Galactic Federation Transmission – A Call For Action
by Shierra Dalisay Pabalinas PAO/Galactic Heart [email protected] via We the Galactic Federation of Light summon all the Starseeds and Lightworkers on Earth to raise their vibration and send out this message to the dark forces on this planet. According to Universal Law, we the Galactic body that oversee this part of the Cosmos, do not give the dark forces of energy our permission to continue using the energy of the people of Earth for their own ends. As Governors of Light, we urge you to leave the good citizens of Earth alone, after many thousands of years of being allowed to remain on this plane of existence, due only to the Law of Freewill, which was given to this planet at the beginning. Starseeds, Lightworkers and Citizens of Earth please state out loud:We the people of Earth do not give you, the invisible dark forces, beings and entities, permission to control us in any form imaginable. We do not give you permission to make us war against each other, to poison our food and water supplies, to poison us with chemicals that harm the human body, the animals and the environment. We the people do not give you permission to hold our Sovereignty from us or to govern us through heads of State that profit from the people energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and any other forms of vampirism. We the people now take our planet Earth back under our control for the betterment of All the citizens on the planet and demand you, the dark forces which are part of the invisible, to leave this planet with immediate effect. This message is out for all to see and should be read out loud, copied, reproduced in all realms of existence concerning this planet and the Solar System we reside in. • Only those entities and energies of positive vibration and higher frequency will be given permission to occupy this planet Earth. • We the Citizens of Earth now take back our home and evict all negative energies, beings and entities that reside here. • By the powers and laws of the Universe – leave now! • Earth Gaia is a frequency of light that no longer allows lower, negative frequencies to inhabit the surface or indeed any region under the surface of the planet. • All beings who do not vibrate a higher frequency of positive and loving energy for All – leave now – leave this planet in peace! • This declaration of Sovereignty for planet Earth is Complete. • Leave the waters of our Universe, for your presence here is no longer agreed upon. This is the Galactic Federation of Light. We thank the citizens of Earth for their endurances throughout timelines of Planet Earth in its many forms. We love you all and help release you from all the negativity you have had to endure. We are sending you new integrated light energy for the purpose of your healing as a Global Nation. We express our gratitude for your high resolve in this Galactic matter and ask that you hold the light for short bursts and then send to the earth, to ground the energy deep within your planet. All negative frequencies, energies, beings and entities will move to another plane of existence to live out the destiny that has been set. The planet will no longer carry energy that is not of pure Source and will undergo a deep healing process and regenerate back to its original template it was created to be. We, the Federation, ask you to assist in getting this message of declaration out and to transmute all negative thought forms, emotions and energies, back to Source for healing and integration of your DNA codes. We serve the greater good and aid the citizens of Earth at this time in history, as it was meant to be. Send your own declaration messages out now – For it is time. Close of Transmission Channel Unknown PLEASE SHARE Aurora Ray here:
A Message to Lightworkers – June 19, 2020
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today. We see that you are playing with the element of Time in new ways, as well as with understandings of how energy, space, and intention affect the way Time functions in your lives. We say “play,” because the power of this moment you are in now, is that it is an expression of not only the human requirement for a higher quality of life experience, but an expression of the changing nature of Time and space as you see it. Many of you are manifesting very much more quickly now than people have for thousands of years. This is what we refer to when we say you are playing with Time—you are learning to work with your individual timelines to reach a desired outcome much more quickly, easily, and joyfully than would have been possible in the past. Is this all a matter of intention, or have we advanced further in our evolvement? you may be asking. Yes, all of that is part of why you are demonstrating outcomes more easily now. You are also becoming increasingly aware of planetary shifts, intuitively learning how to align your energies with certain astrological alignments and energies that assist in manifestations—for your own life, and also for your community, your country, your world. Many of you keep an eye on one astrological calendar or another, noting planetary placements and their effects on human life. Increasingly now, this will become less and less necessary. You will more and more know intuitively when to focus on creating certain outer forms or circumstances — relationships or work life or health issues — by taking in information that the conscious mind does not see directly. And so you dance to the inner rhythms of this galaxy and Universe, in ways that ensure that all unfolds as it should, despite the appearances you see currently around you. Now is the perfect time to claim that particular form of mastery, friends! In this moment, you are reaching further and higher than you as a species have reached for a very long time. Your DNA is shifting to higher vibrational levels, so that the expectations you hold now—requirements for a higher form of life experience, with