The Lion's Gate 2016 and the "Master" Cycle that Commences : The Opening of the Seventh Dimension on Earth
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 22 July 2016 Beloved Family of Light, when you began this year of 2016, we did say to you, with much love, that 2016 would be a challenging year, and that you would need to embody your Mastery in a powerful way. As the Lion’s Gate of 2016 approaches, you now prepare yourself for a New Beginning and to initiate your first major cycle of creation as an embodied Master and Alchemist. What does this mean? It means that you will take what is of low frequency and you will transform it and turn it into Golden Light! Even though you may be surrounded by people who are filled with fear and anger and other low frequency emotions and who are making choices based on these emotions, you will make your choices from Love and Compassion and you will be the Diamond Light that shines clearly and magnificently. Beloved Ones, now is not the time to give up or to step back. Now is the time to fully embrace who you are, who you have become, and to step forward into the Emerald Light as a fully embodied Master, a Creator and Alchemist of Light. In this time of chaos and challenge as the old falls away and the new is still to manifest, it is you who are here to hold the energy of the New, to be the New Earth, and to embody the Power and Empowerment of the New Earth Soul. The Lion’s Gate and the Planetary New Year : A New Cycle of Time and Creation On the 26th of July, you will enter into the Planetary New Year. This is the Time celebrated by the Ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, as the moment when the Planet begins a New Spiral of Galactic evolution in alignment with the Great Central Sun and the Divine Cosmic Heart. It marks the opening of the Lion’s Gate Star Portal, which allows for a powerful influx of Light Codes that will shape the form of experience in the coming year. These Light Codes will lift you into another level of evolution and experience if you allow this process, but if you are not aligned or you are in a low frequency of anxiety and fear, you will simply continue to create at this same level again. Beloved Ones, be open to this grand influx of powerful Light and Blessings that is coming to you as this Star Portal begins to open on the 26th July, and culminates on the 8thof August on the 8/8, and then closes on the 12th of August. Here is a “window” of Light and Opportunity for each one of you to step up and into a new level and phase of your personal evolution on Earth.. There will be many distractions in the outer world. Many disasters and conflicts will occur that will ask for your attention and will ask you to align your energy with theirs. Beloved Ones, it is enough to be aware of what is happening, but to focus your energy and attention rather on your inner processes and on the need to initiate a New Cycle of personal Creation that will express a higher level of your Soul and your Soul Essence on the Earth. Decide for yourself who you are and what you will create in your life and on the Earth, and then focus on that. Do not be drawn by the energies of anything that is not in alignment with what you wish to create. Time Cycles and the New Cycle Beloved Ones, in your Earth space of the Fifth Dimension in transition, you have experienced two creative cycles of 8 to 9 years, and you are beginning another now. From 1999 to 2008 you created together as the first wave of awakened souls on Earth, together with the Indigo and Crystal children. This period included the 9/11 event and the economic collapse of 2008. Both events were aimed at distracting attention from the creation of the New, and keeping people on Earth focused on the same old creations of fear and lack that allows them to be manipulated and controlled. Then, from 2008 to the end of 2016, you have been in the second cycle, where there has been a continuation of low frequency fear based “events” that are aimed at keeping humanity at a low frequency and preventing them from progressing to freedom and empowerment. Beloved Ones, if you are awake and aware, you will see how these events always occur at times when a great shift is possible, so that fear and anxiety will prevent many from shifting as they are trapped in their own fears. Do not let this happen to you! Now, as you begin the process for the creation of the 2016/7 to 2026 cycle, focus on Higher Consciousness, Higher Wisdom, and what you desire to create for yourself and for the Earth as you assist in the manifestation process for the New Earth. The Master that You Are and the Power that Flows through as the Seventh Dimension opens You have everything that you need within you. Over the past two cycles of evolution and growth, you have activated the Personal Power and Creativity that you need. You have activated your Light Body and the 13 Chakra Energy system that you need to allow you to receive and integrate the incoming Light Codes. You have opened your Hearts to receive the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness with its Love and Compassion at the center of your existence. Then, you have received the Diamond Codes that allowed you to reconnect with your Galactic heritage, and the Emerald Codes that allowed you to reconnect with Nature and the Green Heart of the Earth. More recently, you have begun the rewiring of your energy meridians that allows you to reconnect with the powerful flows of creative and intuitive energy of the Right Brain and to balance these and integrate them with the Left Brain’s ability to organize and create narratives. Beloved Ones, this powerful energy that is flowing into the Planet right now is a torrent of blessings and creative abundance, but unless it is received in balance and integrated into your Light Body system, it has the potential to destabilize your energy field. This Energy flow must then be received by the Pineal Gland Gateway, and then transmitted by the Right Brain and the Left Brain and then into to the Heart. From there it must be grounded into the Earth through Manifestation and connection with the Earth Star and the Earth Heart centers. Those who are not grounding this energy will feel this energy running “wild” in their system, and they will become aggressive, fearful, explosive and angry. Those who have no connection with their Soul and Higher Self will feel lost, confused, anxious and unable to find their place in the world. The whole purpose of your evolution in thee last two cycles has been to reconnect Spirit and Body, Heaven and Earth, so that your Body and Soul are One. It is your Soul that will provide the center of your Being and your Life right now. You are the Master, your Soul connects to your Heart Center in Love and Peace. You manifest from Soul and Spirit into Matter, following the laws of Divine Creative Power and Balance. You create a Garden of Peace and Creativity within your Heart and Soul that manifests around you. Beloved Ones, do not seek for Peace and Harmony in the outside world, or in others, right now. You are the ones who are here to demonstrate Mastery and to open the Gateway of the Seventh Dimension. Those around you in the world are still struggling to understand the Fifth Dimensions, and the Magic of the Sixth Dimension, so they cannot at this moment be in that place of expansion where you stand now ready to move forward. The Seventh Dimension is the frequency of the Master and is the focus and end point of the Ascension process. For you, Beloved Ones, it means to be here on the Earth, in the midst of the turmoil and chaos, and to be in that place of Inner Stillness and Peace. It means to be connected to the powerful Flow of Divine Creative Intelligence and to be able to direct this Flow into Magical Manifestation through Intention and Focus. It means to live without fear, without expectations and attachments, but simply in the Flow of Love, Creativity and Divine Manifestation. To live as a “Master” does not mean to be “perfect”. It means to be who you are as a Soul in a Body, and to express your Soul in alignment with Spirit, in everything that you experience and manifest on Earth. Beloved Ones, as these Gateways are opening, you are all most welcome to step across the threshold and claim your place in the Higher Dimensions of Light as they open to Earth. These intense Frequencies of brilliant light and Luminosity will illuminate all that you do at this time. And, as you do this, you will know and trust that you will always be safe and cared for. Your Soul will protect you and Spirit will guide you, as you weave and create with the Divine Creative Intelligence as an Embodied Master of Light. The Magical Gateway Opens So, Beloved Family of Light, at this powerful New Year and Lion’s Gate, there will also be a powerful opening to the Seventh Dimension of Ascended Mastership available to you if you so desire to move forward in this way. You will know that you are ready. You will feel that you have mastered the Fifth Dimension of Oneness and released the hold of Duality and the Shadow on your Life. You will be ready to embrace the Love, Creativity and Magic of the Sixth Dimension and to flow with the powerful Light Codes and currents without Fear. You will be ready to balance yourself between Heaven and Earth, and to step forward as a Master of these Energies on Earth. You will be ready, when the Gateways open, to express your Soul fully on the Material Plane as a New Human of the New Earth.
