Prime Creator: Transformation
by Yael & Doug Powell, Every being of light in all the heavens, every being of Love in all the worlds, every wash of starlight that is embodied, every planet pregnant with life — all are holding their breath. Holding their breath as I call you to step forth out of your reality completely and to trust that the New World will be there to place your foot upon. As I breathe in My In-breath, as I feel you as the greatest Love stirring within, I too am pregnant with anticipation! In all of the worlds, all of the expanding universe, all of the trillions of beings spreading their wings of truth, there is none like you. Now the time comes for the greatest leap of faith, faith that says that what is in your heart is the real truth, while all the structure by which you have lived your lives is an illusion. You understand this certainly, but do you understand it enough to bet your life upon it? Do you understand it enough to step forth and trust that My Love will be there? And are you ready to do this in ways both great and small, without any comparison between the world you are leaving and the world on which you arrive? Are you willing to give up your “human home”– the ideas you have had about what it means to be a human being? Can you start with a clean slate upon which I write the truth of your life and you then live it, moment by moment, step by step, vision by vision, dream by dream? Dear ones, there are three very important things that have happened that have already changed your world forever. You need to deeply understand these things as you take My hand and step away from the ledge of the known world. As you step into the knowledge of your place in My heart and the truth of the “World to Come,” Love is “switched on” so you become a functioning cell in My heart, the heart of God, awakening. First, in 1987, at the time of the Harmonic Convergence of energies, a decision was made by you in the temple of your hearts. Until that moment, there was to be a splitting of the path. Those who could make the choice for Love were to move ever higher into the light to bring forth the manifestation of humanity’s evolution. The others who did not say “yes,” were going to gently “drop-down” into a slower evolution, there to continue to evolve living with those of like vibration. At that time I felt a tugging on My heart, dear ones — a longing for those who were to be left behind. I felt keenly the emptiness within as I acknowledged that some cells of My heart would be missing, so to speak, still cloaked in illusion and darkness. You must understand that you do live within Me, that you truly are living cells that are within My heart. As this intense longing deepened, it became almost agonizing. And yes, I can feel agony and often have at the loss of communion with My own heart and being that the illusion has caused. When I looked within, I discovered something truly amazing! The longing that I was feeling was you, My LightWorkers, longing for your brothers and sisters! You did not want to leave them behind! You were My heart speaking to Me! When I understood this, oh My beautiful children, I fell in Love with you all over again! I understood My own heart in new ways. I knew for the first time that you truly were showing Myself to Me! You were truly opening into Love in manifestation. I knew then, that all I had dreamed of for you, would be true! You would be co-creators gently loving into being new life — both within you and around you! I knew that your homecoming was going to be more than all I had dreamed! I knew that in spite of the depth of illusion you fell into, you were going to emerge as something more beautiful than either of us had ever dreamed! So there at that moment, that juncture when so much was held in the balance, you decided together, in unison, in your hearts, on the deepest spiritual plane that you can access that you would offer yourselves, your service and your light so that nobody would be left behind! This was the moment of My greatest joy, for you are the wild card within Me. You are the part of Me that is unknown. You surprised Me in wondrous and wonderful ways. At that moment all Beings of Light who assist you, concurred. It was, and is possible for the children of God, using both your Love and your will, to lift up and clean up everything in the world, so that nothing is left behind. In order to do this, each of you agreed that you would personally transform the darkness, limitation and illusion for those who were not able or ready to do so. You will gladly, you told Me, offer your Love and your service for the upliftment of the whole world, of humanity and the planet into the light. Now we are here. We are on the very real cusp of the very real awakening. LightWorkers are remembering by the thousands daily that there are real and exciting changes. But many of you are not yet remembering your agreement of service to the transformation. The second thing that is happening, now that the changes are fully underway, is that many beings of light are finding themselves in unexpected situations of varying degrees of intensity — difficult things for which there are no clear explanations. Beings of obvious light and very great Love are finding themselves dealing with physical illnesses that even threatened to take them off the planet. Other beings are finding themselves in a crunch financially though they