A Message to Lightworkers – December 28, 2018
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactic family members, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today. And we see that for many, your energies are picking up a bit now, recuperating from the initial rush of the holiday season, and tapping into the anticipation that is building for the year of 2019. And you are correct that this is a special, even an unusual year that you are headed into. For one, since the fall of Atlantis, there has never been more open communication between those living upon the Earth and those living in ships surrounding Her, or living on (or inside of) other stars, planets, and space stations. Your etheric connections and visits, telepathic conversations, and intuitive understanding and memory of these dear ones are growing daily. You nightly visit those in your soul families and those with whom you are working diligently to create greater awareness on Earth of the Ascension path, as well as ongoing Disclosure of the existence of other (nonhuman) races on Earth, in the galaxy, and in the Universe. We are aware that you feel disheartened at times as you look out onto the world. It is so that there are numerous disinformation efforts afoot that are leading some astray, confusing many, and throwing into the mix of energies and emotions that are now flowing forth, some lower vibrations that you are better off moving away from and ignoring altogether. We would say, do not be discouraged, angered, or fed up with these efforts, for they are short-lived and self-damaging at best. Continue doing your own work—meditating, playing or creating high vibrational music or tonal frequencies, or creating art, dance, and other creative expressions that lift your and others’ energies, transmitting healing and empowering frequencies that lift the vibrations of others, and speaking those words that only encourage and celebrate your own and others’ lives. These among other endeavors, areas of focus, and higher intentions are carrying you into the next year and the years that follow with exactly those frequencies that will most assist you at this time. Photo by Renee Turcotte We do not speak of being the one who is “right” regarding what is happening now in the world, and whom to trust and whom not to trust in terms of information. We speak of establishing your own frequency of Joy, of Love for yourself and others, and anchoring that into all that you do, feel, say, and believe emotionally and spiritually. And that you consider that your only reality now. It has long been typical of human life, that you do as you are ordered, threatened, or programmed to do. And we would say now, as we have said often, that those times are over. It is well time that you regained your own autonomy, in the sense that you do not wait for one authority figure or another to tell you it is time to celebrate life, or NESARA law, or the liberation of the planet. You are that very liberation that you seek. You are that very “authority.” And it makes no sense that you would await some other outer presence, now or in any Earth calendar year, to free you to live the life you have so badly wanted for so long. The reason you dream of free living—freedom of expression, of thought, of community and personal life, of Being—is that you were born into this particular Earth life for the very purpose of anchoring that reality into the Earth Herself, and to begin living it. Though we have said this many times, we find that it takes on new meaning now, as you lean into the beginning of a year whose astrological alignments are made to upend old arrangements that have lived out their purpose, and old forms of thought and social management that no longer apply to Earth life. Is everyone celebrating this? You are aware that the old power crowd are not only disturbed and unhappy about these developments, but seeking to hide from their logical conclusion. And so they are seeking places to hide inside, on, or above the Earth where they think they will be happily sequestered until “all this blows over” and the old order is restored. Yet they fool themselves on that account. You are aware that there is only one new order anchoring into Earth life now, and that is the structure of crystalline consciousness, of that higher Light that your own soul is made of, and the frequencies of evolvement that naturally come with it. And so we would look upon this coming year, despite images on your screens of mishaps and disasters, understanding that there is far more at work now than you could possibly imagine or consciously grasp. And that it is of such a high order in intention and integrity that there are no words in your language to express the powerful Light it holds, nor the Divine Love that has created it. Photo by Angela Pereira Go into this next year with the understanding that nothing is now as it has been, that you need not stress over this report or that, regarding which journalist or group is to be believed and which is to be disregarded. What does your own intuition tell you? What visions do you receive in your own quiet time, speaking with your Spirit team, or visiting the higher realms to learn more about your life mission—what do you sense and inwardly see is happening on the Earth now? What are your own inner indications telling you? Rely far more on these, and far less on devices and their outer transmissions, and you will find the Earth Herself singing her own song, and waiting and asking you to add your own voice to her beautiful vibration of freedom. For this you came. Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. . Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
What is and what mostly is not happening – The Council
