By Saint Germain and the Andromedans
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 28th April 2016 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa It is with a focus upon high frequencies of transformation that we, Saint Germain and the Andromedans, join our energy and consciousness together to be of service to you. Have you noticed that with your continued focus upon receiving love, embodying love and expressing love that you are experiencing a constant process of transformation? Love transforms your being by encouraging you to let go of all forms of illusion you are holding onto to reveal the greater light, truth and love within your being. While the letting go of illusion through spiritual practices and physical circumstances can be challenging it is often more challenging to allow yourself to realise the truth arising once the illusion has been dissolved. Often it is the process of embodying the realisations within which can create inner resistance. The easiest way to allow processes of love, transformation, the release of illusions and the gathering of truth to take place is through acceptance and surrendering. When you accept that as a being you are constantly transforming and that transformation is a natural pathway for you then you begin to realise that every experience in your reality is to support your transformation. From a seemingly negative experience to a blissful experience, all are arriving in your reality with divine timing to allow your inner transformation and blossoming to take place. This also encourages you to realise there is a purpose for every situation and experience. It is the same for circumstances worldwide, all are opportunities for humanity to transform, to truly begin to embody love. When you have the focus of receiving, embodying and expressing love, even when you are achieving this it is only a focus or an intention. In order for you to truly embody love there is a need to release that which hinders the love labelled transformation and dissolving illusions. Then the truth which already exists within you will manifest thus the desire for embodiment becomes the experiences of embodiment from the truth within. Acceptance is a powerful tool as is surrendering. In amidst the process of transformation there are several points when surrendering is required. To begin the transformational process there is a need to surrender to it, then there will come a time when the process of transformation climaxes again inviting you to surrender the shift taking place and the new energies flowing into your being. Finally, you are invited to surrender to the truth which is now more evident than before. It is a wonderful practice at the end of the day to contemplate the processes of transformation small or large you have experienced that day. With your realisation and conscious acceptance so you can at that moment hold an intention of surrendering to the transformations of the day, those you are aware of and those you are not aware of. This creates further shifts of awakening and truth within your being. The practice encourages you to contemplate and understand the transformations that do take place within your being. It could be as simple as a shift in your mood, a realisation of a habit, commitment to positive affirmations, a meditation you experienced, gaining a positive understanding of yourself or your passions, helping another, participating in earth healing, letting go of judgments and many more simple experiences that occur every day. When you recognise that you are transforming many times a day you begin to see yourself and your reality in a new perspective building your confidence and allowing you to trace your spiritual growth. It is also important as you realise that you are transforming continuously to take time to inhale and exhale once deeply and consciously. The purpose of this is to remind you of your expansive nature and how filled you are with the rich qualities of the Creator. In a single cycle of breathing you can remind and align yourself with an understanding of your expansion and connection to all aspects of the Creator. Realisations that you are never alone and you are greater than your earthly self will dawn. This is nurturing, rejuvenating and fulfilling. Simply inhale filling yourself with the realisation that you are the expansive Creator and you will notice that your exhale is extremely beautiful and enthused with Creator vibrations. To support your continuous and often unrealised transformation we wish to make you aware that you can call upon us, Saint Germain and the Andromedans, or in fact any being or consciousness you feel connected to, to achieve specific energetic healing treatments with you. Your body and aura are receptive to physical touch and as well as energetic touch, both can create a process of realignment as well as releasing any stress, imbalance or fatigue created by transformation. All that you are is being bombarded with energy from the universe of the Creator, more than ever before, so there are specific healing treatments which can be of service to you and experienced with a simple request. The energetic healing treatments available are energetic acupressure, energetic acupressure of the feet, hands, face and head, energetic aromatherapy to heal through the senses, energetic realignment of the spine, energetic digestive support, energetic deliverance of herbs, minerals and vitamins needed by the body, energetic cell rejuvenation, energetic emotional healing, energetic positive reprogramming of the subconscious and energetic massage to support the muscles in absorbing greater light. There are many more energetic treatments available and these are just to name a few which may be useful to you. These treatments are more than the process of transferring energy into your being. Those that you call upon to achieve the treatments with you will subtly work with your body and energy systems to create awakenings and shifts within specific areas of your being. These are precise processes and so we encourage you to only experience one at a time. Note from Saint Germian: I would encourage you to call upon the Andromedan Healing Team to bring forth the energetic treatment that you feel guided to experience or to simply invite them to achieve the appropriate treatment. I encourage you to call upon their energies as their healing is immensely powerful, their frequency very pure and they have advanced abilities in this field. Please sit in silence or meditation communing with your soul asking for advice as to whether you require one of these energetic treatments. If so which is the most appropriate to serve you. If you are still unsure as to the energetic treatment of most benefit for you, then simply hold the intention of experiencing the most appropriate treatment to offer the greatest blissful results and healing within your being. Please first call upon your guides and angelic team to support and protect you. Please also invite your soul to emanate from your heart chakra to oversee the process. ‘Andromedan Healing Team I invite you to come forth to be present with me emanating your pure unconditional love into every aspect of my being, awakening the unconditional love and truth of my own being. Andromedan Healing Team I call you forth to achieve (treatment……or the most appropriate energetic healing treatment) on my being to support the transformation taking place within all aspects of my being. I am open to receive your support, assistance and guidance now. Please begin the treatment and support me throughout. Thank you.’ Please lay down to receive. Please know you may or may not feel the energetic treatment shared with you by the Andromedan Healing Team. If you are unaware of the process occurring this does not mean that it is not occurring. Please know that you can stop the treatment at any time through a simple request. We, Saint Germain and the Andromedans are overseeing the transformation of humanity as are many light beings at this time due to the accelerated rate of each person’s transformation process. While your soul and soul group understand the purpose and mission of your transformation it is also a good practice to visualise yourself surrounded in supreme light observing the transformations taking place within you. Visualise or imagine what you wish yourself to transform into, the qualities, abilities, skills and consciousness you wish to emanate from your being. Rather than having specific desires for your transformation each time you visualise let yourself freely explore the different shifts your inner transformation could create. Let yourself be creative and free. The more you participate in this practice with a sense of freedom the more you will be influenced by visions and understanding of the transformation taking place within you. No longer will it be you exploring your desires, it will be you realising the shifts of truth taking place within you. We, Saint Germain and the Andromedans are present to support your transitions of ascension. In eternal love, Saint Germain and the Andromedans
Kara Schallock, While the merging of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine is important for Balance, right now the Divine Feminine requires attention, support and nurturing. Remember that the Divine Feminine is Source and has essences of receiving, being, allowing, flowing and other yin qualities. As we honor our Divine Feminine, we help to raise our own consciousness and global consciousness, for the vibration and Power of Source/Divine Feminine are increasing and as we focus on being the Divine Feminine, we help to bring Her consciousness onto Earth. Pay attention to who is drawn to you now; they are responding to your Divine Feminine Source Light and recognize you as carrying the Soul Codes of Source so that they may awaken and/or empower the Codes within themselves. Those who are drawn to you do not battle with you nor resist the connection; there is no push/pull involved. There is no trying, controlling or fear-based emotions involved, for Flow is the way of the Divine Feminine. A new frequency is being born within all; it is an upgrade of the Divine Feminine. It is why so many are connected to the carriers of the Divine Feminine aspects (Mother Mary, Maria of Magdala, Isis, Laxmi, Kali, Athena and many others from all cultures). There are those whose path is to awaken and empower the Divine Feminine leylines throughout Earth. Of course, all beings carry the Divine Feminine Source Codes within to certain degrees. Realize that if you feel depleted and feel done with this work of raising the vibration of Earth, that it is merely an indication that you have entered a new phase. You may feel very in-between and do not know your next steps. This requires you to let go and let it be O.K. to be out of control and directionless. It is the Divine Feminine at work within you. A new, much higher vibration is birthing. When this occurs, which is different for each one, things eventually fall into place and may be nothing you expected. Of course! It is New! We haven’t been here before and it is simply not a continuation or remake of the old. Yet, it can only occur if you fully let go and let be of what is happening (or not happening) currently. Flow; Be. Your intellect does not have your answers; it only knows the past. Separate ego may want to hold onto the old and familiar, so meditate and actively invite the Divine Feminine to you in order to activate and empower any dormant Source Codes within. Be patient, for as you know, it does not happen instantaneously, for the Divine Feminine does not push. It is slow and gentle like water; and like water it is powerful…gentle and powerful. Anything that does not serve Her will be released, as do relationships that are not aligned with this higher vibration. Your Sensitivity will most likely increase, as well as your Intuition. It is also important for you to take care of yourself. There may certainly be times in which you will not be motivated to do anything. This may certainly bring up emotions of guilt and old rules, especially if “doing” has been hard-wired within you. Can you Be without the inner need to do? If you feel completely drained and sense there is nothing on Earth for you, realize that this is a prelude to a radical shift. April is another power-packed month. There have been huge influxes of Light, especially during the Full Moon and what we refer to as Earth Day (April 22), when a major Divine Feminine Gateway opened. We have been made aware of what old beliefs and patterns are still operating in the subconscious. While they may be more difficult to identify, for they are just below the surface, you know them by what life shows you. Whether you can identify them or not, they are still creating in your life. You can release these even if you can’t name them. If you feel depressed, you may be releasing old grief; grief that has been lodged in your cells for lifetimes. As we transform, we are both strong and sensitive. Allowing Vulnerability, which is complete Honesty with and about yourself, your Heart opens more. As your Heart opens more, you strengthen Soul and step more fully into your Authenticity. If you hide who you are, why? You are safe to be you. You do not need outside approval; in fact, if you need to please others by not being you, you might consider letting this go. It does not serve you, nor does it serve others. The Divine Feminine asks you to be All of who you are…openly, honestly and without apology. As you become strong in the Divine Feminine, you open your Heart and create a space for the Divine Masculine to enter you for support and Balance. Remember, the Divine Masculine is within. You are ready to receive your own information, and most of you already do. There are those, of course, that affirm what you already know. As always, be selective as to what and who you welcome into your space, for you are the final authority. Discernment is not intellectual; it is a Soul Essence and is felt. What you receive in meditations and dreams and symbols are your own guidance. What may be helpful is to keep a pen and paper near you when you meditate and ask to receive; write or draw your impressions. They may not make sense in the beginning, yet if you continue with this practice, they will become clearer to you. In this new phase of Ascension, things will be easier as many have let go of struggle and resistance. This is due to your own choices, your release work and is a sign that the Divine Feminine is strong within you. As you flow, things become easier and you become lighter and softer. This is a time to take the path of no resistance, as long as it is not to simply go back into the old comfort. Let go of pushing and having to do something. Allow and Be. In this way, you are led in Grace to where it is best for you to be, even if that is to see what more there is to let go of or to integrate. Trust Grace. Here is something fun to do…close your eyes and let your arms and hands play in the energy, moved by the energy. They may move to different parts of your body or they may create a beautiful