know that I will always provide. The list goes on and on. Many explanations are offered. These situations create fear and discomfort in those not challenged (if such a person as this, who lives purely, can be stricken could happen to me?). The ego rushes in and finds an excellent crack in the vibrations of Love, and judgment occurs. People are regularly told that they have done something to bring this, or that they have not done their spiritual work. And, if all else fails they are told that there must be some old subconscious pattern at work! Dear ones, it is very important that you hear Me and this message of transformation. We are now at the critical time. One foot is on the shore of the New World and the other foot is on the shore of the old. Only the commitment of the LightWorkers, of the pure and loving of heart, to use their lives, their bodies, hearts and will in service of humanity’s transformation will create the bridge that will bring everyone through. To bring everyone was your promise to me! To bring everyone! Oh dear ones, this promise is how I know you My children. All I am and more. This promise is how I know that Love will continue to show a new and more beautiful face, and that My heart will be a reflector of the purer light into the most glorious expression of our co-creation. You must come to understand this process of transformation and this agreement! It has now become critical! If you do not, it could destroy the unity necessary to make the rise in consciousness and heart that will bring you back to the One. If you do not understand, then it will seem like chaos. It will seem that the laws of Love do not work! For it will seem that the path of Love works for one person, opening them easily to obvious blessings and higher good and does not work for another for they are still suffering. But the suffering is not their own, I tell you, My beloveds. With the release from Time (and what you call Karma), with the extraordinary elevation in the light taking place, and with all the Beings of Light gathering here with you, any LightWorker choosing Love would be effortlessly rising, and everything of any negativity falling away. If that is not happening, then I guarantee you that one is taking on the work of transformation, for the rest of humanity. This must be understood. It must be honored. It must be supported and assisted! I ask this of all of you. In big ways or small, it is this tremendous service of doing more than your share that will bring all My children home to Me now. And yes, ultimately all would return, but it is this extra effort that reveals your truth, your depth of Love and caring. Ultimately that will be reflected back to you in millions of ways. This too, is a law of the universe as you know. So in this world of illusion it will be more important than ever to look very carefully at the truth of what is happening. Every situation must be read with the heart. Those who are living transformers will be obvious the moment you understand the fact of this most glorious offering. Now, let Me remind you that this agreement that all humanity would make it Home in this evolution was a concord of all of you who have light enough to understand. If you are reading this, this means you. So I must ask you to turn right now to Me and to ask Me to show your path of service to this transformation. You will be amazed. You’ll find things making sense that just did not make sense to you. You’ll understand the “piece,” as you say, about giving that is the most powerful way to your own awakening. Of course, the Love that you give holds the most powerful blessing for you of all the energy you’ll receive. Dear ones, I will guide you. Here is the third and most important thing. This fact of the Lightworkers offering of transformation will save the Earth and allow Her to rise into Her own process of ascension. All of you know this is Her “initiation” also, yet you have not known how to assist Her. As I have told you, energy must be dealt with. The “trash” must be cleaned up! This process of transformation when combined with your conscious intent is the most powerful energy available in this universe. Now this seems like a big thing for Me to say, until you remember who I am and thus who you are, co-creators who are the cells of My very heart. So all beings of light everywhere are on call to your intent! I want you to absorb this. Knowing this you must now take in the fact that nothing that is happening here is personal. If you are a being of light, conscious of Me and dedicated to Love, the forces and powers that are working in your life are universal — dramatic rivers of light, shifts in awareness, beings of such magnitude that you cannot yet comprehend. So you must not “put your head in the sand”! You must not believe that this is only about you, your growth, your awakening, your ascension. FOR THAT VISION IS FAR TOO SMALL FOR YOU! If you subscribe to such a vision, you may keep your life progressing on a steady path upward but you would be missing out on the most amazing, dramatic and beautiful Creation story ever lived: your Creation story! It is the story where you, My children, activate your will, light up the cells in My heart with such power and grace that you rectify a whole evolution by redeeming what had been forced into separation and illusion — by the power of your choice, your Love and your will. Dear ones, you