Cooperation flows more easily when we let go of the necessity to be right all the time. Cooperation — working together toward a common goal for the benefit of all involved — seems simple. But amazingly it can be quite challenging, even when we have so many successful examples all around us. Society is based upon the concept of cooperation, but finding a balance that ensures the good of all members is difficult. In nature, symbiotic relationships form between unlikely allies — a bee and a flower, a bird and a rhinoceros, small fish and sharks — yet nature also shows us instances of constant competition in which only the strongest survive. Given the choice, it seems most people would choose the more peaceful path of cooperation. Intellectually, we know that together we can create something greater than what we can do alone, but cooperation still seems to be one of the greatest challenges people face. We don’t always agree on how goals can be reached. Our priorities or our methods may be different, but in the end, cooperation offers the best chance for success. So how can we learn to cooperate with each other? We can gain greater perspective by trying to understand one another’s point of view, perhaps even putting ourselves in their place. We can search for commonalities as well as differences and look for the good in different approaches. There is always more than one way of doing things, and some approaches are better suited for certain situations than others. All this is easier when we let go of the necessity to be right and to call others wrong. More importantly, we must believe that there is a solution that benefits all involved, not just one side.
Performing Daily Ceremony Having daily ritual or ceremony in our lives is very important to keep us connected to what really matters. When we perform or participate in rituals and ceremonies, we enter into a state of mind that is different from mundane consciousness. Ranging in significance from bedtime stories to weddings, ceremonies and rituals are acknowledgments that an event or period of time has special meaning. As a result, they can have the effect of drawing us into the moment, inviting us to pay closer attention and tune into the subtle energies that are always present but that often go unrecognized. In addition, as we perform the same actions we have performed before and will perform again, we immerse ourselves in a river of continuity that extends back into the past and forward into the future. Many of us have distanced ourselves from rituals that may have seemed too constricting or too attached to an organized religion we have chosen not to follow. However, we can reclaim the practices of ceremony and ritual to good effect, imbuing them with our new consciousness, and we do not have to wait for a big event to do it. We can engage in daily practices that include ritual and ceremony, reminding ourselves throughout the day of the sacredness of this life. In fact, if we look closely, we will see that our days are already made up of rituals, from the time we wake up to the time we retire. So we do not need to change anything except our perspective to imbue our day with an air of ceremony. Most of our daily rituals revolve around nourishing and cleansing, both of which have always been sacred acts. With this in mind, we may pause before each meal, close our eyes, and say a silent thank you to the universe that provides. If we want to get more elaborate, we can light candles or bless our food. Similarly, as we wash ourselves in the morning and evening, we can choose to see the grace in this act of cleansing and purification as we release what has past and prepare ourselves for the new. We can be as simple or as complex as we like, so long as our attitude is one of reverence for this sacred moment in this sacred life. DailyOM Horoscope <[email protected]
Blissful Awareness CANCER HOROSCOPENOVEMBER 23, 2022 You may be approaching your activities with a sense of joie de vivre that makes everything appear radiant and vibrant today, and this exuberance might be the result of your deeper connection with life as it exists around you. Seeing the beauty and wonder in everything around you could be a way for you to really appreciate the bounty that is the universe’s gift to you. Perhaps today you can take the time to really savor the things that mean the most to you. While walking, for example, try to stop and look around you, breathing deeply and taking in the marvels you see. When interacting with others, take a moment to recognize the sweet joy that being with people brings you. Being conscious of the miracles that life has to offer you can infuse everything you do with a greater amount of enthusiasm and passion. Truly experiencing the beauty that surrounds us allows us to relish the abundance we have in our lives. When we are animated about things, it is easy to throw ourselves into an activity with abandon and not really notice what is going on around us. Bringing a greater sense of awareness to what we do, however, lets us more fully enjoy the time with spend both with ourselves and with other people; we become more engaged in each moment as it happens. As you let your zest for life permeate all aspects of your life today, all that you experience will seem blessed with the bliss of being completely aware. Wealth’s True Joy
