Overwhelment is about you not being up to speed with what you told the Universe that you want. The Universe is yielding to you. You’re just not ready to receive it right now.
Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 5/13/02 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
You Are The Source…
Magic is not an ethereal concept you learned about in fairy tales; miracles do not always happen to ‘someone else’. It is time to start realizing that YOU are the source of these wonderful moments! Create with joy and revel in the anticipation of their arrival! ~ Creator Creator Writings Giving
The Universe would like to remind you… In a world of ‘take’, find your greatest pleasure in giving. Do not do it to make a point, to garner favor or keep score. Do it because it is who you are and what you were designed to do. For each moment given, the rewards come back ten-fold…not because there is payment due, because you have a joyous heart free of expectation. ~ Creator Creator Writings A Positive Space
It may be challenging to think of yourself as perfect, whole and lovely when, in the past, you have experienced the opposite. That is when The Universe is ready and available to assist. (Smiling) If you change a thought, just one thought…tell your glorious self that you are infinitely capable of moving to a more positive space. The Universe has faith in you! ~ Creator Creator Writings Graceful Change
My dearest, darling child; do not be dismayed at change. It is only with an open and ever-present heart that change can occur gracefully and easily. The Universe is always as kind as it can be during these times however, if you choose not to listen, the means may become stronger than you would like. Rest easy, love, knowing that change…however challenging it may seem in the moment is always in your highest and best. ~ Creator Creator Writings Let The Magic…
Open your eyes to the possibilities that exist around you. It takes so little to really see what is going on. Let go and let the magic of The Universe work for and with you. ~ Creator Creator Writings Guilt
Guilt is created by feelings of inadequacy. The Universe created you, even with all of your imperfections, perfectly. Therefore, your feelings of inadequacy are self and societally programmed. If you see yourself as The Universe sees you (perfect), there is no need for guilt. ~ Creator Creator Writings Being Transparent
Being transparent may seem easy but, oftentimes, ends up being the most challenging. Standing in your truth and letting others ‘see’ you for who you are takes a great deal of strength. On the days you do not feel totally up to the challenge it is OK to remain quiet and peaceful, riding the waves as they come. Always remember, you are loved and appreciated for your courage in being one of the few that step forth first. ~ Creator Creator Writings In Front Of You
Some of you may find yourself holding on to bits and pieces of the past because, in that space, you felt safe, loved and understood. You have even managed to keep a little bit of that time with you no matter what the cost to your current self. Dearest one, it is time to finally let those moments go knowing there will be plenty of opportunity for you to create new ones. You cannot see what is in front of you if you are looking over your shoulder at the past. ~ Creator Creator Writings |
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