by Ron Head As this new season begins, let us call your attention to what is and what mostly is not happening in your world. It was forecast that this time would be chaotic on your world. We told you that most, if not all, of the structures of your societies would begin to crumble, that this is necessary before you can or will rebuild them into the new. And many of you are seeing the beginnings of this. We would like to point out for you what is not happening. Look around you and see that, in this world that is home to over seven billion of you – and we count only the upright, bi-pedal ones of you that are so overly proud of yourselves as a species – you, personally only interact in a small area with relatively few of your kind. This is true even if you frequent several cities or even continents. Now, even though that is the case, your idea that you are a globally connected being, in many ways a good idea, has resulted in a kind of addiction to the emotional content of daily bombardments of information from many thousands of miles away. This is carefully sifted and maintained. This is being used to keep you in a feeling of the need for others to take care of you. This is disempowering. Empowerment is not what is desired for you – at least not by those who control your societies. Now that you are observing this from a level somewhat above your normal perspective, look at you’re your normal day from ‘up here’. There are those who have been hurt, who have been killed, who have lost their every possession, who have literally disappeared. That is true. And we do not in any way wish for anyone not to feel compassion for those people. The rise of compassion in the world is indeed a marvelous thing. But even though those things have happened, and continue to happen every day, we would point something out to you. Your own world is, in reality, much smaller than the one shown to you, hour by hour, minute by minute, by your media. Your own problems, and all of you have things that for you are problematic, have a far greater effect on your life than any of the things you see from other places. Yet you feel that you must continue to view those things, to listen to those things. You are quite possibly addicted to the emotional chemicals that are produced when you do that. And having your body produce those chemicals hour by hour, day after day, is not good for you. It is not good for you in any way. This is why you are urged over and over to walk in the woods, to meditate, to take time in the quiet for yourselves. You very much need your body to have the rest and to produce those chemicals that peace and quiet will induce. And you very much need to get in touch with the person who is living their life in your world, with your friends and family, where you are. And you truly do need to know who you are. You truly do need to know that you are a divine being living here for a divine reason. You need to discover your worth, which is immeasurable. All the noise that you are living in is designed to keep your attention away from that, do you see? Because once you do find it, once you know who you are, your effect upon that larger world will be beyond control. So consider giving your own life, and the lives of those around you, more attention and love. Consider that your here and your now are the most important things in your world. That world will expand when your being grows and demands to be heard and felt. Find the peace and the love in your hearts. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - December 9, 2018
Blossom Goodchild Hello there! Feeling bright and Light and ready to converse! Yourselves? We are indeed of a Lightness that is all consuming and fun to be within. I like your style and opening line! A question asked to put to you is, ‘Will these new energies change us anatomically and physically as a result of our aligning/activating? Will it be more obvious in some than others? Thank you for any response offered. Thank you. We would suggest that one‘s anatomy and physicality will indeed be realigning, as these Higher degrees of Energy intercede with ALL THAT IS. As with so much that ‘crosses your path’ in ways of suggestion … by us/through us … we would also add, that so much is aided along by the thoughts that one has. You may have noticed the quickening effect within/upon manifestation with these Higher Energies. Sometimes, it can be as quick as the thought is offered … there, low and behold is the result. So, we would say jokingly … do be aware of that which you desire … that which you think! I understand this. I so loved a pair of earrings I have … feathers! I had the thought ‘I hope I never lose them’ … Next day, lost one! So back to the body if we may? Who you are … has to be told by ‘who you are’ … of that which it desires. These Higher Energies are flowing in to assist. This is their purpose. If one desires the ailments of the inner workings of the body to disappear … or the ageing process to ‘stop’ … then one must, in the fullest of confidence … in the fullest of KNOWING … let the ‘self’ KNOW that this is the plan. So, you are saying that as long as we let ‘ourselves’ KNOW that we wish to regress physically in age or, we no longer ‘require’ ailments that we thought on a particular level of ourselves would serve us … that we just tell ourselves this … and it will happen? In a nutshell … this is of Truth. And out of a nutshell? It still is of TRUTH. YOU HAVE THE POWER to BE any way you want to be. Yet, even though you can say … ‘Yes, I know this, therefore, I will do it … I will make it happen’ … you have got to understand that it would not happen overnight, as it is your … whole /entire … system that has to KNOW it, also. Every cell, every tissue, every bone, every muscle, everything that you ‘BELIEVE’ that you are, has to KNOW THIS IN TRUTH also, otherwise, the ‘change’ cannot happen. So, how