an inner knowing that backs those declarations—all of these manifest in higher forms outwardly than what you have experienced in the past. So that you energetically plant where the soil is most fertile for a particular co-Creation, and harvest when the Creation is ready,. You have not always possessed this inner knowing, having forgotten it for eons, but you are increasingly retrieving it now from your own higher aspects. You may feel that that is only so much nonsense—that your Earth is in turmoil politically, socially, economically, in addition to what you or a loved one may be going through. And so how could anything positive be planted or harvested from that? you may wonder. Yet you know that there is a chaos that occurs within the Creation process itself—and that you don’t take the bread out of the oven before it is fully baked. On this day of a celebration of Emancipation, we would not criticize your feeling that life appears strange and chaotic at the moment. Your world is in the process of releasing and dissolving many ideas, systems, outcomes, and forms of living that humanity’s and Earth’s increasing vibrations can no longer sustain, and that is never an easy moment. It is so that while some new systems, outcomes, and forms of living are being birthed, others have yet to move into place. This does not mean that you will be left only with the rubble of degraded outer forms by the time this chaotic time is over. It means that your own inner lives are rebirthing at the same time as your Earth’s outer life, and that can only spell confusion and uncertainty for a time—yet not indefinitely. If you are wondering if that is what’s gone wrong in your work life, your finances, your health, relationships, or general view of things—why there seems to be one earthquake after another—we would say, Life is not so much wrong as “in transit.” It is in a kind of development that takes in new frequencies that the old Earth never prepared you for. And yet you see in your dream state so much that you intuitively understand and know to be New Earth living, including an intergalactic state of affairs that reassures you that you are more at home in the fifth dimension than you could ever be in the third, strange and new though it may feel at times. Will the discomfort persist for years at a time yet? We would say, it cannot—your Earth could not withstand that kind of tumult, and nor will the human race stand for that now. Rather than note the places where the old has come crashing down, hold your focus on the new—the sustainable housing, the free energy sources, the new healing technologies, newfound care and concern for plants, trees, animals, and human beings. Notice the most beautiful sight of the children and young people who step to a different (higher vibrational) drum beat. All of this is what you have always been, and waiting to claim. We stand on the bridge of this ship you command, ready to explore further with you. Namaste, friends! You are never alone. . Caroline Oceana Ryan ,[email protected] Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana RyanIf you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Arcturian Group Message 6/14/20 [email protected] via Sun, Jun 14 JUNE 14, 2020 Welcome to our message, dear readers. You are doing a fine job of holding the Light in spite of how things look when judged by concepts of how they "should" be. Outwardly it may seem as if nothing of a higher level is taking place, but the outer scene is a three dimensional expression of the awakening that is taking place in the hearts and minds of increasingly more individuals. High resonating frequencies of Light are bursting ancient dams of ignorance in both personal and global consciousness allowing long repressed emotions to finally flow out and take form in individual ways. Emotions (energy in motion) that are now expressing outwardly have been alive and well throughout lifetimes but kept hidden often even from the one holding them, through fear. Those receptive are beginning to feel a sense of empowerment not experienced before. This in turn is causing increasingly more individuals to realize that much of what they have been led to believe is false and based in concepts of separation. Hearts and minds are opening to realize that every person is entitled to freedom, equality, and respect regardless of skin color, gender, or station in life. You who are already spiritually awake are doing the same work as those on the streets but are doing it through your spiritual realization of truth and by being examples of loving action and words. Both ways reflect the surfacing of old energy ready and needing to be recognized and cleared which will serve to bring a new level of awareness to the collective. There will be less fear and more unity as efforts to bring about change continue to unfold. Those filled with hate and violence and who cause wanton destruction are not promoting a higher cause but are simply using the movement as an excuse to act out their own negative personal agenda. Their actions do not help to lift world consciousness, but also cannot stop the expansion of it for the Light is power and reality whereas concepts have nothing to sustain or maintain them other than the belief in them. Varying pockets of dense energy formed over time will surface as mankind is ready. At this time it is the energy of slavery and entitlement based in beliefs of separation that is surfacing. Other long held belief systems waiting to be cleared are abundance/finance, gender inequality, health /drugs, food, separation, and organized religion. As these things begin to be seen from a higher level, many will choose to no longer align with them in their present state, bringing about change. Judging by appearances, it may seem as if the world is devolving rather than evolving, but that would not be possible dear ones. What you are witnessing is the collective consciousness opening to new levels of awareness by virtue of the people