CANCER HOROSCOPE DailyOm, [email protected] JULY 29, 2022 You may be more cognizant of your abundance today, particularly if you find yourself face-to-face with the overwhelming injustices suffered by much of humanity. The wisdom that floods your heart as you grow to understand the dichotomy that exists between those with wealth and those without can infuse your heart and mind with the spirit of generosity. Since you are likely feeling more secure than ever where your financial health and resources are concerned, you may be inspired to share your life’s richness with those less fortunate. Consider today that the wealth you have amassed will likely seem all the more valuable when used to improve the lives of your fellow human beings. One of the greatest joys we can experience is that of knowing that we are secure enough in our resources to do our part to ensure that others can enjoy blessings similar to our own. There is a sense of impotence that comes with being unable to share our limited wealth with people in need. When we achieve a level of abundance that allows us to make use of the richness of our lives in a charitable and selfless manner, we come to understand that money and possessions have little value beyond what they are used for. Used philanthropically, our resources become a blessing more profound than any we’ve enjoyed in the past because we understand that we are not the only ones positively impacted by them. As you use your resources to do good today, you will feel, for the first time, truly appreciative of your abundance. Kyle Gray -[email protected]
You’ve probably heard it before: Vibes speak louder than words. In fact, vibes speak volumes. And when we say vibes, we’re speaking about your energy and the energy you give off. You know – that unseen ‘stuff’ that you feel in your bones. We’re constantly picking it up and reading it. Even if you’re not remotely spiritual, I’m sure you’ll agree that someone’s energy gives an impression of who and how they are. You know how it is when someone walks into a room, and they bring what can only be described as a cloud coming in with them that feels heavy and draining? We have also experienced the opposite – when someone comes in and it’s like they bring in the sun – they’re shiny and happy – they’re positively influential. That’s what it means to be high vibe. Truth is – we’ve both been both of those people. We’ve all had the good day and the bad day; we’ve all had the cloudy aura and we’ve all brought in the radiance. It’s your human nature to radiate goodness everywhere you go. That’s why when you are going through a challenging time or are feeling down, you’ll do everything you can to bring your energy back up. Your vibe is supposed to be high. Your energy is supposed to be bright, shiny and happy. Because deep down you know – your vibes create your life. The energy you give off – is the energy you are creating and the energy you are attracting. That’s why it’s important to Raise Your Vibration! As The Heart Opens
CANCER HOROSCOPE JULY 13, 2022 DailyOM Horoscope , [email protected] You may have a strong desire to gather people you are close to around you today. Your affectionate feelings could lead you to seek out the people you care for so you can show them how you feel. You may also want to connect with others on a deeper level, and you could derive satisfaction from reaching out to your loved ones today in person, by letter, or by phone in order to open your heart. Your willingness to share your feelings may help deepen your relationships, and you may inspire your loved ones to reveal more of themselves to you. Everyone longs for intimacy. When you open your heart, you give others permission to do the same. Opening your heart to the people you care about can deepen your relationships. When you open your heart, you invite others to experience what’s in your soul. Your true nature is revealed for others to see, and by your intention alone you deepen your bond. A bridge of authentic intimacy is formed between the cores of your beings. When you and another person open your hearts to each other, no part of yourself needs to remain hidden. Your heart opens wider so that more of who you are can come through. By choosing to open your heart today, you create the space for more authentic relationships to enter your life. DailyOM ,[email protected]
Beauty Day Take the time today to really notice and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. Sometimes we go through whole days without really tuning in to the beauty of nature that surrounds us. We have a habit of seeing it without really taking it in, yet once we begin to notice it we treat ourselves to an exquisite realm of subtle, complex scents, miraculous forms, and ethereal light. The natural world enriches our entire being through the vehicles of our senses. When we are low, nature lifts our spirits. When we are tired, it rejuvenates us -- if we pause long enough to drink from its beauty. If you have fallen out of the practice of taking time to observe the light as it filters through the leaves of a tree, or the concentric rings a raindrop makes as it plops