do we let this KNOWLEDGE be KNOWN deep within us? By KNOWING it deep within. Thank you for that! Perhaps you didn’t understand me? Oh! We did! Understand that so much of the world you ‘think’ you live in … is not as it actually is. You have to search deep within to KNOW this. Do you mean by the programming that is designed to … detract us /distract us … and taken away our power? We say that your POWER has not been taken away … it can never be taken away. FOR YOU ARE POWER ITSELF. It is that this ‘programming’ has made you ‘think’ in a certain way. You think this and that about this and that. We now tell you to think THIS about THAT and THAT about THIS. You ARE in jovial form … So, you mean to turn things around? Yes. Completely! POWER ITSELF cannot be ‘taken away’. IT IS YOU. We come in conversation with you to explain these KNOWINGS … that YOU, MUST THEN, KNOW! You must TRUST YOURSELVES and FEEL deep within these KNOWINGS. The more you do so … the more you choose to align with this TRUTH … the more ‘results’ will be shown unto you. Let us put this to you? Do you think the Divine Creator of Divine Human Beings would design the beautiful structure and all its inner workings of the body to shrivel, bring pain and eventually give up its functioning, due to exhaustion of ‘LIFE Itself’? Seriously? No. This, of course, is not so. What is Divine about that? Your amazing humanness was designed to go on until you no longer required to experience the Planet. So, you would choose to simply, lay down the body … either to dissolve back into Energy … or an arrangement would be made for another soul to occupy it. You, in order to regain this POWER of Divinity within your bodies, must KNOW this as a reality. You must take your knowledge into the understanding that the physicality that you are conditioned to expect … is simply that … a conditioning. A conditioning that has become so set in the very Vibrations that … are/were … that it is common knowledge that one ages, shrivels and takes their leave. Often in the most humiliating and disrespectful of ways. THEREFORE … you must de-programme this conditioning. You have not seen through the lies you have been spun. YOU HAVE TO BREAK THROUGH AND BREAK FREE. THIS, THAT YOU THINK YOU ARE … IS NOT WHO YOU ARE. Search your souls. Deeply search your soul for its TRUTH. Remember the beautiful design that you were created within. Such beauty! You hear of stories told perhaps of Beings from ‘elsewhere’ being of such eternal youth, of such agility … of such mindful knowledge … THIS IS WHO YOU ARE! RECLAIM YOURSELVES! Do you think you are capable of this? Me personally? Eh, I don’t know how to answer that. If you were to ask, ‘Do you think this is possible?’… I would say, yes. Yet, me, actually manifesting that … literally manifesting that … I am unsure. So, I see your point. It is not that I do not think it possible. I know EVERYTHING is possible. Yet … I’m shooting myself in the foot here. For if I KNOW everything is possible, why would I not be able to do this personally? You see, this is what we are trying to explain, Blossom. You have to take your Awareness to a much deeper stronger KNOWING of WHAT IS. If you believe everything is possible … then it comes from a half-hearted perspective … with respect. Yet, when you KNOW everything is possible … it is a Game Changer. So, how can it be that I fully accept that everything is possible … and I came to that conclusion a long time ago and yet … I don’t TRULY KNOW IT? How can one accept and yet, not know …if you understand my dilemma? Your ‘dilemma’ … as you put it, is exactly what we are talking about. You need to bring the acceptance of understanding this … to the acceptance of KNOWING it. Yep. I get this … yet, how? If I KNOW I can get rid of all my aches and pains and move my physicality into the Higher Vibrational Energies … … … … May we interrupt? Your physicality HAS to move into the Higher Vibrational Energies with you. I can feel so much you want to say about this, yet, hard to find the starting point. I’ll try and unscramble this mass of ‘KNOWLEDGE’ that flooded in all at once. Your physicality IS changing with the assistance of the Higher Vibrations coming in. We have spoken of ‘unusual physical notifications’ as it is doing so. However, at the same time … it can be GREATLY assisted by you … by sending the codes/thoughts to the entire workings of your body that you are assisting it in this lifting … in this transformation. VISUALISE your new agility. Visualize and FEEL your way into its new physique. Tell your body, through Loving it for what it is now … that together, you are moving it into a more Glorious form of itself. Dearest souls, as YOU recognize the LIGHT within you … in a way of recognition you have not been able to, until now … you will KNOW that which is taking place, is doing so on all levels. On ALL levels you are ‘integrating’ with these Tripled Energies flowing into your Planet and your Beings. You are being upgraded as you sleep. This is why so many are, upon awakening, feeling as if they have done a day’s work. These upgrades of EVERYTHING that you are … take a little time to ‘sink in’. Yet, KNOW this is what is taking place. Allow this to take place. Accept this is taking place and be Joyful. This is so very important to know this as your reality! So much lies ahead, when this knowing of LIGHT within you will be your anchor. When you have to hold on to this Truth of ‘who you are’, in order to keep grounded and make sense of everything. It is so much closer now to becoming a Topsy Turvy world and therefore, we send these words with a sense of urgency almost … in that … You have to take your acknowledgment of TRUE SELF and embed it into your heart, body, and soul. Every part of you must come to the realization of this TRUTH in order to