Kara Schallock, Finally...a new Ascension Note - 16-Jul-2016
Source It has been a long while since I've written a Note. My computer needed attention (and is still offering challenges) and then my beloved kitty transitioned. While I miss his physical presence, he is with me, guiding. Our companion animals are not just animals; they guide and teach. I have learned a lot through all of this. Soon we will be in the Lion's Gate again. We continue to clear, adjust and acclimate to higher and higher energies. It's important to keep our vibration high, so we more easily match the vibrations that continually flow into us. While there is much in the old world that tends to distract us and much of it brings up fear, it is all a part of the large transition and is affecting all sentient beings of Earth. Release the fear and anxiety and pay attention to your Root Chakra, for when it is clear, you feel safe; when it is blocked, you feel fearful and anxious. It is so important to stay in an aura of Love and remind yourself that all that is occurring is in Divine Order. So if your life is in chaos or it is the world that is in chaos (a perception, by the way), rise to be Love and be that in all you say, think and do; for that is the best way to transform the fear in ourselves and others; this is keeping your vibration high. Clear your Root Chakra and then fill it with the higher vibration of white, which fills this chakra with Soul Essences of Purification and Resurrection (Ascension). Then bring your attention to your pure Heart and Be Love. There is no evil; it is an illusion of the old world. The Truth is that there is only Love. So-called evil is fear and is created by the masses of those still asleep; those in duality; for how can there be evil and Love at the same time? If you do not believe this, then it is fear within you that asks to be transcended to Love. There is no us and them either, for we are all One. Life has been stressful for most since June 23rd or shall we say since the Solstice. Yet it has been for the purpose of transcending lower emotions and the tendency to have outer life dictate inner life, while in Truth, inner life creates outer life. We have been through some powerful personal shifts over the last few years and the energies have increased in intensity. Remind yourself that all that is and has been occurring is for your very highest evolution. Our memory cells have been activated. Many of us received a large upgrade of consciousness in our cellular system some 2,000 years ago that has been dormant, waiting for this phenomenal time of Ascension. These cells of Christhood have the potential to awaken now, as long as we have released duality and the lower energies of fear and doubt. I trust this will encourage you to continue to release all that is not Love. We all carry crucifixion codes within us. Know that crucifixion does not mean suffering or death, but is a natural step in Transformation. Crucifixion then is followed by resurrection or Ascension. Visualize the Transformation of the caterpillar to butterfly. The caterpillar creates a womb in which all of its old life is dissolved so that it may create a completely new life...that of a butterfly; free and graceful. We are encouraged to find new pathways in which to express our Soul. This may require many to leave relationships, jobs and anything else that no longer resonates. Doing so may naturally bring up old fear and doubt. Yet, we are required to make choices that may appear difficult if there is any attachment to the old way of life. We make choices based on our Heart's Guidance. If you do not vibrate with Joy and Passion in anything you do, it is asking you to let it go. “More letting go” you ask? Remember, Ascension is ongoing and not a destination. While some speak of a final landing place, that is not what I am told. End destinations are not of the New; they are of the old; they are finite and Ascension (and us) are infinite. If you find yourself still engaged with your lower intellect, these questions may help empower your Heart more and help you transcend the lower self as well as empower your Soul-self. The lower self is impulsive and reactive. By empowering your Heart, you empower your Divine Feminine and this brings much Peace from within you. She does not fear and allows Herself to be vulnerable and willing to change. When the two merge (the mind and the Heart), you experience great Wholeness, which helps you integrate self-mastery, Compassion, self-Awareness, Understanding, Respect and Courage. What are your primal needs that try to dominate the higher reflection of your consciousness? How do you nurture your lower self, which calms it? How do you express Strength in all you are and do? Strength is not forcefulness or over-powering another; it is calm and steadfast. To further let go of any separation belief, practice integrating your I AM (your Divine Self). Align with your I AM (Soul)...meditation empowers this...and have every action be kind, forgiving and grace-filled. Be fully present as Love. When in this Presence of Love, you radiate this to all beyond yourself. Even if you practice this for a few short minutes, you will notice how your consciousness shifts higher. In time, your cells respond as they integrate Love and this shifts your lower beliefs into Love. Eventually, you will notice your attitude shift, you integrate and accept Divine Order, your physicality changes and toxins are released so that all functions in Wholeness. There are changes in your perceptions of self, others and events; and there is a greater sense of your Divine Sovereignty, Oneness, Creativity and Intuition. There is more connection and dwelling in the higher realms of Understanding helps you to see the Truth of all outer circumstances. To assist you, take a shower or take a handful of water and pour it over your head with your attention and intention placed on clearing all your chakras. This helps you purify mentally, emotionally, physically and astrally. As we align with our Soul and purify our intentions, we are more open to receive all the Light flowing into us. When we make choices based in our highest Integrity and Joy, we align with higher Christ Consciousness. When we make the choice to evolve through higher thoughts and actions, we shine brightly and radiate Love to all others. As we trust our Guidance and Heart-feelings, we align our consciousness with Christ Consciousness and the lower self then has no power over us. Notice your perceptions. When you perceive from your Higher Self consciousness, it is completely different than perceiving from your lower self. The lower self only knows the past; that of old beliefs and 3D duality. When you perceive from a higher place, you let go more of surface events and see instead that all is in Divine Order. For instance, many become disconcerted when they find themselves in the old consciousness or matrix. Rather than perceiving this or that, when your perception changes, you see that you are in both realms at once; multidimensionally. When you realize that it is more comfortable in the New and higher vibrations, you will spend much more time there (here); thereby anchoring the higher consciousness within you. When spending more time in the New, fears do not interrupt our Flow. We see them as illusions. As we focus on Love, illusions dissipate and become powerless. It helps to meditate in the Pineal Chakra, as that center is not only the distributor of high dimensional Light; it balances us between male (intellect) and female (Heart) energies. If you cannot connect with your Guides, trust this is purposeful and part of your evolution. It may be a message to merge with Soul; your Source Higher Self. If this occurs, do not panic; it is a shift from focusing on something outside of yourself and empower your own knowing. Then when you truly know that all guides are within, they may return or you may receive new guides that are in alignment with your consciousness. And they are within you as you. However it happens for you, it is always for your highest evolution, even when you may feel disconnected (of course, you never are disconnected from Source). We are changing how we express ourselves; we are shifting higher in consciousness; we are becoming the Truth of who and what we are and that is Love; pure and simple. The Founders: Soul Evolution