dance. After this, let your body do the same. This is allowing the Light to move you in a physical way and integrates Light codes into your cells. Just play in Freedom and Flow. In this new phase, consciously realize that you are no longer a part of the old matrix. There may be certain things you still do, like pay bills, yet if you look closely, you see how much has shifted. You see through everything and see/feel the truth or untruth. Your lifestyle has shifted to be more authentic. You know what is good for you; what keeps your vibration high and what doesn’t. You are clearer on what you are creating and are taking fuller responsibility for creating all in your life. You are seeing yourself and others more clearly and are spending more time in the New Now. Yes, you are becoming more and more crystalline (crystal clear) and multidimensional; seeing things from all angles and not just from the limited one dimensional view of the separate ego. You are becoming more Soul-aligned. You are becoming more compassionate without the need to rescue or attach. You are letting go of needing to understand what, why, where, who or how. You are letting go more of resistance and surrendering to What Is. Remember too that as you rise in Love, any lingering pain (mental, emotional or physical) may feel like it is worsening for a bit; as this is how wholing works (as the old releases, it also brings with it old toxins). Trust and know that everything in your life is for your highest evolution. Trust in Divine Order. As you rise in vibration, you may also have experiences, visions and dreams that you can’t intellectually understand. That’s O.K; you needn’t know the reason behind anything. Simply allow. Observe. By the way, trying is basically the same as resisting. As Yoda says, “You either do or you don’t…” If you look for evidence of the New out in the old world, you might think that nothing has changed. Oh, but it has and is! Seeing things as negative may show you where you hold judgment and duality within. It all depends on your perspective. As I view “out there” dispassionately, I most definitely see how things are shifting. Remember that when things shift, they must disintegrate first and surely, I am perceiving this in every aspect of Earthly life. When you look closer, you can see what I see; it all depends on what you choose to see. As you focus on Love evolving, that is what you see and create. When you put your energy into what’s dissolving, you get sucked into that vortex. We are creating a higher reality based on Love. Of course, it is your choice to be in fear or to be Love. I remind you also that if you feel blocked, you can surrender to this quiet time, rather than resisting it, fighting it or judging it. I spoke of this in the last Ascension Note and I sense it is still affecting many. To say you’re blocked is to create more “blockage.” So let it go and let it be. We need not be constantly moving and producing; that is of the old. Be gentle and loving with yourself. Honor where you are and know that amazing things reveal themselves when you are still. There is nothing to do but Be. Do not worry; you won’t be left behind! You are loved and you are Love. Message from Lady Nada and Lord Sananda
Channeled by Fran Zepeda, by franheal AUDIO Greetings Beloveds, to All that you Are in this beautiful world you are creating. Behold the world you are creating. Hold it in your hands and hearts of pure essence, of pure Divine LOVE essence, and ponder what you have created. It is a new world, expanding and beautifying as we speak. Encompassing all and purifying all because you have reached a new level of excellence, of expanded pure Divine Love essence that is permeating all within and around you. And you begin to take it for granted, dear ones, as you should. The world as others project it, in illusion and duality, is no longer your world. It is but a memory to you now as you embrace your purity and your divinity and harmonize all your aspects into pure Christ Consciousness, into pure Divine embodiment hosted by your physical body, but you are so much more than your physical body now. You are learning to walk and talk in this expanded state of pure Light and Love, of pure Source Consciousness, pervading and penetrating every part of you now. Get used to this expanded state. Begin to welcome the remembrance of your true nature, of your True Divine nature, and welcome it as your new normal. We, Lady Nada and Sananda, come to you together as an example of the sweet essence of your potential harmony and wisdom that you contain and hold as your truth now. You hold the higher frequencies from which we speak to you, and so you are also of this higher frequency from which we speak. You know the truths of which we speak, and you carry them within you now and spread them to others in your daily activities just by radiating your true nature of unconditional love and understanding and compassion for all humanity. You hold humanity with the perpetual ‘glue’ that holds the universe: … LOVE … Divine Love … Unconditional Love. It has created a lightness of your being and enables all to demonstrate the same. It is your truth now; it is your purpose. You hold the world together with Love, you hold the Universe together with Love, you hold the Multiverse together with Love, and from that you raise yourself to new heights of consciousness you have not seen before. So beloveds, hear our words. You have come such a long way. You have elevated to frequencies you once only dreamed about and you are here amongst us, all Ascended Masters, all Celestial Beings, all Galactic Beings, doing your part to hold the frequency of Love in such a sustained way that you no longer see the world in illusion, in separation, but in Unity and totality of Divine Love Expressions everywhere. This we say to you in complete confidence that you are realizing this, and that you are using this truth to create everything out of Love now. You live in Love, you work in Love, you walk in Love, forever more. Feel the buoyancy of it, feel the softness of it, feel the reality of it — Divine Love at the core of everything you do, think, and say. You are magnificent in your expression of Love. Everything else is illusion. Please remember that, always, dear ones. We hold you within our truth of Pure Divine Love Essence Expression and we support you in yours, always. That is, your pure divine love expression coming from your pure divine essence and growing embodiment of your divinity, your divine nature expressing from within out, thus naturally and dynamically expressing your Pure Divine Love Essence in all that you are, do, think, and say. How beautiful this is. We are Lady Nada and Sananda, in pure Love and Support of your attainment of this new, deeper, level of Pure Divine Love Essence Expression. Embrace it, beloveds. Namaste. Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The Pleiadians