proceed with your plans when the time is upon you. We have spoken so often and so has that of the Divine Energy White Cloud … of the ‘situation’ of each Awakened soul having an envelope within side of you … and when the time is upon you … the envelope will be opened and there will be your … ‘notes/orders’ … of what ‘YOU’ as the individual are to carry out. AT LAST, you will KNOW why you are here. For so many feel there is so much more to why they are here, than they feel in the present moment. PREPARE YOUR BEINGS … BY KNOWING DEEPLY THE TRUTH OF THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE. And … WITH THAT DEEPER KNOWING … Your Light shines more Brightly than ever before … as you also FEEL the strength of the POWER that lies within you and all you can do with it … for the HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL. YOU SHALL BE SET FREE … and within YOUR FREEDOM, you have the keys to open the door for millions of others who are unaware that they were enslaved. We feel this is enough now energetically, to consume. We TRUST our KNOWING … As must you. We KNOW you can FEEL the Energy of the Truth of these words within your activated heart space at this time. Remain in that Truth. So close now … I will not ask ‘to what’? For surely, deep inside … we KNOW! In so much Gratitude, In Loving service. I AM. A Message to Lightworkers – December 7, 2018
by Caroline Oceana Ryan The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective . . . Today’s message is an excerpt from the Collective’s new book, Earth Life Challenges: The Collective Speak on Dealing with Trauma and Life Changes. Go here for more information on the book and the preorder giveaway, plus another excerpt. Each chapter of the book begins with a question from a Lightworker who is dealing with a difficult life issue — sometimes, a traumatic one. The Collective’s answers address each issue with empowering guidance that also connects us to our life purpose, helping us view the events of our lives from a much higher perspective. From Chapter 3 – “On Being Shut Out By a Loved One” QUESTION: What is the nature of the blockages and the no-contact policy between my daughter and me, and what can I do about it? Or do I just have to live with it? Although I have asked for her forgiveness many times, that I left her father and loved another man and married him, taking her and her brother with me, she doesn’t want to accept it, and doesn’t want to be in contact with me. I don’t even know exactly what she accuses me of. She said it was “wounds from the past.” She went through an emotional burnout and postnatal depression, and has done therapy and trauma therapy. But that hasn’t led to “normal” contact with me, so far. I’ve done countless Ho’oponopono prayers, and solved everything on my side, holding her in love and blessing her and her family. Is this just something I have to accept and live with? THE COLLECTIVE: This is an excellent area to discuss, as so many are experiencing family and friend estrangement now. Understand that children do not always see their parents as individual adults with interests, needs, and personal expressions of their own. And of course, parents often have trouble seeing their child as an individual adult, even when their son or daughter is well over the age of thirty. Your daughter did not see you as a woman seeking to be honest about her feelings, her life path, and her strong preference to be with the man she loved, instead of the man she no longer loved. Though this was an honest and brave move for you, your daughter, in her youth and inexperience, saw you only as one of the two pillars holding up her sense of reality, her inner and outer life, and her understanding of how life ought to go—even her understanding of how the Universe works. Then one of those pillars moved out of place, disturbing and upending her world, and her sense of sameness and safety. And so, she reasoned that if her mother could change, and change her children’s lives as well as her own life—anything in life could change. Anyone could present themselves as someone unchanging and utterly reliable in the way that children need and expect, then suddenly break that unwritten, deeply held law, and do as they needed to do for themselves, and expect others to adjust. Now, we do not say this to judge you in any way, for you were merely following your life path. And interestingly, your daughter has been doing the same—following her life path. Before incarnating, you agreed to experience this very situation together, and to deal with the resulting rift between you in ways that would bring each of you into greater understanding of certain forms of heart-based experience and soul growth. You have also had past lives with your daughter, in which you were the one to release or never fully connect with her, rather than the other way around. And so this is an opportunity to learn what you could not learn in those other lives. It is not a cold form of universal karma—the Universe is not an unfeeling machine that spits out calculations and life results according to what one “deserves” in a punishing sense. It is the completion of a cycle. There are other forms of energetic interference that your daughter is experiencing, and this accounts for much of the depression and shock that have remained in her energies. So much of what she is carrying is not yours to take from her. She must come through her own growth processes, both for healing that which is in part inherited from the women in your family, in part a result of what she has experienced in this and other lifetimes, and in part what she came in to experience in this life. If you have been saying Ho’oponopono prayer (“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”) for both yourself and her, and blessing her and her