Posted on July 19, 2016by NewSunUnity Greetings, we are the Founders. We are pleased to make your acquaintance today. This channel has already explained the method of delivery of these messages. Keep in mind that only a small percentage of our energy is available through this channel. It is not easy for us to speak through Earthly channels because only a small portion of our energy can come through these vehicles. These vehicles are only designed to receive energy up to what you call seventh level, so it is necessary to step our energy down to what you call seventh level in order to speak through these vehicles. We are Creator Gods that have come to Earth during the time of Earth’s transition – what you call a Galactic Cycle – it is actually a Grand Cycle – it is a cycle of the precession of your axes. It is a point in time – Earthly linear time – where the alignment of the poles of your planet correspond to a specific frequency generated from what you would call quasars, which are large stellar bodies, and approximately every 26,000 years your Earth tilts at exactly the right angle to align with these scaler electromagnetic impulses, so at that particular point in Earth’s evolution your electromagnetic field fluctuates and changes in such a way that it creates a great deal of change on your Earth. Your Mayan civilization has recorded this in their calendars, and your prophets and psychics have foreseen this time of great change. It is a wonderful opportunity for you as evolving souls to experience these great changes and to grow from that experience. In the outer realms of Creation, everything happens in cycle. You have the cycle of your Earth revolving around the sun, which you call a year. You base your Julian calendar on these cycles. You divide your year into various units of measure, and you have become aware of the larger cycles – the Grand Cycle of approximately 25,920 years, the Galactic Cycle of approximately 227 million years, and there are larger cycles than that – there is the time it takes your galaxy to revolve around the Great Central Sun of your Universe, which is a period of about 10.8 billion years. At the same time, you know that your Universe is continually expanding. God is continually expanding. So there are many cycles and there are many levels and dimensions to your Universe. In your recent meditation you experienced a little bit of your 12 levels of Self. In our lesson today, we are going to talk about soul evolution – how your souls evolve, what to expect as your soul evolves, and we are going to cover a few details and mechanics of your soul evolution. Let us first review some of what this channel was talking about before regarding how souls come into embodiment and how they move between embodiments. Your Universe is composed of 12 densities. Each of these densities has its own unique set of rules and principles that govern that realm of Creation. In addition, there are universal laws and principles that apply to all densities and dimensions simultaneously, and we will go into some of them. When you became individual souls, you emerged out of the Godhead. You had a blueprint – a big plan – a part of the Divine Plan – already encoded within you. You had 12 densities already encoded within you. You had a Self, or an aspect, for each of the 12 densities of Creation, and you had encoded within you a way of perceiving each of the 12 densities. Dear ones, the higher densities, which you call eight through twelve, are what are known as “collective soul levels” or “collective consciousness levels.” When you are in densities eight through twelve, it is as if you are evolving back into the Godhead, but in reality there is no such thing as evolving back into the Godhead because, using the analogy of the child being born, as the child grows up, does he try to get back into his mother’s womb as he grows up? Hopefully not, and if he does try to get back into his mother’s womb, this is a severe psychological disorder, is it not? And yet, as that child grows up, he becomes more and more like his parents. He begins to look more and more like them, speak more and more like them, talk more and more like them, and he goes out into the world and does many of the things his parents do. He understands what his parents understand. So as you evolve from eighth to twelfth density, you become more and more like your Creator – like your Divine Parents. So evolution in its natural state goes from individuality at the seventh density, which is how you are born as an individual soul – you come into what is called seventh density as an individual soul, and you begin evolving and growing through 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th densities. When you reach the level of 12th density, you become known as a Creator God – you are able to create like your Parents – you become a God in your own right, capable of creating entire universes. In fact, you DO create universes. In God’s one infinite Universe are many hundreds of thousands of other universes that are the creations of those aspects of the Godhead that have reached 12th density. As individual souls, many of those universes are available for you to explore. So in other words, we your elder brothers on the path – if you want to use that expression (it is a meaningless expression to us, but it may have value to you, so we will use it) – we as your elder brothers on the path, have created many wonderful things for you to grow into and experience as you evolve towards us – as you evolve and expand your awareness. There is an infinite amount of Universe available to explore, so you never have to be concerned with running out of things to explore. Learning is a continuous process even for us. You may think that as 12th density souls we have completed our learning process, but that is not so. Learning is an infinite process as is growing and evolving – and that is the beauty of it – that is the majesty of it. There are many upon your plane that think that as they grow into higher dimensions they will become bored. Everything is love and light. It is like the concept of Heaven where you are an angel playing a harp and sitting on a cloud. Obviously that is an extremely limited concept of Heaven, and indeed, if Heaven were about sitting on a cloud playing a harp, you would eventually become quite bored indeed and would gladly welcome a shift into the eternal fires of hell because at least the devil knows how to throw a good party. Correct? Of course, we know that is all just a state of consciousness. Those of you in this room know that is a state of consciousness. We think it is a rather amusing state of consciousness, for indeed if the fires of hell are burning, they must be burning away your old issues. They must be purging and cleansing you. So perhaps souls would grow a great deal faster living in hell rather than living in Heaven where all they get to do is learn a new song on their harp and maybe help St. Peter welcome newcomers. Eventually you would probably run out of clouds to sit on and have to create new clouds and new harps. So anyway, getting back to our story… We felt this diversion might pick you up a bit. This channel has told us that we get a bit too serious. In reality, seriousness is a meaningless concept to us, but because it is so difficult to describe our realm in your Earthly terms, it may come across as seriousness. Your ability to laugh and have fun is very important and it helps you grow as souls. So we hope to become less serious as we explore this means of communication further. Channel: Sal Rachele Here is a great channel I found that is a great measuring stick for our halfway point in the year that also helps to crystalize the understandings of where we are at & what's going on. Enjoy. We are all doing well & on our path even when it doesn't feel quite perfect.. IT'S ALL GOOD. Davo 2016 ~ Creating From the Platform of Inclusion and Love Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased we are to be in your presence at the beginning of this brand new and exciting year. We honour you for coming to anchor the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time. These are glorious times, indeed! You have achieved so much on your planet. So much so, that you have stepped up onto a brand new golden platform to create and experience this year from. There is a marked energetic shifting into a much higher vibration from the energies of 2015 into the energies of 2016. This golden platform that you