Many times you have looked to other humans for answers. You have asked for advice, attempted to divine the future and thought your way into more confusion than resolution. This is a small reminder, my child, to just relax. Breathe into the moment. Love the space you are in because, without it, you would not be who you are now. If you are in a challenging time, rest assured that it will change soon enough, just calm yourself and allow it. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley, TheCreatorWritings
We want you to understand that abundance expands proportionately to match desire, and that there is great untapped abundance not yet allowed by the very humans who have created it. When your life experience causes a focused desire within you, the means to fulfill that desire is created at the same time—but you have to be on the Vibrational wavelength with your desire in order to see the path to the fulfillment of it.
A belief in shortage or lack will prevent your discovery of the path to your own creation, and any feeling of resistance indicates that you are on the wrong Vibrational path. However, in your understanding of the never-ending abundance of this Universe, you will feel personal delight whenever you observe anyone’s alignment with it, for their achievement can in no way diminish yours, but can only enhance it. As you focus upon your breathing and the music and words of your meditation recording, you will deactivate your usual resistance to abundance, and you will discover the satisfying feeling of positive expectation and success. And then, the manifestation of that success must come to you. It is Law! ---Abraham There are many situations, attitudes, lifestyles—even food choices—that you do not want to participate with. Through the living of your life, you have identified many wanted and unwanted aspects, and it is important to remember that none of those unwanted things can jump into your experience, because there is no assertion in your attraction-based Universe.
The choices that others make cannot negatively impact your experience unless you include them in your experience through your attention to them. Things come to you only through your Vibrational invitation—and they remain only by your continuing attention to them. Your Universe is based upon freedom. Freedom for everyone to choose what they give their attention to, and therefore what they choose to experience. And your interaction with one another provides a contrasting basis that assures continual expansion. When others achieve Vibrational alignment with something they desire, they in no way deprive you of your desires. If your time-space reality has inspired a desire within you, it is certain that your desire can be fulfilled, for your Earth environment has the potential of satisfying the essence of all desires. ---Abraham While it is obvious that a good-feeling body makes for a more pleasant physical experience, we want you to understand that finding pleasant things to focus upon also makes for a good-feeling body. However, most humans are approaching the subject of their physical well-being in a backward manner. Most people who are experiencing physical ailments let their physical condition dictate their mental attitude. In other words, their emotions are responsive to their physical condition. When they are in pain, they offer emotions of frustration, worry, anger, or fear. They want the condition to improve so that their emotional state can improve. Any illness, or departure from physical well-being, begins at a cellular level—but the overwhelming propensity of your cells is that of thriving. All day, every day, your cells are reclaiming balance at such refined and subtle levels that most people are completely unaware of the power and intelligence of their cellular bodies. Focusing upon good-feeling objects of attention is the most effective way of providing the optimum environment for allowing unhindered cellular communication and the ultimate thriving of your physical body. ---Abraham How often have you pushed yourself, a situation, an experience in expectation of a given outcome or to finish it? And, once it is done, you find yourself wishing that there was more to it. Sometimes, it can be a very challenging experience to wait for Divine Timing to answer your thoughts/prayers/intentions. The Universe is asking you to take advantage of the waiting time, knowing that once everything is in place, it will be just as you asked….and more! Patience may not always be the most pleasant thing, however, the rewards are immeasurable. ~ Creator. Jenifer Farley, TheCreatorWritings So as you have faith in wholeness – in the power of My Love to entrain every particle, every increment of energy, every electron to the whole of Love - then you will see it everywhere. There are no exceptions. But to see it you must shift to the perception of the heart and, thus, see with “single eye” of Love. As you do this, all old programming will leave. It will have to because you will be seeing truly, with your heart, through surrender to the higher law of wholeness. Every moment of your life then has a new purpose: looking for the wholeness in everything. Thus, there shall be your focus, your great co-creative faculty: focused on seeing wholeness in everything there is. Everything. Including every thought. Everything. Including every feeling. Faith is the bridge here; the bridge to consciousness. And consciousness is the “faculty” by which you live as One with all of Life. ©2016 Circle of Light Spiritual Center | 3969 Mundell Road, Eureka Springs, AR 72631 When challenging situations present themselves, remember your compassion for everyone involved. You cannot “throw a negative stone” without it affecting the mass consciousness, however, it is up to you to add love to the mix. The ripples of love will spread farther and continue longer than any of you will be alive. Stay centered in your heart and know that positive change and thoughts can come from less than pleasant events. ~ Creator Jennifer Farley, TheCreatorWritings |
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