-present joy of life is hidden from you by your engagement with thought processes that have absolutely nothing to do with the present moment. Therefore, set the intent frequently throughout the day to be aware, to be conscious, and to observe and engage with the wondrous miracle that is your life in this ever-present now moment. Life has a purpose, namely to know God. As humans in form, and being severely limited by that form, to know God seems to be beyond the bounds of possibility, especially when to “know God” means to be constantly aware of being at every moment in His Presence. A few have come very close to that knowing, and have shared their experiences as best they can within the limitations of language, so that others may understand what is readily available to them, and then also seek to share in that most wondrous experience. You all believe in God, and seek ways to commune with Him through prayer, meditation, and contemplation, and doing this regularly with unforced intent does strengthen your faith, while at the same time leading you to understand quite clearly that your life’s purpose is to know God. When that purpose is clear to you it becomes much easier to behave only lovingly whatever may arise, and when you do this you find yourselves meeting Love in many delightful and unexpected places, further strengthening your faith. To awaken is to know God, and your awakening is drawing ever closer as you gently release your needy grasp on the unreality of the material world. The world that is constantly presenting you with myriad distractions, as the egoic freight train of thoughts runs almost continuously through your brains, dispersing worrisome thoughts about unlikely possibilities that might happen to you if you are not careful and, at the same time, adequately prepared. Your egos, building on the fears that have already been established within you – during growth from infancy to adulthood – encourage you to maintain a supply of products that you are firmly convinced are absolutely essential for your survival, further distracting you from living the miracle that is life in joy and gratitude. All this groundless fear needs to be seen, recognized, faced, and released, thus opening your hearts to allow Love to fill them. Hearts filled with Love are, of course, totally fearless, except when fear is momentarily required to bring your attention to an immediate threat that has to be dealt with in that precise moment, such as a vehicle bearing down upon you unseen as you cross the street. The current pandemic is demonstrating very potently that, in spite of the present very temporary need for ‘social distancing,’ that there is no such state as ‘independence,’ that there is only ‘interdependence,’ on one another and, of course, on the Earth without which there would be no possibility of life in human form. But this is not a co-dependent relationship, it’s a relationship of sharing, caring, and engaging with life through one another, and with the Earth that so lovingly supports you all in full acknowledgment of the Oneness of all in God. Therefore, in these unsettling times, it is essential that you focus regularly every day on your unbreakable relationship with Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – the divine field of energy in which all that is created has its eternal existence in joy-filled bliss. You are One. God delights in You. And without You, and you, God would be incomplete, but God, who is absolute perfection, is always complete. So, to reiterate very firmly, Be the Love that you are, and judge no one! Judgment is always self-judgment no matter what form it may appear to take, so why would you attempt to be in conflict with God who loves all and judges none? Stop trying to shut yourselves out from Reality through negative judgments of self or others, and instead, claim your Love, the love of self that is an absolutely essential aspect of our all-inclusive One divine nature, and then, in doing so, experience the joy and bliss, that is God’s eternal gift to all of creation, by offering It constantly to self and to all others. Your loving brother, Jesus. Arcturian Group Message [email protected] via APRIL 5, 2020 Dear readers, in these present times of stress and confusion, allow yourselves to rejoice in the realization that everything taking place at this time is bringing in the changes you have sought, hoped, and prayed for since incarnating into this present lifetime. You who are spiritually awake will become the way showers, those who will be helping others open to new and more evolved ideas, solutions, and general ways of living. Present times are making life difficult for everyone but you must realize that the cessation of "busy-ness" is an effective way to bring about activities of Oneness where it can then be recognized, experienced, and begin integrating into the collective. Mankind is in the midst of an evolutionary experience that is about shifting from fear to love. Is it not interesting that it is taking place at the time of the Christian holy day of Easter--a time of death, entombment, and then resurrection? The virus is not a punishment, nor was it chosen as being necessary for your evolution. The disease you are witnessing today represents the exposure and clearing of false, old, hidden, dense, and no longer valid energy (beliefs) based in duality and separation, energies that have been fed and kept alive for hundreds of thousands of years by the unenlightened consciousness of the majority. The time has arrived in man's spiritual evolution to move beyond the three dimensional concepts and beliefs that have and continue to hold the majority in bondage. Spiritual evolution is an ongoing process governed by the higher dimensions as well as each individual's Higher Self. Spiritual evolution or lack thereof has never been or ever can be controlled by individuals or groups who stand to benefit by keeping mankind locked in ignorance. Every individual is a Divine Being destined to awaken to their reality at some point. Things will