Wake up Call: Baldor, May 27, 2017
I am Baldor once again, and I want to add a new message to today’s sharing. It is not very long, but it is pertaining to the message #2 of today. I am here to let you all know that there is coming an event that will top off all events that have happened thus far on this planet. When I say on I mean that succinctly, for there have been similar events such as the one of speak of that have taken place within this planet that have set an energy for the coming one that will have an effect that will resonate with the ones within Hollow earth. It is awaiting the synchronicity that will bring into harmony the justice of the continuation of life ‘in the free lane’ not only within the earth but for the first time in the history of the surface life. That is all I will say now for to say any more could influence the solidity of what is coming and take from the sweetness that will have more power than if it had already been known. I tell you this today, for it is an introduction to the many events that will bring a harmonic conversion into many events that are on the way. That is it for today’s introduction to the next combination of messages. Love is in the hearts of you all and it will merge forth in your own individual expressions as you feel the newness of what will be experienced in the times to come. Thank you dear Baldor, Much Love, Nancy Tate The tree of Golden Light
Click Your Heels Together
May 29, 2017 at 12:17 pm 4 comments Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com Summary of Brenda’s May 19, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Emotions and actions shifted throughout history – even though the physical truisms of smiles, laughter, and tears never changed. It’s time to react according to your inner-being instead of society dictates – to be your true self. The next BlogTalkRadio.com channel will be Friday, June 2, 2017. “No One and Nothing Is as It Was” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, Pain and fear continue – not because they have to but because you are yet adjusting to a life without pain. Those of you in deep physical or emotional pain beg to differ. For whatever you chanted, meditated or accessed has yet to produce the results you wanted. Such is perhaps to be expected for you are novices at creating a life of joy. Maybe thinking in terms of learning to ride a bicycle will help you understand. Was it not true that you yearned to ride a bicycle without training wheels as you observed the joy your older siblings or friends experienced whizzing by with handlebar streamers flying in the wind? Finally, your bicycle training wheels were removed. Ah, the joy, the freedom, the fun – until you took your first of many spills learning to maneuver on two wheels instead of four. That was when you were certain you would never master the skills of your older siblings – until you did, forgetting your first awkward attempts. You are now at a similar place. When you first acknowledged your inner need to find new you, you were, in essence riding a tricycle. You recently advanced to a two-wheel bicycle with training wheels. And if you have not done so already, you are now testing your shiny two-wheel bicycle. Of course, you are going to take some spills. Of course, you are going to believe that everyone else but you can master your new skills. But you will negate those beliefs within hours or days of your first trial run. So it is that it is time for you to take off your training wheels. Even though that thought might seem overwhelming, it is time. You are too big dimensionally to depend on training wheels. Our definition of training wheels is an ongoing expectation that someone or something will rescue or catch you every time you fall. More importantly for where most of you are at developmentally, you are too BIG and POWERFUL to use training wheels. You are growing up, and so your skill set must be reset to meet that growth. So it is you are discovering new skills without understanding what those skills are. You continue to believe you are a 3D human with a few new ideas. Instead, you are a new human with an extremely large number of skills you merely need to claim. Just as wishing to ride a two-wheel bicycle like the big kids do does not create a two-wheel bicycle rider, so too does just wishing to use new skills create a more skillful you. Test your skills daily. What skill interests you? What stops you from playing with the big kids? That is what you are now discovering and hopefully exploring. Many of you wish you could channel, have healing hands, time travel, dimension or frequency travel, and/or create whatever and whenever you wish. All of that is now you. You merely have to believe that such is so. Many of you are naysayers, “I chanted this, meditated here, took a special class, and nothing worked.” But have you committed to learning those new skills – without instructors; without the skill set of others? For indeed, such is very similar to watching others riding a two-wheel bicycle without riding one to create your own technique. Even though others have learned how to play with their new skill set, they have done so based on their physical, emotional and mental beings – not yours. So what they teach you is based on what is right for them but not necessarily for you. Which returns us to accepting how BIG and POWERFUL new you is. You do not require others to teach you anything. You merely need to tap into your new skill set. And you will do so when you are ready. Does the thought of time travel “tickle your fancy?” Then set that as your intention and when the time is right such will happen automatically. Perhaps you have other pieces to explore before you time travel or dimension hop. Just know that whatever is of interest to you is part of your new repertoire. Many of you are frustrated for you believe there HAS to be a manual or entity who will teach you how to do whatever interests you. Which means you believe that someone outside of you is wiser or more skilled than you. Such is not true. You are a fully loaded new you computer with any skill that interests you. And the only way NOT to access those skills is depending on someone – either of earth or the ethers – to know more than you how to be you or how to access your skills. You are a complete entity. Allow yourself to believe that for until you do, you will continue to wait for something you already have. A bit like Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ searching for a way home only to discover after many trials and tribulations, that she merely needed to click her heels together, that she was the powerful being. So be it. Amen. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com A Message to Lightworkers – May 26, 2017