have often heard that for this time the coming of Christ will be within you. This process of taking on transformation for the world is exactly how you will do this! Christ on the cross did exactly the same thing. He saw that humanity had fallen prey to the illusion and He transformed it by living that darkness while in the body. It is imperative that this information be distributed and understood. If it is not, you will lose LightWorkers needlessly! If you do not know what is happening as you take on the part of the transformation you have agreed to, as you run it through your body without the understanding and the intent of the transformative light, it can be too much for the physical vehicle. The process in itself can often produce a pathway to the person”s living “bardo, a special dispensation given to you exactly for these times. It is a reward for the great service you are doing — the opportunity to go through the death experience while still on earth. It is a very great honor and evolutionary boost that I have given you, poured out upon you in My joy and gratitude for your decision to bring all of My children home. You do not want the experience of your piece of the transformation to be harmful in any way. But it can be because the energies are shifting, uplifting so rapidly that you must understand transformation. You must understand it because you have agreed to do it. On some level, in some way, your piece will come to you. The worst thing that could happen is for you or others around you to place negativity upon the experience by seeing it as something wrong with you, your clarity, your clearing, your resolution of issues, your growth in Me. Every one of those thoughts creates a negative situation where there never was one. In other words although something negative is seeming to occur, in truth it is very positive, for your intention and the intention behind the whole situation is of the most profound good! Yet one judgment from yourself or others and the purity of the offering of this service is tainted, because you are co-creators and that thought creates a very real detrimental energy. So please, dear ones, be so very careful. Be vigilant against judgment and negative interpretation! Be especially vigilant against the assumptions and easy answers that allow you to feel better than or separate from anyone. Those are the signs that the greatest offering of humanity thus far, the assurance of their divinity by this gift reflecting My fullness in each of you, has been commandeered by the ego or the intent of separation. When you put your foot down on the shore of the New World what you’ll find instantly is a world totally in communion and communication, first through the Internet and then through the inner knowing. You will find a world with a unity of purpose fully engaged in the process of transformation for all — not for the individual. This, dear ones, is the difference between the old and New World.
A Message to Lightworkers – March 12, 2018
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, Bringers of the New Earth! We see many of you facing new forms of confusion, as you work to know your Truth on levels you have not previously dealt with in this Earth life. The confusion is in part due to the rampant disinformation now being disseminated on the internet, and in part due to large changes in how your brains and inner heart-mind function as you integrate with these powerfully rising energies. Many are reading articles that state that Ascension comes down to a single “Event” that occurs in one day, or that it occurs suddenly with a blinding flash of solar light, or at a moment when Galactic ships appear in the sky, decloaking everywhere. The dreams and etheric nighttime experiences you have are also confusing, as they greet you upon awakening in the morning with the strange feeling that something great has happened—something that is life- and time-altering, yet you cannot get a clear fix on what it is. Or you read the nighttime dreams that display your inner fears, often relayed in metaphoric or allegoric form, as literal interpretations of events that are occurring or will soon. We send with this Message an upliftment of energies, to release you from both fear and confusion—the oldest weapons in the push against human Ascension. We have previously warned that the dinar/dong/Zimbabwe currency scam is a very dark web, both energetically and in terms of what it means for Lightworkers on the practical level, in part because those participating in that dark scheme will lose their claim to the NESARA funds that all peoples are otherwise entitled to. We have also spoken of the very broad net thrown over many of the spiritual growth websites, social media postings, and other teachings. As with much of organized religion, those writing for or running these media channels sometimes have only a tenuous connection to Ascension energies or their own higher self. They have aligned their energies with darker interests that have promised these dear ones money, fame, or other ego-based inducements to pull them away from their path, and to direct their work to a place of lies, disinformation (or unintended misinformation), distortion, and transmission of energies that lower Lightworkers’ vibrations to one of vibration fear, confusion, guilt, shame, and the feeling that they may be excluded from the Ascension process. We can