find yourselves on is incredibly significant because it is allowing you a brand new vantage point to create and navigate your lives from. You have been in a cycle of purging, of letting go, of releasing, many, many lifetimes’ worth of lower vibrating energies, of old belief systems, of wounds. You have been assisted by the planet that you live on, you have been assisted by outer planetary influences, as well as having the active assistance of your guides and highest self. You have been hit with wave after wave of transformative energy, leaving you lighter and lighter, and leaving you with space to fill now that you have purged out so much. This is allowing you to stand on this brand new platform looking forward as never before, and we call 2016 “The Year of Creation Through Inclusion and Love”. Allow that to sink in for a moment – inclusion and love. Many of you have been conditioned to be on the lookout for what you do not want. You have been raised by people who have experienced lack and war, who have struggled to have enough and survive. Because of the harshness of their realities, they felt very disempowered and powerless, and this put them on high alert for the next crisis. They were, through their conditioning and victim consciousness, unconscious creators, ever vigilant for the unwanted. As you began to evolve, and experiment with your role of creator, you created by contrast, by identifying what you no longer wanted to experience and deciding what you wished to exclude and release from your energy bodies and your lives. Contrast played a very important role, allowing people to get very clear on what they did not want and then, from that place, choose differently. Creating through contrast can be quite uncomfortable. The experience of what you do not want by creating unconsciously can be painful, to say the least. Mass understanding of the law of attraction has done much to help people start to change their awareness, and from the many shifts and downloads that you have received, you have been becoming far more aware and far more conscious. Living through exclusion was very old 3d energy. This is what has been going on, on your planet for a very, very long time – seeing yourself as separate from Source, seeing others as separate from you, trying to navigate your life by avoiding what you did not want. And now here you are. You have stepped forward onto a platform that looks at things completely differently. You are all beautiful vessels ready to be filled and you are now choosing what you wish to include. You are choosing to navigate through inclusion and love, the great connector and the great amplifier. You will no longer need to navigate through deep discomfort. You will not need to create huge crisis in your life to get your attention. If you are creating consciously, your focus will shift from what you want to let go of, to what you wish to fill yourself up with. You are far more empowered when you start to create by what you wish to experience. Feel the energetic shift as you feel into what it is like to now navigate through inclusion and love. When you make the shift from exclusion to inclusion you are making the quantum shift from separation consciousness to unity consciousness. Do you see? Evolving beyond exclusion means you no longer feel the need to protect yourself from other people’s energies. It means that you simply hold your light, your alignment, your preferred energy wherever you go. You set the energetic tone. In other words, you embody your preferred energy in an empowered way, rather than powerlessly being affected by whatever energies you may be exposed to. It is allowing you to accept others for who they are. You are including them, you are loving them, because you are able, through this new energetic platform, to recognize their divinity and mastery, and honour that they are exactly where they need to be. Of course, people are at different stages of their journey, but for those of you who have been diligently doing your work, who have worked hard to move into awareness, you are ready to navigate in this new empowered way. This does not mean that you will throw your heads in the sand and ignore what is wrong on your planet but you will no longer try to engage with what is wrong by pushing against it. You have learned that that is not a good use of your focus and will only keep you further engaged in what you do not wish to experience. You will simply know that the best use of your energy is to embody what is desired, and that is being of your highest service. You will create through awareness and consciously choosing the energies that you wish to include in your life expression. It is embodying your choice because it is in alignment with your truth. We will tell you that no conscious human being on the planet would choose war. Conscious human beings include and honour each other and choose peace. The fact that you are now poised to see each other with love and acceptance and inclusion will pave the pathways for peace. Accepting and honouring others and embodying your truth will allow you to experience patience like never before. You will experience patience not by pushing against impatience, but by embracing the foundation of acceptance. It is acceptance that breeds peace and patience. More than that, you will be navigating with inclusion, acceptance and love for yourselves, as well. You will no longer be attempting to do service that serves everyone but yourself. You will see yourself as equally important, including yourself with your tender care, with your mindfulness, with your love, with your acceptance, which will bring a beautiful balance to your life. You will start to truly see yourself as part of the greater whole, as a divine being, as an individuated aspect of Source energy, and as such, an empowered creator. This will allow you to start to experience a far greater grace and ease than ever before. Because of these deep energetic changes, you will see many people changing their service. First wavers who have been in active service through the first part of this grand shift on your planet will find their service changing, shifting to reflect where they are today. Many will shift into service that includes less doing and more being. You will see second wavers stepping fully into active service, into their divine practices, sharing their gifts, learning how to live in purpose and service in ways that now suit them. And some will leave the planet because as their service contracts come to an end, they decide they wish to go Home, considering it a job well done, which is why you are seeing some of your beloved performers transitioning at this time. It is all a beautiful divine dance that is breathtaking to behold. Dear Ones, there will always be shifting energies. You are on a planet of experience. You will have a myriad of experiences but the difference is from this new platform you are on, you will be able to see events with a deeper understanding, with acceptance, understanding purpose, looking at the bigger picture, and staying firmly on your path of inclusion and love. You will not get stuck pushing against what is unwanted any longer. If you fall into those old habits you will find it impossible to stay there for very long, for it will be far too uncomfortable. You will remember in record time that those energies are no longer supported and you will simply readjust. With your new level of self love and awareness, you will remember that discomfort is not necessary in order to be consciously aware of what you prefer. You have had centuries of contrast, Dear Ones! Trust us when we say you know very well what you wish to create by now and you can access that inner truth whenever you like. What is now being supported is giving yourself permission to create through preference, which means finally becoming more comfortable with your divine capability to embody and create beauty, grace, ease, love, and joy. You are in a new space that supports you in consciously choosing a path of love, joy and connection! So get clear about what you wish to include as part of your life experience moving forward. Treat it like a beautiful buffet, filling your plates with what resonates, what feels good to you, what sustains you, what you love, and what is a true expression of you. These are amazing times that you have created! You have been driving the shift that has allowed this to happen. You are glorious beings, magnificent human beings doing a wonderful job! You are so loved for all you do and for all you will continue to do. This is what we wished to share with you today. It has been our great pleasure. Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young on facebook on twitter Sanat Kumara: God Consciousness
