Mary Magdalene's Message 11-18-2019
Lea Chapin Greetings Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, it is I, Mary Magdalene. Yeshua is here as well. We say to you Dear Ones, that as this energy of 11/11 has been emitted around the globe, that the powerful frequency of peace, love, harmony and balance is now covering the planet like a blanket, like a covering of a beautiful frequency of Divine Love and Divine Peace. Just as in your wintertime when the snow covers the ground from a fresh snowstorm, and the beauty of the snow over the landscape bring the peace and tranquility onto the land. This is the energy of the vibration that was emitted at our last gathering, and for each of you Dearest Children this energy is now being embodied into your consciousness, into your subconscious and into all aspects of your being. So I say to you Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, please allow yourself to receive this frequency, for each of you are now being shifted into a higher vibrational frequency of Divine Line that will transcend all negativity. As you allow yourself to be gifted this gift upon this day, may you hold within your breath, and may you hold within your intention that you are love and that you are loved. That you are love and that you are loved. May you hold the vibration with your intention that you are love and you are loved. Truly may the love of God surround you, and the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. So today as we stand with you and we stand beside you, may you allow us to lift your frequency and your vibration into this energy of peace so that you are no longer affected by the distortions and the energies that are around you, that are not in resonance with your own vibration. Just as has been spoken, you are able to hold your light, to hold your love, to hold your frequency in the darkest of places and discordant energy, and not be affected by the frequency. So I will say this again, you are being assisted in raising your vibration by Yeshua and myself, so that you are not affected by the discordant energies on the earth plane, or by other individuals, people, places or things, that are not in resonance to your vibration. Therefore Dearest Ones, this is the gift that we are gifting you today, so that you may be at peace, that you may be the vessel of peace, that you may be the vessel of love that you are here to be, that you are intended to be. We ask you Dearest Ones to hold this within your consciousness, and with your understanding that there is nothing to be frightened of, but we are placing a seal of protection around each of you, so that your own energetic frequencies are protected, just like the cloak of invisibility that we have told you about many times before, where if you are in danger or feel uncomfortable, please place the cloak of invisibility around you and you will be invisible to those who wish to harm you. So today as we place this seal of energy around you, you are being gifted this vibration because of your dedication and your willingness to serve, and to be served. Today as you hold the light within your third eye begin to see the light that we are bringing to you, so that you may share this light onto the world, like a lighthouse, each of you are like a lighthouse, helping others to find their way. As you hold the peace and the love and the tranquility within your essence, you are helping others to find their way. One by one by one, like a lighthouse, your light is emitting energy and frequencies to others, so they may find their way here on this earth plane, so they may find peace and tranquility, comfort and love. So as we say to you, Dearest Children, that all that you have done to prepare yourself to raise your frequency to this new level is now being received. Upon this day each of you are being shifted and elevated into another consciousness, into another frequency, into another vibratory level that will allow you to hold more light within your body, more light within your consciousness, and to be at peace at all times, without being distorted by other peoples’ energy fields, without being affected emotionally, physically, energetically. As we have said before, there are many souls unbeknownst to the world that are transmuting the distorted energies on this planet for humanity. Many of these beloved souls are advanced souls who are becoming physically ill with many diseases, with cancer, with Parkinson’s, with rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s, dementia, to name a few. These beloved old souls are transmuting the energy of the distortions upon the earth plane by acquiring these diseases and transmuting these energies in their physical bodies, in many ways sacrificing their personal lives and their health for the collective of humanity and all of creation. This may seem to be implausible and many may dispute this, but we say these beloved old souls have come to the earth plane to transmute the energy of the distorted energy upon the planet, and for some, this is how they are doing it. They are choosing to transmute these frequencies, creating illness or disease or distortions within their own personal body for the greater good of humanity. So this is a bold statement, as we say, but it is truth. So perhaps you can see your fellow brother and sister in a new light, as they are suffering and sacrificing their own lives for the greater good. At this time, we say that there is another way of transmuting this energy, and so we are gifting this to each of you today. As if we are placing a beautiful diamond light seal of energy in your third eye, there within your pineal and pituitary glands we are placing this diamond light energy that will enable you to transmute negative energies from your energetic field, and you are not affected, it will not affect your physical body, your mental body, your emotional body, your energetic body. You are then sovereign over your own energetic field. You are able to go anywhere in the world and be sovereign over your own energy field. You may make a choice if you wish to stay in a frequency that does not seem compatible, but it will not affect you. The negativity of others will not affect you, the lower vibrational frequencies will not affect you. You will begin to feel the attributes and