![]() My wonderful, loving child; you will make mistakes. Some of them will have you blushing with embarrassment, cringing with shame or quietly crying over the pain you have caused. I am here to tell you that it is okay! (Smiling) For every mistake you make, there is an opportunity for you to learn how to make things different, better and right. Do not be hard on yourself…..you are human and chose your human existence to learn and grow. You are doing just fine, my Love! ~ Creator Jennifer Farley, The Creator Writings
Radiant soul, being of light………….from your lips, words of truth and love are uttered with profound quietness. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley, The Creator Writings Truth is spoken softly in gentleness for it has no need to defend itself. It remains unchallenged. It is LOVE & nothing else exists. Davo
All the races,of man will come together as ONE (again) drawn together by the love within & for the love of ALL THAT IS
Heavenletter #5786 Raising Your Estimation of Yourself, September 27, 2016
God said: My children cannot perform only one way in terms of Life on Earth. This is the thing about Life in the World – it is a mix. You yourself are a mix. All the opposites whirl around in the world. While you are on Earth, you yourself may include all the opposites. In terms of the world, you are imperfect. Therefore, I ask you to be gentle and generous with yourself – and, yes, others. It is not for you to dwell on moments of your imperfection. This is also not for you to dwell on your moments of perfection ad infinitum in order to pump your ego. However, if you must dwell on one or the other, then I tell you to dwell on your moments of perfection. In any case, look for them. Look, I tell you that you are perfect as you are. Even with all your perceived imperfections, I tell you that you are a perfect human being. Let not your life be a race between imperfection and perfection. Where would that get you? Instead, make a truce. At school, it's important that you pass a test. Perhaps it is even important for you to get an A on the test. I ask you: Is getting an A, as heartwarming as it may be, really the purpose of your schooling? Do you see how desiring an A lacks the oomph of desiring to learn? An A is a distraction. It is a detour. It is a lapse. Put not your emphasis on grades. More than asking how you're doing – more than achieving a score -- cast your eye on what blessings you may give to someone in the world today, and, therefore, to the world at large. Ask yourself the questions that will, likely or surely, take you somewhere. Let Us imagine that what you give to the world and yourself are musical tones. What musical note might you cast to the world today? What musical tone would you like to? Remember now, this is to be easy. You don't want to be your own taskmaster. Set yourself up for joy. Avoid the trap of demanding that you follow a map perfectly. Perfectly or imperfectly, you get somewhere. This is not grading yourself. It's simply a catch-as-catch-can. It is an estimate, a guess. Beloveds, you are going in a direction. If you feel you have fallen short or even that you have failed the day, it's okay, for now you can only get up and keep going forward. Why don't you go up in your estimation? We are speaking of how you feel, not about how much you accomplished in the day. We are speaking of an inside view, not an outer glance. Where you put your attention matters to you, and it matters to the success of the world. You draw your own map. You are absolutely on your way. Remember this old popular song? "Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive "You've got to accentuate the positive Eliminate the negative Latch on to the affirmative Don't mess with Mister In-Between "You've got to spread joy up to the maximum Bring gloom down to the minimum Have faith, or pandemonium Liable to walk upon the scene "To illustrate his last remark Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark What did they do Just when everything looked so dark "Man, they said we better accentuate the positive Eliminate the negative Latch on to the affirmative Don't mess with Mister In-Between No, do not mess with Mister In-Between Do you hear me?… Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/raising-your-estimation-of-yourself.html Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 It Is All About The Choice
A gentle reminder; when humans commit acts of violence or degradation of another, it is the individual that chooses to do these things. It can be very easy to blame it on a religion, ethnicity or ideology, but it is the individual that chose that particular path. Others may join in, giving strength to the darkness already within them, however, it is still a choice. You too are given a choice. You can give into and let the lower energies and vibrations of fear dictate what you do or you can be the light. It has always been and will always be about free will. ~ Creator Jennifer Farley, The Creator Writings Daily Message ~ Saturday Sept. 24, 2016 (aplicable anytime)
Trinity Esoterics Archangel Gabriel Somewhere along the line, busyness has become glorified for many human beings. They deem themselves as being good or successful the more action they can squeeze into the day. While we applaud action toward creation, many people are finding themselves exhausted and less than satisfied with their lives regardless of the amount of effort they have put into it. How can this be? Busyness does not necessarily mean positive forward movement. While it may meet the approval of societal expectations, the real proof of its success is the health, happiness, and satisfaction of the person living the incarnation. And you may have noticed that busyness does not necessarily equal happiness. Your mind, the operating system of the ego, thrives on distraction. By constantly keep you on the move it avoids your growth and expansion, and fills your day with so many tasks any opportunity for quiet reflection or connection is avoided. Because it is through your heart, the operating system of your soul, which navigates through flow, connection, feeling, growth, and expansion to find your way to the most satisfying matches for you and your life expression, avoiding those opportunities through busyness virtually guarantees a life that has diminished satisfaction and presence. As you move into the empowered operating system of flow and co-creation, you start to live in far more efficient ways. You are focused, present, and supported, which creates the space for you to truly connect with others. You are not exhausted because you are moving with what the energies are supporting, which allows your body to heal, rejuvenate, and thrive. You lose the frustration that comes from forcing and gain the joy that comes from flowing. You become a joyful co-creator from your state of beingness and that is where the magic begins. ~Archangel Gabriel The separation you create by feeling you have to handle everything on your own is just that, separation. Know that you exist on this Earth-plane to love and support yourselves as well as others. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley, The Creator Writings Do you see how much the universe loves and serves you? After so much turbulence as you went through the energetic corridor created by the recent eclipses, you are now presented with a day that locks in your progress and offers the energies of balance and harvest.
You are never given more than you can handle, nor does any energy last one second longer than what is required to assist you on your path of evolution and expansion. You have now integrated energies that are unprecedented on your planet and would have been completely unsustainable in your physical bodies just a few short years ago. You have developed a far greater ability to move with the energies as you have become more accustomed to the shift, purge, and integrate pattern, as well. We suggest you make this a day to honour your continued success as an enlightening human being on an ascending planet. It is a day to honour your ability to move back into balance, which reflects your growth and spiritual maturity. You are truly remarkable beings for all that you have accomplished and you are loved and celebrated for your essential and willing role in it all. ~Archangel Gabriel from Trinity Esoterics |
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