Meline Lafont “Coming from the state of all and nothing simultaneously allows you to reset and integrate the necessary encodements to rebuild your planetary consciousness and even start from scratch with a different language. You are seeing the world through different eyes now and what must happen will come about in the most necessary ways to help humanity to reach that point of resurrection. We speak of God consciousness now and not only the Christed Light, for the Christed light has been resurrecting a longer time ago reaching the point of the return of the Christ. Now the God consciousness is being infused and integrated through the Galactic Sun (center) and the Galactic codes. This God consciousness brings back the sense of Unity and is all about Unity. Thus you will come to see things and events take place on your Earth that emphasize Unity and brings back Unity. You will thrive for Unity and unity will be everything you shall see as a result of many things. What is between the seeds to Unity and the blossoming of Unity is but a way to get to the understanding of this nature. We are to not take it serious, only to know it is just a way to get you there. The way in-between it is a momentum of change, a power that brings about and helps you all to facilitate this. Now that the third wave of consciousness has begun to awaken and plant their seeds, you will all feel a heightening in energy within the bodies as this will start to uplift you all in a greater sense of the Self. Unity consciousness will now be able to come forth more as you go through your phases of resurrection. Some will linger deeper into a pace of deep awakening of the Divine blueprint than others, as most are within different stages of their Divine humanity experience. The embodiment of this great wisdom and knowledge is what is important to hold and to duly facilitate. Everyone will have to deal with this in their own human way, make sure what you do and choose is the best way for ALL of you. You will have to walk your talks from now on, for quickly will you start to notice that talking alone will not keep you here in this momentum of heart. It is about the foundation of BEing this, thus walking what you talk of and Being all that you say you are. Any other way will become hard and difficult to function in for your most natural senses and way of Being will become the order of the day. There will be no other way than to be your authentic selves you see. This is part of the great self mastery and you have been working for this very hard. Now that you are beginning to step in this world of wonders you are to be true to yourselves and be all at heart for what you do, say and are. You will now manifest yourselves and all that you are as an energy, more quickly. Less time for delusional things to get you out of the illusion. It will spark quickly and clearly. You will know where you are at in an instant. Thus will you get to know yourselves in an all-encompassing way and tremendously profound, and that is a God given choice and command. You will learn how to handle quick changes and manifestations, as well as your clairvoyant and clarity skills. The truth will no longer hide from you but present itself in your face very directly or through your visions and you will not be able to look away. It will not go before you have seen and know what it is you ought to know. This means facing ALL of you and your fears as well. Like we say onto you: you will get to know yourself tremendously and in an all-encompassing way! This is the Divine: nothing to hide but clear and open ~ transparent. Others will start to see more of who you are and what you vibrate as, as their senses too are enhancing along with their own fields of intention. Again you will get to know yourselves tremendously as everything becomes clear and truth will no longer hide. Embrace this truth as it comes to you. It is not your enemy it is your ally. Keep this in mind whenever things come out in the world as truth. Do not hold yourselves down by anger or hate, but embrace the face of truth as it can bring forth joy and freedom. Knowing and awakening out of your sleep is freedom! You will have to walk your talk now as you are becoming grand masters again. Be true to your heart and yourselves, so will it be in the world as a direct result and reflection. Moment by moment we abide within your heart” Lord Sanat Kumara The Latest Message from Archangel Michael July 2016 “THE LAW OF ATTRACTION”
by Jamie through Ronna Hermann The Latest Message from Archangel Michael July 2016 "THE LAW OF ATTRACTION" Beloved masters, it is of vital importance that you endeavor to incorporate the higher states of awareness, along with the will and Self-discipline needed to correctly implement the higher frequencies of truth into your physical, everyday life style in order to become a Master on the Path. Vital information for each incarnation is stored within the Soul-Seed Atom. However, the consciousness of the human personality must reach the required frequency patterns in order to access any advanced Cosmic information. Over time, desire is transformed into aspiration, and aspiration develops into a clear, definitive intuitive ability. It is a proven fact that humanity evolves and gradually makes life changes through experiencing moments of crisis. The fusion of the Soul with the personality produces incredible changes in the ego-desire body consciousness, thus affecting every aspect of a human Being who is functioning within the physical plane existence. Living in the present moment, fully aware, without judgment or prejudice is the foundation of joyful, abundant living. Past memories and future expectations/aspirations create your present reality and future experiences. Remember: Spiritual Fire is the basis of all manifestation, which forms the background for human evolution. The power of the Universe is in the present moment of the NOW, within the STILL POINT between the past and the future. The STILL POINT of Creation is not a void, it is filled with White Fire God-Seed Atom energy, the Creator’s unmanifested potential. When the time comes for a fragmented God-Seed Atom to experience the reality of a Fourth-Dimensional environment, the Sacred Triad stationed within the densest, entry-level of the Fifth Dimension sends forth the designated God-Seed Atom into the Seventh (highest) Sub-Plane within the Fourth-Dimension. The God-Seed Atom then sends forth a SPHERE of Light called the CAUSAL BODY, which becomes the OverSoul vessel for all of the Soul Fragments to be embodied within the Third /Fourth Dimensions. The Sacred Triad, through the Causal Body, oversees the descent of the miniature God-Seed Atoms (Souls), which will then facilitate the creation of a physical vessel on the Earth Plane. The Seed Atoms/Soul Sparks then descend, via the Life Force Energy Cord, to experience life throughout their many lifetimes and creations. The Creator Essence, from within the Sacred Triads, creates the Soul Fragments, which are to be embodied within physical matter. These Fragments are separate Facets of Itself, and yet they are still a part of the greater whole. The Sacred Triad, which resides within the environment of the Fifth Dimension, then assumes the position of an observer, watching as these Soul Fragments sink deeper and deeper into density. It then patiently awaits the time when these wandering Sparks of Divinity will awaken to the nudgings of the Higher Soul Self, and then to gradually seek and find the Path of return. The Magnetic power of Spirit will forever seek to draw the incarnated Soul inward and upward. It is the LAW OF ATTRACTION. Gradually over time, the Soul and the personality unite and become a consciously blended unit, a Soul-infused personality. Love and intelligence become unified, so that the Divine Plan and fulfillment are achieved. Higher knowledge is stored within the Sacred Memory Seed Atoms of the Soul, the DNA, and the Sacred Mind. The Soul is a composite of Spiritual Essence, which resonates at specific levels of consciousness. A Self-master has a sense of individual Self-identity, and