assure you, no one who intentionally seeks the Light, who aligns themselves with Divine Love and all it holds will ever be “excluded” from Ascension. One need not call oneself a Lightworker, Starseed, spiritual seeker, Light Warrior, or any such term in order to reach the Ascended fifth dimensional state. We wish to assure you as well that you are not alone in your confusion, wondering if you will Ascend or if your loved ones will. Nor are you alone in occasionally falling for deliberate disinformation such as the currency scam, the belief in a one-day “event,” or in certain Earth changes being cataclysmic for millions. We encourage you to release the obsessive need to read or hear channelings, informational reports, and “expert” commentary on Ascension matters from unverified sources, or even to watch mainstream news, if you find that your overall energies—the feelings in your body and heart-mind—are lowered by them. There are only a few sources of Truth in terms of the technical economic/political information now being disseminated on the internet, and if you seek these genuinely, you shall find them.* Yet you need not be restricted even to those channels of Light data and information. Mother Nature Herself, as well as your own higher self and soul, are some of the greatest channels of Truth you will ever find on this planet. Your own realization of such is a great moment of empowerment and inner growth that enlivens every crystalline aspect of your consciousness and outer being. As you place your hand on a tree or rock and ask for its wisdom, you are assisting your own Ascension in beautiful higher ways. The higher wisdom, Earth energies, and Life Force of the tree, rock, stream, or soil will assist you far more fully in re-membering, re-claiming, and re-establishing your higher self in your human body, than any number of left-brain forms of information. One great reason for this is that human language has over the centuries become devoid of connection to the higher self. It has come to ignore the energies evoked by certain frequencies of sound, certain syllables, and certain notes and tonal levels in the voice that connect the heart-mind quite fully to the body and the intentions of the higher self, including manifestation of outer forms of health, Love, and Abundance. The ancient languages knew of this power source of tone / syllable / volume, and took full advantage of it. The modern languages that are so revered in the Western world have largely gone unconscious in terms of the vibration of tones, syllables, and volume. And so the repetition of Sanskrit mantras has been long mocked in the media, as have been Native North American and other indigenous language forms that were built first around the vibration of certain notes and sounds, and what those vibrations demonstrated and drew forth from etheric energies. Your usurpers knew well that the tonal frequency and shape of sound emitted by the human voice was instrumental in the act of Creation and manifestation. We wish for you to begin to fully grasp on a conscious level that which you have long known on an unconscious, heart-mind level—that it will never be the distracted musing and survival-based exercises of the left brain that lead you forward now. You are in fact in the midst of the monumental journey “from the head to the heart,” and Earth’s very stability depends upon it. And so, yes—you can well believe that there are distracting, fear-inducing commentaries, news reports, images, films, music, and advertising that pushes you insistently into the survival-based vibration that interprets Ascension birth pains as “the end.” Nothing could be further than the Truth, and in your high heart, you know this, dear ones! We ask that you release all fear- and survival-based teachings of any kind, whether they be dire predictions for the economy, talk of new wars starting, painful images of children fleeing violence, or anything that disturbs and upsets you. We do not encourage you to hide in a closet and pretend that the Earth is entirely at Peace, though She has already paved her way to such vibrationally. We ask that in those moments when you become unsure about the state of Earth life (and at the start of each day) that you concentrate on well-being, Peace, the beauty of the day, on whatever health, financial Abundance, Love, and reassurance you have in your life, and give Thanks for these, with all your heart. Then extend that wonderful feeling of stability, calm, Peace, and reassurance to the Earth and humanity in all their current transformation and transfiguration. Extend that beautiful vibration to all planets and stars, and to your beautiful Sun Sol. Extend it to all living things—all people, trees and plants, animals, honey bees, the oceans, lakes and rivers—all living bodies and forms of consciousness upon the Earth, moving or unmoving. Yes, even to those who are making a concerted effort to keep you in fear! Send it to them most of all. Your love will surprise, disarm, and direct them to realize there are other ways to exist in this Universe, other than the way they were trained to exist. It will remind them that Joy exists, that Love and Peace exist. That these are separate and empowering states that converge in moments of pure empowerment. This is why the new mother holding her baby experiences the Truth of her goddess status. You are reminded in such moments that you are no one’s victim, that you are never locked out of the Light, that you are always loved, and that All Is Well. Indeed, co-Creators—do you wish for All to be Well? Then visualize and give thanks, as if that were the case everywhere in the world. You may feel that “my small vibration will not carry very far!” and yet, we assure you—it is no small vibration. It has created worlds, and it is re-Creating your own world, at a phenomenal and miraculous rate. Namaste, dear ones! Tell your Spirit team (or us) that you wish to feel and fully realize our presence with you. Then fear not the power of our presence, for you are One of us and One with us, always. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. The Next Step In Our Ascension Process