We are the Pleiadians: The exquisiteness of your yearning to become more thrills our hearts and expands our souls. We see you struggling in the muck of your everyday existence. Each day you drag yourself from the tar pits of the day before like a dinosaur. Many have allowed themselves to be sidetracked by events and energies that come to undo you. From Families to friends you have extended yourself to far and now feel like a broken yardstick. Like a woman on the desert with a baby with very little water, you have watered the baby first and not yourself, if something happens to you who is going to carry the baby from the desert? Giving to you first will often balance great karmic injustices. Like a scarecrow that is strewn about, you seek lost parts of yourself. You seek to become whole again, but it takes so much time to put yourself back together again after each emotional ordeal and learning experience. Like a jet-lagged traveler you are stretched to far over to many emotional miles. We tell you that it is time to walk away from the straw man that you once thought yourself to be and seek other avenues of service. Honor your Light and God within. Many humans at this time are tired and have given up. They are leaving things up to the Universe, Great Spirit, or Jesus. They ride the rollercoaster of ‘whatever shall be shall be.’ Are we using that as an excuse? Do you see yourself as a pawn of circumstance without any power? Can this pawn ever rise to the role of the King? Can this pawn knight itself, and can this pawn change the schematics of the game? There is no going back to the vibrational pattern of what was. Chewing the past like an old cow is making you sick. Each morning you are given the gift of light credits. You spend those increments of light and energy throughout the day trying to fix everybody’s problem. You focus too much life force on everything outside of your self, depleting your reservoir of life force. You continually walk back three steps and one-step forward creating a deep rut. If you could only see the brilliance of the great light you hold, you would never spend your priceless life force haphazardly. Do not lick the wounds that someone gave you years ago but allow yourself to taste the sweetness of life in the now. You are here at a request, you have stood in a celestial line of eons of times to come back to this particular arrangement of atoms and molecules and light. You are not here to spend your energy and life force like a child in a candy shop. When you see yourself at the most beautiful in your mind’s eye, when you see yourself in that svelte gorgeous pattern of human light that is when your Pleiadian enterprise is activated. Each one of you holds a highly advanced being within their energy schematics. That Being has direct orders of what they are to do on Earth. You are determining not just you own life, not just the life of your planet, but also the life of your entire solar system. The Earth will announce through various events a new sequence of exquisite light codes. New light dance in your life and new lights will dance on Earth herself. The energy of livingness and plasma conduits with a living consciousness, animated electrons and ions and molecules, have an agenda of their own. When you see these light frequencies outside of yourself, pay attention. You are emissaries of Light and representatives of the Universe. You are not cut from a cloth that was dirty and tattered; you are cut from a seamless garment of light that is luminescent and exquisite. All the stars and stellar vibrations that come from deep space are here to assist you. There are no instructions for the next part of the path. Allow these energies to interact with you but stand your ground. If the stellar/solar/ etc sensations are too much for your body tell the darn molecules to turn known the rheostat. Some of the new vibrations may push your human fear buttons. The sense of falling when you are walking, the sense of floating when you’re lying down, the sense of leaving your body when you are driving or talking to another. You are in a dimensional flux; you are becoming a new definition of light. Believe in your heart that there is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is just a heart way. The heart is a vastly intelligent organ. It sees and hears before anything else so listen with your heart. Saturday, April 23, 2016 Channel: Ann Dahlberg I am Mother Mary and I wish to speak a bit with you today. The Earth is advancing towards its completion and the joy can be felt in every living person on Earth today. My heart is full of joy and love for all my children on Earth today. We are now ascending together and it is a joy and a delight shared with all in the Universe today. The Sun shines gracefully on Earth and lets all its light penetrate everything that allows it to do so, deep into its most distant core. Everything is waking up and looks around in amazement. It both feels and looks differently, as if a new world of Light has opened up and now bids us to enter. This truth has opened up for you dear children. You have it already in your hearts. Your eyes are shining its light. Do not be afraid to open the door wide, it is intended that you shall enter this world now. Everything is there for you now, everything that your heart wished and longs for. Do not look back, that which was is gone and is no more. It is the new that you shall welcome and embrace. This is where your steps will lead you now. Everything that was done is done, everything that is to be done will be done here and now. You are building the new world now with your intentions and visions. Your thoughts and goals are manifesting now in the reality you live in. The distance between thought and manifestation is not large today, so take care of your thoughts and yourselves. Think and envision that which is best for you and your life today. Tomorrow it can be knocking on your door, was it your dream that was fulfilled or was it something else that came up and first needed to be worked on. You are better off forgiving all old disputes and let them sail away. Negativity cannot come with you on this journey and can at worst hold you back from the bright road that you are now intended to walk on. Ask for help to let go of all negativity and the help will be at your door knocking. Let it in and let it do its job. It provides joy both to them and yourselves. All your guides, power animals and beings do not wish for anything else than to help you now. They also help themselves since we are all One. Many of your guides are also family members that wish to see you cross the finish line to world of Light that stand at the door. Take the opportunity now dear children and throw out the last trash and hurry in to the world of Light that is now open and waiting for you. Feel it deeply inside yourselves and know it is worth all the work required to get there. You are now many who work for the same thing and you give each other assistance by dissolving some darkness together. Many of you have similar experiences so that when you dissolve something negative you also help others to dissolve similar things and vice versa. This occurs all over the Earth now. Much negativity has come up that is in the process of dissolving and disappearing. The hard part is done dear children, there is not much left now. You have survived the storm and there are only a few rain clouds left. They are also about to disappear and the New Earth is on its way to manifest in your reality today. This is why it can feel intense, full with work, interrupted by a peaceful calm and serene joy. This will transform to a strong calm joy that your body now has a hard time holding more than for a few moments. Your bodies are changing at a surprising speed, so be proud and take good care of them. They long for the light and will absorb as much as they can and are able to, depending on which condition they are in. In any case you can all follow the road of the Light regardless of which state your body is in. You just need to receive the Light and the Light and the body will find its way to manifest in the New Reality of Light. With this I bid farewell and send my deepest greetings of Love to you