the higher frequencies of peace, love, joy and harmony. This will begin to affect you, in a sense this will become heightened, so for all of you, you will not be affected by the lower frequencies but the higher vibrational frequencies you will be more attuned to. You will feel more joy, you will feel more happiness, you will feel more contentment, you will feel more balanced. This is what people have been waiting for, for the year of 2020, this is what many are feeling, this sense of a new vibrational shift, this is the energy that is being gifted to humanity, and you today are privy to this information and to this energy. All those who will listen will receive this as well. One by one all souls and all sentient beings on this earth plane will become immune to the energies around them. As if they are no longer affected by the negativity, they are no longer affected as empaths who have not been able to transmute other peoples’ frequencies. All of you are empaths to certain degrees, you are being given this gift of transmutation. And so as you begin to call in this frequency of the diamond light, that is now being gifted to you in your third eye, you shall receive this special healing and compensation that will allow you to move forward into your life stream, with greater strength, endurance and love that you’ve ever felt before. This is a powerful, powerful clearing that is being gifted to all those who choose to receive. So today as you feel this level of intensity and this level of purity, know that within your own soul, that you are receiving this vibration because you have earned the right to receive it. So I ask you to take a deep breath and claim this, and bring it into your consciousness, and begin to trust and allow and receive this gift, that wherever you are, throughout the rest of your incarnation and throughout eternity of time, you are sovereign over your own energy field, and you are not affected by lower frequencies and vibrations that are not of your match and vibration. You do not have to think about this, you do not have to constantly protect yourself, but you may choose to do so if you so shall. We place this seal around you, as it is a permanent seal of protection and an energetic frequency of divine proportion. What you choose to believe is up to you, what you choose to accept is up to you, but we gift this to you today, as a gift of allowance, for you have given and given and it is your time to receive. We gift this to you now as we allow you to move through your life stream. We say to you Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, that this energy is very powerful, that is now being brought forth into your energy fields. We are sorry for the disruption, but as we have implanted this within your energetic fields, it was like a lightning bolt had hit you, and your telephone and receiving devices, and so know that at this time, that this is of great importance, that this energy, that we have promised to you, will protect you in your life stream. There is no reason to worry about being affected by energies that are discordant, and also you do not have to acquire any diseases or mental loss such as dementia or Alzheimers to be able to transmute these energies. You may choose how you wish to remain sovereign over your own energy field, and so today this powerful frequency is extremely potent, and as you stand in the light and the love of God’s healing energy upon this day, you are blessed and anointed with God’s love, as each of you are creators of your own life stream, and now as we say, each of you can move through the world, be in the world but not of it. You can move through the life stream and not be affected by other peoples’ frequencies. Even during the time of Atlantis and Lemuria, when the Great Fall occurred and those civilizations were destroyed, because of the darkness, those souls that were holding the light for those civilizations were not able to be protected in some ways from the adversity of the energy, but now, in this current time, in this current civilization, you have reached a pinnacle where you are able to be protected, and you will not be affected by the group consciousness, or the collective consciousness that is being emitted upon the planet minute by minute, moment by moment, second by second. If you could understand or see all the energy that is being emitted upon the planet, with every thoughtform, and if you could understand that this is affecting you in more ways that you realize, that is why we are gifting you this gift, that is why we are bringing this transmission to the world, and why the world is in need of this understanding, so that peace and love and harmony can be the most predominant frequencies on the earth. For you see, within the next 10,000 years, this planet will have completed the experiment of being the free will planet. The planet is to return back to peace, harmony and love. In way ways, this is the last hurrah for Mother Earth and for civilization to complete its cycle of free will. So today as you enter into this state of consciousness, and you realize that you are a free will being, and you are much more powerful than you can imagine, that you will choose to remain sovereign over your own energy field, and that you are in control of that which enters into your energy field. By this seal of protection that we place over you, you are protected, because of your due diligence and because we need you to hold the energy of peace and love upon this planet, now that this energy of peace has been emitted in a more powerful form, in your last transmission on November 11, 2019, in preparation for the year 2020, that we are now bringing this frequency to you. What a gift that you are receiving. You may not understand this completely, but we are bringing this frequency out of our love and devotion to you, and because of your love and devotion to Mother Gaia, and to all of creation. So again, for those who are on the call today, those who will listen, those who wish to receive will be gifted this healing, and truly know that the love of God surrounds you, the power of God protects, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. This is a powerful transmutation of energy that is occurring upon you on this day, a powerful transmutation of energy that is