into a puddle, you can retune yourself by dedicating a day to noticing the beauty in nature. On this day, one possibility is to rise early enough to see the sunrise. Watching the sky change colors and the world emerge from darkness is an experience that will influence the whole rest of your day in ways that words cannot describe. Or simply observe the quality of the morning light as it infuses the world with its particular pale golden beauty. You may let the light play on your own hand, remembering that you are also part of the natural world. Let your intuition guide you to the elements of nature that call to you throughout the day, such as the sound of the wind as it shakes and sways a tree or the feeling of snowflakes landing on your warm eyelids and cheeks. After you devote one day to opening your eyes more fully to the beauty of nature, you may want to make this part of your daily routine. Each day drink from the beauty all around you, and allow it to rejuvenate your entire being. All you have to do is pause, for just one minute, and really take it in, remembering to thank Mother Nature for her beauty. Welcome to Brenda's Blog [email protected] The Next Wave Is on It Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry “Your Bartered Heart” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for The weekly “Brenda’s Blog” channel is available on Spotify Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Anchor Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Breaker Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Radio Public. You can find access buttons to the podcast sites at Dear Ones, Many of you are exhausted, stressed, or concerned about minutia. Your underlying concern continues to be earth’s future. But because that concern is so well hidden you react with minor ailments and details you can do little about. You are returning to outer-directed personal matters because your earth concerns seem too overwhelming to address. Throughout the past decades, years, or months, you diligently followed every road to world peace and love, In doing so, you lost friends, family, jobs, and other important 3D items. Never stopping, never letting go of the need to complete your role of moving you and the earth to peace and love. Despite our ongoing statements that your role is complete, that both you and the earth have shifted dramatically, you beg to differ. The hatred, wars, emotional disconnect, and world fears continue, so you feel you have not done enough. And even though more and more are awakening, their efforts of shifting earth from fear to love seem so pitiful you can no longer imagine the earth becoming a physical or emotional heaven in your lifetime. So it is you return to yesterday. You want others punished for their misdeeds, for your fears, and for the clamoring of many – you believe – for you to make it better. You are exhausted, angry, and almost beyond the point of caring about what you once believed you could change. You adapted to your current disconnect by addressing little pieces that seem important at the moment but do not change your belief in the future. Earth issues feel heavy and unsolvable to you because you no longer have the key to world peace and love. You have completed your role in those areas. You are now outside looking in at world issues. Those following you will physically change the world by rebuilding it. So it is the earth will no longer shift because you are demanding, wishing, hoping, or praying for that change. The earth will change because those following are as dedicated to their earth roles as you were to yours. Do you remember how many questioned your odd New Earth interests before it was obvious to you why you needed to do what you did? Because you are now looking from the outside in, you can no longer determine what actions are necessary to more fully shift the earth from fear to love. Your role in that arena is complete. Those immediately following you will physically shift the earth in the direction you initiated. Perhaps this message feels as if all you worked for is disappearing, and you cannot do anything about it. Let us, of the Universes, help you observe the earth differently. You destroyed the structures holding up fear and angst. Those following you are rebuilding the world with processes that seem as hidden as yours were when you initiated your transition. You want everyone to feel as you do. Yet those following you are not forerunners; they are not you. In essence, those following are of a different generation, so they do not and cannot function as you did. Your current angst, fear, anger, or whatever unpleasant emotion you are experiencing is for naught. You have not given up or lost anything. You are instead gaining a new world. Allow those immediately following to rebuild the world you patiently destroyed. Your only role is to deepen your self-love. Those in the third wave need your self-love structures to rebuild themselves. Even though this explanation likely seems convoluted, you are the beginning link of a chain of events that would not have been possible without your decades, years, or months of effort. Let the second wave take over. Your role is to enhance your self-love, which is not possible if you continue to monitor the efforts of those following you. Allow those following to complete their role without your interference. They are as dedicated and experienced in their earth role as you were in yours. Relax into yourself. That is your only role. The next generation of change artists, those following you, are diligently doing what they have been trained to do and are doing so as artfully as you did. Those following you, the second wave, will not fail. Even so, it is likely they will approach the rebuilding of the earth much differently than you would. That is your angst. Trust the next generation of earth shifters as they once trusted you to prepare the rebuild site. So be it. Amen. 