themselves who are making it happen whether consciously aware of it or not. This is why you are where you are right now at this time. You are the ETs you have hoped would land and save you and you are the Ascended Masters you have cried out to for guidance but in the density of third dimensional energy you have forgotten who you were. You are personally and globally experiencing exactly what you came to be a part of. Trust that everything is proceeding according to plan. Attempting to understand everything with the human mind will always result in half truths, because the human mind is only able to access what is already in the collective. Instead seek answers from within, from Divine Mind and they will come as needed through others, from intuition, from a direct inner voice, or any number of other ways. However, you must understand there are no answers for many of the things you wish to know because energy is forming itself in each now moment which is why we say that you, the people, are creating the world you wish to see. Live your awareness by aligning with truth rather than with the fear based speculation and propaganda being promoted by media and some "leaders". Rest in your heart center as an observer seeing through outer appearances to the reality taking place behind the scenes. When you do this you bring your energy to higher solutions and change rather than to appearances that consist of what is old and finished. You may not agree with all change simply because it is difficult to see the finished product while it is still in the process of being created. Change unfolds and evolves as the consciousness forming them unfolds and evolves. Do not expect the changes you hope to see immediately manifest fully formed but know that the process has begun. The energy of earth is becoming increasingly higher and change has begun. Many think of change only as it applies to government, religion, health services, education etc. but larger change can only follow individual change so be prepared for change in your personal life as well. When even one person awakens to truth, it adds awareness to the collective for there is only One Consciousness. As the collective evolves, it automatically creates new and higher ways of understanding and doing things. Individuals become empowered as they awaken to their Oneness with Source, other people, and all life forms. The result is that as increasingly more people reclaim their power and refuse to accept or align with the disempowering ego actions of others, they begin loving and respecting themselves in a new way. Empowerment is the finger that pushes the first domino of the long ancient line of dominoes that every person accumulates over lifetimes. It has begun. Everyone will eventually stand powerfully in their identity as a Divine Being for it is Reality. However, not all are at a point of readiness for this realization and you may experience situations where firm words and actions on your part are needed. Empowerment means doing what needs to be done in ways the other can relate to (which can seem harsh if that is what is needed) but always from a consciousness of Oneness. When words and actions are carried on an energy stream of love (the recognition of the other's true Divine nature) they may seem harsh but will carry a much higher frequency than if the same words and actions were sent out on energy streams of hate or anger. Empowerment never means being another's doormat or allowing family, friend, church, or organization to have control over your thoughts and decisions. This does not mean you never listen to or ponder the well meaning ideas of others, but does mean that after giving them honest consideration the bottom line remains yours and yours alone. Empowerment affects all relationships--marriage, family, church , co-workers, etc. Everyone is feeling or at least beginning to be aware of personal empowerment but how they interpret and act upon it is determined by the state of their consciousness. This is why you are witnessing peaceful protesters attempting to bring about positive change while at the same time you see looters and destroyers seeking only self gratification. Women in general have had a more difficult time accepting empowerment because of having lived many lifetimes as both men and women during times that gave no credibility, power, respect, or equality to females. Some parts of the world still live this way, and continue to feed this obsolete energy into the collective. Many men and women still carry this energy in cellular memory. Some who have lived lives as abusive men have chosen a female body in this life in order to experience the other side of it. The high frequencies of the Divine Feminine are quickly integrating and balancing with the Divine Masculine because mankind is now spiritually ready. More and more women are choosing to live empowered lives free from fear and intimidation and more and more men are feeling free to express their emotions without feeling "unmanly". Occasionally the pendulum may swing too far one way or the other, but will eventually center because the equal balance of both masculine and feminine energy is Reality. It is not always women who need to bring in their masculine or men who need to integrate their feminine because everyone has lived many lives as both male and female and frequently one energy will remain dominant which is why some experience gender confusion. Never forget that you are consciousness utilizing a physical body and not a physical body with a little pocket of consciousness tucked in somewhere. A woman does not need to act masculine nor does a man need to act feminine in order to be balanced and fully integrated with both. It is only within third dimensional energy that the masculine and feminine are seen as separate for in reality they are simply the two halves of One Divine Whole. Personal and global situations based in, built on, and maintained by force and dominance will crumble and