occurring upon you on this day. Your lives will never be the same again, this is the gift that we bring to you, your physical lives will never be the same again, you’ll have more energy, more clarity of purpose, more clarity of understanding what is happening around you and in your world, and you will be able to move through your mission work and complete the trajectory of your life purpose without distraction or distortion. So trust in the divine wisdom that we are bringing to you, trust in the divine wisdom that we are bringing to you, trust in this divine wisdom that we are bringing to you. This is the energy of the wisdom keepers, you are all the wisdom keepers holding the template of peace and love for this planet. So this is our gift to you, this is in preparation for the new year of 2020. So simply breathe in this frequency and call in the love, call in the peace, call in the tranquility. May the energy of the Living God live in inside of you, and may you feel this transformation as it is occurring upon this day. Your physical body will begin to respond, you may begin to feel lighter and lighter and your own chakras, your own meridian system and all of your cells within your physical body are being light. More and more light is being infused into your system, and your own light body becomes brighter and brighter, and as we have said, you are like a light house and others will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. You are like a light house, more and more individuals will be drawn to you, and your work will become more potent and more powerful and more healing, whatever you are doing, as we have said before, the vibration of peace is felt within your energy field, through the soles of your feet, whatever you touch, whatever your thought forms, they are of peace. They are like droplets of rain that are being left onto the world, wherever you travel, you are leaving your energy for others to feel and to receive. Know that we come to you and bring comfort and joy. So today know that as you bring this vibration of comfort and joy into your life stream, that your heart now is open to receiving all of blessings that are within your cosmic bank, more and more blessings, more and more miracles, more and more shifts of consciousness are taking place within your being, and so your eyes will become brighter, your skin will illuminate, and your voice will continue to hold the resonance of peace, love and harmony, as the energy in which you hold is powerful. And continue to know, Dearest Children, that we have gifted you this gift, because you have been the warriors of light, holding the light for this planet for eons and eons and generations of time, lifetimes and lifetimes, and now this powerful gift is being gifted to you today, as you are part of the legion of St. Michael, as you are part of the galactic federation. You are not alone, you have never been alone, and yet today this infusion of energy is monumental, and so as you accept this gift, be at peace, be at peace, be at peace, and truly know that you are loved, loved by all of creation, loved by Yeshua and myself, as you know that we are the twin flames holding the template of peace and love for this planet. It was our mission collectively and individually, and each of you are a part of our collective light, holding this powerful frequency in your own template, in your etheric blueprint, bringing peace and love to the world. Now go my children with joy within your heart, and accept this beautiful gift upon this day. Do not worry, do not over analyze it, simply receive it, surrender, trust, allow and receive this gift that we give to you today, surrender, trust, allow and receive as we give this gift to you this day, go my beloved children with love within your heart, and know that we are so grateful and we are in gratitude to each of you for all that you have done, all that you have brought forward, and so we thank you for your beloved, beloved devotion and dedication to the supreme one and to Mother Gaia, we honor you, we bless you, now go in peace. © Copyright 2018 Lea Chapin. All rights reserved. No part of this written transmission may be reproduced by any means without written permission from the author Lea Chapin. Sharing with other individuals or groups is permitted only in the original form and text of the channeled message per Lea Chapin.
Mary Magdalene Message
OCTOBER 21, 2019 LEA CHAPIN Greetings and welcome my Dear Ones, yes it is I, Christ. As I come to bring the message of remembrance once again to each of you. Today as we speak about the energy of remembrance, we ask you to begin to take a deep breath and begin to breathe in the energy of oneness and the energy of unity. As if you are simply breathing in the energy into your pineal gland. I would ask you, simply, Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, to begin to take a deep breath, and simply begin to breathe in the energy of remembrance, breathing into your pineal gland, beginning to activate the oneness to all that is. So Dear Ones as I stand with you and Mary Magdalene stands beside you, we each begin to activate your pineal gland at this time so that you can begin to remember. Remember union, to remember union, to remember the sacred union within yourselves. To remember the sacred union with all of life. So Dear Ones, as we ask you to take this deep, inhaling breath, and simply begin to breathe in the energy of the white light of God, begin to access the remembrance from the recesses of your mind, and simply begin to relax, letting go and letting God. Relax, letting go and letting God. At the time of your inception as a beautiful spirit, when you made the choice to enter into the continent of Lemuria, each of you came forward with your own awareness and your own knowingness, into that ancient continent, into that ancient land. In your purity and in your innocence. As you lived and you thrived upon that continent, with the remembrance of oneness, your beautiful spirit, as they say, was in heaven. Heaven on earth. As you lived with the connection and the remembrance to all that is. So I ask at this time, as you begin to trigger your memory, and as you begin to reactivate the pineal gland, and begin to assist your energetic field to begin to return to oneness, to return to the