all. Mother Mary APRIL 21, 2016 / CAROLINE OCEANA RYAN The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you again today. And we would say, that things are greatly shifting in your world, even if at times, it appears that all is “business as usual.” The “business” has changed from that of the third dimension to the fifth, and the “usual” is not at all what you are used to. We will speak briefly of those who look into or as you might say, “look down upon” your planet “from above”—those of Galactic origin, some of whom equal the Angelic and other higher beings of this Universe, in terms of their own Ascension paths, and some of whom are barely above your own station. These are not, as they say, your garden-variety ETs. They do not come merely to “test or do experiments” such as your governments have led you to believe is their interest. That is in fact mainly the work of the dark hats, disguising themselves as ETs, or working with those of a lower density vibration, and great was the cheer on our side of things, when the truth of this was explained quite clearly on a recent telecast of your resurrected television series, The X Files. You have indeed been reduced and shackled by experimentation and negative ET influence, but those are actions that were taken many, many thousands of years ago by those who have since taken up the role of your overlords. Where you stand now is in the place of Ascension, very far beyond what they, in a darker era, consigned you to. You stand now in a Light that they saw coming but hoped would never arrive. Yet it has arrived. And the waves coming to your planet now, ushering in ever-higher levels of that Light, have not only rattled them down to their teeth, but have shown them what they had assumed could never occur, which has occurred: humankind, rising to the next level of consciousness—and no method or technology can stop it. We have spoken of planetary souls, and what one might call whole “movements,” similar to your social and spiritual movements—a joint decision involving large hosts of higher beings and Galactics, agreeing to aid certain planets and star systems that have, on a higher level, called out for help due to some oppressive force or difficult evolutionary stage. Such was the case of your Earth—She called, and we came, all of us here in the Ashtar Command, and many others besides, who support Lord Admiral Sananda and all serving below him. We came forward in part to aid Lady Gaia as She cried out for support for Her own Ascension, Her own liberation. And we came forward to witness and assist your own astounding development and evolvement from being made to serve as mere “cogs in a wheel”—individual souls and soul groups caught in the karmic wheel, and used physically and etherically to serve the machine of a corrupt planetary system. We have watched with both amazement and admiration—can anything be braver than drawing oneself up and out of the third dimension, and while still in a body?—as you took the decision to return to Earth to experience Ascension in the physical, while aiding Earth in Her own Ascension. Two very powerful and complex undertakings, taken on with the extremely limited understanding available to humans—the heavy veil over the third eye, experienced by all who come to third dimensional Earth. And what we have seen, in regards to beliefs about the existence of Galactics and any help they might offer Earth and her people, is a mixture of hope and disbelief, in terms of how humankind feels Galactics ought to behave. We have said previously that we are not here to “rescue,” and that is so. Even if that level of intervention were allowed by Universal Law, you do notrequire rescuing. You are in fact freeing yourselves from unjust tyranny, from technological systems and social and mental programming that has disarmed your consciousness, denied you your rightful 12-strand DNA, and trained you to believe you are powerless, when in fact, you are utterly powerful beings, as you are increasingly aware. You did not, and Earth did not, ask to be rescued. You asked that should the actions of the dark hats break Universal Law, in the sense of denying free will and denying Earth’s basic rights, beyond a clear and certain point, that we intervene in the level of no longer allowing those actions. We have and are fulfilling this role. For example: You do not see significant nuclear arsenal being deployed. You do not see a repeat of the events of September 11. You do not see that World War III has broken out in the Middle East. You do not see a continuation of certain levels of mass programming, to the extent that no one dares think beyond what church or temple or synagogue tells them is the nature of life or God. You do not see the old forms of cover-up continuing in ways it did for centuries—if Edward Snowden’s and Julian Assange’s revelations have not shown you this, look at the Panama Papers “leak” as they are being called. You do not see the poisoning of citizens from air, water, and food going without notice, with only small isolated protests, quickly covered up or ignored. None of this is due to lack of trying—the dark hats have attempted to enact these and many other forms of oppression over the past few decades. But the energies of higher awareness, the growing Light in human consciousness, the growing evolvement around the planet, have not permitted it. When your own resources have not been enough, we have stepped in to remind those in “charge” what the Laws of this Universe are. Whether it was a government meeting, an industrial meeting, or a private closed discussion, we are there—St Germain is there, Mother Sekhmet is there, Lord Sananda is there, among others—and the dark hats are not capable of facing down any one of these, let alone all of them, and all Whom they represent. This brings us back to the fact that there has been a powerful shift on the planet over these past few months. You are barely aware of it, except in your etheric state, so we will remind you of what you already feel, of what certain white-haired gentleman running for president in the US reminds you of, though he can only say so much, without uttering the word “NESARA.” And that is, that the dark hats are no longer in control of the planet. All of you, as part of the Forces of Light, and every newborn child entering this world, every tree and flower, every beautiful animal grazing on the land or caught in a tiny pen—you are all in charge now. Claim and fully realize your independence, which grows daily! Claim and fully realize your beautiful soul power to create and recreate whatever you need for your soul path in this life, for your communities, for your own joyful expression on this New Earth. Claim and fully realize your place in the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds! Stop looking to the skies as if ships landing were your only recourse. Yes, of course, we are here—we are your soul families, your guardian Angels, your guides, your own higher selves and twin flames. We are not incidental, or unimportant. But you are our brave captains, who volunteered to come forth—do you suppose it was the weakest or least capable of us who would do so? We assure you, you are our bravest and most powerful. Remember your Divinity! Claim your ability to create worlds, for you are recreating this one, to new and nearly unrecognizable heights. Believe us! And yes, “Expect us”—but know that the ones you are “expecting” arrived at the moment of your births. Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone. The Council – Get Ready!