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, Makers of the New Earth! We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again. Many of you feel that you are, as they say, “suffering another setback” as you look at this past week with dismay, regarding both world events and individual challenges. We use the term “challenges” rather than “problem,” as that word implies stuckness, and you are never stuck, however you may feel about any situation at any time. A Challenge is not a problem, but a situation that calls you up into the gifts, abilities, and outlook of your greater self. That more powerful self is centered in not only the higher self but your most Divine aspect, and your soul. And in these days of exhausting and completely re-forming changes, as you integrate the solar energies now reaching Earth, you may wonder if your higher self has gone into hibernation, or chosen to hide from you indefinitely. And we would say, that even in the moments that feel that way, that could never be true. There was of course a very sad and quite difficult day in England this past week, in which young people who had gathered for a joyful celebration instead found themselves in a situation of physical danger and emotional trauma. And most assuredly, some persons present at that event did leave their physical form and their Earth lives, reuniting with their higher selves and their soul families, or at least, beginning the transition to such. This is of course extremely difficult for those on Earth who are for the most part, still living “behind the veil.” For most of their loved ones still on Earth are unable to conceive of their friends and family members being in not just “a better place,” but suddenly finding themselves traveling into some of the most beautiful, fulfilling, and celebrational aspects of this Universe. And so, they grieve what they call a loss, though truly, no real loss has occurred. For though they are still adjusting to their new situation, those who left the Earth this past week, due to that event and myriad other situations, are not grieving. They are reuniting with the very loved ones they left after choosing to live yet another Earth life. It is of course difficult for them to leave their loved ones behind, knowing these ones will not understand that all is well, and will believe themselves to be separate from those who have moved on. Your playwright known as Shakespeare (actually St Germain, in his incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon) had his Hamlet call death “that undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns.” Yet Hamlet was one for whom the veil was very heavy. In truth, you have all returned from that much-discovered country, many times. And once you Ascend into a higher dimension in this particular lifetime, most of you will choose to never again experience the travails and heaviness of a third dimensional life. Yet something interesting has occurred in this particular third dimensional life. For unlike all the others, you are no longer on that karmic wheel so many refer to. And while the genuinely hard work of sorting through both past life issues and the challenges of this Earth life can take more strength and ingenuity than you may feel to have some days, you are nonetheless moving up that Ascension path, reclaiming your higher and most authentic self, while releasing everyone and everything that does not resonate with your new, far higher vibration. And so you may wish to enact a few changes, in celebration of such. To periodically go through your home, going over your belongings and deciding which items were appropriate for your old life, but do not hold a high enough vibration for your new life. You may wish to look at your friendships, your daily work, the town where you live, and even a marriage or other partnership, and ask, “Does this situation reflect who I AM now, and who I AM becoming? Or does this belong to a chapter that has ended?” We have noted in other Messages to you, that much in your world is in a powerful state of transition now, which at times can appear calamitous. So that it may feel as if you are experiencing a very great earthquake or flood—a cataclysm of some sort, that is shaking you to the core, removing or replacing whole aspects of your outer life and revising much of your inner life. Of course you are exhausted, angry, sad, or fed up many days. And yet—you came for this! You came for the thrill of this adventure, of remembering and reclaiming your co-Creator status in this Universe, from the seemingly impossible vantage point of living behind the third dimensional veil. “What sane person would do such a thing?” you may be wondering. And yes, it is so that many have suffered on the Earth plane. And yet, the great mountain climber does not look for the next great adventure in a children’s sandbox. The great explorer does not row across a calm lake whose shoreline is clearly visible on all sides. The great scientist does not rerun the same experiments every day, because “I already know how they all turn out, so there is no stress involved!” You came forward for the great challenge—even those specific challenges—that you are now facing, including a planet that feels to be imploding some days. And yet, the frequencies of Lady Gaia Herself, as well as the overall frequency of human consciousness, are rising to the point where calamitous events will soon enough find no foothold on the Earth. There have already been countless attempts by those who plan and carry out these events (who have not been correctly named by your news media), to stage many more events of a similar nature, to convince one country or another, and by extension the entire planet, that there is an invisible evil waiting to ambush you at every turn. And of course, you know this is not true. What is true is the unseen presence of billions of Galactic ships and trillions of higher beings, including many legions of Angels, circling the Earth and answering calls for help. And our interventions are occurring more and more often now, as humanity’s vibration continues to rise to levels where the third dimensional veil—the tiny, narrow vision imposed upon you at birth—is no longer a factor. Most of that veil is a matter of induced fear. And it is fear that you must release, as you allow yourselves to realize that as you create new and higher vibrational realities inwardly, you also begin to create them outwardly. None of this is being held back from you. It is a mechanism of your Universe that awaits your awareness of it, as it always has. And so one of the practical methods enjoyed by the bi-weekly Abundance Group is the practice of “pretending” that you already have whatever is on your “Things to Manifest” list. You do that by feeling the reality of a particular situation, such as a new form of work, sum of money, monthly income, or event. In that deeply held moment of inner experience, this thing already exists. It is already a part of your outlook and outer life. You feel it as already real—so that in that moment, it is no longer separate from you, but a natural part of your day. Use this method, in which you are imagining or visualizing with real heart, with anything you wish to create for your Earth. Do this as you inwardly experience the joy of the full enactment of NESARA Law, as well as the landings of your Galactic family members, of world Peace and the end of all weaponry, of free energy devices being used by everyone on the planet. You may wish to add to that list your own beautiful visions and plans for a New Earth, and your own experience of that. None of this is accidental, nor are your visions particular to you, so that you are selfish in desiring and requiring a life of full Abundance, Peace, Freedom and Equality for all. You wait a moment of a grand intervention, as you have been programmed to expect. Yet we are awaiting your own determinations to remake your planet, and believe us when we say, you are doing so, more and more each day, beginning with the state of your own consciousness, and your determination to rise higher on the vibrational scale. And all of us and the transitioning souls of those dear ones who this week returned as planned to a Home of great beauty wish to say that Now would not be the time for fear, thoughts of division, or feelings of tragedy or loss. Now would be the time to proclaim that indeed, death has no sting, no threat, no hold upon you, no place in your reality. And so we hold the door open as widely as your present consciousness will permit. Step through it, to the next level! One where you actively engage in what you have been told are only “dreams and visions.” And know that more power, beauty, and joy awaits than even you have dreamt of. You are such stuff as Universes are made on! You too began with a dream, and a vision. Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone. Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Message 75