family with Love, you have done what you need to do, in addition to asking for her forgiveness, which she may not be able to give you at this time. We would simply release her and allow her to Be—to choose the life she prefers, while you go on with your own life. You made a brave departure from a life you could no longer stay in, taking your children with you, though they realized in that moment that they had little power in deciding how their lives would go. In leaving their father and moving out with you, they were not following their own preferences, but receiving an outer decision they had no influence on. And now you have handed your daughter nearly all the power in the relationship, as if that would make up for your decision to exercise all the power in her life when she was a child. This puts her in the position of being able to say “No” to you in a way she could never have said as a child, except energetically. There are many things that can make a daughter feel unsafe, insecure, or unheard in a new home situation. Having lost what she felt were her Choices—her voice, and her vote for how her life would go—she now takes whatever power she has to make sure you understand how much she suffered. Her comment that she has cut away from you due to “wounds from the past” is naturally vague, because it wasn’t any one thing you said or did that created this rift, from her perspective. It was the overall action of changing her life and her safety—shaking up her sense that all would stay quietly in place as needed, until she was old enough to move away from her home and her father in her own time and way. The removal of a child from his or her father creates its own insecurities, even when that move is necessary, whatever the reasons. The situation can indeed feel traumatic and unyielding. It is a removal of the moorings that had previously kept the child from feeling alone, unguarded, and unsafe in the world. A new stepfather does not necessarily bring the same assurances, and can be a source of anxiety. This is what she blames you for, more than anything. Not for choosing what made you happy over what did not make you happy, for that choice has empowered her to choose much that she has preferred in life, over that which she has not wanted. The blame is for removing the steady unmoving floor underneath her and replacing it with the moving deck of a ship that was headed somewhere unknown. In time, she will come to accept that move as something she not only planned in her life chart, but as a moment that shifted her energies dramatically from one form of life to another. And that new path was not crafted for mere security and comfort. She understands what it is to feel shifted in dramatic ways that go to the core of the heart-mind and personality. She is capable of helping others who have also experienced this sort of shift. When she is ready, she could work with others through effective energy work, though she would need to first come to the place in life where she realized her abilities and her life path, and she is not quite there yet. In the meantime, your guides have been asking you to not obsess over this situation or to try to remedy it, but to release your daughter and her family completely, in body, mind, and spirit. She will never feel it is safe to reach out to you while you are trying to draw something from her—some reassurance that you did the right thing for her and her brother, as well as yourself, or some return to the relationship you once had. That cannot be, for too much has changed. You would need to begin again, not as her mother this time, but as her objective friend who is willing to hear what she says, not in ways that you feel reflect upon you or your actions, but only in the objective sense of just Listening and Being There for her. As she is an adult with a child of her own, and has released you from your mother role, you must, if you expect to be fully in touch with her again, also release yourself from the mother role. Release her from your energies, your expectations, your preferences. You are in essence asking yourself for forgiveness for having shifted your children’s lives in such a complete way—even more than you are asking for your daughter’s forgiveness. Her cutting you out of her life is simply a metaphor for your own guilt and unhappiness. You are trying to solve that by feeling that if she could just forgive you and let you back into her life, all would be resolved. And yet, it would not be. She can never give you enough Love and reassurance to lead you to where you will finally Love and accept yourself. That is your path to walk, and no one else’s . . . Go here for more information on the book, the preorder giveaway, and another excerpt. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. DECEMBER 2, 2018
Marilyn Raffaele, Onenessofall.com People all over the world are becoming increasingly aware of the hidden agendas of those dedicated to self service. The false beliefs and concepts that have ruled the three dimensional world for centuries are surfacing in order to be transmuted once again into energies of Light. Energy does not dissolve, but rather changes form as evolution takes place. Other planets have done it and it is now earth's turn to graduate into being a planet in alignment with other evolved planets. Do not allow the chaos of the outer scene to lodge in consciousness as reality, but rather remember that Divine Consciousness, which is all that exists, is incapable of and thus never has expressed Itself as chaos, violence, or suffering. If God did not form Itself as these things then they must only exist as false creations, manifestations of a collective mind conditioned by beliefs of duality and separation. This is the illusion that is so often spoken of. Earth and her people are real