by Patricia Cota-Robles 2018 is numerically an 11 year which reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. The Company of Heaven said the shift of energy, vibration and consciousness that is now occurring on Earth through our newly empowered Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love is confirming that Truth. We have been preparing for this moment for lifetimes and now all is in readiness. Please read this information with an open heart and mind. It may seem new to you, but it is not. Your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your conscious awareness because you are being called to action. If you are over 30 years old, a critical part of your reason for being on Earth has been to prepare the way for the enlightened souls who would embody on Earth after Harmonic Convergence in 1987. These are the 18 to 30 year olds who are now being referred to as the Millennials and the children who followed the Millennials into embodiment to assist them with co-creating the New Earth. Whether you were consciously aware of this facet of your Divine Mission or not, our Father-Mother God want you to know that through your I AM Presence you have succeed God Victoriously and it is now time for you and the rest of Awakening Humanity to fulfill the next miraculous phase of Earth’s Ascension process. The Company of Heaven is revealing to us now that due to the events that occurred during Harmonic Convergence in 1987, the Sons and Daughters of God who have embodied on Earth since that time were born karma free. That is due to the fact that during that global event, the Earth and all her Life Ascended off of the wheel of karma and reclaimed our rightful place on the Spiral of Evolution within the universal Law of the Circle. This is where we were prior to our fall from Grace, and where Humanity and the Earth absolutely had to be in order to make it through the Shift of the Ages which was destined to occur during the December Solstice in 2012. The Holy Innocents The Sons and Daughters of God who have been born since Harmonic Convergence in 1987 are the Holy Innocents who had not yet begun their evolutionary journey on Earth when we tragically fell from Grace. Once that happened, our Father-Mother God issued a Cosmic Edict to protect these souls from being trapped on the wheel of karma which Humanity inadvertently miscreated when we fell into the abyss of separation and duality. Our God Parents directed the Solar Logos, Alpha and Omega, from our Central Sun, to prevent the Holy Innocents from embodying on Earth until Humanity was able to transcend the wheel of karma and return to the Spiral of Evolution and the Law of the Circle where we were always supposed to be. Alpha and Omega agreed and since that time aeons ago, the Holy Innocents have been studying and evolving in the Temples within the electronic belt around the Central Sun. This took much longer than anyone imagined and as a result the souls who have been born since 1987 are much more evolved than the rest of us were when we first embodied on Earth. While waiting in the Inner Realms, the Millennials and the children were trained in unique and powerful ways to help the rest of us transcend the pain and suffering of the old Earth during the unprecedented purging process we are now enduring. When we observe the outer appearances of what is occurring on Earth at this time, it is easy to think this information cannot possibly be true. There are some examples of the Millennials and the children awakening and doing amazing things to improve the quality of life for Humanity and the Earth. But, unfortunately, there are many more instances where these precious ones are suffering and do not seem to be any more awake than the masses of Humanity. With the birth of 2018 and the initiation of our Father-Mother God’s new Divine Plan, everything has changed. We are receiving unprecedented Divine Intervention and the Legions of Light are heralding “a New Day” on Planet Earth. This year you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity will cocreate life-transforming global events in collaboration with the Company of Heaven. These events have been designed to provide the Millennials and the children with unparalleled assistance to help them transcend the oppressive negativity of the old Earth which has trapped them and prevented them from awakening. The Divine Plan for 2018 The Divine Plan for 2018 will unfold step by step under the guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven. Each month the Company of Heaven will reveal how we can most effectively assist in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan to awaken the Millennials, the children and the remaining asleep and recalcitrant souls embodied on Earth. We at Era of Peace will freely share the information we are receiving from On High through our Weekly Vlogs, our Monthly Newsletter and our Free Seminars. Information regarding all of these opportunities is available on our website