Journey to Other Hologames Peggy Black, Morning Messages This reality/hologame is only one of many you participate in. As multidimensional starbeings your presence is simultaneously expanded to a multitude of other realities and hologames, which are layered, woven, and nested within each other. This example will offer some clarity. You are here, perhaps at your desk focused with us and this message. That is one facet of the hologame/reality that you embrace. You could step out of the hologame, this matrix, and travel to a friend's home and be in an entirely different hologame and matrix. Or you could be in the shopping mall and again it would be a different hologram and different matrix. Each time you take your presence to a different event or activity, you are shifting the hologame. However in your consciousness, it is just different aspects of your life here on earth. Now expand this concept to the galactic arena. It is the same. One hologame and reality is your total life here on this planet; however, there are certainly other realities and other planes of existence in which you are fully present, conscious, and an active energy field and vibration in that reality. All these realities are nested, woven, and layered, just like your current embodiment and current life here on earth. The key is to your awareness of being at your desk, or being at your friend's house or being at the office or shopping mall. You hold all these activities and all these changes in events and activities as a part of your life. Your galactic life is the same. You have multidimensional realities, activities, events and hologames in which you participate, and this reality here on earth is only one of those holograms. It feels a bit overwhelming to consider that you are active in a multitude of various realities and timeframes, all of which are happening at once. Allow this idea to stretch your mental concept, play with this possibility, especially when you have undisturbed time alone. Allow your consciousness and imagination to travel unrestricted and observe what images, feelings, thoughts and experiences occur. Leave your small judging and doubting mind in a safe place, and play freely like a child of the universe that you are. The galaxy is your total playground. Practice consciously sending forth a pure frequency of joy, gratitude, and appreciation. These vibrations, these frequencies are your anchor, your ticket, your magic carpet, your protection and your wings in any reality or hologame. Safe, smooth and gentle travels! ©2006 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com subscribe to the FREE 88 messages. Transfiguration: the indwelling of spirit
Lauren C.Gorgo We’ve all been thru some major changes since the last report…changes that have effectively created a level of instability and unpredictability, in some cases those changes may have been life-altering and/or even resulted in our deepest/oldest fears made manifest. The good news about a fear made manifest is that once we can see, feel and touch it, we can finally and officially move beyond it. For good. That said, and for those embodying, the next two weeks ahead promise to take those core-level transformations to even greater heights (and deeper depths) as we approach what is being called the “holy fires” and the climax of our rising life force. Kundalini is to transmutation what Holy Spirit is to transfiguration.CLICK TO TWEET Life has been anything but certain lately, but what IS certain is that our release from causality has been enabling us to ground so deeply into unity that “certainty” is finally losing it’s luster. We are finding that as we grow in our stability, strength and endurance to maintain a unified state of consciousness at all times now, that we are learning to adapt to the present moment with aplomb, with spontaneity and full trust in our new human capabilities…confident that the road will rise to meet us now, even and especially when we get (momentarily) stuck in those remaining ruts of our past. Yes, even tho we have officially transitioned out of the lower world and crossed the threshold into the new, the (empty) patterns continue to present…we still carry the imprint of our old template even as those past parts of ourselves and lives are being uprooted from duality and re-rooted in the heartscape of The Garden. NOTE: when we find ourselves operating from the old template, we just need to let go now…there is no more “work” here, just the acknowledgement and release of old patterns that limit the higher template experience. This uber complex process of rooting ourcellves in The Garden is so comprehensive, even dis-orienting, but in actuality it is serving to re-orient us to life in the complete opposite (right-side-up) way by which were were accustomed to experiencing life in 3D (upside-down). The “rooting” (hello relentless root chakra ) is actually a merging (of spirit and matter) as those ensouling have literally been uniting with all the elements of the earth…a process which is bringing our bodies into deeper union with life as our personal and Universal life Force become ONE. Our sacred Hearts are also activating…aligning with both with the Cosmic Heart of Creation as well as the Heart of Gaia…which means we are right now evolving into the Sacred Keepers of The Garden. This also means that our memory of why we are here and in what capacity we came to serve at this new level is now returning as well. We are remembering (thru the visceral intelligence of our body) that WE carry the (Eden) blueprint in our Hearts for all others and the planet, a memory that evokes a deep feeling of assuredness that ALL is well…despite the horrors of the dismantling world. As a result of this merger, our bodies have been assimilating to a much higher frequency which means panic & overwhelm a much higher fuel Source will soon be needed to regenerate and rebirth our form. (more on that in the sections below) Simultaneously, or perhaps consequently, we have also been enduring massive body template upgrades due to (or as the result of) so many personal timeline shifts (ultimately convergences), that the concept of time and space is r-e-a-l-l-y warping our perspective…on purpose…both in waking and dream states. Past, present & future have officially converged into one continuum making it nearly impossible to make distinctions from within that context any longer. Parallel timelines are now more clearly perceptible which means we are able to more consciously shift, or jump, to change the course of the past from the present moment. There’s a learning curve here, and if you are familiar with that which I speak know that while this will take some getting used to, it is also no longer uncommon to “run into yourself” in a different-adjacent running timeline/reality program…or even to join with that alternate timeline to consciously redirect or alter events and outcomes to suit us in more personally empowered ways. Time is now becoming of a function of the Heart and as we learn to work with it in this new/higher way, we (those of pure heart), are literally rewriting history, rescripting the human story to include the Truth of our existence. As I gain more understanding of this new operating system over time I will report on it, but for now just know that bizarre is definitely the new normal. [section protected: to read FULL report & comments see membership OPTIONS & PRICING ] ThinkWithYourHEART.com ©As LOVE, Inc. 2017 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely. Sheldan Nidle 5/23/201713 Etznab, 1 Pax, 13 CabanDratzo! The distribution game is entering its next stage. Those in charge are moving toward a more selective system to more easily and securely move funds. It is believed that, in this way, all major receivers can be “hydrated” more quickly. As stated previously, this complex process needs to be completed in a swifter and more comprehensive way.