the rights of all, not just a select few, will begin to be acknowledged. Active, be-er, do-er masculine/mind energy will become balanced and supported by the receptive, intuitive, loving feminine/heart energy and vice versa. Men are opening to and acknowledging the feminine energies already present within them which is allowing them to be more open, intuitive, and able to express unconditional love. Women are integrating their already present masculine energy allowing them to be more active, make decisions, and supportive of their feminine qualities. Most of you who read these messages have already done this work and are well balanced and live both qualities naturally and without thought. It is a new time personally and globally. The "pandemic" will run its course. Do not allow the fear being promoted by media, some leaders, and those who benefit from other's fears to suck you into some fear based agenda. Do what you must, obey the rules, but remember always--God alone is power. We are the Arcturian Group 6/14/20 Donations are welcomed A Message to Lightworkers – June 12, 2020
Caroline Oceana Ryan <[email protected]> | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today. We see many of you in a state of despair, of questioning, of wondering “when this madness will end,” and we would say many things in response to that. We would say that though you have chosen to be here on the planet at this time, that nevertheless you are still in the process of shifting from living on one kind of planet to an entirely differently kind, and that the shock of that shift is affecting you even on a cellular level, as well as a mental/emotional and etheric one. Nearly all of you came in at this time specifically to anchor calm and steadiness in this time of transition—a sense of “All is Well” into the Earth Herself, and for those around you. What may feel to be missing some days, is that same reassurance ringing through your own inner life, and this is because another reason you came in at this time—to rinse yourself free of the old trauma, density, and other third dimensional frequency that might otherwise delay or distract you from your Ascension path. We would love to say that there is always an easier way than viewing the rubble and destructive outbursts you see around you now, but that would be doubtful. You are all doing amazingly well, fulfilling the roles you envisioned before incarnating.. Yet when you think a person who is recovering from serious illness or injury, you know it is unrealistic to expect that person to leap out of bed and transition to being fully active in the blink of an eye. First they must release any inner identifying they took on over the months or years of their illness. They must release the tendency to think that they are naturally weak, that their life is naturally hard, even incomprehensible some days, and that others have little or no idea what they go through, living in weakness and pain. Like the one rising from the sickbed, you must release that which no longer serves any purpose, and which would only hold you back now. The time has come to release the feeling that you are “different,” that your life is naturally hard and sometimes incomprehensible to others and even to yourself. Time to release the idea that you are “separate” somehow—from other people, from your own higher self, from the benevolence this Universe holds, ready to express at every moment. Time to realize that the old giving way for the New—however bizarre that may look some days—is not a crisis, except of the kind that brings healing. And time to realize that you are one of the crucial presences whose energies have spurred on the upending of the old regime of dysfunction and oppression. You are here to a great degree, so that that healing crisis could spring out of the “normalized destruction” you have lived with for thousands of years. Illness, injury, and all hardship are not “normal” for those in higher dimensional life, and so will feel increasingly strange and unnecessary to you. Nor are they required for soul growth and understanding. And yet, as an old building falls, dilapidated and dysfunctional though it may have been, it is still a shock to see the gap it leaves on that particular street. It is still hard to take the crashing sounds, the rubble that piles up, the dust that rises, the feeling that something familiar has been lost. That is a normal reaction. Yet increasingly now we see a new reaction, for so many are reaching beyond the images of loss and destruction. Instead we see increasingly the willingness to bless and release the old structure, with full faith that the new is already being built, and that all of you are consistently working on not only its design, but its creation. The release of the old Earth will not continue indefinitely, for it cannot. The current energies are too positive, too intent on co-Creation for the loss of the old to continue for years on end. These same energies are also speeding your own and Earth’s Ascension at a rate that cannot be slowed nor stopped by any technology, invisible matrix, or outer event. Those living in denial about the New Earth forms, and the necessity of them now, will find it harder and harder to hold onto the old ways of thought, feeling, action, and beliefs. Increasingly these will fail them, even those who hide sequestered and cloistered from the rest of the world, and all the upheavals that move you consistently toward change. We see so much bravery, so much independence of thought and living being claimed now, from so many millions, whether you march in the streets, or write or speak, or build sustainable housing, or grow organic food, or simply pray and breathe. And the beauty of that outpouring is so astounding, so empowering to all of us gathered now to witness and to assist, wherever you request assistance, that your languages are not equal to the task of describing it. From where we are, we see your Earth’s vibration shifting to