![]() Jennifer Farley, The Creator Writings Take a moment today to meditate on this thought; triggers versus abuse. Some will come into your life to show you what you need to change to make you a better person. They will be there to guide you to things you have kept hidden from yourself so that you may release and grow from it. You have often asked to learn these things and these people are a direct response to your specific request. However, if you have cleared what you need to in the highest/best way (an extra set of eyes will help in these situations) and the ‘assaults’ continue then a line has been crossed from being a trigger to abuse. You are responsible for you and, if you have done all you can within yourself and for the other person, then it becomes an issue for The Universe to handle. It is not your ‘job’ to fix them. Release the person with appreciation, gratitude, Unconditional Love and know that you have learned a very important thing about being human…knowing when to say, “Enough is enough.” ~ Creator
Shaping, shifting, molding, making: What people do when they discover their imagination.
Spinning, curling, dipping, twirling: What people do when they discover their wings. Beaming, glowing, basking, shining: What people do when they discover love. Basking, Dear One... The Universe Go for the triple crown. Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ® © www.tut.com ® 6658
by jenniferfarley What can you say that has not already been said? What can you hear that has not already been heard? What can do you that has not already been done? I will tell you: Speak your truth and sing your song. There has never been anything like it. Hear and listen to your heartbeat. It is unique and lovely. Do what you came here to do. Your point of view, your energy and your love can never be duplicated. ~ Creator Ripples
Never underestimate the influence you have on those around you. Your words and/or actions, seen or unseen, have a direct effect that reverberates through everything around. Whether it is love or fear, it goes out to The Universe and comes back…to be sent out…to come back again, magnifying and growing each time. Even after a situation is forgotten, it will continue to send ripples throughout time. You have always had a choice as to what you ‘broadcast’ on your own personal frequency. What do you choose to send out today? ~ Creator jennifer Farley, The Creator Writings Everything is happening in the moment. So as you are offering a vibration in your now, you are receiving the result of that vibration. When you make your transition into the Non-physical, you re-emerge into Pure Positive Energy, and you leave all resistance behind. Everyone who makes their transition reaps the glory of Pure Positive Energy. That is really upsetting to those who want the bad ones to be punished. But it does not happen. Punishment is a concoction of man’s disconnected mind.
Excerpted from Boston, MA on 10/10/99 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry) ![]() Stand Up! A new dance has begun; the swirling, twirling energies of the light and dark are asking that your attentions become more focused on the positive, beautiful things of your Earth plane. It is time to stand up to the hatred, fear and anger being generated with every ounce of Unconditional Love your being can show. Remember, even though you feel as if you are the only one focused on peace and joy, there are many. You are not alone! Stand up and be counted for Love! ~ Creator Jennifer Farley, The Creator Writings ![]() Grow Love Take a deep breath………..and take another. Allow yourself to relax! Yes, it has been a tense time because the ‘fear mongers’ have been working overtime to make sure you stay in this state for a reason. Remember, you are living in the safest time in your human history! In coming together in love and sending out Unconditional Love to others, the ‘fear’ will grow smaller. Consider it your joyous task for the day. (Winking) ~ Creator Jennifer Farley, The Creator Writings Photography & the arts raise our awareness of the beauty that is around us. Nature has SO MUCH to teach us, if we will take a moment to notice... a picture is worth a thousand words & paintings hold coded messages that trigger our souls to raise to greater heights! Take a moment to appreciate the art, the photographs & the crafted words - you & all will benefit
Dave LOVE, joy, peace, acts of kindness & positivity is the only tow truck strong enough to pull you out of ANY rut. The longer you spin your wheels in fear, the deeper you'll go. Instead, calm yourself, breathe & go within - make the call! It's a great idea to have CAA or AAA to help in these situations as they can help. (Consciousness Awareness Assistance or Angel Awareness Assistance)
Dave Annis, Hartbridge.ca Maybe this isn't such a fun topic directly, but indirectly, if we flearn from it we can be so much healthier, happier, safer & more connected....
Assorted AuthorsA collection of daily inspirations to add to our messages, blogs, videos.. because you can always make room for more LOVE Archives
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