As the whole reality moves forward, this procedure requires the speedy rise of the new NESARA Republic. It seems that a delay should concern everyone. We need this republic simply because it can allow for the quick isolation of the dark ones and their insane USA, INC. The implementation of new currencies, and other related activities, can then proceed as originally planned. In effect, the whole set of stages can then take on a much-needed degree of faster regularity. Why is there continuing delay to ending the suffering created by this abominable government? This illegal government, USA, Inc, has been allowed to exist despite its supposed demise for the past 18 months. Furthermore, why is the present global banking system still in effect and why has the Federal Reserve been permitted to act as it does despite the warning supposedly given it by the World court in The Hague? These are indeed some of our many quandaries. At present, we are watching as the changes forged by the Chinese Elders and their allies go into effect. Despite these realities, the globe is acting as though nothing of substance has occurred. We are told that all this is to be dramatically altered very shortly. We ask that a number of things change immediately so the Light’s way can continue as promised, and the new NESARA Republic can be declared. So, let us, in Joy, legally proclaim the new American NESARA Republic!!! Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We bless you and thank you for your great visions! Together, we are supporting the means whereby the GCR is getting readied to be broadly distributed to all of you. Much is happening around this globe in its own right divine time. This process of distributing the vast amount of currencies is working its way forward. At present, this process is just beginning. Many amazing events are extremely close to happening, and you are very close to seeing things that are to truly amaze you! Heaven is seeing to it that its divine schedule is being met. The current realm is therefore quite close to a grand transformation. These changes, as noted above, are to bring the prosperity, freedom and sovereignty that you have long been promised. At times, it has been necessary to move forward more slowly than originally envisioned. Heaven is nevertheless steadfast in its resolve. Some are being paid while others are very near to their own success. We ask you to await the great glory that is being prepared for you! Hence, we are in joy over the wondrous gifts of the Creator. It has taken much to secure the transformation of this realm. The dark cabal now fully accepts its eventual fate. These last moments can seem endless, but remain, like Heaven, in full confidence of your treasures, and in this sacred mode, ready yourself for what is to happen next. We Masters even now expect many wonders to sweep away the dark and restore the Light to its glorious position as when our ancestors first arrived on this most precious orb. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Today, we have once again given you a brief report about what is going on in your realm. Positive forces are moving forward to assure our mutual success. Hence, we ask that you go beyond moments of brief desperateness and prepare for your inevitable glory! Know, dear Ones, that the countless and never-ending supply of Heaven is yours! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) paoweb.com/index.htmlPAO A Message to Lightworkers – May 19, 2017
by Caroline Oceana Ryan The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, Creators of the New Earth! We are pleased to have this moment to speak with you today. We are aware, perhaps more than you, of your growing ability to see beyond the veil that has hung thickly between you and that which exists in the etheric, while also obscuring your view of how things work in your world. We see that veil disappearing now, causing much consternation to those who have depended upon it for so long to cover their intentions and actions. And yet we see your increasing ability to see through any prevarication, any covering or cover-up or false representation, whatever form it might come in. You have felt the growing energies of despair, chaos, and disruption flowing through your world now, whether in the areas of economics, politics, environment, or media. And as we have noted before, these elements often herald the death of the old, and the birth of the new. They are not to be feared or resisted. If you find yourself suddenly feeling fear, stress, or worry about something, whether it is your health or finances or home, or that of a loved one, do not react as you have been trained to react. That old fear-for-survival mechanism no longer applies to the life you are now living. You are more and more now taking on the fifth dimensional capacity to see beyond appearances, and that is a skill long reserved on your planet for those with the inherent “psychic” awareness or technology needed to view the potentials of any one timeline, and its many offshoots. You are exceeding these ones in all ways, though you do not know it, and have not yet admitted it to yourselves. “But how could I possibly be sensing more than those who have psychic skills or access to 5D technology?” you may ask. We shall tell you: No mental gift or “5D tech” could possibly outrun the insights of fifth dimensional consciousness, because that consciousness is fluid. Fifth dimensional consciousness borrows from dimensions above its own—sometimes, far beyond its own—and it carries as well the soul charge of each individual embodying it. So that even if you believe your soul to be a prisoner of some very old, very dark matrix (which it is not), you are able now to grant yourself the insights of those soul family members, Angelic beings, Ascended Masters and others whose presence is increasingly becoming more and more real to you. You travel in the etheric to speak with them each night while in your sleep state, as you work to bring your life mission and your soul family’s Earth mission to greater fruition. This has been true for some time, but in the current energetic cycle of Light data pouring into Earth (and She is now able to absorb the Light more and more fully, thanks to your growing consciousness) you are more and more aware of those conversations and actions, as you awaken in the morning. This too is part of the veil dissolving. You may awaken and feel that you were just a moment ago speaking with a group of people, a friend who knows you well, an Ascended Master, a member of the Ashtar Command, a soul family member, your twin flame—and still be somewhat in that conversation as you awaken. And so it becomes more than a matter of evolving and developing those siddhis you have so long desired to possess, such as teleportation, telepathy, or helping others heal. It becomes more a matter of realizing you are not who or what you were told you are. For one, you are very highly