and not illusory but hypnotized states of consciousness interpret her realities falsely. This constitutes the illusion. The heat is being turned up so to speak, because those who stand to be acknowledged publicly for their self serving actions fear this exposure and are attempting to keep the status quo by means of tricks and fear tactics that have been successful in the past--anything to distract and keep the majority un-informed. Learn to stay centered, resting in that clear, cool well of contentment within, regardless of outer appearances. Watch less news, detach from 24/7 electronics, and be alert to aligning with negative discussions. If or when you find yourself in this type of situation, don't correct the others, but rather stay centered and aligned, tossing out a seed or more of truth where there is receptivity. There are times when you may be guided to join a heated conversation in order to add Light that will help to open and lift the energy. Never "cast your pearls" where they can be trampled on but rather let intuition always be your guide, which may be to say or do nothing. This is how you secretly and silently pour gentle rain of Light on the fires of confusion. This is Lightwork. There are many in the world who are spiritually ready to go deeper but who remain reluctant, hesitant to do anything that might change their comfortable three dimensional lifestyle. These dear ones usually do not open to the deeper truths without some sort of wake up call forcing them out of their comfort zone. No one incarnates without first creating a contract that they themselves draw up with the help of Guides and teachers. Spiritual contracts are agreed upon lesson plans for chosen experiences and interactions necessary for spiritual growth. Contracts can be changed, but few realize this. In spite of what third dimensional thinking promotes, no one is on earth simply to enjoy concepts of pleasure through any means available. All is proceeding according to plan, never doubt this. Physical eyes can only see the material, but you are reaching a new place by virtue of your inner work where you will begin to access higher frequencies that exist beyond the third dimension. Many of you are already doing this. Do not doubt when you begin to have deep and clear insights or have experiences that were previously unavailable to you. You are becoming YOU as old cellular memory is cleared and higher frequency Light is integrated. You are beginning to align consciously with your Higher Self who has been present in every lifetime, even though you were mostly unaware of her. Talk to your Higher Self for she/he has been lovingly awaiting your recognition since the beginning. Each day more people are awakening and although they may not voice this to those around them, they are starting to question the status quo and seek for better and more loving ways of living. The train of spiritual evolution has left the station and is moving forward. Any attempt to slow or speed up the train by running back and forth in the train cars is futile. We wish to speak of self- love. We have often spoken of love, what it is and how it is, but there remains a great need on earth for real self-love, one not based self importance and ego. Until an individual is able to love and respect self, he will be blocked from entering fully into unconditional love because he has left himself out of ONE and thus remains in alignment with separation. Humans beings are taught from birth that certain codes of conduct must be adhered to in order to be loved and accepted by society. If the parents are somewhat evolved, these codes will be primarily based in love but others are taught codes of conduct that arise out of denser belief systems. Every person brings their attained state of consciousness with them at birth because in reality you are consciousness and not just physical bodies. This effects if and how these codes of conduct are accepted and lived which is why parents should not always be blamed for the actions of their children. Every person, no exceptions, seeks love and acceptance because Oneness is the reality that underlies all creation. Realization of Oneness is what evolution is and has always been about. Every soul innately, but usually unconsciously seeks to once again experience the wholeness of realignment with SELF--Source. This is the force that drives and governs the actions of human beings in accord with their level of awareness. The love, acceptance, and sense of wholeness that every soul has sought lifetime after lifetime, is already fully present within but remains dormant and inaccessible until consciously realized. If love and acceptance is only received in negative ways, for instance from gang participation or some other organized group, desperate and un-awakened individuals will do whatever is required in order to experience acceptance and a sense of belonging. (love and wholeness) Third dimensional ideas about how to experience love and acceptance are usually promoted as being dependent on accomplishment-- concepts that often drive individuals to use any means to be beautiful, handsome, rich, strong, and powerful, etc. etc. in the belief that once these things are attained, they will finally have the sense of completeness, love, and acceptance that they seek. These dear ones often force themselves into the particular mold they believe will make them worthy, by means that often drain them of true individuality. However for some who are spiritually ready, these exercises in futility can be a part of their pre-birth contract, one designed to move them once and for all beyond seeking love outside of themselves. Drugs and alcohol are often relied upon when even after achieving human success, there remains an inner longing for more and sense of failure. These and other