also a sense of Universal ONENESS. First comes Self-consciousness; secondly, you gradually develop and become a Soul-infused personality; then comes the awareness that you are not the Soul, but something much vaster, a point of Divine, dynamic Will, focused on the Soul, this is the individualized God-Seed Atom, which directly OverLights the Soul Self form. This is the moment of an awareness of BEING, not becoming. The small Light of the Soul-fragments, of the lower Dimensions, fades into nothingness as they gradually blend with the brilliant glory of the Sacred Triads of the Seven Sub-Planes of the Fifth Dimension and above. The embodied Soul Self, and then the higher Causal Body, must integrate all remaining Soul Fragments within all of the Third-/Fourth-Dimensional Sub-Planes. Thus, the empowered radiance of the Soul OverLights the ego-desire body so that the human Being becomes a Soul-infused personality. This is the time when you step off the Wheel of Karma, for you have cleared, cleansed and integrated all of your Soul Fragments from within the Fourth-Dimensional levels and below. This is called the Fourth Stage on the Path of Ascension. Henceforth, after the Causal Body’s Sphere of Light is drawn upward and reintegrated into the OverLighting Sacred Triad, the Three Cosmic Cords, your Life / Consciousness / Creativity Cords, will be directly connected with your Sacred Triad. This is the next stage of “God-Self integration” on your journey back into the higher realms of Light. This initiates the Fifth Stage of the Ascension process, which grants admittance into the first sub-level of the Fifth Dimension. The Soul-infused personality is now ready to team up with the Fifth-Dimensional, entry level, Sacred Triad, which embodies a White Fire Seed Atom, containing the three God Rays of our Sub-Universe: Divine Will, Love/Intuition, and Creative, Active Intelligence. When this Fifth Stage occurs, for a time, there is a loss of rapport with your Soul Self, your guides and teachers, as well as any type of telepathic connection. It is like a mini-death, and there is an intense sense of abandonment for a few days. All Elements/Facets of the Third-/Fourth-Dimensional Soul Body, and the OverLighting Causal Body containing them, have been absorbed back into your Sacred Triad, within the lowest level of the Fifth Dimension. There is no longer an OverSoul/Higher Self within your Soul Star/Eighth Chakra, for you are now directly connected with a Pyramid of Light, which contains one of your many Fifth-Dimensional Sacred Triads. By this time, you will have created the River of Life, the Antakarana, the Rainbow Bridge of Light, which will ultimately connect you with all seven of your major OverLighting Sacred Triad Selves within the Fifth Dimension. There is one major Sacred Triad within each sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension. Each higher level Sacred Triad is within a larger Pyramid of Light, and it is higher in frequency than the one beneath it. There is also a variety of smaller Sacred Triads scattered throughout the Fifth Dimension. The process of integration is somewhat different within the Fifth-Dimensional realm, which we will not address at this time. An important concept for your better understanding of the Creative process: Our Father/Mother God is experiencing Creation and the complexity of ALL of Its Seed Atom Fragments through each Spark of Creation throughout this Sub-Universe. Each Dimension and Sub-Dimension provide a different awareness and variety of ITS PRIMAL SELF through its GOD-SEED ATOMS. Your GOD-SEED ATOM / I AM Presence is experiencing life through its many Sacred Triads. These Sacred Triads are experiencing life through the mental aspects of its many Soul Extensions. These higher level Soul Extensions are experiencing the material plane reality through the distortions of the emotional Astral Planes of consciousness via the physical senses. Beloved ones, it behooves you to take time to ponder on and integrate the important concepts of Creation that we are relaying to you. You, the StarSeed, who have attained the required level of harmonious frequency patterns, are now in the process of putting all you have learned into practice. As you do so, those around you who are still struggling within the confines of the restrictive lower-Dimensional environment, will be awed at what you are accomplishing, and gradually they will begin to follow your example. As you are aware, teaching by example is the most effective way to get the attention of those around you. A truism from the past also applies: “By the fruits of your labor, will you be known.” WE SUGGEST THAT YOU STUDY THESE CONCEPTS UNTIL THEY ARE FIRMLY ENTRENCHED WITHIN YOUR MEMORY, FOR THEY ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE “LAWS OF ATTRACTION” AND THEY ARE CRITICAL COMPONENTS FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL ATTAINMENT OF THE STATUS: A “MASTER OF MANIFESTATION.” ∙ Become a bystander, an observer, not a participant in all the negative drama that is constantly going on around you. It is the state of your emotions that draws you into the maelstrom of negativity. If you are radiating harmonious, higher frequency patterns, you will be immune to the discordant energy around you. ∙ You are in the process of expanding your conscious awareness of what is occurring around you, and so it is vitally important that you maintain a detached state of mind. You are developing a new way of thinking, which is based on Higher-Self control of your mind and emotions. ∙ First comes Self-awareness, then Soul-consciousness, followed by Galactic-consciousness and eventually Sub-Universal-consciousness. You are striving to tap into the streams of Infinite Awareness, which contain the Cosmic Manifest for the complete Divine Blueprint for this new Sub-Universal experience. ∙ You are also developing a heightened, controlled sensitivity to those you interact with, which includes an empathetic, but somewhat detached viewpoint. This is an integral part of developing nonjudgment. You are to diligently seek, claim and live your truth to the best of your ability, and you are to allow all others the same right. ∙ Do not allow anything or anyone to disturb your serenity. Develop a high level of forbearance and sensitivity, and diligently practice being patient and slow to anger. ∙ While seeking Self-mastery, part of your testing will be that you will have to experience, overcome, and possibly even move beyond some of the trying relationships with the people in your life who are not ready or willing to move forward on the spiraling Path of conscious Soul-awakening. Each and every Soul must choose the path they will follow. You are only responsible for your own spiritual evolution. It is imperative that you do not abdicate your search for personal Spiritual-awakening and Self-mastery out of a false sense of duty or loyalty to those who are seeking to continue to draw on your energy, or those who demand an unreasonable amount of your attention and time. Because you are in a very critical phase of your illumination process, a time when you are most vulnerable and your trials and tests may not be as dramatic as in the past, you are quite often confused, and you do not know what the next step is or what the next truth is that you are to incorporate into your ever-changing reality. Remember, when you state, “I surrender all that I have and all that I am for my greatest good,” or “I align my will with the Divine Will of our Father/Mother God for my highest good and the greatest good of all,” it does not mean that you are giving up your worldly possessions or your free will. It is about trusting the wisdom of your OverSoul/Higher Self and your God Self, for these wise, higher Facets of your Divine consciousness always know what is best and most beneficial for you at any given time. My brave ones, as you become more proficient as inspired coecreators, no longer will you focus your energy on creating the small, mundane desires of the past. You will have established a constant flow of Adamantine Particles into and throughout your physical vessel, with the remainder flowing out into the world of form. You will have programmed in the smallest detail that which you wish to manifest for your personal comfort and enjoyment, and one of your often used mantras should be, “All my needs and desires are fulfilled even before I realize what they are, which will always be for my greatest good and the most beneficial good of all.” You will have meticulously outlined your path of service to humanity, which will be in perfect harmony with your Divine mission for this new era. You will have a constant, clear and beneficial connection with your resident OverSoul/Higher Self, and you will graciously and easily follow the Path of Light that ever winds higher and higher into the more refined realms of existence. Be assured that I will always guide, direct, inspire and protect you as you journey forth into the unknown. I radiate the eternal love of our Mother/Father God to each of you. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe *Star*Quest *775-856-3654* ** ** 5th Dimension by Lord Merlin