skilled, partly due to the numerous past lives in which you developed higher forms of communication, energetic alchemy, and co-Creational ability, in addition to your inherent soul abilities. For another, you are now increasingly remembering your greater role. Many of you are peacemakers, ship captains, transmuters of energies, sound/Light/color healers, intergalactic ambassadors, historians, artists, and many other countless roles that Lightworkers perform on a higher level. This remembering is affecting your life on every level. Many who come to us with their questions greatly desire to know their life purpose, and what their special skills or life work is. We would say, that on quite a significant level, you know this already. It is a question of allowing yourself to admit that certain areas of interest have always fascinated you, that you always seemed to already know about, and desired to know more about, whether or not they seemed to be part of the “paid work” world. Becoming aware of your role on Earth is a matter of listening to the myriad inner nudges and Light-filled ideas that pop into your mind and heart throughout the day, and acting upon them—heeding them as coming from your own higher self, for those suggestions that feel Light and positive do indeed come from your Spirit guides and higher aspect. And it is a matter of understanding that in many ways, you are already doing that which you came here to do. You may wonder how that could be, when you don’t feel to be in a job or business or practice that seems to be fulfilling or important, as you define these. We assure you that you came in mainly to anchor and to inwardly and outwardly demonstrate the energies flowing to the Earth now. These have been flowing steadily for thirty years or more, and in the past few months of the year you call 2017, have powerfully increased in intensity and speed of flow. This “onslaught” of higher Light will only continue. And as you nightly travel to be with your twin flame and soul family, you increasingly regain now, more than forget upon awakening, the sense of your true nature, your actual role, your real history—all of that which has been disguised, repressed, disregarded, and denied by your “rulers” for eons. We wish to say, that even holding open the possibility—holding the intention—of stepping into your actual, authentic self, and that man or woman’s authority, wisdom, and power, is enough to begin the flow of information, images, and higher Light you seek, and to give you the answers you desire. And do we find that you have lived in sad and elementary terms all these centuries, during which you have striven to rise above the fray of your world in so many ways—mainly, outer ways? We would say, that you knew the pain and sadness of the world you were rejoining, with every Earth journey, and that still, no one could hold you back from the joy and excitement of taking on yet another mountain climb. And so certainly, there are those days when you do not feel powerful, days when the energies feel to be too exhausting, when you wonder if you will make it to the Ascended crystalline state you so desire, when you criticize yourself in the myriad ways that human beings use to tell themselves they are “not enough.” And on those days, dear ones, try with all your might to hear us cheering you on, holding the vision you returned to Earth with, and celebrating NESARA with you, as if it had already occurred in your time. For indeed, you carry the reality of that beautiful new day in your very body, mind, and Spirit, It cannot be denied you, and has recently stepped into greater solidity and readiness, as is needed for its fruition. This too, you came to anchor! This new moment that changes every moment that comes after, developing into the sacred New Earth you came to help create. Understand that you are already doing so, or you would not still be here. Namaste, Light Warriors! We are ever by your side. Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Mike Quinsey ~ May 12, 2017
It seems that the negative forces are being driven out of their underground bases and unable to maintain global control. The cleansing will continue until they no longer represent a threat to Humanity, allowing greater control by the Forces of Light. It can only be a matter of time before their control over your news sources is released, and enable the real news to be given. Up to now you have to scan the Internet for the truth when many websites feed you false information. However, if you have already identified those sites that are reliable, you will at least have a reasonable idea of what is really happening. So much news is waiting to be released and it will cover the events of the last seventy years or so that have been covered up. In general people will not just be amazed but actually shocked to believe that the truth has been held back for so long. The Illuminati have prevented you from evolving and at the same time they have “stolen” your money to fund their enormous secret projects. It is not just free energy that would uplift your lives immediately, but advanced technologies such as the food replicator. At a stroke these two advancements would lift people out of poverty and starvation. However, do not despair as it will not be much longer before beneficial changes will be introduced, and you will then know that the Light is in total power. The Illuminati are ruthless and stop at nothing to hold onto their power but they have now more than met their match. While progress is being speeded up many beneficial projects are going ahead, and preparations have been made for the coming time when they can be publicly announced. Your main timeline is strong and leads to Ascension, and it can be confirmed that nothing can now stop it from fully manifesting. It still looks certain that major events will be announced and commence before the end of the year. Certainly rapid progress is being made that will enable the Light Forces to achieve their objective to get matters underway very soon. Meanwhile chaos reigns over many parts of the world, as the new energies are stirring things up until they are able to settle down. There is a sorting out, and the lower vibrations have to rise up otherwise there is no place for them at the new levels where they simply cannot exist. However you are rapidly reaching that turning point and from thereon a bright and peaceful future beckons. Those souls that cannot lift up their vibrations will feel uneasy and at times unable to come to terms with what is happening, lacking the understanding for it to be otherwise. Their belief system cannot comprehend what is behind the changes, and in many instances have little or no interest in them. Their needs are however being catered for and at the appropriate time they will move onto a new path to further their evolution. Never fear for those who are not at your level of understanding. Everyone will find themselves in the right