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DailyOM [email protected] Your earthly existence provides you with ample opportunity to explore your purpose and use your gifts. The gifts we are born with and those that we work to develop throughout our lives vary in form and function. Some we find use for every day while others are only useful in specific circumstances. Yet many times we overlook opportunities to share our unique gifts with others. It may be fear of criticism that holds us back or the paralyzing weight of uncertainty. Ultimately, we doubt that our innate talents and practiced skills can truly add value to others’ lives. But it is the world as a whole that benefits when we willingly share our gifts. Whether you have been blessed with the ability to awaken beautiful emotions in others through art or industry, or your aptitudes transmit more practical advantages, your gifts are a part of who you are. As you make use of those gifts as best you can, be assured that your contribution to worldly well-being will not be overlooked. Your personal power is defined in part by your gifts. To use your talents is to demonstrate to the world that you understand yourself and are truly attuned to your capabilities. Your earthly existence provides you with ample opportunity to explore your purpose, to utilize your skills in a life-affirming way, and to positively touch the lives of others while doing so. Yet you may feel that your gifts are not as valuable or worthy of attention as those of others and thus hide them away. However, every gift lying dormant in your soul has the potential to fill a void in someone else’s life. Just as your existence is made richer by the love, support, friendship, aid, and compassion of others, so, too, can you add richness to their lives. Your natural ability to soothe hurt, inspire compassion, bake, dance, knit, organize, or think outside the box can be a boon to someone in need. As you embrace your gifts and allow their light to shine, you will discover that more and more opportunities to make use of them arise. This is because your gifts are a channel through which the universe operates. By simply doing what you are good at and also love to do, you make a positive difference. The recognition you receive for your efforts will pale in comparison to the satisfaction you feel when fulfilling your innate potential An Encouraging Message to Light Bringers - June 3, 2022
Caroline Oceana Ryan [email protected] via Greetings, My Friend! I hear many people saying now that they are exhausted by the energies flowing in, and that they are seeing whole aspects of their life evolve in ways they could have never predicted. We likewise see things shifting powerfully on this planet -- turning toward our chosen requirement for Peace, equality, respect for all persons and for the Earth Herself. Despite everything being broadcast to us, there are still miracles happening. You and I are creating them. This week's Message from the Collective is an excerpt from their book Earth Life Challenges, and is powerfully relevant now: "The question is, Where will you place your attention, powerful co-Creator? What story will you choose to concentrate on, as being representative of the New Earth? Will you allow the old power structure to not only continue to train your mind and expectations, but to control your emotions, beliefs, and expectations of the world? Or will you strike out on your own and decide Who you are, remember what it is you came here to do, and concentrate on--increase—those Earth experiences you would prefer existed everywhere. Realize your incredible co-Creative power, which lives within you at all times! It is impossible that you would consistently look at your checking account balance or spreadsheet, for example, and give thanks and bless and praise that “reality,” without seeing it improve in a short amount of time. Never mind that your logical mind is saying, “But we’ve only got a small amount of money in there!” You have chosen to see the Abundance that is within everything, and therefore, also within the open co-Creative field that shapes your accounts, your wallet, your everyday life. You have chosen to work with the energetic reality that is constantly open to being renewed into a higher form. In your Universe, what you focus on and call Reality can only increase . . . " I hope your spirit will find not only comfort and support from the energies of their message, but even inspiration. Now is the time. Namaste, friend! NESARA Now! Much Love and Light, Caroline |