Once you have practiced the vibration of what’s in your Vortex long enough that you own the frequency of it, and there is no gap between you right here where you stand and the vibrational reality in your Vortex-then those objects, those relationships, those desires, those answers, those solutions that you have been asking for will flow seamlessly, in perfect timing, into your experience.
Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 1/11/14 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
On Your Way
Things will change, dearest child. It may not seem like it now but, it will happen. There is no shame in taking your time to process any not-so-good experiences…that is as it should be. However, if you choose to build a dwelling there, that is where you will remain. Trust The Universe and allow yourself the opportunity to grow and learn. If all you can take are small steps, then take small steps. The more you use your ‘new legs’, the more confidence you will gain; those small steps will become bigger and more purposeful. Before you know it, you will be on your way to something you have only dreamed. ~ Creator Jennifer Farley, The Creator Writings Just One
Another gentle reminder; In your everyday efforts to change your world, it can be challenging to look around and noticed things do not seem to be changing. You absolutely need to remember that it takes just one. One act of compassion, one smile, one laugh, one moment of kindness to your fellow human. It may not feel like much, but it does make a difference. (Smiling) Now…imagine all of those ‘one moments’ combined. You can see things a little bit differently now, yes? All it takes is one…just one. ~ Creator Creator Writings Allowing…
Releasing and allowing The Universe to provide exactly what you need at exactly the right time and in exactly the right circumstances is not hard. It just is……..there…….waiting for you. ~ Creator What Do You Want To See?
Now that your manifestation abilities have grown, it is time to start creating something really amazing! Your new year is quickly approaching and it is best to begin thinking on what you would like to see in your world. You have reached a point in your development where you know you are worth and deserving…use the opportunity! Give thanks in advance for all that is coming! ~ Creator The Creator Writings From your human perspective, you often believe that you must work hard to overcome obstacles and satisfy shortages and solve the problems that are before you; but often, in that attitude or approach, you work against yourself without realizing it. Attention to obstacles makes them bigger and more stubborn; attention to shortages makes them bigger and prolongs them—and attention to a problem prevents any immediate resolution or solution.
In the absence of longing, in the absence of doubt--in the absence of obstacles and shortages and problems--will be the solutions and abundance that you seek. And the evidence of your Vibrational shift will become obvious in two ways: first, you will feel better; and next, physical evidence of financial improvement will begin flowing to you from a variety of different directions. Excerpted from Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on 11/1/10 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry) ![]() Think… Over the next few weeks, there may be times where you will be around other people that trigger you. Once again, and as always, you have a choice. You can allow the triggers to happen or you can realize them for what they are, smile, nod and walk away. One of the things that will differentiate you from others will be your ability to step back and think before you speak! It will also be beneficial if you ask yourself these questions; Will I be acting/reacting the same way I always do? Will what I say be hurtful or insulting to another? Will what I say make the other person feel/act/react differently? Will I be projecting my feelings onto another by what I say? Are they projecting onto me? If you take a moment and ask The Universe for assistance and support, you will find the answer to the aforementioned questions will change and change quickly. Remember, you are all growing in ways you have never conceived! Give yourself and others that opportunity. ~ Creator The Creator Writings ![]() Waking The ‘Sleepers’ Dearest one, it is time to wake up. It is time to open your eyes, see past the chaos and know there is a gentle, more compassionate, beautiful existence waiting for you. Like a sunrise painting the sky with hues of pink, purple and deep blue, your Earth plane is realizing the infinite possibilities available to every human on your planet! Nudge the person next to you and quietly whisper, “Will you look at that, isn’t it amazing?!” Slowly, they will begin to raise their eyes and gaze on something you have always seen…a new world, in all its infinite glory, created just for you! ~ Creator The Creator Writings Right Way?
Many people will have opinions on what path you should be walking. There may be times when you do not trust yourself and feel the need ask others their thoughts while disregarding your own. You may receive very strong direction from The Universe and choose to second guess yourself. This is a part of being human! (Smiling) It takes practice to be able to hear and understand those messages. Embrace the fact that each of you has your own way of deciphering. One way is not better than the other and no one carries ‘exclusive’ information. The best thing to do is listen to your heart, it will always show you what is perfect for you! ~ Creator Creator Writings Joy Is Arriving!
It is time to get moving again, dearest one! Like dragging yourself out of a nice, warm bed on a very cold morning…you may be a bit reluctant to begin. But, begin you must! (Smiling) This next surge of change will feel a bit different from the others because there is a great deal of joy attached to it, like a child waking up and knowing they are finally going to Disneyland! Take this wonderful burst of energy and put it to good use; step outside your comfort zone, explore parts of your inner workings that you may not have touched in years, remember what it is like to be unfettered by heavy, cumbersome thoughts. Play, dance, love with abandon and know, with certainty, the light you creating now will be sent to every single soul on your Earth plane. ~ Creator The Creator Writings |
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