that of a free and sovereign planet, healed of the effects of those trained to exploit and subjugate Her gifts as if they were property to be bought and sold. In time, none of the old forms of suppression and slavery will exist, and you are seeing not just the beginning but the full-on process of the removal of those systems. Will you take the time to celebrate your own increasing freedoms, friends? The freedom to love rather than judge where you are in life—whether you stress over your finances or your physical health, or your connections to loved ones. Your time in Nature, your connections to Her and to everyday activities, and the many choices you make each day to partake either more fully of the Light in food, music, words, thoughts, images—or to retreat a bit, unsure as to whether you have the right to feel that empowered. You have every right! The Earth cannot be owned, nor Her people, Her animals, Her air, water, land, or space. You are Her stewards, and you have collectively, as a race of beings, made the decision to take back that role, and to live it out with beauty and strength, in systems that support fairness, Abundance, equality for all. We wish to say, we do not stand back passively and observe. So many of us walk the Earth now, or have done so in other eras—and all of us stand with you in the etheric to assist however we can, without impeding your free will. And so call out to us for assistance at any time. We are happy to reply with ready help, though it may come to you in energetic form—as ideas, as healing of old wounds, as new inventions and new bridges built between once-separate groups. We stand as we do—in the higher realms, on the ships, and in your homes and on your streets—to assure you, you can only move forward from here. Namaste, dear ones! Celebrate, for you are never alone. . Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. A Message to Lightworkers – June 5, 2020
Caroline Oceana Ryan <[email protected]>Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again. We see that many of you are saddened, and some very discouraged, at the state of life in the United States at present. Many are mourning the loss of a good and kind man who died in Minneapolis, and wondering when the madness and chaos of this form of destruction will end. You are right if you are feeling that life not only in the US but on the planet has reached a crucial turning point. You may be feeling that this gentleman’s life occurred not only for the good and positive things he did while on Earth, but because it held great meaning, even in death. For many thousands are galvanized now to speak up and speak out in ways they would not have, had this advanced soul not agreed to come forward at this time as an African-American male in a country and on a planet that still does not accord proper respect to all. We do not say this to fan the flames of anger, or to say that violence always serves a higher purpose, though it can indeed unwittingly do so. Yet it is no longer an acceptable expression on your planet, as so many are saying now. It is not only unnecessary, but also clashes strangely with the increasingly high frequencies of Earth life and all it holds. This is one great reason why so many are demonstrating that they will no longer support a system that was built upon a patriarchal, Aryan foundation that excludes the vast majority of the human race from even the most basic rights and freedoms. It is a large reason why so many mourn this death in a way that for them symbolizes all the others. And as well, the energies reaching the planet now require everyone to either stand in the Light, or to draw back from it in ways that show them as taking one very determined higher path, or a far denser, more haphazard one. We would say, that if you are predominantly feeling Love for this gentleman and his family, more than rage against those who harmed him, you are honoring his life and the lives of the many who died under similar forms of suppression and unjust action. You are, as Dr King said, not taking on the hate that “is too great a burden to bear,” and instead taking on the Light of your own soul in holding all human lives as sacred and irreplaceable. In that moment, you stand not only for humanity, but for a New Earth in which humanity has quite consciously carved out an existence in which all persons are respected, honored, and considered an important part of their society. Each child treasured for their lively uniqueness. Each elder considered a deep well of wisdom and insight. Each woman a treasure of both strength and life-giving nurturance. Each man a wellspring of both strength and vulnerability. We would say as well, that those you have waited for, hoping for a galactic rescue of some sort, are more proud of you now than they have been in a very long time, due to the Love and courage with which you now face the pressures and challenges of your Ascension path. The anger and upset being mainly driven not by rage, but by the sort of Love that does not disappear when times grow rough, but which grows stronger and expresses itself all the more powerfully when danger is near. This is one of the very great traits of the Divine Feminine, and you have welcomed the Great Mother now onto your planet—Mother, Maiden, and Wise Woman, as the old triad goes—as you celebrate not only life, but your own requirement that all lives be respected, protected, and treated as invaluable. And so the new story is written, the new Word is spoken! Deep within you, despite all the plans and machinations of that which now passes away, you know it to be true, dear ones-- That All Is Well, and ever shall be thus. Namaste, friends and fellow travelers! This is your Universe, and we welcome you to spread your wings all the more, as we travel with you in it. We are with you, always. . Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Caroline Oceana Ryan <[email protected]> |
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