Empathy Is Key!
There will be times when your very presence will trigger some of those around you. It is very, very important for you to release the need to take any of it personally. People on your Earth plane will deal with things in their own time and own ways. Rather than responding with a knee jerk reaction, step back, look at the situation and imagine yourself as the other person. How are they viewing the moment at hand? Are they being what you perceive as reasonable? Is a reaction to their action really important? Empathy is the key! It has been said before and needs to be said again; each of you carries a spark of The Divine within you. If you are unable to see eye to eye with a person, find that spark and send Unconditional Love. Remember, you are all in this shift together. ~ Creator Creator Writings
The Gift Of Resting
During this time of resting, it is very important to release any judgement you may have about yourself and/or others. You may be saying to yourself,“I should be doing ____” or “I have to do _____!” Actually, you do not! One of the most challenging things for you to do is allow time for self-care. In your world of doing, just being is judged as lazy. Give yourself the gift of resting and know that it is fully supported and encouraged by The Universe. You are worthy and deserving of it. ~ Creator Creator Writings |
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