HARTBRIDGE - HEART but leave the "E-go" out... Every sentient being on the planet has the God-spark within
Here on this site we hope to fan that spark into a flame . We are all connected, as one, hence we all win when one does well. Everything is brought to you free & intended to be shared with others, but never forced onto ones unwilling. Please enjoy, thrive, share with LOVE! Namaste, Dave
Here on this site we hope to fan that spark into a flame . We are all connected, as one, hence we all win when one does well. Everything is brought to you free & intended to be shared with others, but never forced onto ones unwilling. Please enjoy, thrive, share with LOVE! Namaste, Dave
Intend joy within = INjoy!
If you begin with love, from a place of love, the only thing that will grow is LOVE! ~ Creator
***SHIFT :))) EVERYTHING is for our good & only fear stands in the way so let go & have fun!
GROUNDING WITH DR. KONIVERhttps://youtu.be/oIQhtqpcC5A
NOPE, sorry LOL - Nothing for sale here, just thousands of free to share growth items for you! No clickbaits or funnels, no hidden agendas- just LOVE. All we ask is that you share this site. We'd love to hear from you as well. Have a blessed day!
We respect everyone for where they are at. All suggestions on this site are just that - suggestions & in no way meant to take on a darker commanding form or be exclusionary of others in any way. Please forgive us if this should ever appear otherwise. Namaste
We respect everyone for where they are at. All suggestions on this site are just that - suggestions & in no way meant to take on a darker commanding form or be exclusionary of others in any way. Please forgive us if this should ever appear otherwise. Namaste
One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe.
Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 7/26/9
Our Love,Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 7/26/9
Our Love,Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net
Flow, simply put, is Favouring Love Over Worry.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net
Flow, simply put, is Favouring Love Over Worry.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Flow, simply put, is inspired action. ~Archangel Gabriel / Shelley Young
Be free - free as a bee - free is to BE
Covid cure/prevention - Pine Needle Tea
Because God's children are not for sale! This will be one of the most important movies of our time! Hollywood & the DS will try to block it's release - please pray & spread the news
Because God's children are not for sale! This will be one of the most important movies of our time! Hollywood & the DS will try to block it's release - please pray & spread the news
"Let go & up up up you'll go!"
Blessed is where your feet are now for, at any moment, you can choose any direction your soul yearns for. Wherever they fall is hallowed ground. ~ Creator
Creator Writings
Blessed is where your feet are now for, at any moment, you can choose any direction your soul yearns for. Wherever they fall is hallowed ground. ~ Creator
Creator Writings
ABRAHAM: As you diminish contrast, you diminish your ability to decide, and as you diminish your ability to decide, you diminish your ability to focus, and as you diminish your ability to focus, you do away with your reason for existing.
Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 2/15/97
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
ABRAHAM: One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe.
Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 7/26/97
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 2/15/97
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
ABRAHAM: One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe.
Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 7/26/97
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
More new art has been added in Art by Davo.
A Forest of Possibilities-12x16 - You can see the forest for the trees but even if you can't you can KNOW that it is ALL GOOD!
A Forest of Possibilities-12x16 - You can see the forest for the trees but even if you can't you can KNOW that it is ALL GOOD!
"BE AWARE OF THE LOVE THAT IS THERE!" - ...another profound expression I got from the Angels that reminds us to notice the love that is all around us. Gratitude & awareness will bring more of those things- everyone benefits!! Dave
The standard of success in life isn’t the things. It isn’t the money or the stuff. It is absolutely the amount of joy that you feel.
Excerpted from Lincroft, NJ on 10/15/96 Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
ABRAHAM: "You cannot worry about someone and love them at the same time. Most people mistake the emotion of worry for the emotion of love. They think that worrying about somebody means that you love them".
Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 11/2/97
Our Love,
Esther, Abraham and Jerry
Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 11/2/97
Our Love,
Esther, Abraham and Jerry
"LOVE is trending in the NOW, for eternity", Davo, Hartbridge.ca
"We are all just walking each other home" -Ram Dass
Negative emotion is your indicator of resistance, while positive emotion is your indicator of allowance. And they are on the same meter: allowance; resistance. Allowance; resistance.
Excerpted from Monterey, CA on 3/20/01
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
Negative emotion is your indicator of resistance, while positive emotion is your indicator of allowance. And they are on the same meter: allowance; resistance. Allowance; resistance.
Excerpted from Monterey, CA on 3/20/01
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
These beings, that are acting out in those ways that you find so awful, are tormented and suffering in ways that you will not understand. Their horrible acts are extensions of that pain. We also have to say to you—no one who is not a vibrational match to that could be their victim.
Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 1/31/99
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
These beings, that are acting out in those ways that you find so awful, are tormented and suffering in ways that you will not understand. Their horrible acts are extensions of that pain. We also have to say to you—no one who is not a vibrational match to that could be their victim.
Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 1/31/99
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
"Rise above with the love", "Let HART be your GPS"
A great new expression I am excited to share, that came to me today - -simple & yet quite powerful if you think about it & glow with the flow of inspired action: "Follow your heart - it's a no-brainer!"
Making the decision to sit with yourself, with love, exactly as you are, is the embodiment of complete acceptance. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young, Trinity Esoterics
Reaching into the deep, quiet spaces of your mind opens you up to new possibilities on every level…surrender to the silence. ~ Creator, The Creator Writings
Reaching into the deep, quiet spaces of your mind opens you up to new possibilities on every level…surrender to the silence. ~ Creator, The Creator Writings
Ponder this: We/you/every living thing is mostly water... that water is listening, carrying your thoughts/energies & affecting everything else that it contacts as well! Dave
It is vital not to FEAR - that IS the goal of the dark side.
BEE :) NOW ! Intend in this now moment to bee happy!
Today intend to follow only your heart... or "Hart" if you chose to leave the e-go out ;)
"Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life."
- Thich Nhat Hanh
ABRAHAM: Many think success means getting everything I want. And we say, that’s what dead is, and there is no such thing as that kind of dead. Success is not being done; not being complete. Success is still dreaming and feeling positive in the unfolding.
Excerpted from Sacramento, CA on 3/15/03 Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
THE EVENT: An alternative way to look at the event is to see it as happening NOW. We are right in the middle of the "FLASH", but because there is no time in the higher realms, what appears to their perspective as a flash could be a slow motion constant light at this time. Every day could seem lighter & this "flash" portion could last for days-weeks-months or years. To the higher realms it is but a tiny blip or flash along timelines, while for us it is a slow & steady evolving light that gradually transforms all but may seem to take forever... Whatever resonates with you? It's ALL GOOD!
Great news on the doorstep! It's getting to look like a MASSIVE takedown of ALL the key players in the worldwide criminal cabal network is near at hand. It is important & powerful work to envision what you want this new world to look like- unity, love, debt freedom for all, Gaia being freed from environmental chaos, & so much more!! YOU make a HUGE difference with thoughts, prayers & inspired actions-HUGE!
Angelic Human- I am overcome with emotions every time I play this video. Perhaps you too are recently awoken. The greater we understand who we are, the greater our knowing , our connections, & our power to realize the changes we wish to see. We will continually add light to the collective consciousness & blaze an incredible trail for humanity. Namaste. Dave"Davo"Annis
IMPORTANT: This info has be known by science & government organizations for decades & is being kept from public knowledge- please pass this info around (the dark side is blocking it from the public so it is up to each of us) . We need to go back to direct cables asap. Remember, you vote with your wallets , awareness & voices.
Dream up your sanctuary & it can become manifest !!!!
The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff. It is absolutely the amount of joy that you feel. ---Abraham
Intend on LOVE, PEACE, JOY. Find stillness & space apart from the turmoil of the world. Chose love at every turn...All will be well. Truth will come forth. Do not attempt to convince those who are choosing a vibration of darkness. Feel the guidance of your own heart only. Call on the Angels for assistance. Embrace TRUTH, LOVE, Christ Consciousness - you are safe.
The old energies of duality, separation, power over others & such are dissolving. Due to the overall awakening of mankind, the new energies bathing the earth with love as never before in the history of the earth & due to the increasing collective consciousness of all of us these old energies cannot survive
It is ALL being made new - it is after all just illusion that we are witnessing about us in this 3D plane- it is a projection of energy which seems very real. We have existing in this illusion so long that we have tied all our belief systems to it. From eons of life here we have also forgotten who we are as creations of Source/God or love at the core of our beings. This old belief system has formed a veil blocking us from remembering who we truly are - love dissolves this veil & that increasing understanding of who we are in love is awakening
You are limitless love through & through- a magnificent creation. The veil or also recognized as the ego continually & endlessly/unceasingly puts for many many thoughts you may learn to recognize as fear thoughts at their core. Like attracts like & as such those fear thoughts have attracted more of the same creating a tangled mess. However, love dissolves all - do not expect instant changes on a path to change, but an evolving understanding - it is a path to wonderful transformation but not a quick pill to swallow
Jesus through John Smallman message on awakening Dec 29/12
A great overview of the illusion & awakening process - everything is accomplished through love. All will awaken eventually -it is our choice & God's will. |
* TRY THIS!!! If you haven't started with this video try it- see how your day rolls from there! ..IT'S SO FUN!!!