It is only when we full understand the depths of the darkness can we fully appreciate the highest of light
Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ FEBRUARY 25, 2018 We of the Arcturian Group honor you who have chosen to assist Gaia and her people during these times of change and awakening. Thanks to you, many are beginning to see for he first time which is adding more light to world consciousness. Many young ones on earth at this time have incarnated for the sole purpose of assisting the ascension process through their Light and awareness. They carry with them no karma to balance, no lessons to learn, and no energy to awaken, but rather chose to incarnate out of love, for the sole purpose of assisting in the awakening of a world still held in, but ready to graduate beyond the third dimension. Many of these evolved children and teens have been categorized as "problems" simply because they do not fit into the accepted third dimensional "belief box". They are out of sync with many concepts and beliefs regarding body and mind simply because they do not resonate with that energy. The commonly accepted use of prescription drugs to "cure" them has caused many of them to lose sight of why they came and who they are. Drugs must be used with great discretion and with the awareness that they effect the energy of an individual. Many in today's world are expressing anger, fear, frustration and other negative emotions because the false sense of security that comes with many universal beliefs is dissolving. Try not to become too involved in the nitty-gritty of world appearances. Be aware of them, do what you are guided to do, but continue to understand them for what they are, expressions of duality and separation. This does not make them any less painful for those experiencing as well as those observing, but when you hold fast to the higher truths, it helps dissolve the impersonal beliefs manifesting as these things. There is an element working very hard to prevent mankind from awakening because if the majority was to awaken they would lose the "power over" and control they feed on. These dear ones function from a consciousness of fear and separation, and so fear mongering is their favorite tool for controlling the masses and blocking Light. BE ALERT to anything you find yourself fearing and you will soon recognize the particular concept or belief you hold as power. Then you can take back that power and say to your mind--NO MORE. The earth still carries energies created over eons of time by people fully programmed into a third dimensional belief system. The human mind is a powerful instrument of awareness but when conditioned by these beliefs can only access what is floating about in an impersonal world consciousness--that which is already known. Every thought ever thought and every belief ever believed makes up the consensus consciousness accessible to everyone. The contents of this consensus consciousness are impersonal and never become yours until you claim them as yours. When the energy of a person's consciousness is in alignment with the energy of certain concepts and beliefs, they unknowingly attract them. For example; a person who has experienced many lifetimes of disease and ill health is often wide open and receptive to thoughts, beliefs, current ideas etc. regarding physical health simply because he is still carrying energy that aligns with them. Individuals living fully from a third dimensional state of consciousness will often accept whatever floats into their head, allowing the suggestion to become theirs, and then declare themselves "victims". Stay alert to what comes into your mind knowing that now matter how obnoxious a thought, it is not yours until you accept it as personally yours. Everyone has experienced some negative thought and wondered; "Where did that come from?" Whether it is old cellular programming surfacing or something from the un-awakened consensus consciousness, it is never real, permanent, or yours unless you allow it to be. The only real qualities you have or can ever have, are God qualities. That which flows from Divine Mind is power. That which flows from the human, conditioned, un-awakened mind is not. Nothing new can flow from a strictly "human" mind simply because the human mind has no way to access anything other than what is already known. When an individual begins to spiritually awaken, heretofore closed energetic doors begin to open, allowing the Source of creativity to express. Example--Music created around some cliche or from concepts already known, can never be powerful and inspiring because the substance from which it was formed is already "old". New ideas regarding every facet of life on earth can only flow from the Source of creativity which lies within. The world often terms new ideas as breakthroughs--deeper, higher, better, advanced ideas of science, art, music etc. but many of these so called breakthroughs were actually "whispered" into the ears of a spiritually and technologically prepared scientist, musician, artist, healer, etc. by those on