There is a rather high probability that in your very near future events will occur that will make our topic for today very relevant even though it may not seem so at this moment. We wish to discuss in a bit more depth something that we have mentioned more than once in past messages, but have never devoted an entire message to. We are speaking to a large number of people around the world. Many of you have been following our messages for quite some time. But it is also the case that many of you have been placed in areas where you are seemingly alone or where there may be very few of you whom those who are awakening would term lightworkers. The reason for that is may soon become much more apparent. You have spent varying lengths of time bringing into your own awareness spiritually based information and what you think of as ancient knowledge. We see this as ever unchanging Truth (capital T, please). You have not been taught so much as you have been helped to remember. And you do have a reason for being where you are. We have spoken before about impending change. We have spoken before about the fact that a great deal of the impending changes have been happening for some time in small increments and widely spaced locations. It has not been so very evident to those who were not looking for it. We also mentioned that it would have a snow ball effect. The amount and type of change is about make a rather radical shift. So much, so important, and so impactful will be the changes that emerge very soon that no one anywhere will escape being affected. There are millions of you who will know what is happening and why. But there are billions of others who will be completely taken by surprise. Now that should make it rather obvious why you are where you are. And we can skip speaking of the obvious. But there is more than placement to be considered. Almost all of you have been at this long enough now for you to have experienced definite shifts in your inner selves. Sometimes you amaze yourselves with your reactions to things. We see you wondering as you find yourselves saying things or doing things that you always wanted to say or do, but always felt lacking when you did not do or say them. Inside, we hear you saying to yourselves, “Wow! Was that me?” But still, you have not completed your inner evolutions yet, and there are large numbers of you who are fairly new to this journey. For these reasons, we feel it necessary to pass on a word of caution at this time. Please, when numbers of those around you begin to ask about things that they never would even listen to before, be very careful how you respond. Please realize that you speak a language of tone, of body language, of feeling, that everyone reads, whether they know it or not. And don’t allow yourself any part of “I know. I tried to tell you.” Neither, “I told you so.” Understand that answering questions that are asked is enough and be careful not to fall into teaching mode. Advice that is not asked for is seldom received well. Now, if you feel that you can offer instruction about something that others may opt to come to you for, that is another matter, and we say good for you. If you do that, be sure you are quite prepared. You will be sought out. It is time to begin giving these things some serious thought. Not all of you are there for this purpose. But the largest number of you are. You will know if that includes you by how the thought of how it makes you feel. Do not feel it is necessary for you to set about doing what does not feel right for you. As always, we say that you will always know what is right for you by how you feel about it. Of course that does not mean that those things cannot change as you change and grow. It is enough that we have brought this topic to your attention. We thank you and as always send our love and blessings. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: Channeled by Brenda Hoffman Dear Ones, Earth is shifting more rapidly than predicted even six months ago. But since you are part of that shift, it is difficult for you to note the change. You have long hoped for and dreamed of what is now happening. But this shift is happening so slowly, in your thought processes, that you do not comprehend such is happening. Your being is a bit like the wheels of an automobile moving so rapidly you have difficulties seeing the wheels turn. This shift is one of perspective and of a physical nature. Perhaps it will help you better understand if you remember your youth. Each month, you were a bit wiser and most likely, changing physically. You do not remember that growth because you were of that growth. All you knew is your pants needed lengthening or that your mother sighed because your growth necessitated new clothes. So it is now. We observe your growth and shifts even though you cannot. You are in a much different place than six months ago. In truth, you are growing more rapidly than you imagined or we prophesied. So it is you fully expect to claim your new life NOW. Just as was true when you were a teenager and your parents needed to place restrictions on your social activities as you felt more grown-up than you were. That is not to say you are not progressing rapidly, but instead that you do not yet know yourself well enough to claim the totality of your new being. You continue to practice with your new you computer software. And by so doing, accessing skills you did not realize you would access in this earth lifetime. You are much more advanced than you thought possible, but not yet advanced enough to flitter into the ethers without a tie to earth. Most of you acknowledge that you are of earth and are returning earth to the heavens, the Universes – not as a child but as a full-fledged member of the Universes. What you are having difficulties grasping is that you are not yet ‘adult’ enough, in the Universal sense, to fly by yourself into the ethers. You have long flitted throughout the Universes in your night dreams and daytime meditations. You have connected with various beings. You have created seeming miracles. But all of that is merely an adolescent skill level you continue to expand daily – and that you expanded greatly the past few weeks. It is time for you to acknowledge your need for assistance for this next phase. For this phase is a bit like your first date. Even though first dates are portrayed frequently via your media and described by friends, your experiences are never exactly the same as another. You have long dreamed of the freedom of this next phase, but you are not yet quite there. So it is that many of you are either requiring a rest period between Universal energy assistance and/or information provided to you via your Universal sources, or you are confused about your next phase. Your next phase is your first solo trip into the unknown of your physical being. A solo trip that will be a bit different for each of you – just as your first date or first love was different for each. We can provide a general sensation or emotion, but how and when you implement this next phase is entirely up to you. Some of you require more rest. Others of you are waiting a bit for a variety of reasons including fear of the unknown. And yet others, are being held back