A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don't allow the happy moment, because they're so busy trying to get a happy life. ---Abraham
Little Claire Ryann in this beautiful video left demonstartes the heart of a little child that we are to have. Religion has for centuries twisted the Heaven's messages for their own agendas to control, build armies for the Kings/Queens they served or other dark agendas... We are never to feel guilty, fearful, anxiious about doing the "right thing" or else & so forth...
A cildlike heart is to have great gratitude & love & to move forward through your life being the best you you can be, while exploring the wonders of love & all that is with appreciation, optimism, doing no harm, & helping others from your own abundance & divine love within |
< Start your day here! (before you do anything else )
WELCOME TO HARTBRIDGE.ca. Here the journey made public begins- a sharing of our lives in order the help you, the world & ourselves.
We were meant to be free, we were, correction ARE meant to be glorious, boundless, creative, ONE. We when got here we forgot all of that, but NOW is the time to climb those mountains in front of us and all around us, noticing every vista and tree along the way. It is a major climb that seems never-ending and that is ok!
Together as one climbs ahead and achieves a better perspective from his/her loftier view, they can help us up to that next ledge to experience those new wonders.
Join us on this journey. Share with us. This is a place for pure positive energy - the energy of LOVE - the energy of God/Source/the Universe -the energy that IS in everything that is and everything that is not.
We were meant to be free, we were, correction ARE meant to be glorious, boundless, creative, ONE. We when got here we forgot all of that, but NOW is the time to climb those mountains in front of us and all around us, noticing every vista and tree along the way. It is a major climb that seems never-ending and that is ok!
Together as one climbs ahead and achieves a better perspective from his/her loftier view, they can help us up to that next ledge to experience those new wonders.
Join us on this journey. Share with us. This is a place for pure positive energy - the energy of LOVE - the energy of God/Source/the Universe -the energy that IS in everything that is and everything that is not.
Come as you are ! There's an urgency & an excitement here. Unlike those who would try to cross their T's & dot there I's perfectly & attempt to have everything absolutely "slick", at Hartbridge.ca that is completely secondary -we forging ahead & simply trying to do our best in that aim, but we know that there is a giant thurst for truth out there in a world that is really hurting. And while Hartbridge.ca is not about focusing on the problems, but rather the solution we are striving to bring you (& ourselves) the great news content as quickly as possible. We present our offering as a work in progress -aren't we all anyway? We never claim to have all the answers, but We do our best & we'll try to make you think in order to stir the creativity that lies in each one of us! At the end of the day we believe that there are NO ACCIDENTS & EVERYTHING HAPPENS IN GOD'S DIVINE TIMING - you are here for a reason & it's for you to have FUN finding out why! It's gonna ROCK when you find out!
We have NO JUDGEMENT as to your own path - you need to go where you need to go, but check to see within yourself if your path is leading where you truly want to go & it isn't the ego/spirits/lower energies, "your tribe" telling you where to go -the truth can only be found in the stillness of your heart as you reflect on how things make you feel. You can learn from everybody & these elements come at different times as one evolves - we hope that we can help you be your very very best!
Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) 31 ...but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
When you search for the beauty in your Earth-plane existence, remember to look within. There exists the most beautiful of all my creations…………..you! ~ Creator. From The Creator Writings by Jennifer Farley
The above scripture carries a lot of meaning for me as I have gone through so many tough times for so long. I was caused to search, quite a lot more fervently, as a result. That searching lead me through a myriad of changes & over many stepping stones to learn who God is & perhaps learn who I was/am. I caused me to want to "soar on wings like eagles" that line has stuck with me on so many occassions when I felt like giving up & in times when I was so passionate for God I just hungered for more. I see now that God gave me the gift of needing Him, for without all of the hardships I may have totally missed the boat- I would likely still be trapped in this "3D world" probably unaware there is a God. In a nutshell I have come to "LOVE" in an ever-expanding way & to see the needs so much more. This is the reason Hartbridge.ca started.
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly. R. Buckminster Fuller
If you know there is just something more to life, but perhaps you've felt stuck, you've come to the right place...read on
If you know there is just something more to life, but perhaps you've felt stuck, you've come to the right place...read on