place and it cannot be otherwise, as it is determined precisely by your individual vibrations. So all souls will find themselves exactly where they can continue their experiences at a rate that suits them. There would be no gain or usefulness in moving to a higher level until you are ready, and achieve it through your own development. The Earth throws up some tough challenges and these are your route to a successful experience on your journey to Ascension. It is worth repeating that you are never set tasks that are beyond your capabilities. Virtually every day of your life opportunities however small will present themselves, that give you a chance to lift up your vibrations. Your challenge is then to keep them there and build on them so that you continue to keep rising up. Sometimes it is small things that can mean so much to another person, such as a kind word or a helping hand that makes them feel worthy and wanted. Good deeds often cost you nothing but at times you may gift an amount to help those in need, and if everyone helped others in this way poverty would soon disappear. The lack of the spreading of wealth together with actions taken by the Illuminati, has meant that the wealth of the world is in the hands of a very small minority whilst millions barely exist lacking the basic needs to survive. These situations will change very soon and re-valuation of the currencies will go a long way to bringing about a fair distribution of wealth. The Human Race are strong people having grown up in the toughest of civilizations. Many have become dedicated to their tasks and breed success because of their intent to overcome the obstacles in their way. Progress has been quick and all experiences have been to the benefit of the whole. Some still find it hard to grasp the true reality they live in and spend life after life learning their lessons. Help is always given but in no way imposed upon anyone. Remember that freewill is sacred and to be honored by all souls and it is a matter of concern where it is ignored, and those who do so are having to learn the karmic lessons that result as a consequence of their actions. Where there are close relationships or family links it can be generally taken that they will continue regardless of any changes brought about because of the end times. Past lives will show that they interchange roles from one incarnation to another so that they evolve together. You incarnate in either of the sexes so that over a period of lives a balance is maintained, but naturally on some occasions it also involves karma. Be assured that the Higher Beings who oversee your progress can see the larger picture and have absolute control over all matters. So you can understand that events are happening in a controlled manner regardless of how they appear from the outside. Freewill is still honoured but is satisfied by having been incorporated into people’s life plan, and in this way does not affect the greater plan for your evolution. Keep your eyes firmly on your immediate goal so that you can successfully proceed without being distracted by outer happenings. Knowing that you are nearly home as your cycle comes to a close should give you the necessary strength to achieve a successful conclusion. What celebrations will take place and how enjoyable it will be knowing that all is well and that the negative forces can no longer interfere. If you are able help those who are lost yet know or feel that big changes are happening, try not to overwhelm them with the details and give only as much as you know they can comprehend. Most souls are sensitive to change and know that something is happening but may be unable to understand what is taking place. The main point to put over is that beneficial changes are taking place and that there is nothing to fear. The future of the Human Race is in safe hands, and after the Earth has been cleansed and renewed a glorious new era will commence. This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love. Mike Quinsey. [email protected] A Message to Lightworkers – May 9, 2017
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, Masters of Light and Manifestation! We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you again today. And we would say, looking out over the tremendous waves of higher energy created by your focus and higher intent, and the beauty of your desire to live as your higher selves, that much is coming to pass now that, without your utter dedication to your soul mission and Ascension path, could never otherwise occur. We speak not only of the day-to-day goings on—of your connections to others, in which you expend energy and focus in order to understand the life paths of others, blessing and believing in them, even when you do not feel to blend easily with their interests or life energies. We speak of your strength of higher will (an Earth expression of Divine Will), in demanding the rights of all those around you, even when your own rights seem not to be endangered, be it for Peace, education, medicine, or abundance, and myriad other areas that are each person’s natural birthright. And we speak of the miracle of these waves of higher Light, coming into the planet now in ever-increasing levels and lifting the tides and currents you live in. You are all, each in your own way, anchoring and planting those Light vibrations and their sacred geometries deep into Earth’s body, to raise not only the vibration of outer Earth structures and experiences, but the very feeling and essence of being human. You are increasingly aware that, as you know, very little of the world presented to you in your media and other forms of social control, is as it appears. There are those in higher government who, as a beloved White Knight reported recently, appear smiling and in control, who are in fact experiencing very depths of horror at their own actions and actions they have contributed to while upholding the dark power structure to which they pled their allegiance long ago.