distractions can temporarily relieve the pain but these feelings will continue from lifetime to lifetime until that which the heart seeks is discovered within. The soul's yearning to be whole is what drives mankind's continual search for the right partner, a better job, more money, beauty, power etc. etc. What you as evolving students of truth must never lose sight of is that no one has ever or can ever be separate from love. Once this truth becomes your living breathing state of consciousness, the yearning drive to seek love and acceptance from the outer things (jobs, partners, money, education etc.) dissolves. Only God is love and when you see a loving person, know that it is God expressing ITself through them. Love exists fully present within you now--you are IT. Many who lash out physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually at others have consciously or unconsciously recognized those same unacceptable qualities in themselves although they will deny this in every way possible. Self loathing is usually disguised as righteousness taken to intense levels of judgement and even violence against certain individuals or groups. This behavior is common among those who hold to strict religious rules and regulations of what is right and wrong. When these dear ones suspect or discover something within themselves outlawed by their narrow belief system, they lash out at anyone or group represents these qualities in an attempt to convince themselves and those around them that the issue is not a part of them. Because energy always seeks to align with like energy (oneness) that which is being judged, is in alignment with similar energy in the person doing the hating and judging, otherwise there could be no reaction or even awareness of the issue. Intense personal reactions to some person or group occasionally pop up even for the very evolved, causing confusion and guilt. This happens because energy from a former belief system is still resonating in cellular memory. Without judgement or guilt, utilize these types of experiences as wonderful tools for more fully examining and clearing energies you may still be holding in consciousness. As individuals become spiritually enlightened, they often experience intense guilt over past actions. This is normal as you begin to see the world with awakened eyes. Experiences are how humans spiritually grow and evolve until they are no longer needed. Do not give some un-loving action of the past power over you because it has only the power you choose to give it. All experiences are steps along the path of enlightenment and without them you and the others involved would not be where you are now. Earth school is a teaching school that begins which pre-school, moves to grade school, then high school, college, and graduate school where most of you are now earning the right to teach and assist others coming up the ladder behind you. It is never wisdom to burn down the school once you graduate or to sit back doing nothing in the false belief that you have arrived. Evolution is a group effort-- ONE individualized as the many. Rejoice in your failures and in the parts of yourself that have caused you shame. We are not saying that it is fine to continue with actions that reflect separation once you know better, but we do say that it is time to accept that you grew and learned from these experiences qualifying you now to assist others dealing with the same issues. In spite of what many paths teach, there is no right way to become more spiritual, because you already are as spiritual as you will ever be. No path, teacher, tool, or experience can make you more spiritual than you already are. Evolution is simply the process of remembering and accepting this fact until it becomes a permanent state of consciousness. If you are guided to read these messages, it means you are ready to let go and move on from the million and one concepts the world presents regarding spirituality, most of which involve looking to some person, place, or thing outside of yourself. Accept the reality of who and what you are and only ever will be. This is how you love yourself. To know self as SELF is self love. Allow any shadow parts to assume their rightful place as representative of who you thought you were at that time. Let everything that has caused you to feel "less than" fade away and Light to take its place. Everyone is only required to live their highest attained level of awareness, doing the best they can with what they know in all situations. There are some who continue to live out from an outgrown level of awareness in order to be accepted by others. Humans chose to experience separation when they picked earth as their evolutionary path. There are those on other planets who have and are evolving without third dimensional experiences. When fully aligning with the lower resonating energies of duality and separation, humans are unable to access the higher frequencies of their spiritual nature. This is the so called "veil" that prevents most humans from accessing the higher frequencies. This is rapidly changing. Every incarnating soul is aware of the "veil" before choosing "Earth School". Those of you reading these messages have weathered many three dimensional storms, lived as all races and both genders, and have experienced intense fear and suffering as well as joy and happiness throughout your hundreds of lifetimes. Because of this, those drawn to you for spiritual assistance will not tell you anything new or that will shock and dismay because you have already either heard about or experienced it in this or some other lifetime making you a teacher who embodies truth, understanding, patience, and unconditional love. We are the Arcturian Group 12/2/18 Donations are welcomed |
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