The 5th dimension is a peaceful state of mind. Being in the 5th dimension means that you are at peace with yourself, at ease with who you are and what you represent in this now. This will also reflect in your state of mind, your awareness of emotions and the sensing of yourself on multiple levels. That is what the 5th Dimension stands for and what the collective as a group is growing into. It is not another world or planet; it is rather a state of Being: a vibration of consciousness. So there is nothing to fear about this Dimension, even if it is unknown for many. It is the unknown that frightens you most if you think you will leave and go elsewhere. You are staying right where you are, only will you travel in and through consciousness and thus begin to see things differently through different eyes and with different perceptions. You will be more at ease and in peace with your reality and the outer reality, even if it is most disturbing and conflicting. When you linger in that state, your entire world might change and appear differently. This is what many perceive as the new world, yet it is a new way of seeing things. Albeit peaceful, sincere, unity and Love will become more and more your natural perception and state of Being. Thus all that surrounds you will become that too seen through your windows of the soul and felt from the core of your Being: the heart. That is what 5th Dimension is all about, my dear. So fear not, allow and enjoy this wonderful passage. Meline Lafont Honor and respect yourselves and behave in ways that live up to that honor and respect.
by John Smallman2016-07-06-saul-audio-blog-for-wednesday-july-6th.mp3 Saul Audio Blog for Wednesday July 6th Changes are occurring thick and fast on Earth as more and more of you become aware that you have been seriously misled by those in positions of authority for a very long time. You have a saying, credited to the Englishman, Sir John Dalberg-Acton, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." The truth of this statement becomes more apparent daily, as whistle-blowers disclose ever more corruption in governments and multi-national corporations worldwide. It is shocking for many of you to realize that so many of those whom you relied upon to be honest have betrayed that trust However, that kind of betrayal has been endemic within the illusion for eons, and it needsto be seen so that humanity will move out of its blind acceptance of statements by authority figures that are made to confuse and frighten you into accepting them as honest individuals with your best interests at heart. You now see that this is not so! Many individuals who have been in the public eye presenting themselves as sane and balanced leaders are now seen to be utterly ego-driven as they struggle to destroy others who are competing with them for worldly positions of power and influence. Truly this is a moment of awakening for humanity worldwide. Do not close your eyes or turn away! You are not being asked to judge or condemn anyone! Just be aware of the utter insanity of so much human behavior and recognize that Love is your nature, the true nature of all life forms, and engage lovingly with life. You cannot and will not solve the issues facing humanity if you continue to behave in the ways that have caused so much suffering to so many for eons. There is a much better way, it has been demonstrated by wise and loving holy ones throughout your history, and yet you have continued to conspire, to cheat, and to manipulate one another because in your egoic state of awareness you believe that your way is the best way, the right way, despite the fact that again and again you are proved wrong! Then you go into denial and blame someone else for errors that you have made. This is the time for change, for you to return home to your real selves, the beings of Love that you have hidden beneath the veil of fears that your egos have woven, and open your hearts to one another so that trust returns to human relationships and the desire to win, as others lose, dissolves. Then you will cooperate in divine harmony to create wonders beyond your wildest dreams. You can do this, and you will do this when you make the choice to engage lovingly in every interaction with others. You are those others, so it only demonstrates fear and insanity, both unreal aspects of the illusion, when when you set yourselves apart and withdraw into distrust and anxiety. It is truly distrust of and anxiety about yourselves, your value as a human being. But of course your true value is infinite because you are all the beloved children of God. Trust is found by exercising it, by engaging with love instead of with fear. In times gone by that idea seemed insane because then dishonest self-centeredness was the way in which almost everyone behaved. That is no longer the case. The Tsunami of Love that is now sweeping continuously back and forth across the planet has changed the energy fields of every one of you, and within everyone there is now an awareness that change of an enormous magnitude is essential if you are to bring peace and abundance to all on Earth. It is also quite apparent that honesty, integrity, trust, and the acceptance in others of different life styles, philosophies, physical appearance, and religious persuasions are all aspects of the divine creative impulse within you all. Honor one another regardless of all these differences, then these differences can be put to work together in a harmonious expansion of all your your creative abilities so that you can resolve the issues that have been so divisive on Earth for so long. Truly, the opportunities now presenting themselves to humanity offer incredible prospects to bring peace and abundance to all on Earth. Flow with them, discuss them, engage with them because that is why they are presenting now. The present moment is the ideal moment in which to establish a system of interaction at every level of human exchange that benefits all without exception. Providing care and security for those who are presently in the most dire circumstances, and at the same time honoring the abilities and competences of every human. There is no one on Earth without some ability and competence, it is just that in your presently extremely competitive way of living and working those of lesser abilities are bypassed and then blamed for being a drain on the tax payers. Remember, all are one! Bypassing or ignoring anyone is doing it to yourselves, and that is why your present societal systems are crashing down around you. Love – which is what you all are – takes divine care of all its members without exception. You see it demonstrated where parents lovingly care for their sick, disabled or mentally challenged children, where the younger among you take care of the old, the sick, and the disabled, where loving volunteers visit and care for those without friends or families and those imprisoned. When you all truly care for one another without making judgments, then human society will blossom as its true potential is brought to light. As I have said so often before “Treat all others lovingly, honor and respect them, and observe how your own individual lives become more satisfying, more inspiring, and more enjoyable.” Life is not about others and how they have failed you, deceive, you, or betrayed you, it is about you and how you have done this to yourselves. Honor and respect yourselves and behave in ways that live up to that honor and respect. As you do you will meet others doing likewise. Many are already doing this and the world is changing for the better because of it. Just know that even alone each one of you makes an enormous difference, and honor that responsibility. When you do you will find more joy and satisfaction in life than you presently believe is possible. Your individual task on Earth in this age of enormous change remains what it always has been, namely to be Love in action, that is to be Yourselves, the magnificent beings God created. Love lies firmly anchored at the core of your being. You access it by taking time out from your daily activities and entering that quiet and sublime inner space, the holy sanctuary from which Love never departs. It is always there, waiting patiently for the moment when you choose to enter It's Presence so that It may embrace you. And everyone without exception will enter that holy space eventually, so why delay when the joy you seek awaits you there in every moment? Go within and rejoice, then you will shine with joy and Love as you magnificently assist in humanity's awakening process which is unstoppable. With so very much love, Saul. Sheldan Nidle Update 7/05/2016