* These actions and intentions are lit up for them now, more brightly than they can bear, in the brilliance of the Light data now pouring onto Earth, and into the consciousness of all those with the courage to live in these times. There are also seemingly unremarkable moments, such as several speeches made recently by a former President, who is also a White Knight of the Ashtar Command, in which he referenced not so much his own abilities and accomplishments, but the increasing sense of self-empowerment and co-Creative ability that so many are realizing now as part of their day-to-day existence. This is intentional—both the inner revelations of what stands in this new Light that carries powerful fifth dimensional properties, and the coming outer revelations, which are the outpicturing of what many millions are now realizing inwardly. We speak of revelations that come first as illusion that dissolves, leaving only the truth in its wake, however shocking that may be for some. And we speak of the outer moments that result when the many millions around the planet who have cried out for equality, justice, peace, and an abundant life, call and command forth that which they know already exists, and exists for all. For how could you dream of such a thing as full disclosure of a Galactic presence that is all around you, and of which you are a part, if it were not capable of being real? You have been taught that the visions of your inner heart-mind—the dreams of night and the visualizing of the day, are both ephemeral, with little to commend them to “reality” or what has been termed “the physical Universe.” And yet—a few scientists, and many artists, have always understood that there is no such thing as a purely physical Universe. They (and you) have seen that there is no separation between what you believe and natural breathe out as your expectation and belief, and that which eventually shows up in your visible reality. We would perhaps sound premature, to say that the human race can no longer be fooled in the way it has been for thousands of years, and yet—that is the great wave of energy flowing through Earth and Earth consciousness at this time. That is the image you are all holding, to varying degrees, in your heart-minds, whether you prefer that image be there or not—and the vast majority do prefer an inspiring vision and the co-Creative power it holds, over the despair you have been taught is your only course in life. If you do not yet feel that your inner intuitive sight is strong enough to read through the false outer pretenses of what you are being shown, whether it is an election in France, or military action in North Korea, or irresponsible statements and legislation being pushed forward in the United States—that is no reason to lose hope in the reality—the power—of the vision you hold, for NESARA’s full enactment and the disclosure of the Galactic nature of Earth’s existence. Press forward, and require the confidence of that vision come to you, straight from your higher self, and the higher realms. Remember the words of the great poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley in “The Masque of Anarchy,” who in a timeless way encapsulates the irony and yet also, the beauty—the reality—of the majority breaking free of the reign of the few. He speaks of England, yet we speak of Earth, in all Her burgeoning glory: “What is Freedom? Ye can tell That which Slavery is too well, For its very name has grown To an echo of your own Let a vast assembly be, And with great solemnity Declare with measured words, that ye Are, as God has made ye, free. The old laws of England—they Whose reverend heads with age are grey, Children of a wiser day; And whose solemn voice must be Thine own echo—Liberty! Rise, like lions after slumber In unvanquishable number! Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you: Ye are many—they are few!” They are indeed few, these self-proclaimed leaders who fail to step forward to face the anger of those they claim to represent. For you are seeing citizens now who have found their voice—who are infuriated to see human life spent or gambled on so lightly, whether it is a new war or “austerity measures” or loss of health care that is being put forward as “the only solution.” We will tell you the solution, for you have already created it: It is that complete Freedom which an earlier Era of Enlightenment, in the seventeenth century, was meant to carry out, and which endeavored to do so. But which in time, fell captive to the same philosophies and political structures that had imprisoned so many for so long—simply put this time, under a new name. Thank those who went before you, who gave their physical lives and committed their soul missions to create the freedoms and equalities that you have yet to fully grasp, but which they powerfully named and commanded forth. Thank St Germain and those of the higher realms, whose efforts were so clear and determined. Some of you are amongst those who lived then, and have returned now, to make clear the path to a whole planet’s freedom, not only that of your own country. Thank those who made a stand to proclaim their Divinity, no matter what it cost them on the Earth. And thank yourself for having the courage to come forward at this crucial time, this New Atlantean moment, when you are and shall continue, to “shake your chains to Earth like dew.” For your sleep is ended. There can be no return to the old ways, which are not yours, and which were placed upon you by those who had no natural claim to this planet, and who now must step down. They know their time is ended. And you—are you ready to form the cooperatives that will guide and safeguard life on an entire planet? Are you ready to step forward and live out your vision? Is it time to awaken not only to shake off the chains, but to build the new structures of freedom? We would say, it is indeed time. As always, we await your full recognition of such, and rejoice to see your awakening to your true power, your true names, your true missions. Namaste, co-Creators! We see you. And we are with you, at every moment. Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. MAY 7,2017
Onenessofall.com, Marilyn Raffaele Dear readers, once again we come in love and with the very best of intentions for your spiritual advancement. Although world evolution appears to be stalled, unchanging, and even regressing, know that the intense frequencies of Light flowing to Gaia at this time are serving to expose the long hidden creations of that un-illumined consensus consciousness based in duality and separation that has held and continues to hold mankind in bondage. World chaos is serving to awaken many still living comfortably in the belief that anything they are told by governments, churches, and experts, must be true. They are beginning to reclaim their power, asking; "Is this really how I want my world to be? Is this really the way things are?" It is a small element that continues to keep the dark machine running but energies of belief serve to feed fresh energy to their machinations and keep them alive. This is changing, this is the ascension process--as more and more awaken and refuse to play their games, world consciousness must and will reflect new and higher expressions. There are no laws to support poverty, lack, or limitation in any form other than those formed by a belief in them. Lack is a part of universal consciousness (duality--haves and have-nots) until it is no longer one's state of consciousness. Divine law is a law of abundance and multiplication. Observe the blades of grass and the leaves on a tree for these reflect the Law of abundance in manifestation. Where there is an attained consciousness (not intellectual knowledge) of oneness with Divine completeness, there is abundance, for the door has been opened. New and better ideas begin to flow effortlessly to all aspects of life, and those things necessary