the other side seeking to advance the consciousness of mankind. There are some very creative people able to access their inner creativity without spiritual awareness. They usually believe that they personally are the creative source and that it is coming from their mind which can lead to the development of a large personal ego. They have opened their creativity in other lifetimes through either spiritual work or through actual practice and have carried it with them into this life. There are no child prodigies, only souls who over lifetimes have perfected some ability. You can talk to your mind just as you can talk to your cells and tell certain thoughts and beliefs; "No, mind, we are not doing it that way any more". This practice is not done with resistance, judgement of self, or fear, as this only gives these things a power they do not have. Do this exercise simply as an acknowledgment of habits and concepts still clearing or broadcasts from an impersonal universal human mind. See the world you want and feel the emotions that come with it. Let your creativity flow in the directions of peace and enlightenment for Gaia and all forms of life upon her. There is a war going on--a battle raging between the old and the new, the false versus the real. However, since nothing real can ever become unreal, you need not battle. Everything real already is and forever will be. What do you accept as real? This "war" can only be fought through the consciousness of its unreality and non-power thus starving appearances of their substance. Many traditions taught and still teach ceremonies, symbols, words, and actions for protection. The need for protection was and still is based in the belief of two powers, good and evil. This continues to be promoted through film, TV, books, etc. Long ago, knowledge attained in the mystery schools and even before they came into being, was misused by those not spiritually evolved enough for the information. They saw it as an opportunity for self gain and a way to control and manipulate others. These activities are now termed the "black arts", still practiced by some for self gain and "power over". You need not fear these things. With evolution comes the realization that you need no protection--protection from whom or what, if God is all that is? Lower resonating frequencies cannot enter into the higher unless you align yourself with denser energies through fear and the belief that they have power. Protection simply is--a facet of the conscious realization of ONE POWER-- your consciousness when imbued with Light and truth. Yes, but, you say; "Look at all the people being harmed by others at this time." Know that these types of situations are usually not random. More often than not, especially in these times, they involve souls who have agreed either as a group or individually to experience something for the purpose of; 1.-clearing some personal or group karma, or 2.- providing some unselfish service to mankind's ascension process through an event or experience that will impact a lethargic world into awakening in some necessary way. There are no "good" people, only enlightened ones. There are no "bad" people, only hypnotized ones. God is the only person there is. God does not love or seek pain and suffering. Suffering is not and never has been a facet of Divine Consciousness. If it was, pain and suffering would be eternal realities held in place by Divine Law. The days of hairshirts, flagellation, and "offering it up" in the misguided belief that pain and suffering pleases God and makes a person more "holy" are finished. The past must be let go of. Ascension means evolving into a higher dimensional energy. In spite of what so many believe, the third dimension is the bottom wrung of a very high ladder. You have all worked hard to get to where you are now and Gaia is ready as well. You were fully aware of these times as being times of change before choosing to incarnate. know that you are are Light workers and no longer victims regardless of any past experiences. Everything surfacing at this time is doing so because of the expansion of consciousness taking place as so many begin to awaken. These energies of enlightenment are serving to expose everything hidden and dense both within and without. The temptation for everyone at this time is to slip back into the past, where things were familiar and comfortable, and where the "bad things" were hidden from view. Nostalgia has become very popular. Try to stay present in each now moment, for when a person continually looks to the future, they are actually in the past, seeing and pondering things from what is finished. Stay present doing the best you can in each moment while living from your highest state of awareness. This is the work. Many are hurting and suffering at this time, love them in the ways you are able to. Love yourselves, for you block the flow unconditional love if you eliminate yourself from the wholeness of ONE (belief in separation). Love as well, the troublemakers through your realization that they also are expressions of Source, in spite of their ignorance. Love, pure unconditional love is the answer to everything because it is the only Reality. It is the realization of a consciousness of ONEness. It is your essence. It is your soul. It is God. We are the Arcturian Group 2/25/18 Donations are welcomed. |
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