5 Batz, 4 Kumku, 12 Manik Selamat Jalwa! A minor scheduling issue has caused a slight interruption in the release of funds. Initial deliveries were deferred until after American Independence Day, due to a conflict between those who wish a truly fast track and others who desire an overuse of prudence in these matters. We anticipate that this promises to be the last of such delays. Most of the fundamental fundings are already in the financial pipeline. The most difficult hurdles have been cleared. We are assured that a strict schedule is to be kept once these first funds arrive at their various destinations. The object is to use these funds to finally terminate the remaining points of power still held by the dark cabal. Therefore, the future fundings are to proceed smoothly and to remove the feelings of frustration that many of you still have. This is a time for prosperity and for a new financial system to be shown to all. The new governance is to oversee this and put an end to the greedy autocrats who have been in power over the last few centuries. Their arrests are forthcoming and, with them, a time for all finally to rejoice! This process, as we have said, has taken too long. However, it was an education for us all. We now fully trust each other and we intend to see this entire project swiftly completed. We ask, therefore, for your continued patience as we complete these numerous deliveries and oversee the rise of a new banking and financial system. There are undoubtedly a few unforeseen kinks that need to be addressed. In any case, all is to be accomplished and this operation is assured of a final success. What is left is for the remaining scenarios to occur and for you to be able to enjoy what is ready to manifest before you. When we first came to this land, we saw how the Anunnaki and their dark minions controlled you. That time is at an end. Ahead is a moment when you can breathe easily and know that the pathway to full consciousness is being cleared. Soon, we can directly address you and prepare you for our arrival and, with it, the coming of your mentors. Then you are to see your Crystal Light Chambers in Agartha! When all of these dark Beings clear out, then is the moment for you to shine. New NESARA-sponsored initiated governance is to permit you to carry out your various projects. Use this special time to come together and begin to forge a new world, where fear and limitation no longer exist. Use this newfound peace to meet new friends and be able to work with similar projects across this globe. In this fresh mood of cooperation, the Ascended Masters intend to give you several lessons on origins, history and what lies ahead for surface humanity. This process is going to be further enhanced by a whole slew of projects that are either to quickly rebuild or create new infrastructure (roads, sewers and water treatment projects for example). See this as a time when you can feel free and be able to begin to restore this surface world. There are also to be unsequestered devices, which can cure disease and improve your state of health and vitality. These devices can, as well, clean up Gaia’s remaining ecosystems and end the disasters that have resulted from mining, drilling and other man-made attacks on our reality. In our view, the key to all of this is the moment for mass landings upon your realm. As you free yourselves from the manipulations and lies that made you falsely afraid of us, we can complete the lessons from the Masters by showing you where you came from, permitting our mentors to start a dialogue that is to abolish your xenophobia and introduce you to your Inner Earth cousins. This process is to be another step of inner growth that is to allow you to see how the Atlanteans altered you and how this shortly is to be reversed. You are to be returned, in the Crystal Light Chambers, to who you were before those tragic last days in Atlantis. When that happens, you are to be given the necessary training required for you to easily live in this newly-reformed realm. Then, you are to come together and forge a new star nation. You are to again reside in the hollow interiors of Mars, Venus, Gaia, and Pax. Your first divine mission is to assist many who lack a fully operational Light Body. This sacred task is to be aided by those who feel a kinship to these long-tortured Souls. Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Around you, my Children, there lies a world that is swiftly changing for the better. In this transforming realm, you are growing and, in your vision, forming a new, more wondrous reality. Long ago, you were created by those in power in Atlantis who wished to punish you for your views on Atlantis. Your view was that what Atlantis stood for was absolutely wrong. You initially paid a huge price for this and now Heaven is ready to reward you by returning each of you to full consciousness. This wondrous state of Being cannot be overestimated. It is a time when you can live in one reality yet freely communicate with the others. It allows you to be both a marvelous full part of Heaven and to live freely in physicality. You are, in effect, a denizen of all realities. This amazing condition is what awaits after you emerge from your Light Chamber and are properly trained by us. We have lived for this for millennia. We gladly welcome it! Your envisioning and deep desire to join us have brought your space family to this present realm. It has gradually permitted you to begin a process that is moving you away from what your former dark masters deeply desired you to become. These reprehensible masters had exceeded the time bequeathed by Heaven for their rule. We were inserted into this unholy mix to prevent their success. The dark was stopped and, even though they are still powerful to you, their abilities are being vastly reduced. As Heaven deeply infuses it with its sacred decrees, this realm is quickly turning to Light. You are now to watch as Heaven’s long set of scenarios starts to manifest and alter this dark realm forever. We are blessed by what is happening. Be aware of this divine grace and prepare to be able to achieve your dreams. A new world is ready to appear before you! It has taken much vigilance and positive focus for us all to reach this magnificent point. As previously stated, this new realm is to be a time full of miracles. Thus, be ready to see all of this. The initial fundings are under way and our associates are busily putting the final touches to a new monetary and banking system. Its purpose is to aid in the worldwide forging of prosperity beyond your deepest beliefs. All we ask is that you use your positive reflection and ability to support each other to assure timely success. We are ready when called upon to start a process of education that is to greatly aid your mentor’s success. There is much to be done here. You, my Children, need the resources and the knowledge to succeed. You are to be the ones who at last put away the dark and welcome in the Beings of Light, who are to be the carriers of your new realm of Light. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Today, we provided notes on what is getting ready to occur in this realm. The dream that you have carried so gloriously across the millennia is shortly to become real. Use this beginning period to ponder it, and be a part of amazing wonders. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) |
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