seem to somehow be there when needed. Most people still live under the thumb of duality which manifests as pairs of opposites and is considered normal by human standards. Having lived under the domination of duality and separation consciousness lifetime after lifetime, the idea of completeness and wholeness sounds impractical and unattainable to many. Try not to resist the truth of abundance, declaring reasons why it cannot be. The energies of third dimensional experiences (experiences of lack and limitation) remain stored and active in cellular memory until cleared--the process you are in now. Mankind is continually being bombarded with energies of fear, lack, and limitation which can make awakening difficult, especially for those new to truth. This is why we say that it is important that you limit you indulgence in the news, and things that continue to hold you in the old consciousness. Instead, when you become aware of issues, use them to trigger an awareness of truth; "Yes, I see this, I do not deny it, but the truth is..." Intention is always the key in any action. When an individual states his intention to awaken, the journey begins and will unfold by Grace as the Higher Self begins to draw whatever experiences may be necessary for spiritual evolution. Some of these experiences are not the happy "light and love experiences" a new truth student often expects, but eventually every soul graduates from needing "wake up calls" to learning from inner guidance . You are ready to embrace and integrate completeness and wholeness because you now understand that Divine Consciousness is all that exists, and that therefore IT must be the essence of who and what you are. Separation and discord cannot exist within ONE. The spiritual evolutionary journey is the gradual attainment of this state of consciousness though meditation, study, practice, and life experiences. Many still believe that at a certain level of awareness the spiritual journey is complete. Ascension is a shift into higher dimensional energy, but there is never completion. The ascension continues into the higher dimensions because Source is Infinite; eternally expressing Itself in new and infinite ways. Man, God's expression of Itself, is thus also ever seeking new awareness of the One Self. The human condition with its worship of the intellect, is in actuality the bottom wrung of a very high dimensional ladder. In the human belief system, there are always goals, the drive to attain some physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual goal in order to then cross it off the list and move on to another goal. The spiritual evolutionary journey is ongoing, each new facet of awareness building upon what has already been attained. There is no point at which you will no longer experience new and higher ways of understanding truth if you are open to it. Abundance/multiplication is Divine law and thus manifests on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) which is why resistance to change acts to block its expressions as well as spiritual evolution.. This is often a problem for spiritual teachers, leaders, experts, and even individuals well along the spiritual path. When someone believes they have arrived and that there is nothing more to learn, they block anything new from coming in. They write books and teach classes promoting their attained level of awareness but because they identify so heavily with the ideas they teach, any change would represent a loss of "self" and so they resist and fear it. Self proclaimed spiritual leaders and their followers often hold the most resistance to truth. They hold rigidly to concepts of truth believing them to be the wholeness. They make these concepts their lifeline, and refuse receptivity to anything that may deviate from their beliefs system. This is the ongoing error of the many organized religions that hold followers to strict rules (which in reality are simply some "leaders" three dimensional concepts of truth). The disobedience of these rules is often punishable in this world as well as in the next where everlasting punishment awaits. These false teachings serve to create the perfect block to higher understanding. When an individual is truly ready to evolve, old beliefs long held as true automatically begin to fall away--the person's resonance has changed and is no longer in alignment with them. This may bring about a period of personal struggle and fear. as well as strife within the family, church, and friends because up to this point their belief system may of been their only bond. Evolution is change. As you spiritually evolve, the fruitage will always be new ideas with regard to work, lifestyle, likes and dislikes, beliefs, etc. regardless of what your work may be. Evolution is the eternal unfolding of Source within all of Its expressions and states of consciousness. Source recognizing and loving ITSELF. Some of you are finding that your favorite spiritual practices and teachings no longer resonate with you in the powerful ways they once did. This does not always mean that these things are finished, but often indicates that you are ready to move beyond the way in which you have understood them, into a deeper realization of the truth they represent. Never fear to leave behind practices that may of been vital to your journey at some point. Realize that spiritual practices in and of themselves have never had the power to make you what you already are. They are simply tools that serve to augment energy and assist one to see and understand on a higher level. Like all tools, even spiritual practices become obsolete because once you have attained the consciousness of who and what you really are, what is their point? Creativity in all its forms is the Divine Feminine expressing Itself--Divine Mother giving birth to new ideas in infinite form and variety on all levels and in all dimensions. The energy of the Divine Feminine resides within the heart center and as increasingly more people allow their hearts to open, integrating and activating the energy of the Divine Feminine in balance with the Divine Masculine, it will manifest as creative ideas heretofore never dreamed of. In order for this true creativity to flow and manifest, the Divine Masculine must also be integrated for they are two halves of a Divine Whole. Men are being guided to integrate and allow their Divine Feminine to flow, while women are being guided to integrate and allow their Divine Masculine to flow. The creative ideas of one without the other are either non-existent or only able to manifest in incomplete, three dimensional, and often uninspiring forms. Allow the process dear ones, allow the process. Be not afraid to embrace and implement each new truth into all facets of daily living. Trust that your Higher Self is always guiding and leading you to where you are ready to be. Allow the process. We are the Arcturian Group 5/7/17 |
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