by your Universal sponsors for you have not completed a prior phase – most notably, your earth dream creation. This transition is much like your school life. Even though you may wish to advance from this lesson to that lesson without the precursor, such is not possible for you would not have the structure for deviations from the norm of that lesson without the stepping-stones provided by your instructors. You are poised and getting ready for the next phase even though you do not yet realize how advanced that phase is and the concrete requirements to achieve it. Those of you who have not yet created your earth dream will discover that you will wish to now. Not because you have to, but because you are beginning to understand the importance of your earth dream in the creation of your Universal being. Without your earth dream, your Universal life in this lifetime would be much like saying hello to the first pre-teen boy you found attractive followed within seconds by your first date with heavy physical interaction. Perhaps that happened to some of you. But we venture to guess that if such is true, you pine a bit for the sweetness of discovery that could have been in your time and your interest level. So it is that many of you are rushing to the next phase because of the recent energies. Not because it is necessarily what you will wish in the future, but instead that you are ‘ready to roll’ without the necessary precursors. Enjoy yourself. There is no rush. You will not save the world if you rush into this next phase anymore than you will if you ignore it. You are all moving more rapidly than predicted by you or us. It is time to slow down and enjoy the ride – that first sweet, innocent kiss of youth you now may wish to by-pass, but will likely pine for later. There is no rush. There are no extra points for racing from one phase to another. You are a physical being. Allow that to be. And then allow yourself to create your earth dream – your reward for a job well done. A job that will continue in joy if, and only if, you do not feel used and abused. Moving ahead without rewarding yourself is more of your caretaking/victim stance. “I must save the world by doing this without expectations of anything other than inner feelings of a job well-done” is SO yesterday. Shift to today. “I love me, the earth and the Universes equally. So I will not deplete myself or deny myself anymore than I would expect the same of others, earth or the Universes.” You continue to play the 3D win/lose game despite all efforts to encourage you to move to win/win. So it is you are requiring a bit of downtime to revamp your belief processes and action modes. So be it. Amen. by April Bender (via integrated Overself) As you have correctly guessed, the latest energy induction portal is bringing in some rather powerful higher energies/frequencies which serve to further catalyze, link and synergize new configurations of space, time, matter and light consciousness, at all levels. It is this massive movement and reorganization at all levels which creates the internal sense of “energetic storming” or a massive gravitational vortex opening. As a result, you may feel as if a great deal of energy, light, and/or information is swirling around within and outside of you – and indeed it is. As the new light codes and harmonics begin to assimilate within current energetic streams, patterns and structures you’ll begin to notice an even greater transparency between worlds and/or across dimensions as the unification and reclamationprocesses deepen. Already there have been many accounts and images shared via social and alternative media over this last year displaying mysterious “pillars of light” and/or “cities of light” seemingly visible from another place, time, or dimension. These accounts will only become more frequent and more pronounced as the year moves forward. With each active portal or energy wave/induction, higher and purer forms of light consciousness are able to enter your physical realm and catalyze the further ascension, healing and restoration (in many ways) of the planetary/human experience. While these inductions have been happening for quite some time, they are now beginning to reach a critical threshold – as the coalescence of such energies over time (including light codes disseminated/emitted by masters/lightworkers) has served to substantially break down the veils or separation between worlds (both individual/collective and inner/outer worlds). This is why in our previous discussion we touched on the need for reaching out to and communing/allying with other orders of life (seen and unseen), because 1) the conditions are optimal for doing so; (2) the act itself would greatly benefit individual parties as well as the whole and (3) in preparation for what is yet to come later this year and next year. As more and more powerful light/energy waves bombard the Earth and your local system – it will soon become inevitable that larger earthquakes and other massive planetary shifts (magnetic, etc.) will need to take place (on top of crumbling/failing systems and the confrontation of the collective shadow). When you have that much light energy entering your sphere, at some point the earth’s grids and plates need to shift to accommodate it (as do other spheres of life connected to the Earth). In essence, the Earth is ascending and expanding with each energy/light wave induction or portal opening. Earth/Gaia also needs to cleanse and heal herself so this overall effect serves multiple purposes. Another purpose for the earthquakes and overall shifts has to do with the reconfiguration of energetic structures/zones and/or toroidal fields. Pockets of “protected zones” will be a natural outcome of such energetic inductions, shifts and reconfigurations. These safe zones will provide protection for the masses against some of the more tumultuous shifts/changes, and many cities of light are already coming online to service these zones. In general, you have seen this sort of activity play out in recent years but what is on tap for the next two years will be unlike anything humanity has experienced – at least in recent time/memory. These are exciting times indeed though it can be hard to feel excited, especially when in the midst of such a colossal portal opening. But rest assured in the days to come, the dust will settle, and you will find yourself once again on new shores. Until next time… Shanta Gabriel