eventually quiet down but do not expect them to go back exactly the way they were for they will not, cannot. Present times are birthing a new world consciousness, one that is learning to see others in a new and higher way and which will eventually lead to the dissolving of separation based rules, laws, concepts, beliefs, and ideas. You are a part of this because you chose to be a part of it. Change is not going to happen over night, but the process has begun. Those leaving earth at this time have chosen to do so on a deeper level. Death is always a personal choice regardless of how it may appear. Every individual has the free will choice to go or to stay. Many leaving are simply tired, and their contracts are complete and so have chosen the virus as their mode for leaving. Others are leaving in order to return to a more evolved world at a later time. Some leave because they believe they can better serve earth's ascension process from the other side. Everyone has Guides and a Higher Self always assisting them to make choices that best serve their spiritual evolution. Three dimensional ignorance has created a belief system that says; 1. Every person must try to stay on earth in body at any cost to self or others. 2. That success is about accumulating as much "stuff" as one can. 3. That one must do whatever it takes (drugs, activities, etc.) to always feel happy. Life is about spiritual evolution, about waking up to oneness with Source and all that IT IS. Everything else simply represents the experiences and distractions, some good and some bad, necessary to eventually bring each individual to a readiness for truth. Isolation is providing everyone the opportunity to stop doing, doing, doing and just be. Success during these times is not about how many rolls of toilet paper one can accumulate but is about doing no-thing--allowing, being, and clearing the mind of all the three dimensional nonsense that has come to be thought of as acceptable, important, and necessary. It is about reconnecting with your Real Self in new ways while acknowledging the Divinity of everyone else as well, even those you don't like. It is about recognizing and letting go of the "shoulds" and "should nots" that have ruled your life and allowing the I AM to express as and through you. It is only through receptivity, pondering, then allowing and living truth does it then integrate and become an attained state of consciousness. Many see present circumstances as an inconvenient delay in their getting back to things as usual. Life is not going be be the same as it was before because consciousness, the substance of form, is changing. Masculine energy (active, be-er, do-er) is gradually integrating and balancing with feminine energy (receptive, intuitive, love) and the result is going to be that the masculine without the feminine balance will no longer be able to hold dominance and power over everything as it has in the past. It was necessary to at least temporarily halt the striving for more, more, more regardless of who got hurt in the process while believing that more equals better and makes one superior in some way. The third dimensional world must stop polluting and harming the the very source of its life and health--Mother Earth. Three dimensional human minds will continue finding ways to destroy each other and the planet for profit and gain if old concepts and beliefs remain. The continual drive for more, more, more needs to be quieted and hopefully people will begin to seriously question and begin to take action on issues like the polluted water, food, and air that is harming (killing) all forms of life including humans, issues that are generally accepted simply because they increase some business's bottom line. Humans are meant to be the caretakers of earth dear ones, but greed has caused present conditions which cannot continue. Gaia, her people, and her creatures are sick and you are witnessing it now. Those of you drawn to these messages are already caretakers well aware of the oneness of all life and so will be the ones explaining this to those drawn to you for guidance. You will be explaining that this is a spiritual universe peopled by sons of God rather than purely physical human beings at the mercy of every belief floating about in collective consciousness. You can tell them about energy and how each person's state of consciousness creates their world and situations. Your work is about to begin dear ones, It is what you have been preparing for even though you were not aware of it. It is why you chose to be here at this time. Let go of any concepts you may hold about how the work must look, for it will be different for each depending upon the circumstances and individuals involved. For some the work may simply be to hold the Light of truth for the world. Some drawn to you will be only capable of assimilating the "baby food" of truth, while others will be ready for a full course meal. Allow your intuition to guide you as to which is which rather than following some protocol you may have been taught along the way. All is proceeding according to plan and your job is to allow the process to unfold without resistance. Even though appearances testify to discord and suffering, the reality is that a great deal is going on behind the scenes. Collective consciousness is opening into new levels but as of yet most are unable to comprehend anything beyond outer appearances. Be practical, follow the guidelines, but don't let your actions be reactions based in fear Sit quietly and ask yourself. "What am I believing? What do I continue holding as truth in my consciousness? Am I willing to live truth or am I too afraid? Should I remain in third dimensional consciousness where I know what to expect even though it reflects duality and separation?" The time is now. The time is upon everyone. The time has arrived to live what you know dear ones for this is only the beginning and there is much to come. We are the Arcturian Group 4/5/2020 Donations are welcomed |
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