state of grace, to return to the state of peace and balance in which you were created, in which you have once thrived, we ask you to bring this into your consciousness, and once again begin to feel the love, begin to feel the love, begin to feel the love. Letting go and letting God. Return your energy to this pure state of innocence, of letting go and letting God. So now as you feel this frequency begin to emerge within you, of a sense of peace and tranquility upon your soul, may your heart begin to awaken to the memories and to the remembrance of all that you are. During your life in Lemuria, those days were filled with abundance, peace, joy and tranquility. Those were some of the happiest memories that are held within your own cellular memory, within your Akashic records. We ask you to begin to access this frequency, so that you can begin to live your life here on this earth plane in this current civilization with the same joy, with the same freedom, with the love within your heart, and be at peace. We ask you at this time once again to breathe into this frequency of remembrance, into your pineal gland, so that you can begin to access the memories, the feelings, the sensations, and the unity that is yours to be recaptured. For each of you are standing at a threshold, for this is a tipping point in your current civilization. It is why there is a such a rise in what you call anger and negativity, and discordant behavior. This tipping point is now allowing each who so choose to return back to the original state of peace, unity, love and oneness in which all were created. So you see, Dearest Ones, it is like a plateau, as you now begin to return to that sacred balance, and return back to the sacred light of all that is. I ask you to continue to breathe into your pineal gland, relax, letting go and letting God. So today as you feel this energy upsurging within you, may you begin to once again feel this energy of the ascension flame now beginning to rise within you. As you begin to call forth your own ascension, and returning back to your original state of being as a beautiful child of God, as a magnificent being of grand proportion. So simply begin to breathe, breathe in the light, breathe in the energy of the ascension flame, for at the time when Lemuria begin to falter, many of you began to feel this energy within you, and you began to feel this sense of urgency, that it was time to leave. It was time to leave your beloved Lemuria, and so the beautiful, powerful energy of the spirit of Labrador stepped forward to assist many of you to migrate to what is known now as Telos, to Mt. Shasta California. Under the beautiful mountain of Mt. Shasta. So as Labrador brought forth as many souls as he could bring forward, all of you here upon this call today were a part of that migration, all of you were a part of the group of souls who had survived the fall. So today as you re-remember within your own force field of energy, the strength and the devotion that you brought to Telos, to the underground city that was to be built under the mountain. The new Lemuria, the new civilization. You all were a part of that migration. So today as you call in this energy of your remembrance, that you are strong and powerful spirits who have thrived and you have survived during the highs and the lows of the Lemurian civilization, and now in this current civilization at this time, you see you are at a pinnacle, a crossroads. Your civilization is at a crossroads, and each of you now are standing in your energy and your power and your frequency. And you are holding the same strength, and commitment and love for this planet and all of life forms to return back to peace, unity, oneness and love. Regardless of what you understand and regardless of what you are doing within your current, physical lives, in your personal incarnations, your spirit essence, your spirit form, is holding the energy of the ascension flame for the ascension of this planet, for your own ascension, and for all life forms. Yes Dear Ones, it is I, Adama. I come here with the Christ, holding the three-fold flame, of the ascension flame, within your heart, once again reactivating your pineal gland so that you may remember, remember, remember. Remember your unity and oneness with all of life, that what you have brought forth during your time and your physical existence in Lemuria, and your time here in Telos, is as valuable to all of life as it was then, as it is now. This may be somewhat difficult for each of you to understand, but there is a certain aspect of your spirit that still lives in Telos. You are physically existing there in our underground city with us. So know at this time that we call to each of you, and we bow to each of you for having the courage to what we call transcend your remembrance, and return into your earthly incarnation with the surface population, and bring the energies of our energies to the surface of this planet. All of you are located in different regions on this planet, and each of you are holding the ascension flame, and each of you are carrying the torch, for liberty, justice to be received by all. Just as the beautiful energy of the statue of liberty, Lady Liberty, holds this freedom energy for your planet, each of you are holding the torch of the ascension flame so this planet can return back to its original state of beauty, oneness, love and peace. Do not give up hope, as they say, for hope prevails. And know at this time that regardless of what seems to be, all is in order and all is as it should be. We here in Telos, as we continue to hold the ascension flame, see hope for your planet, and as the Dear Christ has spoken, your current civilization is at a tipping point, and as each of you are receiving this information, you are continuing to be flooded with more and more of the ascension flame that is filling your hearts and your remembrance to this beautiful energy of freedom. Regardless of your earthly concerns, regardless of the earthly dilemmas, problems, strife and struggles, you each are free to transcend these lower frequencies of your human consciousness, and enter into this state of peace, grace and tranquility. So Dear Ones know that you have mastered so much and that as you continue to be with us in Telos, an aspect of yourself, as you are