Happy post-Eclipse cleanup! Anyone else notice that the energies stirred up by the March eclipses have sent many of us into areas that feel like the proverbial wailing and gnashing of teeth? It has become more than obvious what we are releasing in the areas of outdated relationships, old emotional triggers, thought patterns, and work issues. It has taken a tremendous focus of energy for me not to be dragged down into the morass that definitely feels like compost! The powerful eclipses that intensified life in March precipitated a game of Pick-up Sticks, where my life felt thrown up into the air. Now I am in the cleanup process to put it all back together in a whole new way. We are all being called to rise up to a new level of consciousness, even if we can’t see any evidence of what is being promised for our new lives. I have been hearing the words, “stoke the fires of your resurrection.” This seems a purely lower chakra, visceral experience, requiring me to connect deeply with those centers of vitality and nourishment to create a new reality for my life. The Full Moon eclipse stirred up all my oldest fears — just the small stuff — like death, abundance and relationships. The recognition that I cannot take any of that old baggage into my new life has been spurring me to transcend the emotional reactions with as much love and clarity as possible, which is not easy when life feels like living in warm Jello without a mold. I have been assured by the Angelic Dimensions that this is a time when we are learningMastership by taking off the shackles that have bound us to the old ways — and being confronted with our core wounds before we can explore the new opportunities it has been decreed will be surfacing into our awareness. We are being scoured, so we can come into our new lives with all the innocence of our pure Divine Essence. We are releasing the old 3D timelines, so we can meld our most Divine selves with our most human — the unification of Heaven and Earth through our bodies. Because we are the ones that have been responsible for the lifting of consciousness on the Earth, we are not alone in this process. There are legions of Angels, Masters and Beings of Light who await our request for assistance. We are definitely not being abandoned to go through this transformational process that will change the Earth for all time. Here is some of the inspiration Archangel Gabriel has been promising: Dear Ones, Integration of all your hard-earned work on yourself is the name of the day. Extract that which serves you and release to the Earth that which no longer provides nourishment. Transmutation of the dross literally becomes a Grace-filled moment. When the dust settles and you look at yourself again, you will know to the core of your being that you are different — very different from the one who started this year. Regain your self-acknowledgment. There is new inspiration awaiting download from your soul. Remember that you cannot force the experience. Overcome the need to think you are not ready. The same lack of confidence you have seen throughout your life needs to be catapulted out of your way of thinking. New life is providing ways to open doorways of consciousness to realms of experience that you have been unaware of before now. When you can remember that you are profoundly loved and guided, you can allow a level of relaxation to occur within. You do not have to fight the flow of Divine Creation. Just surrender. There is a rising up in consciousness that delivers new-found clarity and freedom from expectation. Your old carbon body base has dissolved in the reformatting of the crystalline light frequencies. Numerous opportunities are arising for healthy choices and Creative Solutions. Are you ready to step foot on a rocket ship to Love? Know that you are opening a door to a level of connection that you were not even aware existed. Formally grant yourself permission to be happy and then see what happens. You are feeling the fire of the Creative Force that burns through all that holds you back. This is a very delicate time. Use your clear intentions so that all action is aligned with Divine Right Action and all that you desire is empowered with Pure Love. The Light of Pure Love is a reality you can step into that recreates a space your soul recognizes as Alignment with Source energy. As you allow the unfolding of your divine nature to develop in your daily life, there is a new sense of Ease within your being. Allowing this freedom and expansion within you is a key component to living with more Grace in your life. Every time you find yourself striving and pushing, it is a sign that your ego is involved in doingness again. Nose to the grindstone and forging ahead is not the answer to Inner Peace. Instead, it is a time for pulling back and relaxing into the space inside your heart that awaits the focus of your attention. When you can rest in this heart space, you have found a centering mechanism that soothes your over-stimulated nervous system and allows you to breathe more freely. This becomes a practice that you can do many times a day. The Earth has ascended, so it is not a necessity to try to make things happen. The pure love in your heart and the focus of your attention on Alignment will allow your life to unfold in magical ways. You are coming into new levels of love and the acceptance of all aspects of yourself. As you recreate yourself as a Blended Being, trust in your Higher Power and learn to work with spiritual forces in your daily life in a whole new way. Receiving the nourishment of inspiration every day supports your expansion into the new levels of energy necessary. When you fill the sacred vessel of your heart with Divine Love, new life is birthed within you. It is this inspiration-filled substance working through you as Divine Light that sustains your world in Illumined Consciousness. Now is the time to truly awaken to the new frequencies of Love active and available to you. The question for me became, how can I raise my consciousness enough to even be aware of the Love that is here for me in this challenging time? Clearly, I need to receive these new frequencies that would best support me now. After flailing a bit and gnashing my teeth, I surrendered to the larger spiritual practice that has supported me for 40 years. And this has awakened my heart of Devotion. Here is what Archangel Gabriel has to say about that: Dear Ones, Within every human heart is a place that desires Love. For some people, it is so strong that they feel they are starving with the need. Perhaps there is not even a conscious awareness of what that need actually is that feels so powerful. This place inside seeks from all around the outside world to bring more Love into the heart. It is like a gnawing hunger that needs to be satisfied. One may have never known the experience that their heart desires. For such souls there is the Heart of Devotion. Devotional Love for God is an all-encompassing experience of Wholeness. For some, it offers a sense of fulfillment that fills their being with the power of Love Divine. Providing the means to receive this all-encompassing presence of Love is what the heart expresses through Devotion to the Highest Source of Love active in the Universe. This desire within the human heart to be filled with love is craving a personal experience with the Divine Presence in a way that was never possible before this lifetime. For many, your heart remembers a state of union with the Divine that you may have not been able to experience through life on Earth. When you fill your heart through devotional practices, it can offer alignment with the core spiritual energy within you. When you want to know God through direct experience of Divine Love within the core of your being, this is the heart of Devotion. When your heart melts with love of the Supreme Presence, this is your soul responding to the realm of remembering Union with the Divine. All is well. Shanta Gabriel |
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