transcended into your humanness, into your higher conscious state of being, allow yourself to receive at this time, the beautiful diamond heart that we give to each of you, as we here in Telos infuse this diamond heart over your merkabic field. This insures you that you will hold the energy of your remembrance, of who you truly are, and as an old, old Lemurian and a beautiful spirit that has entered into a beautiful state of grace. At this time, know that all is falling into place, all is in order and all is as it should be, there is nothing for you to be frightened of, there is nothing for you to be concerned with, simply hold the ascension flame and your consciousness in your purity, and you are doing the work that you have come to do, you are holding the energy to uplift this planet and all souls. So do not struggle, do not worry, do not focus on the difficulties, but simply hold the ascension flame as if it is a torch, like a the beautiful state of liberty, continuing to hold this energy of strength that you all hold, perhaps this is a new way of thinking, Dearest Children, there is no struggle there is no strife, it is simply about merging into this state of wonderment, and beauty and tranquility, calmness and peace. This is how we live in Telos, we are simply asking you to re-remember on a conscious level, in your humanness. As you re-remember that you are one with us, and that coming home to Telos, that you are one with us, and that coming home to Telos is coming home to yourself. At any time you are able to enter into the chambers through your own consciousness, and as you allow your heart to open and your mind to be healed, may you begin to feel this remembrance of what it is like to return home again. Feeling it, embodying it and embracing it, coming home again. Truly may the love of God surround you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. May you feel the presence of our energy, of all of your Lemurian brothers and sisters, and yes I, Adama. We stand with you, we stand beside you, we ask that you hold this remembrance within your heart. So Dearest Children, as you call in this remembrance, that you are one with all of life, and as you call in this frequency of the ascension flame, burning within the embers of your mind, in your heart, within your consciousness, and in your pineal gland, you are simply set free. Let go and let God, let go and let God. You are set free, let go and let God. So today as you stand with us, we are proud to say and call you our brave Lemurian brothers and sisters, who have chosen to transcend your humanness. So Dear Ones, as you step forward in the power, when you left the beautiful continent of Lemuria, and came to the underground city of Telos, you knew that this was of great consequence, for the survival of our civilization, and today as you are in your current civilization, in your current incarnation, you continue to hold this frequency for all life forms, and for this we are grateful onto you. Know Dear Ones that you are not separate from us, you are no different from us, for we are all one, and you once again are welcomed to return into your remembrance, and we will open the doors for you to have the conscious remembrance of your life in Telos with us, in your human consciousness, feeling the balance, feeling the unity, feeling the peace, feeling the joy. We ask you at this time, Dearest Children, to step forward and once again place the ascension flame into your heart, knowing that you are ascending and assisting the planet to ascend with the vibration of one thought that all is as it should be, all is in order, all is in order, all is in order. So Dearest Ones, feel the power, feel the strength, feel the glory, and once again feel this freedom of your ascension flame, your own individualized, personalized ascension flame, the torch that is carrying you through and beyond this incarnation, and through eternity. I will step aside now and allow the Christ to finish the message of the day. I thank you my beloved Lemurian brothers and sisters, it is I Adama. I send you my grace. And so Dear Sons and Daughters it is I, Christ. I ask each of you to once again hold the energy of the ascension flame within your heart, within your mind, within your consciousness as you step forward into your own ascension upon this day, knowing that with each hour, with each moment, that you are serving the living God and serving all life forms with your dedication and your commitment, as you have done so many times before, continuing to serve, continuing to be served, and so we stand with you upon this day, in this beautiful energy of remembrance. Go forth in peace, go forth in glory, go forth with the understanding once again that all is in order and all is as it should be. My Mary and I stand with you. We stand bringing the energy of Sacred Union, I remember union, once again into your souls, into your consciousness, into the essence of your being. Step forward Dearest Children with peace and love within your heart, and we thank you for your commitment and your dedication and your love, and until we speak again, feel and embrace your magnificence. Go in peace. A Special 11:11 Gateway Message -
November 11, 2019 Caroline Oceana Ryan This week's guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today. Though it has been at work for a while now, the 11:11 Gateway, now reached upon your Earthly calendars, has opened a portal of magnificent Awakening, Renewing, and Becoming. Be aware that as your own consciousness shifts, you magnify the Light coming into the Earth—both Her surface and Her Inner Earth life. And that you magnify the Awakening now occurring through humanity, your galaxy, and your Universe. This is no small thing! This is the unprecedented Rebirth and Expansion for which you have prayed, watching carefully each day of your life for signs that a great new Beginning was indeed occurring, and not only in your dream state. And so now you begin to view your life very differently. You see it now not simply as a series of events, people, conversations, growth spurts, and realizations, but as part of a great wave of Joyful Becoming that you chose to be a part. You begin now to increasingly remember your full Earth journey and mission, your true Self, your Divinity, your Beauty and Truth. You begin to see that the long line of incidences and even the trauma of your Earth lives cannot define you. You begin instead to accept the Power and Beauty of your physical transience, as symbolic of your constant ability to re-form, re-shape, and renew your outer self for whatever journey most fascinates and enthralls you. And this Ascension journey is the one you have chosen for now. And so you may ask, “Let go of the trauma? Do you realize that my neural pathways run entirely along the lines of recalling and reliving the trauma every day of my life—even that which I don’t recall in detail?” To which we would say, Yes, of course. We follow. And yet, understand that this powerful stream of higher Light and the Light data they contain, now flowing onto your Earth, is paving the way for the restoration of those DNA strands once taken out of you, and is rerouting or releasing the very pathways—the trauma lines—you speak of. And so we bow again to your ongoing strength and ability to Renew, to Restore that which was once mere matter into a crystalline structure of re-shapeable pure energy of a higher order than humanity has known for a very long time. You are not only here to see it. You are here to welcome it in and anchor it fully as it reaches toward you, sentient and alive, knowing you have awaited this moment. Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Love never discriminates, it is unconditionally accepting of All that God has created.
Nov. 1, 2019 , by John Smallman Here in the spiritual realms – which of course is not ‘a place’ but is the One infinite energy field of Love, Mother/Father/God, where All That Is has Its eternal Presence, and therefore, where all sentient life has its eternal existence, even when unaware of this – we are joyfully observing humanity’s long anticipated awakening process approaching fruition. All is proceeding beautifully. The chaos, conflict, and confusion in so many areas is drawing to a close because the collective intent to awaken has intensified enormously over the course of this current Earth year. The human collective intent has limitless power when finely focused, and it is now being focused very intently on being loving whatever arises. Obviously each one you holding that intent – because you are each the One that is the human collective – is extremely effective. You are doing the task that you incarnated to do, and you are doing it magnificently.And this is, of course, what was expected, because you are all divine beings starting to remember who you truly are, and consequently you are also remembering why you chose to incarnate at this moment in humanity’s awakening process. Stay calm, peaceful, and loving, regardless of what may be happening, because that is the most effective and powerful way that you can each move the awakening process forward towards its completion. This is what you incarnated to do, so do not let your own egos, or anyone else’s for that matter, persuade you that what you are doing is meaningless or ineffectual, because it most definitely is NOT! You are awakening humanity. Love is infinitely powerful, there is nothing It cannot achieve or create, however, It never imposes, forces, or compels anyone to accept It. It is always available, waiting to be invited to enter the heart of any – and there are many – who have, until now, chosen to close their hearts off to It. And It waits with infinite patience because there is only now, and that is when everyone will open their hearts! It is ALL that exists, but It will not attempt to terminate the dream state, the unreal state of form with which humanity is able to engage only by inserting a veil or curtain between itself and Love. That state was established, as you well know, to experience separation from Source, from Love, which in truth is impossible. The separation appears real to those in form because that was the intent of those who established it, but it is and always has been a very insecure or flimsy state because it is unreal, because it does not exist. It is an unreal state of mind that can evaporate or be dissolved the moment you choose to have it do so, by releasing any attachment you have to fear, anger, bitterness, resentment, victim-hood, and the accompanying felt need to blame, judge, and condemn anyone – yourselves included – all of which are major aspects of the illusion in which so many of you are very heavily invested. Love is your true nature, and therefore you are all capable of loving. To Love is to be fulfilled, to be complete, to be in joy, to be at peace. If you are choosing to love only those with whom you agree and with whom you choose to associate, namely those who are of the same culture, ethnicity, faith, political persuasion, or social standing, then that is not Love. Love never discriminates, it is unconditionally accepting of All that God has created, because that is what Love is, and there is nothing that God has not created, because there is only God (Love/Source/Supreme Intelligence/Divine Wisdom/All That Is) within Which all of creation has its eternal existence. In form, playing the harsh game of separation, judgment of others is one of the main objectives of the game. And of course judgment leads to blame and condemnation – and whenever possible – punishment of those so judged. That totally prevents you from loving. To awaken is to remember your true nature and embrace It fully and completely without any conditions whatsoever, because that is what Love is and what Love does. That means that you must each fully accept yourselves, and all others, as the humans in form that you appear to be, without any judgment at all – either negative or positive – about your appearance, skills, abilities, beliefs, levels of intelligence, social standing, etc. Why? Because there is only One of you, and therefore all judgment is effectively self-judgment. What you see, like, and admire in another is merely a reflection of those aspects of yourself, and what you see, hate, despise, and condemn in another are also reflections of aspects of yourself. In the latter case they are probably aspects that you have denied in horror and buried very deeply indeed in the subconscious parts of your minds. As humans, playing the game of separation, you are all endowed with every possible aspect of being human from the best to the worst, from the highest to the lowest, and you each did choose the role that you would play in each human lifetime for the lessons that you, and the others with whom you would interact, wished to learn. So condemning another is to condemn your self. But, it’s all unreal! When you believe that it is real it seems that the world is filled with people inflicting intense pain and suffering on one another, and you either see some of it as totally justified, and some of it as totally unjustified, or you see it all as something that must be stopped. However, if you set the intent to be only loving and allow Love to enter your hearts, you will see that each person “out there” is doing their best in the circumstances in which they find themselves, and that all that they want is to be loved, and to escape from the terrifying and intense sense of separation that they are experiencing as they continue to engage with the dream or game of unreality. However, within the game or dream there is no solution, because Love has been blocked out of the unreal state of mind in which the game is played, in which the dream is experienced. Nevertheless, you can each invite It in by setting daily, and renewing frequently during the day, the intention to be only loving whatever arises. Everything that arises is, in truth, a call for Love, a call that each of you has to answer by setting that intent and inviting Love into your lives Full time! Only then can you truly answer that call. Supporting appropriate charities or doing good works is indeed very helpful, but it often involves judgment, and to truly answer the call for Love you must release all judgment, and you often find that hard to do, because it does seem, as you look at the world around you, that much that is occurring is unconscionable and completely unacceptable. But when you set that intent firmly, and without conditions – such as “when those in power make a serious attempt to achieve peace,” or “when those in power make a serious attempt to stop violent crime,” or “when those in power stop taking advantage of the impoverished,” “etc., etc.” – then the power of your intent is enormous, and it is precisely what is needed right Now in your awakening process. As we in the spiritual realms continue to watch over you and support you in every moment, we absolutely know that you will achieve your awakening, because you set the intent to do so before you incarnated, and because that intent is perfectly aligned with the divine Will. So, keep on celebrating, because celebrating is an expression of joy, and your awakening is a most joyful event which your joy is bringing on. Your loving brother, Jesus. Arcturian Group Message [email protected] via NOVEMBER 3, 2019 Dear readers, welcome once again to our message. We are very happy to see so many of you beginning to release fear and move into your true nature as sons and daughters of truth rather than continuing to live as human beings at the mercy of every three dimensional concept and belief still resonating in three dimensional collective consciousness. You are evolving more quickly as intense high frequency energies increase. These higher dimensional energies are causing those who do not understand what is taking place to lash out with fear and panic in an attempt to return changing physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual issues back to the status quo that they are familiar with. Change is happening and you are going to witness it become increasingly more intense. Fire and the other elements are Gaia's tools for clearing old and dense energy. Know that the many dear ones suffering from these things at this time volunteered to go through this--not consciously, but pre-birth. Fire is a powerful tool for clearing old energy, allowing and often even forcing a person to examine their belief system with new eyes. Those who have held mankind in bondage for eons are being exposed, These people go back a very long time continuing to function in service to self as "power over" from generation to generation. The energy of the collective is becoming too bright and high for them to continue as they always have. It is a new time dear ones. Hold to your center at all times and in all circumstances despite outer appearances. Know that much is taking place behind the scenes that you are not yet aware of. All is as it should be. We wish to speak about personal peace. The peace that can only arise from where it exists--within. A peace that expresses consciously and unconsciously through words and actions that reflect oneness. You are all aware of people who live ordinary lives from a consciousness of oneness and yet who never even think of it in terms of spirituality or unconditional love. It is simply who they are. Peace consciousness is attained through living, learning, and experiencing in many, many lifetimes. This is why those who automatically live from unconditional love are often referred to as "old souls". Most humans are as of yet unaware of the higher dimensions. This is because three dimensional energy cannot align with the higher frequencies. This is why many remain "stuck" (ghosts) and do not move on after death. Because they continue to align only with third dimensional energy, they remain attached to familiar people, places, and things, unable to see their Guides and those waiting to assist them into the next phase of their journey. Once a certain level of spiritual awareness is attained and becomes a state of consciousness, the person can never revert back to their previous or outgrown state. Many on earth at this time incarnated having already attained a very evolved state of consciousness. They appear to be living ordinary lives and can be found quietly serving the ascension process in ordinary ways and in all professions and belief systems. They are you. Three dimensional solutions for peace between individuals are always birthed from concepts of separation. Globally, attempts for peace also based in separation have the added elements of "power over" and force considered to be acceptable. The energetic clearings taking place at this time personally and globally are necessary because the dense resonating energy the world has always known can never align with the peace and love it seeks. Problem relationships believed to be resolved and cleared are surfacing once again for many. Energy clears in layers as an individual is spiritually prepared to do the work. This is especially true with intense and long buried cellular memories. If an issue with some person, place, or thing has reappeared in your life it indicates that you are now ready for its next and usually final clearing. See it as a graduation, not a failure. Karmic situations between people begins when negative experiences either from long ago or the present remain alive and well in cellular memory. This energy is then carried by both through many lifetimes and becomes what is termed karma. Karma is not a punishment as so many believe but is simply an energy imbalance needing to be cleared or brought into alignment. The attempt to bring peace and resolution to some problem relationship from a higher level is often met with resistance from the other or others who prefer continuing to live from victim consciousness. If this happens do not align with the other's lower resonating energy in an attempt to meet them at their level of awareness for this simply feeds and prolongs energies that may go back many lifetimes. This does not mean you cannot speak to them at their level of understanding, but means that you do not align your energy with theirs. This is spiritual empowerment. If peaceful resolution is not possible because the other simply refuses, it can be done without them. A spiritually aware individual can clear an existing karmic situation without the permission or cooperation of the other who is not willing or ready. This is how you do that-- Set aside a specific time when you will not be interrupted. Center, meditate, clear your energy field, and firmly state your intention; Example--"In the presence of my Higher Self and my Guides, I choose to once and for all clear all remaining negative energy with...state the name." Use your own words because it is your intention. Make it as long and inclusive as you want. Silently acknowledge the other person's Light as a Divine Being even though they may not be interested or ready to know anything about this. Visualize the reality of them as pure Light. When you do this you are acknowledging their true nature and not the illusory sense of them you have come to know. Remove any and all energy cords to the person. Ask your Guides for help if you want. Visualize your hands as Light entering into the solar plexus area and removing and all cords and their roots. You may or may not become aware of a long and very old cord. Simply allow the process and when it feels complete, lovingly hand the cord back to the other and fill the empty space with golden white Light. You are now ready to let it go and move on. You will soon discover that further interactions with the person/persons are not so draining or difficult as they once were because you will no longer be carrying this dense energetic burden. If the other continues to seek negative interaction do not be afraid to speak your truth from a place of spiritual empowerment and remove them from your life knowing that if you indulge the situation again at its original old energetic level, you once again create energetic cords and karma. For a period of time the mind will continue to remind you of old hurts because it is trying to help you but is doing it from levels you have since outgrown. Think of your mind as a friend walking by your side who is trying to help you from an incomplete level of understanding. Mind automatically reprograms as a person spiritually evolves because mind draws from and forms the outer from the person's state of consciousness. Because like attracts like (One always seeking to be whole), thoughts and beliefs floating around in the collective that are in alignment with your energy will be drawn to you. These thoughts are impersonal and never become yours unless you accept and claim them as yours. Everyone still carries a bit of old energy that will act to attract similar energy from the collective. Your job is not to panic and go into resistance when some unwanted thought floats through, but rather to simply recognize it as being impersonal and that somehow you attracted it. Replace the thought with the truth about whatever it represents and examine your belief system because there is no unexpressed consciousness. Even the little hidden bits will continue to express until cleared. Example; A hypochondriac will attract all sorts of random impersonal thoughts and beliefs about disease. When they claim some or perhaps focus on one in particular they firmly establish it as their state of consciousness often creating the disease for themselves while adding more energy and power to their already established consciousness of disease. Never resist negative thoughts when they come floating through (and they will), because that only gives them a power and substance they do not have. Simply recognize them for what they really are. One day you realize that you are no longer attracting many old familiar thoughts and ideas. Karma is not always between people, but can be about the need to move beyond an old belief system that has governed throughout many lifetimes. For example-- If a person has lived many lifetimes strongly attached to the teachings of a particular religion and pre-birth realizes that they are spiritually ready to move beyond it, they may choose to incarnate into a family that holds those same beliefs in order re-activate them once again. Now sufficiently prepared to see the old belief system from the level of a more expanded consciousness, he/she is able to release the energetic ties and move on. Always know that real and lasting peace is a state of consciousness that cannot be acquired through effort and actions from outside of self although at this time some human footsteps remain necessary. Always remember that real peace is already fully present within every person whether or not they are aware of it. Peace is the natural fruitage of a consciousness that knows; "There is only One". Claim the infinite peace that lives in and as you just awaiting recognition-- that which will "never leave nor forsake you" -- That which you are. We are the Arcturian Group 11/3/19 Donations are [email protected] via |
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